hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Okay, I'm doing my daily report, even though it looks like everyone disappeared.

    Nutrition: Had corn with dinner, lettuce with lunch.
    Exercise: Did 45 minutes of strength training, no treadmill.
    Wellness: I went to bed super early last night and am doing so again tonight.

    I'm gonna be doing a lot of strength training this week, but November 1st, I'm starting up my 5k training so there will be a lot more cardio.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    I apologize for the lack of updates, I have had a very hectic schedule at work, so I have only being logging to track my food and exercises. I'll post everyday from now on.

    Here is my daily report from yesterday

    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Had orange juice and some strawberry juice today
    * Exercises: I did a class of Cardiowave, Cross-trainer and some circuit class with cardio and strength training.
    * Had carrots, cabbage, eggplants, zucchini, tomato.
    * Days without smoking: 73
    * I have been going to bed even before 10 pm :)
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Exercises: I did Elliptical and stationary bicycle. Calf raises 5 sets 20 reps with 15lbs. This week I went to the gym to workout mon-wed-thur-fri,
    * Days without smoking: 74
    * It's a little bit past 10, so I am going to bed now :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Ugh, I've been so bad about checking in lately. This week will be different. Starting over completely this week, starting my 5k training. Feel free to kick me in the butt.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report! I'm back on task.

    Nutrition: No veggies today.
    Exercise: Did 45 minutes of strength training.
    Wellness: Got way more than 8 hours of sleep.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Exercises: I did Elliptical, stationary bicycle + crossover. Total of 90 minutes of cardio.
    * Days without smoking: 76
    * Wellness: going to bed at 10pm :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Today would normally have been day 1 of my 5k training, but my boyfriend wanted me to stay at his house tonight, so I'm switching today and tomorrow (tomorrow would normally have been my rest day) and doing strength tomorrow.

    Nutrition: No veggies but had a lot of fruit servings.
    Exercise: None.
    Wellness: Gonna try and get more than 8 hours of sleep.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Nutrition: Corn with dinner.
    Exercise: 45 minutes of strength training, working legs.
    Wellness: Got more than 8 hours last night.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello, where has everyone been? I'm not gonna post new challenges this week if no one's gonna post.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Exercises: Rest day for me.
    * Days without smoking: 82
    * Wellness: have been going to bed quite early the last couple of days.

    Life has been busy as ever, so that's why I havent been able to post more often. I'll try to keep you all updated more. :)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Okay, so normally I would be putting up new challenges tomorrow. But I'm gonna push these ones another week, since the forums haven't really been too active. I'll put up new challenges next week if we get more activity :)

    Food: No veggies for me today, but I did have fruit.
    Exercises: Did 45 minutes of strength training.
    Wellness: Went to bed super early last night.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Good evening everyone! :)

    Here is my daily report:

    * Water intake: 64 oz of water
    * Exercises: Step 46 minutes, Elliptical 35 minutes. Did about half and hour of strength training.
    * Days without smoking: 83
    * Wellness: have been going to bed quite early the last couple of days. Had 2 bananas and an apple (fruits), had a salad for dinner.

    Hope everyone is doing hope. Hoping we would be more active.

    Take care! :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I created a group for us! Rllinas, you've been added :)