Half Marathon training support group?



  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I ran 6 miles this afternoon in 57.30 minutes. It was a great run!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    This past weekend was exhausting!

    My long run was 9 miles, which I ran on Saturday. It was actually the first time I'd run that long solo, so it was a mental workout as well. And I was thrilled to find I had the mental toughness to finish! Then my hubby had the bright idea that we needed to do yardwork, lol.

    Sunday I had my very first mud run! It was something I signed up for in the Summer, way before I'd committed to running a half marathon this fall, so my only goal was to not injure myself and mess up my training. I'm proud to say that I felt strong throughout, and the only thing that tripped me up was the "slippery wall" that required a great deal of upper body strength. All in all it was a fun day, and afterwards the only thing I'd wished I'd done differently was worn knee pads.
    Fast forward to Monday however, and I felt like I'd been hit by a truck! Also, bruises were emerging EVERYWHERE!

    Needless to say, this mornings run was slow and sore.

    I'm excited for this weekend. Flying to Maine for a wedding, and I'm going to run 10 miles that morning. It's going to be beautiful!

    I hope everyone is able to nurse themselves back to health this week!
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    bjbixler: Congratulations on your long run for the week and the mud run!!! That's very exciting. I wanted to do a mud run this year, but not by myself...unfortunately my family was out of town so I passed this time.

    Instead, I signed up for a 15K race last Saturday, and am very pleased to say that was my longest run distance straight so far for my training! And I ran the whole way! I managed to do it in under 1:25, so I'm feeling pretty good about the half marathon. One more long run this weekend, and then I'll taper off next weekend.

    I'm so excited!

    We can do it!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    This is my first post here and I need a bit of advice. Right now I run 3 times a week. 2.5 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile.

    There is a half on December 3rd that I would LOVE to do. I have never gone further than 6 miles. Is this too soon? Any suggestions for training besides upping my distance 10% each week?

  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    This is my first post here and I need a bit of advice. Right now I run 3 times a week. 2.5 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile.

    There is a half on December 3rd that I would LOVE to do. I have never gone further than 6 miles. Is this too soon? Any suggestions for training besides upping my distance 10% each week?

    You definitely have time to build up to the distance you need to run a Dec 3rd half marathon. That's 6 weeks to build up to that distance. If you add one to a mile and a half a week to your long run you should be good to go.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    This is my first post here and I need a bit of advice. Right now I run 3 times a week. 2.5 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile.

    There is a half on December 3rd that I would LOVE to do. I have never gone further than 6 miles. Is this too soon? Any suggestions for training besides upping my distance 10% each week?

    You definitely have time to build up to the distance you need to run a Dec 3rd half marathon. That's 6 weeks to build up to that distance. If you add one to a mile and a half a week to your long run you should be good to go.

    Thanks! I'll try adding that for a couple weeks and see. I have until the end of the month to sign up
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    This is my first post here and I need a bit of advice. Right now I run 3 times a week. 2.5 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile.

    There is a half on December 3rd that I would LOVE to do. I have never gone further than 6 miles. Is this too soon? Any suggestions for training besides upping my distance 10% each week?


    I agree. I think you definitely have time to train. Like Kimert said, add about a mile to your long run each week. You may also want to bump up your runs a little during the week. I'm by no means an expert, but my training schedule had me doing 4 miles twice during the week when my long runs were between 6-8 miles. Then it bumped up to 4.5-5 miles twice during the week when my long runs were between 9-10 miles. Most importantly I think is to just take it slow and don't try to increase your miles too quickly. Good luck and let us know what you decide about the race!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    This is my first post here and I need a bit of advice. Right now I run 3 times a week. 2.5 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile.

    There is a half on December 3rd that I would LOVE to do. I have never gone further than 6 miles. Is this too soon? Any suggestions for training besides upping my distance 10% each week?


    I agree. I think you definitely have time to train. Like Kimert said, add about a mile to your long run each week. You may also want to bump up your runs a little during the week. I'm by no means an expert, but my training schedule had me doing 4 miles twice during the week when my long runs were between 6-8 miles. Then it bumped up to 4.5-5 miles twice during the week when my long runs were between 9-10 miles. Most importantly I think is to just take it slow and don't try to increase your miles too quickly. Good luck and let us know what you decide about the race!

    Will do. :) I found a friend that is running it too so that should push me to add to the next few runs. Tommorow is my long run and I am switching it to an AM run so I can be more prepared. I usually run after 9pm so I hope I can do it. THANKS
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    bjbixler...Awesome job on the long run and the Mud Run!! I'm impressed that you did both of those back to back!

    peachy...Great time for your 15K! Congrats! Your half is getting close!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    Got my long run up to 6.7 miles today. It took me 80 minutes though. :/ Should have eaten first...and it was cold (for florida) and I NEVER run in the morning, so I am pretty proud of myself. I hope to go about 7.7 miles on my next long run. Thanks for pushing me. :)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Good job on the long run Kristi.

    I did a longish run last night (with a freakin' migraine). 7 miles in just under 73 minutes. Half marathon is a week from Saturday.
    I am slightly concerned. Only the first 750 finishers get a medal. They have roughly 600-700 people registered so far with a registration event being hosted this weekend. Surely, hubby and I can finish in the middle of the pack so that we get a medal. Right!?!? LOL afterall, running a half marathon is all about the medal!!!! ;)
    The race has a 3 hr cutoff time. My half marathon times have been 2:28:09 and 2:23:05. I can make it, right?!! And still get the bling! I hate that I have let that get me even remotely stressed. haha

    Anyway... I hope everyone's training and running is going well.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    Good job on the long run Kristi.

    I did a longish run last night (with a freakin' migraine). 7 miles in just under 73 minutes. Half marathon is a week from Saturday.
    I am slightly concerned. Only the first 750 finishers get a medal. They have roughly 600-700 people registered so far with a registration event being hosted this weekend. Surely, hubby and I can finish in the middle of the pack so that we get a medal. Right!?!? LOL afterall, running a half marathon is all about the medal!!!! ;)
    The race has a 3 hr cutoff time. My half marathon times have been 2:28:09 and 2:23:05. I can make it, right?!! And still get the bling! I hate that I have let that get me even remotely stressed. haha

    Anyway... I hope everyone's training and running is going well.

    I would say to use the medal as a nice motivation to get your time down. Other than that I have no advice because before this morning, I have never run more than 6.2 miles. Good luck!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    4 miles this morning, and an hour Zumba class. Knee feels ok!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Kimert - you can do it - AND I bet you get the medal too.

    My half is Saturday. I've backed it down all week. I tweaked my knee a little doing treadmill work last weekend at the hotel and it's still a little twinge. I'm going the chiropractor today and have him adjust me to make sure everything is in line the way it should be, something I do before every race. I've done a lot of Yoga, Ab work and stretching this week. I'll do a slight cardio workout at lunch today, just to get something in. Work has been hectic and I'm not getting out of here before 9 or 10 at night, tonight will be another night like that. DH is has a cold, trying so hard not to get it too.

    I have until the end of the month to sign up for my half in March - still thinking I will sign up for the full marathon. Guess we'll see how I feel after Saturdays race.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Kimert - you can do it - AND I bet you get the medal too.

    My half is Saturday. I've backed it down all week. I tweaked my knee a little doing treadmill work last weekend at the hotel and it's still a little twinge. I'm going the chiropractor today and have him adjust me to make sure everything is in line the way it should be, something I do before every race. I've done a lot of Yoga, Ab work and stretching this week. I'll do a slight cardio workout at lunch today, just to get something in. Work has been hectic and I'm not getting out of here before 9 or 10 at night, tonight will be another night like that. DH is has a cold, trying so hard not to get it too.

    I have until the end of the month to sign up for my half in March - still thinking I will sign up for the full marathon. Guess we'll see how I feel after Saturdays race.

    Good luck on your half!!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I ran 3 miles today nice easy run. Weather was beautiful. I will be running 10 miles sat for my long run.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Good job on the long run Kristi.

    I did a longish run last night (with a freakin' migraine). 7 miles in just under 73 minutes. Half marathon is a week from Saturday.
    I am slightly concerned. Only the first 750 finishers get a medal. They have roughly 600-700 people registered so far with a registration event being hosted this weekend. Surely, hubby and I can finish in the middle of the pack so that we get a medal. Right!?!? LOL afterall, running a half marathon is all about the medal!!!! ;)
    The race has a 3 hr cutoff time. My half marathon times have been 2:28:09 and 2:23:05. I can make it, right?!! And still get the bling! I hate that I have let that get me even remotely stressed. haha

    Anyway... I hope everyone's training and running is going well.

    You can TOTALLY do this!! If you're running in the middle of the pack (which I expect you will be with your times), then another 700 people would have to sign up for you to be finishing around that 750 mark. Right? Does this logic work, haha. Anyway, I think you'll kick butt!!

    mlb: Good luck with your race!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    thanks everyone!

    mlb - good luck with your half! I admire you for considering a full. I want to get there but I just don't see it yet for myself.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    Exactly 5 weeks until my first 13.1!!!

    Long run this weekend in Maine, along the shore so hopefully my 10 miler will be flat and fast!! Hoping to squeeze in 2 shorter runs tomorrow and Sunday if time allows :)

    Kimert-- I think you're going to do well, and there's a good chance you'll get that medal. :)

    Kristi-- congrats on the 6.7!! The long runs do get easier. Check out runners world for tops on fueling, because you'll have to start thinking about that soon. Good luck with training!
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I started trainning October 5th for my first half marathon that is April 29th. I can use support! I am up to 3 miles and 18min miles. I have a long way to go!!