What was the worst thing someone said to you regarding your



  • NinjaMonkey201
    Oh, and my BFF didn't know how to motivate me, so she just made fun of me. And it worked.
    "Don't sit on that, you'll break it".
    "Don't buy that, you won't fit in it"
    "OMG, you almost popped the tires on the car"

    Can you believe she's still my BFF? :-)
  • barleespringers
    Oh yeah ... my father's named for me was, "fat *****".
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    "You were happier when you were fat."

    -a coworker
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Ugh- Sometimes people suck.
  • charlesalvear
    charlesalvear Posts: 78 Member
    The worst for me was about 2 years ago, I went swimming with my son (who is part fish) at the community pool. Some kids (different kids on different days) said something like "look how fat he is" and "that guy is so fat".

    I stopped getting in the water with my son after that, which tore me up because loves playing in the pool with me, but I couldn't bear the humiliation again. I look back and think I shouldn't have deprived my son of having a great time with dad, but on one of those occassions it brought me to tears when I got home and sunk me into a mildly depressive state for weeks.

    Kids are brutally honest. I love honesty, but those incidents stung more than any other i can recall.
  • mavers1
    mavers1 Posts: 39 Member
    My mother told me that if I didn't lose weight I had to move out because she was tired of looking at me.
    At my college orientation we had to pick foods that started with our first names (mine is MaryAnn) and these two guys said marshmallow and just busted out laughing.
  • Bellastarflower
    SMH at some of these...People are so rude
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    The worst for me was about 2 years ago, I went swimming with my son (who is part fish) at the community pool. Some kids (different kids on different days) said something like "look how fat he is" and "that guy is so fat".

    I stopped getting in the water with my son after that, which tore me up because loves playing in the pool with me, but I couldn't bear the humiliation again. I look back and think I shouldn't have deprived my son of having a great time with dad, but on one of those occassions it brought me to tears when I got home and sunk me into a mildly depressive state for weeks.

    Kids are brutally honest. I love honesty, but those incidents stung more than any other i can recall.

    I have a 6 year old niece and this has happened to me when I take her swimming. I never let on it bothers me but one day my niece heard some kid make a comment about my *kitten* being fat.. and my sweet little niece swam over.. got in their face and said "Maybe you should keep your mouth shut.. telling someone their are fat hurts their feelings." the kid said something back that I didn't hear and she said "wow your mom didn't teach you any manners."

    It really made my day...
  • Bellastarflower
    My ex told me to lose weight so he can love me and not be embarrassed of me.
    The best one: he said to me, while having sex ... "if you lost this weight (moved his hands to my hips to show me) you wouldn't be so bad. "

    O lawd I would have hurt him. Or said something like well atleast I can loose weight. Not much you can do for your tiny penis. Sorry for you.
  • yeaforme
    A guy at work that I hadn't seen in awhile came up to me and said, "I heard you got fat. You're not as fat as they said you were." Uhhh... Geez thanks buddy! Good to see you too!
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    Some of these are really making my heart sad :( I thought I had it bad. Big hugs for all of us
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My son once told me, "Mom, you're the most beautiful woman in the world... even if you are really fat." Sigh...
    He made up for it a couple of weeks ago when he said that, "I'm so glad you lost all that weight because now no one will EVER be able to tell me any 'you're mama's so fat' jokes." :ohwell:

    My husband told me when we were dating (he is wonderful but has serious foot-in-mouth disease sometimes) that he didn't really think I was attractive because I was so big, but he was attracted to me anyway. Grrrr!

    An old man in Home Depot accidentally backed up into me, then when he turned around and looked at me, he yelled, "YOU'RE HUGE!" loud enough for probably the entire left half of the store to hear. :sad:

    I am glad I'm fit and health now, but it is so sad to hear how MEAN - whether intentional or not - people can be.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    My ex told me to lose weight so he can love me and not be embarrassed of me.
    The best one: he said to me, while having sex ... "if you lost this weight (moved his hands to my hips to show me) you wouldn't be so bad. "

    O lawd I would have hurt him. Or said something like well atleast I can loose weight. Not much you can do for your tiny penis. Sorry for you.

    OMG ......... ROTFLMAO!!!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I think what is the saddest about it, is that majority of these horrible things said are said by family members.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    People really are so mean and hurtful :(

    My ex's mother who I had known for close to 3 years and which easily 2 years of that I was big asked me once if I was pregnant and when I told her no I was just fat she called me a liar and said I WAS pregnant. Needless to say I got in the car and we left immediately.

    I also got the comments of "There is nothing wrong with you if you would just get rid of your belly."
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    (1) my sister-in-law introduced me to someone and said, "she used to be skinny. like REALLY skinny. i mean, seriously, she was so thin a long time ago. and she was so pretty when she was thin." (and yes, i was standing right there during the introduction.)

    (2) the worst: "when is your baby due?" (i was not pregnant)
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    The worst for me was about 2 years ago, I went swimming with my son (who is part fish) at the community pool. Some kids (different kids on different days) said something like "look how fat he is" and "that guy is so fat".

    I stopped getting in the water with my son after that, which tore me up because loves playing in the pool with me, but I couldn't bear the humiliation again. I look back and think I shouldn't have deprived my son of having a great time with dad, but on one of those occassions it brought me to tears when I got home and sunk me into a mildly depressive state for weeks.

    Kids are brutally honest. I love honesty, but those incidents stung more than any other i can recall.

    I have a 6 year old niece and this has happened to me when I take her swimming. I never let on it bothers me but one day my niece heard some kid make a comment about my *kitten* being fat.. and my sweet little niece swam over.. got in their face and said "Maybe you should keep your mouth shut.. telling someone their are fat hurts their feelings." the kid said something back that I didn't hear and she said "wow your mom didn't teach you any manners."

    It really made my day...
    Love this! Kids have NO manners these days! You should be proud!
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    i worked at a nursing home for a lil bit and had 2 different residents ask when i was due :(...this was at my heaviest 2 years ago (200lbs)

    my cna instructed had actually asked if i was prego

    just recently my husbands friend said my stomach sticks out further than his prego girlfriends

    these things are devastating
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    No one has ever said ANYTHING mean/bad/hurtful to me about my weight.

    And I think that's what hurt the most.

    My best friend was the ONLY person to get real with me. I could tell something was on his mind and it took him like two hours to find the courage to tell me because he was SO afraid he would hurt my feelings. It felt like a RELIEF to hear it. I don't think he understands how much that meant to me. He cared enough about me to be honest even though it was hard for him.

    I feel for people who have heard biting comments and flat-out insults about their weight, though. It sounds incredibly dehumanizing.
  • JConstine
    This is actually kinda funny to me

    I was sitting on the couch complaining how I'm fat like a pig. My boyfriend, trying to comfort me, replies "but I like fat animals. ..... Can I start over?"

    I burst out in laughter because I knew what he meant but he just worded it so awful lol.

    Besides that, I've gotten the token "fat *****" comment from people but I don't really get sad when people talk about my weight.