Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378

    Has anyone else suffered from restless leg syndrome? What have you done to help??

    Yes i have, try standing in an inch of cold water, or a cooling gel over your legs helps, so annoying
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Geeze, I haven't had time to catch up for a while.

    atynk - GOOD LUCK!! You're so close! Hopefully everthing goes the way you want it too.

    batgirlrox - Good Luck at your first appt. Hope it goes well. I seen an earlier post about lack of energy, I still don't have any, but hopefully you will get some soon. :) Every pregnancy is different.

    Jchecca - Good Luck with things, as far as back pain....I hope it goes away soon! I have it too, but it's my gallbladder and at this point the options to fix it are slim to none unless I have too.

    Ashley - I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by everything that needs done and the lack of time left to do it. Baby shower and kids, so many of my friends have kids, if I said no kids, I most likely wouldn't have any guests, but some time with just friends and no distraction from kids would be nice.

    Welcome - eponine1976, MissConfidence, Amyrhubarb, msheldon88 and ybodwen!!! Hope you like the message board. It's been very helpful and entertaining for me so far!!! Keeps me on track too! :)

    Kcurtis - Glad your feeling better - I wish someone would deliver me OJ at my desk, LOL!! How nice!

    lunarokra - Kids do make life super busy, ecspecially with sports. It's so tiring, but definately making the time go by fast!!! At least your still getting in your walks. Yay for you, good job!!!

    Rayna - Awe, the baby Uggs are adorable!!!

    Babeed - Good luck at your appt. today!!! My cousin had problems with restless leg syndrome at night when she was trying to sleep, not sure what they did for her, but from what I hear it SUCKS! Good luck!

    Kristy - Glad your going to see a doctor. I had a bunch of blurry vision and was seeing lil' floaters when I moved my eyes....37 wks pregnant, they had to induce me. It was high blood pressure, super high!!! Good luck, glad your feeling a little better, hope they figure out what caused it!

    AFM: Super busy weekend as usual....I did sleep in a little bit later than usual yesterday which was nice. I spent 5 hours cleaning, doing laundry and organizing, then I helped hubby and son, with some yard work. It was a very productive day! I'm so excited, my son got 1st place again at the tournament on Sat! Woo Hoo. Three weeks left of wrestling! Only one tournament that's far away, which is this weekend, and I'm glad!

    My sister is planning my baby shower for next Sunday, I'm excited....She ordered me a swing, my MIL ordered me a playpen, with the bassinet and changing table and I ordered my car seat and stroller! All matching and on sale at K-mart! Woo Hoo.

    Also, I got offered an almost $800.00 Million Dollar Baby crib and matching changing table for $200.00!!! I think I'm going to buy it. I don't really need the changing table now, but I might as well, for that price! I get to see pics next weekend. So we'll see.

    Goals for the week!!

    Walk at least 6 miles
    Yoga at least 2x
    Increase water....everyday
    Start working on the nursery
    Paint the nursery on Sunday!

    Been eating good, and I'm so glad, according to my scale I've gained 12lbs, we'll see what the doc scale says next week! Hard to believe it's Nov. next week! Geeze!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Has anyone else suffered from restless leg syndrome? What have you done to help??

    I have RLS even when not pregnant (started with my first pregnancy and never went away... and it's worse now, during the second). The only thing that helps me, personally, was decreasing my caffeine (really easy now), increasing my potassium (decaf coffee has quite a bit, btw) and stretching.

    BUT... RLS is tricky, different people have different triggers and different "treatments". I googled RLS home remedies and experimented until I found the right combo for me.

    Thanks Baisleac,

    Mine just started this weekend and I thought it was all the walking that I had been doing over the past two days, but even yesterday I had it and didn't do anything but sleep most of the day.

    So far the only thing that seems to help is some calf massages...Just curious if it was pregnancy related. I'll be sure to google it tonight as well!!

    Thank you again-
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 69 Member
    I just found this!! I am actually almost 30 weeks pregnant. I created a new account for my pregnancy because I practically abandoned my old account. I lost 20lbs before I got pregnant and have gained about 18lbs....Seems like a lot but I am now working on eating better and getting in some light exercise daily....Anyway my name is Amie and I am due January 5th with my third baby, 2nd boy!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello ladies!

    There are a few familiar faces on this board (including the founder Heather!)... I knew some of you from the TTC board.

    After exactly a year of trying, my husband and I finally got out BFP this past Friday! We actually were in the infertility doctor's office that morning, scheduling my IUI for this month - how ironic! We are ecstatic!

    I am a little nervous - I've been very very lightly spotting since Saturday and have had very light cramps every once in a while. I have an appt with my ObGyn on Wednesday, and am counting the minutes to it. We have been waiting so long for this and don't want to lose it!

    I can't wait to get to know you ladies! Have a great evening!
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    congrats!! thats amazing
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome Amie & AndreaM! Congrats too!

    I was just informed by my HS besties, they are throwing me a baby shower January 7th! YAY, I was all teary eyed. Now the question is my friends are hosting should i invite the coworkers and boss? I've been asked if I am having a babyshower, so I have plenty of time to think it out.

    Misti-Congrats to your son! He must be thrilled. how exciting on your babyshower, i bet it'll be great. Also, great steal on the furniture hope it turns out to be in great condition.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Andrea OMG congratulations!!! I JUST congratulated Karen as well... SOOOOO happy for you and I'm so glad you are here. I will be keeping you in my prayers and hopefully the spotting stops. Unfortunately during your first trimester cramping is very normal. It freaked me out all the time but it is just your uterus growing :) Stick baby stick!
  • BelgianLady
    Heather - hang in there! the end is very near. With all the good care you have taken of your body, you will have a super speedy recovery and be up and running in no time, I promise. Plus seeing that bundle of joy is the best medicine ever!

    People affected by RLS - the only trick that helped me (I also have RLS when not pregnant, it wakes me up from the pain...) is to take magnesium/vitamin B6 supplements. That cures the pain instantly. The other tricks didnt work on me. Took me a pregnancy for a doctor to find the right cure! RLS is very tricky though...different effective treatments for everyone.

    She explained to me that during the day, we do move so the muscles actually numb the pain, and it comes back at night when we are lying down. Temporary relief can be obtained by walking/moving but it does not address the cause obviously... Good luck with treating RLS
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Wohoo, Andrea! Congratulations:0)
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you for the welcome, ladies!

    Heather, thanks for your reassuring words! I hope the doc says the same thing tomorrow afternoon! Sticky sticky sticky – that’s what we are praying for!!! You are so close – I didn’t realize. Yay!

    I wish I had helpful RLS advice, but I don’t. I hope the other remedies will help! :flowerforyou:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Wohoo, Andrea! Congratulations:0)

    Thanks - you are so far along, too! Love the name Hannah! :heart:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Okay, I can't wait to tell you guys!!

    After being in the sonogram room for almost an hour- as this baby is currently breech and with this back to my stomach so the nurse had to get creative to try to get the baby to turn. However, she was very patient and after a bit we were finally able to get a peek!! :smooched: WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!!!!!!!! :smooched: I couldn't help but giggle, the nurse told us (after the baby turned) that there was absolutely no mistaking his little parts!

    We're extremely grateful that all our prayers have been answered and I just don't have enough words to express how thankful and excited we are!

    RSL -
    Did discuss this with my doc and he did say it's a common occurance with prego women. He recommended: Tylenol PM only for the extreme cases. A warm soak in the tub. Leg massages. And lots and lots of extra potassium!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome new peeps! Yay babeed! Congrats! Andrea hope everything works out! I love exclamation points!!!! :laugh:

    My goals are still shifting for the week but I am being productive so I am happy with that. I did take my lunch walk yesterday but I also went out to eat. My husband's BFF is moving to AZ this week so some peeps were going out for dinner so considering I didn't get home from work till 7:30, I was down for no cooking. Ate OK - buffalo chili and a salad (and a roll with cinamon butter) from Buckhead's, but really didnt' want to spend the cash. Oh well. Today I was going to paint the nursery after work, but instead we are going to pick up a dresser for the nursery (if we like it - it's antique, distressed bottle green and so cute) and I totally forgot I have to make my Halloween costume so will be going to the fabric store after the dresser. I pretty much win something at work every year so I can't slack this year! I'm also going to swing by Target for more Halloween stuff and get us in the registry so we can start adding registry items from online too. Soooo....doing good on productivity and I'm feeling less stressed than yesterday and over the weekend. Plus I talked to my friend that will be here this weekend and he has his conference all day Saturday so we can do work that day instead of entertaining. I feel like I need a good workout but it will have to wait until yoga tomorrow. I wanted to walk at lunch today but I have a lunch and learn so that won't be happening.

    Happy Tuesday! One more day closer to the weekend!

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Well...I finally did it - ordered the nursery furniture & bedding. I kept searching & searching, but went back to the same stuff every time. Now I can't wait to get the room painted & everything in it! :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Congrats on the boy babeed!!!! :) So exciting!! Didn't you just LOVE seeing him move around in there?? :)

    I saw the dr yesterday and she said that since my vision wasn't blacked out and was just kinda blurry/watery/spotty, she wasn't as worried. My blood pressure was 132/85 and she said that wasn't too bad. She doesn't want to increase my medication until my systolic is consistently in the 150's/160's. She said to let them know if I have another episode though and she suggested I see my optometrist as well. I haven't had an eye exam in over a year so it's time for one anyways. I just haven't found one since we moved to Maryland. Baby girl's heartbeat was still in the 150's so she's nice and strong. :) The weird vision thing only lasted 10-15 minutes. Eric (the hubs) said that he gets that before a migraine, but I never got a headache (until the afternoon from wearing my glasses all day). He said that sometimes he gets the vision thing, but the migraine doesn't end up happening so maybe that's all it was. I don't know, but I feel fine this morning.

    I'm aiming to get in a nice walk and/or jog with some yoga this afternoon. Eric is getting his new PS3 game in the mail today so I'll definitely have some "me" time. lol

    Heather, where did you end up buying your nursery furniture and bedding from? Did you get the stuff from JCP? I'm really liking the Coco Dot bedding from Pottery Barn, but not sure about furniture yet.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Well...I finally did it - ordered the nursery furniture & bedding. I kept searching & searching, but went back to the same stuff every time. Now I can't wait to get the room painted & everything in it! :)

    Where did you order your nursery stuff from?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I have been gone for the last week to my high school reunion. I will work on reading through the last week to get caught up on everything. I am still down 2.4 pounds since I found out I was preg. I am guessing that it will start going back up though over the next month.

    My goals for this week:
    1. Get in a running workout Wed and Thursday
    2. Run the Zombie Run in around 28:00 mins
    4. Find something to drink other than water that I like without caffine.

    I am starting to get so antsy about wanting to know what we are having so I can start buying baby stuff.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Yay Babeed I'm SOOOO happy for you! You got your boy! :)

    Kristy I have the cocodot bedding and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! The only problem is that the bedskirt as well as the bumper are specifically made for their cribs. I had to be creative with the bumper to get it to work in my crib and you can't even see the pattern on the bedskirt cause of the way the crib is made. So basically at the end of the day the fitted sheet is all that will be seen of the set (we will have to remove the bumper once she starts sleeping in her own bed and is able to move around). So make sure to pick out your crib prior to buying your bedding...or keep the receipt :) Also, glad your vision stuff has gone away and the docs don't think it is a big deal.

    Ashley sounds like things are a bit crazy for you! Just do the best you can and things will get back to "normal".

    I totally didn't want to get out of the pool this morning. Seems now like that is the only time my ribs are screaming at me! The workout is really starting to bore me (remember I'm used to hardcore sweat sessions with loud music and heart pumping moves)...but I guess when you are due to have a baby in less than 2 weeks this will suffice... The water does feel awesome though so that's a plus. I'm going to get a massage here in an hour. I hope it is my last one for a while... My doc appt is on Thursday and if I'm dilated I'm thinking about asking her to strip my membranes. I've heard good and bad about it so we shall see.

    Hope you ladies have an awesome day! Stay fit and healthy my friends!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Babeeedddd! Congrats, Yay for your little boy! :drinker:

    BMfrazie- I know what you mean the anticipation of finding out really drove me nuts. lol

    H82- That's great, I am also waiting until next week to start painting the nursery.There's so much to do right?

    Kristy- Hope those blurred episodes slow down.

    We walked last night for 20 mins & I did 15 mins of what I could remember of the yoga poses.