Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    New thread! We reached 500 posts in the 'old' common room and so we rolled onto a new thread. Please can everyone ensure they refer to the old thread to catch up on challenges and updates! :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Congratulations Hufflepuff on the new thread! 500 posts - that's awesome!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Yay new thread! I need to get caught up on the posts! I will do that ASAP. Kind of a hectic weekend and I need to do homework with my son before I catch up! Great job Hufflepuffs!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Bumping in this thread.... Just paid $170 to get into my locked apartment. Suck! I am ready for next weekend!!!!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Ok I am sorry I have been MIA but it has been a crazy and hectic weekend. Thanks for posting the exercise challenge for me. I did 60 jumping jacks friday I had planned to do more but I got a major migraine. I was gone most of the day yesterday and didn't get any in. I drank 9 glasses of water from then and now.

    I have a confession to make I have been making the worst food choices ever. It is so much easier to just make bad food choices and convenient. With my husband working two jobs it is me and the kiddos so not terribly easy. I feel horrible for my bad food choices. My mom even gave me a pep talk yesterday telling me how great I have been doing and that I have been slacking. I don't think the food choices would be so bad if I exercised. I guess I am just making excuses.

    5 things about me
    I drive a green 2006 malibu. It is all mine I bought it solely off of my credit which has been pretty bad since I screwed it up. I will have it paid off in february. Now my hubby is talking about getting me something bigger that we can all fit in. I am excited.

    I have a birthday coming up!!!!!

    I live to black friday shop. I love it my sister and I did it together last year and we bonded so much and had such a great time.

    I absolutely love christmas.

    I plan to go back to school this semester and work my tail end off to make something of my self for my kids. I want to be self sufficient if anything ever happened that I had to take care of myself and my kiddos.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    sorry i have been MIA the last couple of weeks not posting and participating but i'm hoping to get back to posting frequently.

    last week's weight 303 and house points 351
    this week's weight 303 glad i didn't gain any weight. i've been eating back my exercise calories and i know i shouldn't but i'm hungry.

    OMG i did 4 days of 30day shred i love it.

    what are the challenges for this week?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    sorry i have been MIA the last couple of weeks not posting and participating but i'm hoping to get back to posting frequently.

    last week's weight 303 and house points 351
    this week's weight 303 glad i didn't gain any weight. i've been eating back my exercise calories and i know i shouldn't but i'm hungry.

    OMG i did 4 days of 30day shred i love it.

    what are the challenges for this week?

    That's awesome! I really need to get back into 30 day shred. Challenges this week. Food I am unsure because I am not caught up on the post but the exercise challenge is reverse crunches.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Bumping in this thread.... Just paid $170 to get into my locked apartment. Suck! I am ready for next weekend!!!!

    OMG!!! I did the very same thing this weekend. I locked my self and my 2 small children out of the house. We were sitting in my van for almost 2 hours. Luckily my awesome maintenance man only charged me $20 to get it open!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ok I am sorry I have been MIA but it has been a crazy and hectic weekend. Thanks for posting the exercise challenge for me. I did 60 jumping jacks friday I had planned to do more but I got a major migraine. I was gone most of the day yesterday and didn't get any in. I drank 9 glasses of water from then and now.

    I have a confession to make I have been making the worst food choices ever. It is so much easier to just make bad food choices and convenient. With my husband working two jobs it is me and the kiddos so not terribly easy. I feel horrible for my bad food choices. My mom even gave me a pep talk yesterday telling me how great I have been doing and that I have been slacking. I don't think the food choices would be so bad if I exercised. I guess I am just making excuses.

    5 things about me
    I drive a green 2006 malibu. It is all mine I bought it solely off of my credit which has been pretty bad since I screwed it up. I will have it paid off in february. Now my hubby is talking about getting me something bigger that we can all fit in. I am excited.

    I have a birthday coming up!!!!!

    I live to black friday shop. I love it my sister and I did it together last year and we bonded so much and had such a great time.

    I absolutely love christmas.

    I plan to go back to school this semester and work my tail end off to make something of my self for my kids. I want to be self sufficient if anything ever happened that I had to take care of myself and my kiddos.

    Don't worry just jump back into making good choices. I have been making terrible choices lately also mostly because I am an emotional eater, but this is no excuse for my behavior. I need to get myself together especially for my kids. I love Christmas also! It's definitely my favorite holiday. I think its a great idea for you to go back to school and become self sufficient. I am going through the nastiest divorce ever and I am so thankful that I finished my degree so now I can take care of my kids by myself.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    WOW! I had a lot to get caught up on. If you haven't weighed in please do so asap! Thanks

    5 interesting/confessional type things about me
    1.) I am 23, but I drive a minivan LOL I love my minivan I always dreamed of being a minivan soccer mom so I am even though I only have 2 kids. We have a whole row of the van we never even use.

    2.) I have a type A personality. Everything has to be perfect or I freak out. As you can imagine I am stressed about a lot of small things A LOT! My mom is sure I am going to die at least 10 years early from the stress overload. I just don't know how to let go and let things roll off my back sometimes.

    3) I have been a series of abusive relationships that have left me with a bruised ego and severely low self esteem :mad: I am getting myself together now and I want to be healthy and happy for my kids. I am feeling happier everyday even though I am alone I a much happier than I was with any man.

    4) I dream of teaching overseas. I have an interview to teach in Dhubai sometime in November. I hope I can get this job it would be an amazing opportunity for my kids and I. Teaching is my passion it is all I have ever wanted to do.

    5) I am like a big kid. I love to watch disney movies and play games with my kids, but in my free time I often watch Disney classics from my old VHS collection.

    6) I love the Hufflepuffs!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    @lhurtubise- OMG i love disney movies too! i'm so behind i finally saw Tangled and only saw half of the princess and the frog but i loved them both. i have to confess sometimes i spontaneously bust out into a disney song. don't forget you're strong and you can work on your self-esteem. it will take time but you can do it.

    i have an test and interview this friday for the sheriff's department to a be a deputy trainee. not a career move i would make if the economy and job market wasn't so bad but hey i might find a husband, always looking on the bright side. hopefully, i can get the day off.

    reverse crunches here i come! we should do a 30day shred challenge. i'm going to do level 2 to night.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    @lhurtubise- OMG i love disney movies too! i'm so behind i finally saw Tangled and only saw half of the princess and the frog but i loved them both. i have to confess sometimes i spontaneously bust out into a disney song. don't forget you're strong and you can work on your self-esteem. it will take time but you can do it.

    i have an test and interview this friday for the sheriff's department to a be a deputy trainee. not a career move i would make if the economy and job market wasn't so bad but hey i might find a husband, always looking on the bright side. hopefully, i can get the day off.

    reverse crunches here i come! we should do a 30day shred challenge. i'm going to do level 2 to night.

    I love this! We should definitely do a 30 day shred challenge. That would be awesome. The dvd is pretty cheap and I think you can also get it online with amazon for the people not in the U.S. I need to think about it a little but I am definitely interested in doing this. Nice career move. I was considering joining the police academy, but I would much rather join the Navy. I still need to loose 40-50lbs for the Navy though so it will be a while before I can do it.
  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry for my absence today, I was visiting a friend at University three hours away so 6 hours worth of travelling via trains has certainly exhausted me. This is the friend who I'm boarding on being in love with, I've mentioned him a couple of times before. Anyway, visited him today and it was great to see him, didn't have the guts to tell him I like him as he introduced me to his new female friend. They're not together, but very close (non stop flirting etc), so the inevitable will happen and they will become an item. I could feel myself becoming more jealous as the day went on and I think this was apparent! Annoying thing is she is suspiciously like me, both personality and strangely enough, looks wise. Gah, why am I not the one he likes? Moving on...

    Stats for 24/10

    OWLs - 3 (30 reverse crunches)
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 120
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Still missing some weights for this week. I think I got all the information from the last thread so I still need weights from


    Please get me your weight asap! Thanks
  • daddylion87
    Sorry I missed a few days checking in here are my stats
    Weight 197.4
    NEWTS: 47
    HP: 4,445

    I need to read the other posts I will respond soon!
  • daddylion87
    Double Post Sorry
  • msrobinson77
    Have you ever had a day when EVERYTHING irritates you? Well, that was my day. I'm off to the gym to destress.

    For today:
    under fat+4 cups water= 9 newts
    0 owls
    30 house points
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning, I tried to post yesterday, but was unsuccessful, so hopefully will be able to today. Do we post our stats everyday or once a week? I didn't do so well yesterday, but today is a new day. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    It looks like everyone posts their stats each day. Mine for yesterday are:

    Starting weight 167.4
    Sundays weight: 165.4
    Owls: 1
    Newts: 7 1/2
    House Pts: 0

    My goal for the week is to improve my numbers each day...and learn how to put my weight loss ticker on this site. I am so excited to be doing this with all of you.
  • msrobinson77
    Do whatever you can manage. Most people try to post everyday but, some days that may be tough. The challenges for this week are:

    Stay under the fat goal that MFP sets for you=5 newts + 1 newt for every 8oz glass of water
    A set of 10 crunches=1 owl

    Also, be sure to report your total exercise minutes for our friendly competition with the other houses. Last month, we won!