honest question

FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
I am not posting this to make trouble, i honestly want to know why if you see a post that is about something you do not do, as in
some sort of diet or eating plan , why do you feel the need to click on that post for the single purpose of flaming that person.

Some people on this site seem to search out post on plans they DON'T like or agree with . why?

does it make you feel bigger or smarter to tell people they are wrong, even if it is working for them?

I honestly do want to know why people seem to have to got to subjects they are supposedly not interested in?


  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    I haven't run into this actually. Not on this site anyway, thats why I love it so much. I am sorry you have, I hope you get more encouragement, because that's why we are all here!
  • newarkco05
    Agreed. I do think it is important for everyone to be informed of both the pros and cons to whatever plan there are doing however there is better ways of doing that then out right telling them they are wrong. Give an article or two and let them read and decide for themselves. Also, some peoples idea of their lifestyle and what they want to eat for the rest of their lives is different then other peoples. Just because it works for one person, doesn't mean it is going to work for everyone!
  • UnpredictablyPretty21
    Its unfortunate that you have experienced that sort of negativity, I cant say that I have seen much or any of it myself, however I tend to read post that are beneficial and get a good response back.

    If someone ask a question because they do not know I would assume the person is giving their honest opinion. I guess it partly comes down to the personality of that individual as well and the way they respond, they may see it as normal, however someone else may take offence to it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Part of helping people out is pointing out when they're wrong, or doing something stupid.

    I'm assuming you're talking about HCG : It's eating 500 calories a day. Not healthy no matter how you think about it. If someone posts about eating way less than 1200 calories, I'm going to say something whether the diet has a fancy name and chemicals to go with it or not.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Part of helping people out is pointing out when they're wrong, or doing something stupid.

    I'm assuming you're talking about HCG : It's eating 500 calories a day. Not healthy no matter how you think about it. If someone posts about eating way less than 1200 calories, I'm going to say something whether the diet has a fancy name and chemicals to go with it or not.

    If people are doing somethingr wrong or dangerous, imo they should be told.
    I won't blindly appluad irresponsible behavior.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I am not posting this to make trouble, i honestly want to know why if you see a post that is about something you do not do, as in
    some sort of diet or eating plan , why do you feel the need to click on that post for the single purpose of flaming that person.

    Some people on this site seem to search out post on plans they DON'T like or agree with . why?

    does it make you feel bigger or smarter to tell people they are wrong, even if it is working for them?

    I honestly do want to know why people seem to have to got to subjects they are supposedly not interested in?

    First of all, posters should understand that if they start a post as to how do you feel about such and such diet, they are going to get answers. It's a case of careful what you ask for. Second of all, I understand your point of it seems some replies cut to the quick and seem harsh, BUT I really think that's just the internet. In an answer where you can't hear the person talk and get his tone of voice you will always interpret the reply the way you perceive it. In other words, I don't think they are trying to be mean, their replies are just concise and to the point and others perceive it the way they want.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    The whole purpose of a forum is the sharing of different view points. Unfortunately, along with finding people that agree, you will find those that disagree with a particular view. Without both sides there would be no discussion.

    Disagreement is healthy. Personal attacks are not.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Part of helping people out is pointing out when they're wrong, or doing something stupid.

    I'm assuming you're talking about HCG : It's eating 500 calories a day. Not healthy no matter how you think about it. If someone posts about eating way less than 1200 calories, I'm going to say something whether the diet has a fancy name and chemicals to go with it or not.

    If people are doing somethingr wrong or dangerous, imo they should be told.
    I won't blindly appluad irresponsible behavior.

    only partly the hcg.
    and i am not referring to the type of post where people are actually asking for opinions on things.

    I am referring to the type of post where people askin things like..

    Anyone else doing ..(hcg, atkins, low carb, dunkan, paleo etc .)

    i cant understand why people who are not doing said diet in question feel the overwhelming need to hop on the thread to give their 2 cents
    they are not looking for anyone opinion , just others doing the same.
    and are really not intrested in anyons opinion.

    Is it that impossilbe just to WALK ON BY?
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    I am not posting this to make trouble, i honestly want to know why if you see a post that is about something you do not do, as in
    some sort of diet or eating plan , why do you feel the need to click on that post for the single purpose of flaming that person.

    Some people on this site seem to search out post on plans they DON'T like or agree with . why?

    does it make you feel bigger or smarter to tell people they are wrong, even if it is working for them?

    I honestly do want to know why people seem to have to got to subjects they are supposedly not interested in?

    I dont understand why people need to point out something negative or attack someone cause they are doing what they are doing for them. Now if this pertains to a family member or friend then I can understand. You dont want to see a loved one hurt in anyway, but on a message board!?!?! Give me a break.

    I'm gonna say something that is probably gonna rub people the wrong way, but oh well you asked for opinions so here I go. For most of the naysayers and people who feel the need to blast doesnt have anything to do with warning people or try to "help". Do you really care about someone you will never meet on a message board? Someone that doesnt have any effect on your day to day real life? if so, get a life! This is what it boils down too::

    1. Jealousy: Deep down inside this person is seething that they cant follow a strict diet and you can.
    2. Superiority: They want to feel better than the other person by bringing them down or telling them all the research they have done on said diet.
    3. Insanity: Some people just cant let it alone. Some people feel the need to insert their contrary opinion on a topic. They cant help it. It's like some sick compulsion.

    Personally I'm open to anything. I dont see certain diets or products are dangerous unless the FDA has banned them! I can I can honestly say I'm not against any type of diet. If it works for you then hey I might join you.

    If someone posts: hey I'm puking everyday is anyone doing the same to lose weight. I have the maturity and dont have the time to get into an argument over why they are vomitting to lose weight. I also dont have the mental energy. I just keep it moving. Some people need to keep it friggin moving!!!!!!
  • newarkco05
    The whole purpose of a forum is the sharing of different view points. Unfortunately, along with finding people that agree, you will find those that disagree with a particular view. Without both sides there would be no discussion.

    Disagreement is healthy. Personal attacks are not.

    I think this is more so what she was talking about... the personal attacks. I think most people just don't see them because the threads get locked and taken off. I agree that there is different points of view and that is very healthy and we all need all the info we can get to make an informed decision but some people just don't know how to state their opinion without attacking others.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Often I see that replies are seen as "flaming someone" when all they really are is disagreeing. When an OP asks a question they should accept that there will be answers they weren't looking for. Some may sound more harsh than needed, but its all in how it is interpreted. Most people honestly want to help and only a few purposely aim to hurt.
  • newarkco05
    I am not posting this to make trouble, i honestly want to know why if you see a post that is about something you do not do, as in
    some sort of diet or eating plan , why do you feel the need to click on that post for the single purpose of flaming that person.

    Some people on this site seem to search out post on plans they DON'T like or agree with . why?

    does it make you feel bigger or smarter to tell people they are wrong, even if it is working for them?

    I honestly do want to know why people seem to have to got to subjects they are supposedly not interested in?

    I dont understand why people need to point out something negative or attack someone cause they are doing what they are doing for them. Now if this pertains to a family member or friend then I can understand. You dont want to see a loved one hurt in anyway, but on a message board!?!?! Give me a break.

    I'm gonna say something that is probably gonna rub people the wrong way, but oh well you asked for opinions so here I go. For most of the naysayers and people who feel the need to blast doesnt have anything to do with warning people or try to "help". Do you really care about someone you will never meet on a message board? Someone that doesnt have any effect on your day to day real life? if so, get a life! This is what it boils down too::

    1. Jealousy: Deep down inside this person is seething that they cant follow a strict diet and you can.
    2. Superiority: They want to feel better than the other person by bringing them down or telling them all the research they have done on said diet.
    3. Insanity: Some people just cant let it alone. Some people feel the need to insert their contrary opinion on a topic. They cant help it. It's like some sick compulsion.

    Personally I'm open to anything. I dont see certain diets or products are dangerous unless the FDA has banned them! I can I can honestly say I'm not against any type of diet. If it works for you then hey I might join you.

    Well said!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I agree with Umeboshi

    If I posted that I was going to live on cabbage for six months I would expect people to call me out on it in every way, "nice" or "nasty". If you learn anything on this site it is that the only way to healthy living is a healthy diet and people feel very strongly on this site about that and quite rightly.

    Also if I do something stupid I expect my TRUE friends to say "WTF do you think your doing that is just stupid" and explain to me why.

    Why do people expect everyone to be nice life isn't that way, people aren't that way and when someone feels strongly they will speak out strongly.

    "So you have made enemies? Good. It means you have stood up for something in your life" <Winston Churchill>

    "I may not agree with what you say but I would fight to the death for your right to say it"I don't know who said this but it is quite relevant for both poster and responders
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    But....If I post looking for others doing HCG, for example, I dont need people showing up saying, "OMG you are sooo stupid for doing that and it is dangerous, blah, blah blah".

    How is that helping? Is that even what I asked?? The OP is looking for people who are doing it and asking for support from them. I dont understand nor do i feel the need to pop by and say what they are doing is wrong. I'm not doing HCG, so I just ignore and move on. If you cant move on then you need to really reflect on why you cant.

    You don't have to be nice all the time. Thats not the point. The point is why does everyone feel the need to have an opinion on everything when no one is asking them??? Its just cra.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    and "Jealousy" btw is ridiculous, seriously. A lot of people have been on here long enough and tried enough methods.
    IMO this isn't a "fad diet" place it's about a healthier lifestyle.

    If some 18 yr old is eating 600 calories a day, she's going to be told how harmful and dangerous it is.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I dont understand why people need to point out something negative or attack someone cause they are doing what they are doing for them. Now if this pertains to a family member or friend then I can understand. You dont want to see a loved one hurt in anyway, but on a message board!?!?! Give me a break.

    I'm gonna say something that is probably gonna rub people the wrong way, but oh well you asked for opinions so here I go. For most of the naysayers and people who feel the need to blast doesnt have anything to do with warning people or try to "help". Do you really care about someone you will never meet on a message board? Someone that doesnt have any effect on your day to day real life? if so, get a life! This is what it boils down too::

    1. Jealousy: Deep down inside this person is seething that they cant follow a strict diet and you can.
    2. Superiority: They want to feel better than the other person by bringing them down or telling them all the research they have done on said diet.
    3. Insanity: Some people just cant let it alone. Some people feel the need to insert their contrary opinion on a topic. They cant help it. It's like some sick compulsion.

    Personally I'm open to anything. I dont see certain diets or products are dangerous unless the FDA has banned them! I can I can honestly say I'm not against any type of diet. If it works for you then hey I might join you.

    If someone posts: hey I'm puking everyday is anyone doing the same to lose weight. I have the maturity and dont have the time to get into an argument over why they are vomitting to lose weight. I also dont have the mental energy. I just keep it moving. Some people need to keep it friggin moving!!!!!!

    You haven't been around the web much, have you? It's the nature of internet forum posts, this is nothing new.

    With respect to the FDA banning certain diets. The specific reference was to eating too few calories a day to adequately sustain yourself. How on Earth is the FDA going to ban that? By forcing you to eat a minimum number of calories?

    In regards to your last comment though, ignoring someone who is doing harm to themselves isn't showing maturity or keeping it moving. It's indifference. There are much better ways to interact with someone in that position than most folks do, but I would argue that doing nothing can be just as bad as getting into an argument with that person over what they're doing.

    Lastly, your comment is doing EXACTLY to folks who post contrary beliefs to more extreme diets what you're saying they shouldn't be doing to people who follow those diets.

  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    It is jealousy I've seen it at my workplace and on different message boards. People will say, "oh well you just cant eating like that forever, I tried it and it didnt last". maybe for you, but that doesnt mean you are me. I've been low carb for years and I see the bitterness. People ask, "Well how do you do that?" I say, "its easy and self control". Then I see the look on their face. Its jealousy.

    And if some 18 year old wants to eat 600 calories a day and she doesnt know its dangerous then thats just sad, but then again I'm not her parent or friend. Then again who is saying it is dangerous? You? "experts? maybe she has a reason for eating that low calorie. Who am I to judge?

    So once again if she is asking for those on the same diet then I'm not gonna respond cause she is looking for others like her and not an opinion on what she does. Just igonore and move on. I promise you life is soooo much better to pick your battlles instead of trying to find one. I dont find it my life goal to argue with someone over what they are doing, especially a stranger!!!

    It isnt indifference and I dont get how belittling them is helping them either. There are tactful ways to let people know you dont agree. If you lack tact then you might spin that person even more into a distructive cycle.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Obama is ruining this country.

    Ok now I'm confused! LMAO!

    I just dont understand that just because its the internet then its carte blanche for people to act crazy or be nasty. I am the same person online that I am in person! I'm not a nanny, nor do I want peoples opinons when i dont ask for them. And yes, some doctors actually put people on low calorie diets.