support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • CAlexRose
    CAlexRose Posts: 33 Member

    1. I think for me its the rowing machine!

    2. Incorporate more healthy snacks and stop allowing myself to go hungry. Nuts instead of popcorn.

    3. I have a skirt I want to get back into.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Yikes, I'm super super late! Yesterday was unbelievably hectic, but hey, even if it's mid-morning here already it's still Thursday in the States, right? :ohwell:

    I added my info to the spreadsheet and I'm at 111.8 now, not so bad! I officially lost a huge amount this week... but that was only because a week ago I was finishing off a few days loaded with sodium and calories that upped my weight to 113.6 for a day or two, if I don't take that "fake" extra weight into account I lost about .4 pounds.

    I still haven't managed to work in more than just a walk or two for exercise this week, and it'll probably be that way for the next month, but after that I'm kicking it up! Feeling pretty good anyway, I'm going to aim for the low 111's or maybe even into the 110's for next week!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm going to add in flutter kicks and bicycle kicks to my routine. After working on my pushups I can now do 20 with the ball at my knees! I started with it at my groin (haha). I'm certain I could do a few with the ball at my ankles, but I'm afraid I don't have the balance down yet and I'll hurt myself. :laugh:

    I'm pretty happy with my eating, it's gotten pretty consistent. Maybe I'll shoot for more veggies.

    I already fit into all my clothes; my pre pregnancy pants are no longer a challenge! But with my height I stay at the same size for awhile; even when I'm 10lbs heavier I can wear the same jeans. Guess it's time for new clothes!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    it's still Thursday in the States, right?
    very much so! :)
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I am sick of seeing 168.5 on the scales!!!!!!!! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    My diet is ok, I exercise a good bit. I know I could fit more exercise in but my husband makes me feel guilty for not spending time in the evening with him so I stay. I always mean to go to the gym 4 nights a week but I only manage 3. I'd love to get some exercise equipment for at home but that's not gonna happen. I don't get to the gym at the weekends as it closes at 4pm both days and with the 2 kids, it's hard for me to leave my husband with them while I toddle off there for some ME time. The guilt and the guilt he piles on me! I know he doens't mean to and he has a point but still.............

    I feel like the ONLY way I am going to lose the last 8 lbs is if I eat just chicken/veg every days and some of ther stuff and if I exercise ALOT. I just can't do that. I am sick of it now.

  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    I cant sleep so I made this spreadsheet that we can record on

    You can edit it yourself.

    im going to try to go back to sleep for 2 hours before i need to get up:yawn:

    This is a great Idea thanks I enter in my info:happy:
    So far no change in weight
  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member
    I entered my details as well but it is last weeks, I just read back on all the posts in this thread and now realised you're all weighing on Thursdays, I'll update my weight tomorrow for this week to give a truer reflection of my current weight (WW day has always been Saturday), from then on I will update the spreadsheet on Thursdays, sorry for the chaos, lol.

    I'm currently on maintenance with WW but set MFP to losing 1lb per week so I need to get my head round this all, lol. My net calorie intake according to MFP calculation should be 1410 for this, and I have roughly 2500 cals extra per week through exercise which I eat back so my net is never under 1410, so far this works well, I gained last week but I was way over both my maintenance points on weight watchers and the calorie intake as I had a bad week food planning wise. The other two weeks I lost by sticking to the above.

    I've done lots of crunches yesterday and added some push ups as well, pet hate of mine but has to be done! :o)

    So far so good, let's get cracking! :o)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am sick of seeing 168.5 on the scales!!!!!!!! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    My diet is ok, I exercise a good bit. I know I could fit more exercise in but my husband makes me feel guilty for not spending time in the evening with him so I stay. I always mean to go to the gym 4 nights a week but I only manage 3. I'd love to get some exercise equipment for at home but that's not gonna happen. I don't get to the gym at the weekends as it closes at 4pm both days and with the 2 kids, it's hard for me to leave my husband with them while I toddle off there for some ME time. The guilt and the guilt he piles on me! I know he doens't mean to and he has a point but still.............

    I feel like the ONLY way I am going to lose the last 8 lbs is if I eat just chicken/veg every days and some of ther stuff and if I exercise ALOT. I just can't do that. I am sick of it now.


    I have to get up at 5am to get a workout in that doesnt take away from family time. It sucks, but after awhile you get used to getting up early. Why not give that a try!
    I have pretty much the same exact stats as you!! I havent looked at your food diary, but if its open I will give it a look to see whats in there. I do strongly feel that you need to eat as clean as possible and exercise def. helps with the loss. Also be mindful of what you are putting in your mouth. Any nibble or tastes adds up! Best of luck! I am in the same boat!!!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am sick of seeing 168.5 on the scales!!!!!!!! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    My diet is ok, I exercise a good bit. I know I could fit more exercise in but my husband makes me feel guilty for not spending time in the evening with him so I stay. I always mean to go to the gym 4 nights a week but I only manage 3. I'd love to get some exercise equipment for at home but that's not gonna happen. I don't get to the gym at the weekends as it closes at 4pm both days and with the 2 kids, it's hard for me to leave my husband with them while I toddle off there for some ME time. The guilt and the guilt he piles on me! I know he doens't mean to and he has a point but still.............

    I feel like the ONLY way I am going to lose the last 8 lbs is if I eat just chicken/veg every days and some of ther stuff and if I exercise ALOT. I just can't do that. I am sick of it now.


    ok just checked your diary. If this is accurate then I dont think you are eating enough. one day 800 total calories??? I have a Bodymedia and with my height/weight/and activity, (I am active throughout the day walking as a nurse practitioner) I generally burn 2500 calories. That is with a 60 min strength training workout. If I run, its closer to 2800-3000. Now I know everyone is different, but we are same height and almost same weight, so I think you should increase calories so that you are only having 250-300 defecit each week....
    Just my 2 cents!!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm sure you guys have heard me whine at least 60 times about my situation. Glad this group is here! I originally was 188 pounds 2 1/2 years ago. With a lot of working out and big deficits I lost 40 pounds or so and was down to 147. I became a spinning instructor. I then began teaching Bodypump which is a strength class and went up to now 152. My shape changed and I added a lot of muscle, but at 5ft 6 152 is NOT where I want to be. For well over a year now I have gone up and down the same 3 pounds no matter how much I change things or how little/much I eat. I workout a ton during the week and it just keeps me maintained. Glad you guys are here!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have been complaining about the same thing in frustration. I'm just starting to lose again since July (4 mth fluctuating plateau?). My body ONLY responds to strict eating! Cut out carbs for lunch and dinner, increase protein (with each meal), and I just started training for a 15K this week. I'm really testing my body out to stuff I have never tried like running for farther than 5 miles at a time. I also work out on the dreaded stepmill.

    I have been bouncing back and forth from 131-135 this week I finally got down to 130.6 so I will see if I can maintain or go down by next Thursday!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    splackk I acedently deleted your "how many to go". that column has a formula which doesnt support your goal weight. sorry about that. i can delete the formula for you or youll need to change your goal to one number :smile:
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Do you have room for one more?

    I am 38yo, my current weight is about goal weight is 115. That is my prepregnancy weight from my forth child.

    Exercise and nutrition have always been my passion. After having 4 kids and gaining lots of weight with each pregnancy (80 pounds with my first) and losing it each time, you'd think I was an expert! I can't seem to get back to my prepregnancy weight from my last child who is now 3.

    I homeschool my kids. We just bought a house after living in our RV and traveling for 2.5 years. We spent 14 months in Alaska, several months in Salt Lake City and the rest of the time traveling. Keeping my exercising going was hard, but I did. I couldn't run in Alaska in the winter so I used videos to keep me going (P90X, Turbo Fire, Insanity, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper...I have a ton), Now that we are settled, I have my home gym set up and I am using my weights and treadmill 5-6 times per week. That last 7 won't budge though.

    I also get up early...usually 5am to get it done before we start school. Sometimes (like today) wanting to stay in bed gets the best of me, but I am never glad I slept in. I am ALWAYS glad when I get up early!

    I am currently doing a juice fast (and green salad for dinner...sometimes I have some homemade popcorn made with coconut oil for a snack) and will continue to juice everyday after the fast. The calories are a little low, but it's just for a week and then I will break the fast with lots of healthy fruits and veggies. I have a ton of energy and I am even thinking clearer without all of the processed stuff!

    Good luck to everyone, I am excited to meet all of you and have support! Sometimes people aren't as supportive if you just have a little to lose!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I am sick of seeing 168.5 on the scales!!!!!!!! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    My diet is ok, I exercise a good bit. I know I could fit more exercise in but my husband makes me feel guilty for not spending time in the evening with him so I stay. I always mean to go to the gym 4 nights a week but I only manage 3. I'd love to get some exercise equipment for at home but that's not gonna happen. I don't get to the gym at the weekends as it closes at 4pm both days and with the 2 kids, it's hard for me to leave my husband with them while I toddle off there for some ME time. The guilt and the guilt he piles on me! I know he doens't mean to and he has a point but still.............

    I feel like the ONLY way I am going to lose the last 8 lbs is if I eat just chicken/veg every days and some of ther stuff and if I exercise ALOT. I just can't do that. I am sick of it now.


    I have to get up at 5am to get a workout in that doesnt take away from family time. It sucks, but after awhile you get used to getting up early. Why not give that a try!
    I have pretty much the same exact stats as you!! I havent looked at your food diary, but if its open I will give it a look to see whats in there. I do strongly feel that you need to eat as clean as possible and exercise def. helps with the loss. Also be mindful of what you are putting in your mouth. Any nibble or tastes adds up! Best of luck! I am in the same boat!!!

    I am a 5am exerciser too!! Its the only time I can get for myself that doesn't affect the kids- I actually have learned to kind of like getting up early- its just me and the deer out there in the morning!!!! And the sunrise used to be beautiful (now the sunrise is after my run)

    I don't really hate any exercise- but my belly is my trouble zone (thank you 2 kids in less than 2 years AND genetics for my apple shape)
    I am cutting back carbs next week- I have the best success on a lower carb eating plan (thank you PCOS) so lots more lean proteins!!
    Also HAVE to curb the 3pm snacking- its killing me. I do great all day then all hell breaks loose when I get home from work . . . must stop that!
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Right, given that it is Friday (finally) I thought I should share the goals I have set myself for next week, so here they are:

    1) Resist the temptation to weigh myself before next Thursday's weigh in. (I have found it really hard to drag myself away from the scales over the last couple of weeks and seeing no change daily is definitely not helping matters!!)

    2) Hit my target of 1400 net cals every day

    3) Up my protein to 30% and reduce my carbs by 5%

    4) Fit in 2 proper sessions of cardio

    5) Forget about weight for a week and relish the fact that my size 12 (UK) jeans fit me now. Hurrah! :o)

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Right, given that it is Friday (finally) I thought I should share the goals I have set myself for next week, so here they are:

    1) Resist the temptation to weigh myself before next Thursday's weigh in. (I have found it really hard to drag myself away from the scales over the last couple of weeks and seeing no change daily is definitely not helping matters!!)

    2) Hit my target of 1400 net cals every day

    3) Up my protein to 30% and reduce my carbs by 5%

    4) Fit in 2 proper sessions of cardio

    5) Forget about weight for a week and relish the fact that my size 12 (UK) jeans fit me now. Hurrah! :o)

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    I like the idea of waiting until Thursday to weigh in..I'm a daily weigher. I'm in! Well I will have to weigh in Monday for another group, but that'll be the only time. :smile: Have a great weekend everyone!
  • trammellsheryl06
    trammellsheryl06 Posts: 19 Member
    I got so frustrated at my scale staying at 124.8 that I began giving in to my cravings. Now I've gained two pounds overight...?!?!. :-( My back on my normal diet today and will just remain patient, I guess...
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I got so frustrated at my scale staying at 124.8 that I began giving in to my cravings. Now I've gained two pounds overight...?!?!. :-( My back on my normal diet today and will just remain patient, I guess...

    It's only water weight, a few days back on your routine will get rid of it. I know how frustrating it is for the scale not to move! I was gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for months. Then I changed my macro percentages; I'm eating lower carb and I've upped my calories to BMR level. When I get stuck again I'm going to eat at the level to maintain for a few weeks, then hopefully "shock" my metabolism by lowering it again. I hope you find something that works!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I'm sure you guys have heard me whine at least 60 times about my situation. Glad this group is here! I originally was 188 pounds 2 1/2 years ago. With a lot of working out and big deficits I lost 40 pounds or so and was down to 147. I became a spinning instructor. I then began teaching Bodypump which is a strength class and went up to now 152. My shape changed and I added a lot of muscle, but at 5ft 6 152 is NOT where I want to be. For well over a year now I have gone up and down the same 3 pounds no matter how much I change things or how little/much I eat. I workout a ton during the week and it just keeps me maintained. Glad you guys are here!

    hang in there!!! The same thing has been happening to me for the past 8 mos!!! Right now I am increasing cals and keeping it like that for at least 3-4 weeks and then if that doesnt work I try zig zagging!!!