Starting 30 Day Shred on Monday...10/24/11



  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Great! I'll get you added :)
  • Here are my stats in inches.

    SW 160.2

    chest 41.5
    waist at the curve 31
    waist at the belly button 37
    hips 41.5
    thigh 21.5
  • Did my first day of 30 Day Shred. OMG. That kicked my butt. I was shaking during it. My arms, butt, thighs were feeling it. OK my entire body was feeling it. LOL

    Those who have done it before. About how long did it take to get used to the first part?

    I was thinking I would do 10 days of each level. But now I am not sure if I will get past level 1 in the next 30 days.
  • will do it as soon as i get done with some work ^_^ hope everyone did good.
    i'm also going to be in level 1 for awhile lol
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    Mater, i am definately feeling it and i didnt even do the video all the way. i had to take minute breaks after all the jumping jacks, or else i would have vomited. Im incredibly out of shape. I am about to go to bed now and i can feel it in my armpits from the arm workouts. I have 0 arm strength. *Sigh*
    I can't wait to be at the end of the 30 days! Ha!
    Heres to tomorrow!
  • topaz23
    topaz23 Posts: 11 Member
    I want to join!!!
  • DONE! my 2 year old did it with me haha

    boy that was hard! i had to stop for a few secods a few times
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think I'm going to mix up the levels as it is tough working the same muscles day after day. They don't get an opportunity to rest. That was what somebody suggested.
    I did Day 2 Level 2 today. I keep forgetting to do measurements in the morning. Must do that tomorrow.
    Silly me bought 5 lb weights, thinking because I'm a weight lifter I will need something challenging. Well, now I wished I would have bought the 3 lbers.
    This is a great workout. I still do my normal weight lifting routine, but add this as my cardio.
    Best of luck to everyone.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Question for you DVD's remote is missing so I can't get to the workout menu. I'm on day two, Level 1. Is it the same as Day 1, Level 1? I had no choice but to do that one over as I couldnt figure out how to get onto the "workout" menu. :(
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    And does anyone else think she talks TOO MUCH!!! ;)
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    finished day one! i was definitely hurting afterwards.. i walked down my stairs and my legs were trying to give out on me, those darn jumping jacks! lol.. I think i can do this!! :)
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Alicia, yes day two is the same.

    10 days level 1
    10 days level 2
    10 days level 3

    Is my plan. It hurts to lift my arms and my abs are SORE! And YES, I think she talks toooooo much! LOL!

    I still think we need a it's easier to find threads that we start. Anyone got suggestions? I'm not good with names...
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    I want to join!!!

    I added you :)
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Good job ladies on your first day!!!
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    Okay, here's who we have-

    Tammylyn117- need SW/ measurements
    Cangi1- need SW/measurements
    stefa777- need SW/measurements
    Emma422- need SW/measurements
    projectkristy- need SW
    lizzie_poo702- need SW/measurements
    princesschic- need SW/measurements
    mrslaw85- need SW/measurements
    mendez70- need SW/measurements
    dreamofamermaid- need measurements
    hypergrl- need measurements
    before20- need SW/measurements
    smorrison21- need SW/measurements
    topaz23- need SW/measurements
  • LilacLizabeth
    LilacLizabeth Posts: 36 Member
    Can I join? I started today, I can make up yesterday's workout tonight!
  • And does anyone else think she talks TOO MUCH!!! ;)

    Lol I have it on mute when I do it :D

    And I'll have my measurements tonight when I get home
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    start weight 163

    i dont have any tape to measure with so i'll just go with my measurements from the spring time..

    Neck 14.0
    Waist 34.0
    Hips 38.0
  • projectkristy
    projectkristy Posts: 29 Member
    Day 2 is done. I'm really feeling it today. My arms were shaking during my shower this morning and I could barely sit down on the toilet my legs hurt so bad. I loved it when she said that pain is fear leaving the body, because I have a lot of fear leaving this body right now....I'm a little fearful for tomorrow morning ;)

    My starting weight is 230...hopefully it will be a lot less after the 30 days.
  • krystalgwen
    krystalgwen Posts: 39 Member
    I did my day 3 today cause i started before you guys but it was awesome my legs were shaking but im getting better and stronger.