Interesting ways you've noticed you're losing weight...



  • Apart from the obvious of having to pull the belt up another notch, or two, on my jeans.... The back pockets are now half way down my legs, when they used to be on my *kitten*.
  • mearadw
    mearadw Posts: 11
    My collarbone is visible again!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    wearing some old sweatpants with a knotted tie I was jogging outside @ the local high school track late at night. stopped to take a drink of water and the sweatpants slipped down to my ankles. :embarassed:
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    The diamond on my engagement ring flips it upside down, it can slide around my finger freely now and without even thinking about it I put my belt another notch closer to the last I only have one more to go and dang it this belt is brand new!!!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Great question!!

    1). My legs don't jingle when I walk anymore!
    2). Apparently I'm now a smaller shoe size.
    3). My double double chin is slowly disappearing!! (Thank god)
    4). I have way more stamina!! I remember going on a 9km cycle 2 years ago and it took me over 45 minutes, I now can complete the same cycle in 22 minutes!! I am probably most proud of that!!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm totally jealous of the people who's feet have gotten smaller.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    The would be embarrassing if I had any shame. But I don't so let's continue. I have the worlds longest @ss crack. Seriously it goes half way up my back and it's always hanging out. I've always covered it with long tops today I was bent over a bit whilst sweeping and I felt the tell tale breeze on my back so I reached back to pull up my trousers and realised it was just back. No crack!! I'm very excited that my bum crack is receding !! Haha
  • Um, well, a certain part of my anatomy is longer.
  • RichLove1
    RichLove1 Posts: 97 Member
    There's a lot of pant falling down going on! :laugh:

    Great work everybody :glasses: Enjoy your weekend

  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member
    *giggle* :laugh:
  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member
    Um, well, a certain part of my anatomy is longer.

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My engagement ring is getting loose and turns around on my finger!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    I've just say down on the floor for the first time in ages...and it hurts my butt now! Far less padding i guess!
  • - Going to have to buy a new belt soon since I'm currently on the last loop (there are 6, I used to use the 3rd one) and because of the type of belt it is, there is no room for extra loops :(
    - I can pull knee-high socks higher.
    -My pants now bunch up underneath my belt.
  • ^^ I know what you mean, I used to take my jeans out of the dryer and have to do funny stretches just to get them to fit right because they were so tight.. now they're so baggy I can barely keep them up with a belt. That's a good feeling!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    My bras are too big! In particular I have one from VS that has weird clips on the side that until now were too painful to leave clipped. Today they are much looser and I think I'll actually clip them!

    My hip bones are showing. My abs are easier to feel. I had to put a safety pin into the waistband of my yoga pants so they'd stay on while I worked out.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I can wear necklaces now with chains that would have choked me a few months ago.
  • britesideoflife
    britesideoflife Posts: 39 Member
    There are some great success stories here! So inspiring...

    I am only at the beginningof my weightloss journey, but I went shopping for new jeans for the first time since having a baby at the end of July. I originally tried on jeans in the size I thought I should be (A size bigger than pre-baby) but they all hung off me and I ended up buying them in my pre-baby size! (Then I saw a picture of me wearing the new jeans and they looked really baggy!) It was a good moment :-)

    I was quite overweight when I got pregnant though, so I still have quite a long way to go...
  • I lost my pants carrying the laundry up the stairs the other day, lol

    rofl... oh dear...
  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member
    I lost my pants carrying the laundry up the stairs the other day, lol

    rofl... oh dear...

    That's ok, I lost mine going upstairs to clock into work. And I work with kids!!!!!!