hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I got the flu, :( so before I get to bed here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Today I had a banana and an apple.
    * No exercises for me today.
    * Days without smoking: 59
    * No blogging or doing squats.

    Let's wait and see how I feel tomorrow, and if I am up to do any kind of exercises.

    Oh no! Feel better!!

    Here's my daily report. I wasn't feeling too great today myself, so hoping to boost it this weekend.
    Nutrition: Had a bunch of grapes.
    No exercises, unless you count the stairs and being on my feet at work.
    No blogging.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hi all!

    I am still sick so as soon as I post this I am off to bed.

    * Water intake: Less than 8 glasses of water :(
    * Today I had an apple.
    * No exercises for me today.
    * Days without smoking: 560
    * No blogging or doing squats. :(

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Nutrition: Had an apple today as well.
    Exercise: 45 minutes of strength training, 30/200 squats (20lbs)
    Wellness: No blogging. Totally will tomorrow though! Doing the Hospice walk!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report :)

    Nutrition: No fruit today.
    Exercise: Walked 3 miles this morning :) No squats.
    Wellness: I forgot to blog.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report :)

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * I had a strawberry and banana smoothie
    * No exercises for me today.
    * Days without smoking: 61
    * No blogging or doing squats. :(

    I'll try to blog tomorrow if I have time and I'll try to do some squats while I am still at the gym.

    Have an awesome week everyone! :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Today's report.

    Nutrition: No fruit today :( Maybe some grapes or an apple in the AM.
    Exercise: 45 minutes of strength training, 60/200 squats (30lbs)
    Wellness: I keep running out of time to blog!!
  • I just wanted to check in and say hi... HI! I haven't been checking in because I can't manage any of it lately and don't want to be a drag. I love seeing everyone's successes though. Keep up the good work all!
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :D

    Here is my daily report :)

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * I had an apple and a banana today :)
    * I did Cardio (elliptical, treadmill, bicycle) for 70 minutes and strength training today :D
    * 50/200 squats
    * Days without smoking: 62
    * No blogging today
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report!

    Nutrition: Had cantaloupe and a bottle of orange juice.
    Exercise: Only did about 25 minutes of exercise today. 15 minutes on stairmill, 10 minutes of strength, no squats.
    Wellness: Spent all day doing homework. No blogging.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday was a hectic day for me, it was a rest day of the gym because I went to see my new nutricionist/endocrinologist, she gave me a diet that is going to last 2 weeks and then we'll see if there is something that need to be done so that I can keep losing weight. She said that because I started to go to the gym and do strength training is going to be difficult for me to lose pounds as I used to because my body needs to get used to this new rutine.

    Anyway, here is my report from yesterday:
    Hello everyone!!! :D

    Here is my daily report :)

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Had an apple and banana
    * Rest day
    * 50/200 squats
    * Days without smoking: 63
    * No blogging today
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    I guess I am going to bed pretty early today :)

    Here is my daily report :)

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Had an apple and some grapes
    * Exercises: Stationary bike, 20 minutes; Elliptical Trainer, 20 minutes; Crossover, 20 minutes; Strength training: Triceps Extension, Back Extension and Lat Pulldown
    * Still 50/200 squats
    * Days without smoking: 64
    * No blogging today.

    Have a good rest everyone :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I wasn't really online a whole lot yesterday so I'm doing both yesterday's daily report right now.

    Nutrition: Cantaloupe!
    Exercise: Rest day for me.
    Wellness: Spent all day doing homework, lol.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Today's daily report!

    Nutrition: No fruit.
    Exercise: 40 minutes at the gym, 90/200 squats .. and putting on fake nails for my zombie role tomorrow ;)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * No fruits
    * Exercises: Rest day.
    * Still 50/200 squats. I'll try to do some more this weekend.
    * Days without smoking: 66
    * No blogging today.

    Have a good rest everyone :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report.

    Nutrition: Orange juice!
    Exercise: No intentional exercise but did a lot of walking.


    Any ideas for the challenges for next week, guys? It's that time again!
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday I was working late and got home late so I totally forgot to post my daily report.

    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Had orange juice and some strawberry juice today
    * Exercises: Rest day.
    * Still 50/200 squats. I had sore muscles the whole week after doing the first 50 squats (with weights), so I guess I am back to doing cardio for a couple of weeks more.
    * Days without smoking: 68
    * No blogging today.

    Have a good rest everyone :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Next week starts the new challenges. Anyone have any ideas?

    Here's my daily report for yesterday, forgot to post it.
    Nutrition: No fruit.
    Exercise: None.
    No blogging.

    I suck, haha.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Here's hoping the forum picks up soon.

    NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEKS 10/25/11-11/08/11
    Nutrition: Eat at least one veggie every day.
    Exercise: Exercise for at least 60 minutes 3x a week; 6 miles on treadmill or outside
    Wellness: Go to bed before 10pm (assuming you don't have a job that goes that late, then you can arrange it for when you get home)
  • Hey all! Just an FYI, I will be taking a hiatus from MFP. I am finally getting the bone taken out of my foot so I can get back to exercising and really just being a normal human being. So, I will be taking about 3 weeks off since I will be at the mercy of my husband's cooking and whatever my friends and family bring for me. I will be back so don't delete me if we're friends. Loads of luck to you all, I can't wait to see all the changes from you over the next few weeks!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hey all! Just an FYI, I will be taking a hiatus from MFP. I am finally getting the bone taken out of my foot so I can get back to exercising and really just being a normal human being. So, I will be taking about 3 weeks off since I will be at the mercy of my husband's cooking and whatever my friends and family bring for me. I will be back so don't delete me if we're friends. Loads of luck to you all, I can't wait to see all the changes from you over the next few weeks!

    Good luck!! We'll be here when you come back! :)