For women: "Your husband must be happy..."



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Men often tell me, "You are gonna make some man really happy one day."

    I take it as a compliment, and I dont think those people meant it as an insult. ^^ I think they were just trying to say, "Your husband is one lucky man" :smile:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Question. Do you all read this far into every statement people say? If you do, life must be a living hell.

    ummmm, yeah...that's what us women do...we overanalyze things and read into them. Its really not our fault - its a girl thing!

    We do not all do this! Your statement is a cop out. We should not just chuck rational thought out the window because we have a vagina. It's insulting.

    I guess what they're trying to tell me is by putting "for women" it means don't bother there will be no rational thought going on in here? You are right that would be insulting.

    Let me clairfy..I never said "all" women do this, but you can't deny its a woman thing to read more into these kinds of comments. Its also a fact that a lot of women (again...not saying all women) will make comment that might appear to be compliments on the surface, but have an underlying insult that is clear (and men don't necessarily 'get' that message, because they didn't grow up as a girl). It has nothing to do with rational or irrational thoughts...its just that women tend to see through those comments and get the catty message underneath, and sometimes even if a straight out compliment is made, we tend to be 'suspicious' of the message.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
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