OCTOBER CHALLENGE *aggiecass09 and friends* CLOSED GROUP



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Congrats to the week 3 winners:

    Calories (7 out of 7)
    shannonaufman Shannon
    nicolina823 Nicole
    candykay89 Kayon
    ecmcnamee Beth

    Exercise (7 out of 7)
    shannonaufman Shannon
    ecmcnamee Beth
    mini_girl7 Stephanie
    AggieCass09 Cass
    AprylCross Apryl

    Sleep (7 out of 7)
    shannonaufman Shannon
    thedreamhazer Susan
    kiwikara Kara
    purkrawkcutie Sarah
    emilysebestian Emily
    MOOOSEEE3 Angela
    Amanda_Runs Amanda

    Water (7 out of 7)
    ClaudiaV05 Claudia
    shannonaufman Shannon
    candykay89 Kayon
    ecmcnamee Beth
    Amanda_Runs Amanda
    AprylCross Apryl

    Challenge (6 out of 7 days was the highest for this week)
    candykay89 Kayon
    emilysebestian Emily

    Overall- 91.4% completion of all challenge activities!
    shannonaufman Shannon

    * Be sure to post your pictures and stats on Monday
    * A November challenge will be offered hopefully this weekend and I'm taking suggestions/feedback
    * Awards will be posted on Tuesday for Week 4 and for overall inches, weight lost so you still have one last chance to make the list if you haven't already!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I had my strength test at physical therapy since today marks 1 month of going. I'm very sad to report he made me book 8 more sessions. I have a follow up with the Ortho tomorrow. :grumble:
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    I really enjoy the challenge for the support - I like seeing the recipes, hearing the motivational songs, etc. Wonder if we could share our favorite websites, books, etc? I'm always looking for new ideas
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hi! I really like the looks of this. I'm trying not to concentrate on the scale so I would love to join. Is there room for November? :smile:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi ladies. I have lots of snow and trees down in my yard. We do not have power so I will not be updating the spread sheet anytime soon.

    I think its safe to say that living off of crap since nothing is open the sodium has killed any loss I've had. My fingers are bright red and swollen.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Hey all! First--Nicholina, I pray your power comes back on quickly!!! Hopefully you've got lots of water to help with the sodium (or at least snow you can boil?!).

    I never did share my favorite recipe last weekend, and I thought today seemed just as good as any :tongue: Instead of a specific recipe though, I just wanted to share one of my favorite site FULL of yummy recipes - Gina's Skinny Recipes at http://www.skinnytaste.com/ ... I haven't tried a single thing my whole family didn't love! That includes picky 4-yr-old and non-dieting two-cheeseburgers at a time hubby. A few of my faves are the Asian Turkey Meatballs, Turkey Enchiladas, and I made the Meringue Ghosts for Halloween that everyone loved.

    Hope everyone is having a great last weekend of this challenge--can't wait to see how far we've all come!
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    I did my final weigh in and measurements tonight since I had the time ... no time tomorrow night with 3 kiddos and trick or treating. Here's the link to my blog ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ecmcnamee/view/30-days-without-a-scale-164231
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    I will post pictures tomorrow!


    bust 35 in
    waist 30.5 in
    hips 37 in
    bicep 9.5 in
    calf 9 in
    right thigh: 16.5 in


    waist 30 in
    hips 36 in
    bicep 9.5 in
    calf 9 in
    right thigh: 16 in
    bust 35 in

    I do not know if I did my measurements correctly so I will have to adjust for November. I am doing research and figuring it out! :) But I stayed consistent with how I measured this month... Very pleased to have lost that 1/2 inch in the waist and a inch in the hips. I didn't lose a whole lot, but I expected that because I don't lose inches that quickly at all.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member

    I hope the picture comes out... hm

    Before Weight: 109.8
    After Weight: 108.5

    bust 35 in
    waist 30.5 in
    hips 37 in
    bicep 9.5 in
    calf 9 in
    right thigh: 16.5 in

    waist 30 in
    hips 36 in
    bicep 9.5 in
    calf 9 in
    right thigh: 16 in
    bust 35 in
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I did my final weigh in and measurements tonight since I had the time ... no time tomorrow night with 3 kiddos and trick or treating. Here's the link to my blog ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ecmcnamee/view/30-days-without-a-scale-164231
    Hey--great job! I was so frustrated when I stepped on the scale, too... but I think we'd both rather take up less space and actually BE smaller than just weigh less, right?! I think our baggy pants would agree :bigsmile:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    okay i suck and i'm not going to get to post pics or measurements cause i'm slammed with work...i'm sorry for being such a lame *kitten* this month...you guys are awesome and i am proud of those that lost but more of those that stuck it out and kept up with the challenge....great job guys...i lost 2.2lbs this month...wish it had been more but i'll take it.....have a great november....denise
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'll be taking photos tonight :)

    In the meantime, here are the stats:


    Weight: 162.8 lbs

    Bust: 36 in
    Waist: 28 in
    Hips: 38.75 in
    Thigh: 22.5 in
    Calf: 14.1 in
    Bicep: 10.5 in

    Total inches: 149.85


    Weight: 162.4 lbs

    Bust: 35.5 in
    Waist: 27.75 in
    Hips: 38 in
    Thigh: 21.75 in
    Calf: 13.75 in
    Bicep: 10.5 in

    Total Inches: 147.25

    Weight Lost: 0.4 lbs
    Inches Lost: 2.6 in
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Overall, we started with 60 people and ended up with 9 of us who reported final weights. Of those 9 of us, we lost 12.1 lbs! (It should be noted that several of us GAINED weight yet lost inches...but considering our specific goals of gaining muscle mass and decreasing body fat, this WAS a victory as well!)

    Challenges will resume again in 2012...let's spend this time remaining in 2011 to focus on family and our individual goals during the hectic holiday season. I may offer weekly challenge on Mondays if there is a strong enough interest.

    Here are the winners for the last week:

    candykay89 Kayon
    ecmcnamee Beth
    thedreamhazer Susan
    ClaudiaV05 Claudia
    shannonaufman Shannon

    ClaudiaV05 Claudia
    shannonaufman Shannon
    candykay89 Kayon
    ecmcnamee Beth
    thedreamhazer Susan
    trooper_dreams AbdulEllah

    ClaudiaV05 Claudia
    shannonaufman Shannon
    candykay89 Kayon
    trooper_dreams AbdulEllah
    abellante_0205 Alicia
    BuceesNana Shannon

    ClaudiaV05 Claudia
    shannonaufman Shannon
    gatorflyer Sue
    trooper_dreams AbdulEllah
    emilysebestian emily

    Overall Winner
    shannonaufman Shannon 90% completion of all challenges! WAY TO GO!!!!!!

    Most Weight Lost: ClaudiaV05 Claudia- Lost 7 lbs
    Most Inches Lost: ClaudiaV05 Claudia- Lost 6.5 Inches!

    Great job and thanks for your inspiration this month!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Due to the snowstorm we got on Friday night. (10/28) 12.5 inches of heavy, wet snow, we lost power and did not regain it until last night about 6pm. I will do my ending measurements tonight and do my darndest to get some before and after pictures on here.

    Thanks Cass for leading this challenge. I appreciate it greatly, and as always am inspired by you tremendously.
    For the rest of you, keep on keeping on!

    Angela :)
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm sad about this. I really loved the challenges. I still cant get on the spread sheet since we dont have power at home and our phone lines are still down at work.

    Such is life. The snow storm killed my loss. I know its sodium but its still not nice.

    I'll be counting the days until January, while working on my physical therapy and trying to eat as clean as I can. FSIL gave me a book all about it the last time she was here. I also think I'll try my hardest to limit my animal product. I'm not sure how that will go at first but I hope to limit it to 1-2 servings a day.
  • thank you for the challenge....sorry i dropped out...to much to do and computer on the fritz ==working off the iphone and working 70+ hours a week...I cant wait to see what you dream up for 2012...have a great and healthy holiday season.....

    thanks again
