Lose 10lbs by Thanksgiving (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jem728
    jem728 Posts: 88
    100 crunched & 50 fire hydrants done, but it hurt like hell. :smile: I got all my water in today. Today was a rest day, so crunches and fire hydrants were all I did for exercise.
  • Thanks for your help!
  • Morning all and happy Monday! Awesome job to everyone getting in crunches/fire hydrants over the weekend! I took Saturday off as a rest day and hit up a 2hr hot yoga class and walked the dog for 45min Sunday. Food was decent---could have done better though! Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    It' s Monday again. Time to gt to work. About to ge those fire hydrants and crunches in for the day. Have a great 1 !
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    Hey guys Three things good about this challenge -
    1) When its finished its time to eat lol
    2) Black Friday = Shopping for yourself 10lbs lighter :)
    3)Keep you on weight loss track for New Years
    Hope you guys are having a great day!
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Happy Monday!
  • phanesha15
    phanesha15 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so loving this Lose 10 by 11/24/11!!!! Thanks jcgooden, I really appreciate the challenge!!!!
  • gacornell
    gacornell Posts: 42 Member
    Good morning. My stomach muscles are hurting this morning. I got some of my cardio in this weekend. That's going to be my hardest thing to work in. I just have to force myself to make time for me. I get too wrapped up in doing things for my whole family and not saving enough time for myself. And of course I'm traveling for work for the next two days which is always a nice challenge as well. I'm keeping track and using the hotel gym though.
  • Goodmorning everyone!! How things going with you all!!! I am loving yall stats and comments about the challenge!!! Keep them coming.

    Spreadsheet is updated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvUZ_X8QS1V8dDFiS2F6VlowUFV0OEVaVjMtYUtLbWc&hl=en_US#gid=0
    If you all see anything wrong please let me know!! :)

    Here is a little hint about our next mini challenge: BE READY TO COOK!!!!! I am not gonna create your menu YOU WILL!!! I will give you more details on Thursday :)))))))))))))))

    Have a wonderful Monday you guys!!
  • Hey guys Three things good about this challenge -
    1) When its finished its time to eat lol
    2) Black Friday = Shopping for yourself 10lbs lighter :)
    3)Keep you on weight loss track for New Years
    Hope you guys are having a great day!

    I love it girl!!!
  • I'm so loving this Lose 10 by 11/24/11!!!! Thanks jcgooden, I really appreciate the challenge!!!!

    u are so welcome girly!! I am so proud of all of yall for doing this challenge with me!! YALL ARE AWESOME!!!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Good Morning y'all

    I m so excited abt this challenge as it ends right before my b'day and i needed this.

    fire hydrant i have to try that today.

    drinking water is also my big challenge during weekends. i can do it without any prob on weekdays as i m at my desk have filled my bottle n i know how much may be i have to do the same weekends

    any ideas ??

    have gr8 monday
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    So i'm having a relly hard time getting my water in . I don't drink a lot of anything. I mostly sip. Hoping to pick up the pace today.
  • @mscoco and kkmark I had the SAME problem yall had about a month ago!! I couldnt think of drinking 8-8oz of water a day and the weekend def wasnt gonna get in LOL!!! BUt I had to make myself do it. Just do the best you can. Yall prob have to do like me and do it slowly and progress will build up. I have found a cup that I carry with me EVERYWHERE I go and it only have water in it. ITs a wild adventures souvenir cup. 32oz. Some ppl told me a straw cup helps them, or water bottles helped. Post something on your stat and get opinions from your friends how they drink ALL of their water. Thats another thing I did too and got a lot of great advice!!! Hope this helps out a little.
  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    I know that this isn't really the place for this - but I have looked thru the forum posts and got many answers for both ways. Just curious if I can get some opinions on if you all weigh your meat before OR after you cook it. I'm thinking before because I would think that the calories don't really change - it just gets smaller.. but I've read so much conflicting information! trying to plan ahead for dinner tonight.

    Thanks so much!

  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    I am trying to follow this, but this is very diffficult to have to read through each and every comment of every member. Is there one central location that the daily and mini challenges are located. Sometimes I'm short on time and can't read through of these.

    Sometimes knowing what must be done for the week is a lot easier.
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 192 Member
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I doing the exercises....but find I still need to drink more water most days. It's harder to drink when it's cold outside....and I feel cold.
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    looking forward to the next mini challenge, I love to cook!
  • Ang_37
    Ang_37 Posts: 58
    I am so excited to do this. My birthday is 11/21, so this will be a present to my self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D