Can anyone handle the truth??



  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    its because i WANT people to feel better that i think they should DO better. correct, they may be going through something awful. correct, you cant judge strangers. correct, some people are happy no matter how they look.

    and im not trying to "scold the fatties"..i think most of the people on here are really trying to make positive changes for themselves, and thats great. i'm just wondering why people cant handle the truth. and its great to know im not alone :)

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I need popcorn! This is getting good!

    No sir you need a ringding.....Honestly
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I tried to go look at how amazing hot and in shape you were, but your only pic is a cartoon. :/
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A 200-pound person knows he or she is overweight (unless he or she is very, very tall). Why is it necessary to be rude and point it out?

    And, no, I wouldn't spiral and eat because someone told me I was fat -- I'm not an emotional eater. But I might just haul off and punch that person.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    This unfortunately is the trademark of someone who doesn't seem to have a lot of life experience. If you can't nicely tell someone to do something you have no tact. That makes you rude. If in a supporting fashion you can convince someone to make positive changes in their lives and move forward in a healthy fashion, then you are just showing you a better people person.

    I disagree. I think we are stuck in politically correct "Nice nice" land. Lets face it: Most people just can't handle the truth because it makes them feel bad.

    Wanna know why it makes them feel bad? Because they know its their fault. Call me insensitive, say I "Just don't understand" all you want, but the simple fact of the matter is YOU ARE THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE.

    Is it harder for some people than others? Absofreakinglutely.

    That doesn't change the fact that you still have to want it enough to do something about it.

    I agree with the OP.

    Quit freaking settling, quit lying to yourself, get off your *kitten*, and change what you want to change. As long as you give it everything you've got (without lying to yourself) then thats all that you can do.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    Hmmm, I was reluctant to respond to this one but there are a couple of things to ponder.

    One is that I used weight almost 170 pounds and then I became a trainer and took action not only for my overweight issue but mostly doing something about my food addiction issue.

    ...and yes, as a trainer you come across many people who are in a victim trip (I was one of those people) and who are on their own journey in their own timing etc. That is truth and I was there.

    BUT just because I am at a place in my journey that has moved on from ways I used to sabotage myself, doesn't mean I stick my nose into someone's face and blast them because they are not where I am and who would I be anyway to play God and tell someone to adhere to my rightous point of view and do it now!

    Yes, it is the truth that there are those who are in a spot around their health, weight, food, etc. and feel hopeless and talk about how hopeless they are - but for me I had to sit in it to know I didn't not want too sit in it anymore.

    If somone hires me to train them and motivate them and tell them the truth - I do, because they asked me to and trust me to do that and invited me into their world and asked for help. That is the only time I share with them what I did, how it was for me and how I got out of it.

    Lastly, one of my favorite quotes is: WHAT YOU THINK OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS - hello.

    Keep the peace, love yourself and love other people for where they are at - the world will be a much more caring place.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks this post has totally changed my life,I was so blind to the did I make it this long without an inspireing message such as yours opening my eyes to the way things really are.Im a little sad by the time I wasted not handling the truth,but now THANKS TO YOU I can move forward in my new truth handling life
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    if you think i'm wrong, you're exactly the type of person i'm talking about. the kind i feel sorry for when i see them pretending they're happy instead of making themselves happy.

    may wisdom and maturity find you as you age. obviously you've never truly been "fat". if you had that life experience, you might see things differently. on the flip side, it does sound like you're going to make the perfect employee....someone who doesn't make excuses for anything...someone who owns up to her own faults and omissions. very commendable indeed.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I need popcorn! This is getting good!


    we can share with mikey!
  • andyloosbrock
    andyloosbrock Posts: 175 Member
    I need popcorn! This is getting good!

    No sir you need a ringding.....Honestly

    I live in Minnesota. What's a ringding? It that like a ho-ho? Regional dialect!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    The truth is great, but it's the way the person conveys it.

    Let's say someone tells you you're fat, but makes fun of you while they tell you, that's going to sting a bit.

    There is a nice way to go about it, but being put down or made fun of is NOT that way to go about it.

    If someone was gaining weight and I was worried about their health, then yes, I would maybe mention something, in private but it's not really your place to say. They have to want to lose weight themselves.

    And if you have never been fat, then you don't actually know what goes on in an overweight persons head, so I don't think you really have the right to say anything.

    This, in ad addendum to my previous post.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Please don't feed the trolls.

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    A 200-pound person knows he or she is overweight (unless he or she is very, very tall). Why is it necessary to be rude and point it out?

    And, no, I wouldn't spiral and eat because someone told me I was fat -- I'm not an emotional eater. But I might just haul off and punch that person.

    I'm over 200lbs and I'm not tall but I am obese because BMI says so.....time for a ringding honestly!
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    Maybe you have NO IDEA what theses people have really gone through... I was pretty at my before... I WAS HAPPY at my BEFORE, because I didn't know any better...




    Congratulations on 80 lbs. lost!!! Good job! Great work, you earned it, and I'm sure you worked hard for it.
    How's that for honest, 'cause it's the truth! You are looking good!
    And I thought this thread deserved a heist!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I couldnt agree more. I was fat and my husband told me yes he loved me but I needed to lose some damn weight. I would rather him tell me he cares enough to hurt my feelings so I can get healthy than let me eat myself to death. I would much rather hear the truth as long as it is not done in a 'youre a big fat *kitten*' way. LOL
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hmmm, I was reluctant to respond to this one but there are a couple of things to ponder.

    One is that I used weight almost 170 pounds and then I became a trainer and took action not only for my overweight issue but mostly doing something about my food addiction issue.

    ...and yes, as a trainer you come across many people who are in a victim trip (I was one of those people) and who are on their own journey in their own timing etc. That is truth and I was there.

    BUT just because I am at a place in my journey that has moved on from ways I used to sabotage myself, doesn't mean I stick my nose into someone's face and blast them because they are not where I am and who would I be anyway to play God and tell someone to adhere to my rightous point of view and do it now!

    Yes, it is the truth that there are those who are in a spot around their health, weight, food, etc. and feel hopeless and talk about how hopeless they are - but for me I had to sit in it to know I didn't not want too sit in it anymore.

    If somone hires me to train them and motivate them and tell them the truth - I do, because they asked me to and trust me to do that and invited me into their world and asked for help. That is the only time I share with them what I did, how it was for me and how I got out of it.

    Lastly, one of my favorite quotes is: WHAT YOU THINK OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS - hello.

    Keep the peace, love yourself and love other people for where they are at - the world will be a much more caring place.

    ^^ THIS
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    if someone told me im fat (which nobody does, because i'm not, because i work hard EVERY DAY),

    Is it actually BECAUSE you feel like you work hard every day? Or is it because you were blessed with a normal metabolism that another might not have. Is it because you are free from medical conditions that others might not be. Is it because at 22 years you have not yet experienced the drop in metabolism that comes with age - let's not forget that many people (yes, I know, not me) on this site are in middle ages or beyond and obviously have a completely different battle to what you have. What an ignorant and judgemental post.

    Seriously......I weighed 105 lbs when I was 22 and couldn't possibly understand what it would feel like to be 44 and needing to lose 30lbs (like I am now). I do know I never would have posted, or even thought, something like this.
  • riyahroyce


    thanks to everyone for pointing out how clearly i have no clue what im talking about because im 22. because nobody has ever learned anything until they get old. nothing worthwhile has ever been done by anyone under 40. i DO understand that some people have medical issues, and that is not what i am talking about. i am talking about people who have it in them and under their power to get where they want to be, just make excuses for themselves.

    to all the haters who (wait for it) cant handle the truth, sorry if you're offended. this post wasnt directed at you, it was directed at the people who feel like i do (and yay, i've found some of you guys!)

    to all those truly motivated, stay that way. and to all those who would rather tell me why im wrong than prove why theyre right...i hope you meet your goals, too. just dont complain when you dont.
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Plain and simple, the same approach in motivation doesnt work on everyone. Just like all the so called things you have to do to lose weight dont work for everyone. You find what motivates you, YOU find what gets you to the goal. And finally if you are truly happy with size you are, the stamina, the flexibility, the active lifestyle you have achieved then I dont give a crap what any chart tells you what you should weigh.

    So tough love worked for you, woo hoo. Me personally, I like a little of both...
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