support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Update - Since upping my calories (eating some exercise calories back) this week, by about 100-200 per day I've lost 2.6.

    Full disclosure, I also started the Couch to 5k last week, so that may be contributing. I'm just not sure. I'm still tracking that activity like walking because my jog is sooooo slow and it only totals 8 minutes of the 40 minutes that I'm jogging. Maybe that shook my system up enough to start dropping again?
    that is great news!!! It could be a mixture of both..whatever it is awesome and thanks for reporting back!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Well I weighed in as usual this morning and I am still stuck!!!! The zigzagging last week didn't seem to work for me. . .

    So I'm going to copy those of you that are upping the calories a bit and I'm going to change my MFP settings to losing 0.5lbs per week (instead of 1lb) to see if that helps.

    In terms of the age old debate regarding exercise calories, have those of you that have had sucess with increasing your calorie deficit been eating them all back?

    I think the zig zagging takes a few weeks or so depending on the might want to keep trying?..Ive also heard that you have to tweak it a bit......Im eating back most of my calories on my high days..and about 1/2 on the low..will let you know how it goes.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Increased calories broke my last plateau (that lasted 2 months) pretty quickly. I am almost into two months of this current plateau of being stuck at 147. To break the last plateau, I set MFP to lose 0.5 lbs/week and that worked. Being that my calorie deficit is now allegedly so small, I have increased my calories to what MFP considers my maintenance. I have been eating at "maintenance" for 1.5 weeks with no change. The question now I maintaining or still in a plateau??? I am afraid to bring my calories any higher (I am at 1800 now) since I still want to lose a couple of pounds. I am a sedentary desk worker but have MFP set as me being "active" to incorporate my morning brisk walking without me logging it, however I do log my strength training, though that burns less than 100 calories.

    I am going to give it one more week of eating maintenance, then start from scratch again. I'll set MFP back to sedentary and log every bit of exercise and see what kind of calories that gives me for the day. This is very frustrating as I am SO CLOSE to my goal!!!
    Hang in will be tough for those final pounds...try zig zagging your one day above maintenance and then 2 slightly below maintenance. so for me this week: Saturday I ate 1200..sunday I ate 1324...Monday I ate I am going to drop back down to 1350 ...I will report back and see how it goes!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    One thing i have noticed about a lot of people in this group is that you do a LOT of exercise, but eat very few calories (ie 1200 isnt really enough in most cases). the best way to lose the final few pounds is to eat ALL your exercise calories and hit your calorie goal each day!
  • jbreilly
    jbreilly Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! I would love to join your group too if you are still inviting members! I am trying to lose the last 10-15 lbs. Currently I am 5'4" at 139 and would love to maintain at 125lbs. Hitting 120lbs would be a miracle! This is my first month on MFP (lost 2.5lbs since joining MFP) and I have really been inspired by everyone. It seems like a lot of the members in this group are close to the same point I am.

    Currently, the only exercise I am doing is running. I run about 4 days a week somewhere between 3 -7 miles per day. I am running a 10K on November 6th so I am trying to follow a training plan. After the 10K I do not know what I want to do - I have the P90X videos so I am thinking of working that in with a running routine. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I am also interested in the conversations your group is having concerning daily calorie intake. Do you eat exercise calories or not? Should you eat the entire 1200 calories daily? I eat at least 1200 calories on days I exercise but get confused on what to do on days that I don't. Anyway, thought your thread could help answer some questions and provide some motivation!

    Good luck to all!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! I would love to join your group.
    About me:
    I am 34, 5'2" and weigh 126. My original goal was 125, changed it to 120 and in all honesty would like to get down to 115, but a toned 115 not just a skinny 115. I run 5 miles 5x a week and do about 30min of strength training after my run in the morning. I have 2 children- Jacob is 3.5 and Ava is 19 months. I work full time as a teacher- so my exercise happens at 5am in the morning while the kids and husband are sleeping.
    I was at a plateau all summer and then dropped 6lbs in 2 weeks when school started again. I've been basically stuck since then. My body responds really well to a lower carb food plan, sticking to it is another story though. I am also still breastfedding my daughter. Hmm . . . I think that's it- feel free to add me!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning! My name is Latoya and i would love to join your group! I have 12 pounds left to lose and i have a feeling it will be very hard!! I have lost 33 pounds so far with 23 of those while on MFP. During this journey i have hit 2 plateaus; one that i just recently broke. Question: do you guys follow the MFP equation 100% ? If you dont that can be the problem. that is what it was for me. i dont know if this is true for everyone but this is how it worked for me. my calorie count is at 1280 calories to lose a pound a week. instead of following this 100% i would exercise and not eat those calories back or not exercise and eat way too much. it has to balance out...we cant eat too much or too little. for me, 1280 calories a day is really when i can i try to burn with exercise and i eat my calories back becuase i love to eat and im usually hungry!! whatever i do, rather its exercise and eat calories back or not exercise and only eat 1280 calories...if i stay at 1280 calories i lose a pound a week.. with that being said..i still struggle because discipline is hard for me, lol! this is why im my goal for the week is to move as much as possible and try to always end up at or around weight today is 147.4....i want to see 146 this week...goal weight is 135.
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    bump for later :)
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    Hey everyone, I'd love to join too. I'm 5'4" and currently have 10 pounds to lose. I've been waffling between 138 and 140 for about 2-3 weeks now, trying to get down to 130. I usually try to eat ALL of my exercise calories back but it's sometimes difficult on a weekend with nice weather and I do as many of my sports as possible. So really I've kind of been unintentionally zig-zagging my calories due to nice fall weekends. That hasn't seemed to help. I have been reading how increasing your calories has been working for some of you. I'm really debating trying that. It's just kind of scary.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    One thing i have noticed about a lot of people in this group is that you do a LOT of exercise, but eat very few calories (ie 1200 isnt really enough in most cases). the best way to lose the final few pounds is to eat ALL your exercise calories and hit your calorie goal each day!
    I agree...thanks for the input:-)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    One thing i have noticed about a lot of people in this group is that you do a LOT of exercise, but eat very few calories (ie 1200 isnt really enough in most cases). the best way to lose the final few pounds is to eat ALL your exercise calories and hit your calorie goal each day!

    I think this is the key. When we don't have much to lose we need to get out of the huge calorie deficit mindset and eat much closer to maintenance.

    I am glad so many people are chiming in on this thread. Hopefully we can all help each other lose those final pounds!
  • This is perfect, I have 10-12 lbs more to lose and they're being SO stubborn
  • I recently upped my calories from 1200 to 1400 and gained about a lb, then lost it again. Everyone's saying the lbs will start coming off faster soon and to give it 3 weeks. I'm also trying to add more running into my routine at the gym:D
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! I would love to join your group too if you are still inviting members! I am trying to lose the last 10-15 lbs. Currently I am 5'4" at 139 and would love to maintain at 125lbs. Hitting 120lbs would be a miracle! This is my first month on MFP (lost 2.5lbs since joining MFP) and I have really been inspired by everyone. It seems like a lot of the members in this group are close to the same point I am.

    Currently, the only exercise I am doing is running. I run about 4 days a week somewhere between 3 -7 miles per day. I am running a 10K on November 6th so I am trying to follow a training plan. After the 10K I do not know what I want to do - I have the P90X videos so I am thinking of working that in with a running routine. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I am also interested in the conversations your group is having concerning daily calorie intake. Do you eat exercise calories or not? Should you eat the entire 1200 calories daily? I eat at least 1200 calories on days I exercise but get confused on what to do on days that I don't. Anyway, thought your thread could help answer some questions and provide some motivation!

    Good luck to all!
    Hey glad you are here! I definitely think you need to increase your calories. You might initially lose a few lbs. but you are definitely going to come to a hault if you don't eat more. From one runner to another are burning close to 300-600 every time you run. So look at it this way..if you eat 1200...go for a 4 mile run and burn 400 calories...your net calories for the day is 800!!!! That is way low...that isn't even taking into account the calories you burn throughout the day..running errands, walking, and what your body needs to carryout all of its functions (breathing etc.).

    .I was making this same mistake and have been for months! I actually ran a marathon..didn't lose any weight with all of the training I was doing, b/c I wasnt eating the very least eat back your calories on running days. You will feel better and perform better for sure!! On the days you don't run.. eat at the minimum 1200..I would say more but that is up to you.

    Also I cross trained with p90x for my runs...if you include some strength training you will see improvements in your running. Good luck and be sure to continue with the can do this!:-)
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! I would love to join your group.
    About me:
    I am 34, 5'2" and weigh 126. My original goal was 125, changed it to 120 and in all honesty would like to get down to 115, but a toned 115 not just a skinny 115. I run 5 miles 5x a week and do about 30min of strength training after my run in the morning. I have 2 children- Jacob is 3.5 and Ava is 19 months. I work full time as a teacher- so my exercise happens at 5am in the morning while the kids and husband are sleeping.
    I was at a plateau all summer and then dropped 6lbs in 2 weeks when school started again. I've been basically stuck since then. My body responds really well to a lower carb food plan, sticking to it is another story though. I am also still breastfedding my daughter. Hmm . . . I think that's it- feel free to add me!
    Great job..I also love running and am a teacher:-)...My suggestion would be maybe mix in some sprint work..Ive been doing that and running too. Ive also increased my strength training..
    Dont forget that breast feeding burns a ton of calories (you probably know that;)...but make sure your eating enough calories too..I made that mistake and was not fueling my body..remember you have more lean muscle now...with the strength training, so you will be burning more and need more fuel:-)
    good luck!
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey - I'd like to join this group too. I've got about 13 lbs to go. I've lost about 10 lbs in the last month and a half or so by being VERY on track (minus last Tuesday aargh) and by eating just about all of my exercise calories each day as well. I'm getting to the point where I'm debating whether or not to change my goal to 0.5 lbs per month as I get closer to my goal. I just ordered a FitBit calorie/activity tracker since they were having a promotion for it and I've heard that MFP may soon be able to sync up with it as well so I may wait and see how tracking my calories with that goes before making any goal changes.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    One thing i have noticed about a lot of people in this group is that you do a LOT of exercise, but eat very few calories (ie 1200 isnt really enough in most cases). the best way to lose the final few pounds is to eat ALL your exercise calories and hit your calorie goal each day!

    I think this is the key. When we don't have much to lose we need to get out of the huge calorie deficit mindset and eat much closer to maintenance.

    I am glad so many people are chiming in on this thread. Hopefully we can all help each other lose those final pounds!

    I agree as well!! I have been in a plateau for 8 months and tried low cal, high cal, etc and nothing is working, but I do know having a huge defecit, like 600-900 or more did not help me at all. Right now I am increasing my calories to maintenance for a couple weeks and see what happens. Then maybe try the zig zag approach! My goal is to hit 2000 calories per day!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Good morning! My name is Latoya and i would love to join your group! I have 12 pounds left to lose and i have a feeling it will be very hard!! I have lost 33 pounds so far with 23 of those while on MFP. During this journey i have hit 2 plateaus; one that i just recently broke. Question: do you guys follow the MFP equation 100% ? If you dont that can be the problem. that is what it was for me. i dont know if this is true for everyone but this is how it worked for me. my calorie count is at 1280 calories to lose a pound a week. instead of following this 100% i would exercise and not eat those calories back or not exercise and eat way too much. it has to balance out...we cant eat too much or too little. for me, 1280 calories a day is really when i can i try to burn with exercise and i eat my calories back becuase i love to eat and im usually hungry!! whatever i do, rather its exercise and eat calories back or not exercise and only eat 1280 calories...if i stay at 1280 calories i lose a pound a week.. with that being said..i still struggle because discipline is hard for me, lol! this is why im my goal for the week is to move as much as possible and try to always end up at or around weight today is 147.4....i want to see 146 this week...goal weight is 135.
    Great advice Latoya!!! Awesome goals too...I think what you touched on is important. Also really paying close attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Good luck, we can do this!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Great idea! Saving this for later:flowerforyou:
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    So excited to see so many new faces!! Just a few things...

    * weighing in on sure to post your weight
    *let us know at the end of the week what you thought worked for you or didn't
    *try doing the exercises through the week that you don't care for (mine is core)
    *positive attitude..its about the journey

    We are all fearfully and wonderfully made women..appreciate your body and how strong you are and are becoming.
    We can get through this together!! Take care:smile: