November Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)



  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    i think i lost some weight and i'm sooo excited now to weigh in on saturday. may just be a lb but hey, every little bit counts. :bigsmile:
  • mickey03babz
    mickey03babz Posts: 18 Member
    Couldn't wait until tomorrow for a goal update. (In need of some help)

    Starting weight for challenge -
    Today's Date -
    Today's weight -
    Goal weight for challenge -
    Your personal goal -Run/walk 1/2 before work m-f
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I have failed to get out of bed and motivated to do the run/walk before work all three days. Hoping tomorrow will be the first.
  • Starting weight for challenge - 10/28 .. 163
    Today's Date - 11/03
    Today's weight - 159.2
    Goal weight for challenge - 150
    Your personal goal - 135
    How you are doing on your personal goal - gym 6 times a week, no pop chips or candy!
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    have just read a really good book...the lazy girl's guide to losing weight and getting fit by AJ has an affirmation in it which you use to keep you focused...i commit to being the very best that i can be.i deserve to love, to be loved and most importantly of all, to love myself. i deserve a healthy body and will never give up on myself, no matter what happens, and i promise to do whatever it takes to make it happen. today is the first day of the rest of my life. Shazam! :)
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    Couldn't wait until tomorrow for a goal update. (In need of some help)

    Starting weight for challenge -
    Today's Date -
    Today's weight -
    Goal weight for challenge -
    Your personal goal -Run/walk 1/2 before work m-f
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I have failed to get out of bed and motivated to do the run/walk before work all three days. Hoping tomorrow will be the first.

    no one can make this happen except deserve to be healthy and enjoy know that exercise will make you feel more energetic and improve your motivation and help you work better....set yourself a treat "if i walk every morning m-f i will treat myself with a ...manicure......candlelit bath......pair of shoes".....NOT A FOOD TREAT! reward and treat yourself and write down your reward list....when i lose 2lbs i will....when i am under calorie goal 7 days..... you can do this!
  • Starting weight for challenge - 274
    Today's Date - 11/3/2011
    Today's weight - 271
    Goal weight for challenge - 260
    Your personal goal - Stay on track. Avoid the Holiday 5 at all cost. Continue C25K program.
    How you are doing on your personal goal - So far so good. Haven't cheated...not even one piece of Halloween candy!
  • dizzidee77
    dizzidee77 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 103.5kg
    Today's Date - Nov 3rd
    Today's weight - 101.6kg
    Goal weight for challenge - 99.5kg (was originally 101kg)
    Your personal goal - exercise 5x a week
    complete food log EVERY day
    add 5 friends

    After weeks of of putting in loads (ok, some) effort to improve my lifestyle and watching my weight continue to creep up, I've finally reached a turning point. Today was my second weigh-in which showed a loss and it was more than I expected - the fact that I had to lose the shoes (or gain 2") and hadn't had time to eat beforehand like I usually do probably helped, but I doubt that would account for 2kg.

    I'm managing my exercise so far and I've been logging all my food. I'm not really trying to control what I'm eating at the minute, but having to own up to what I'm eating is making me think about it a bit more. It should give me a few ideas for some new targets as well, once these become second nature. Feeling hopeful and motivated at the minute.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • shebauer
    shebauer Posts: 11 Member
    Not my best day. Ate lunch at Shane's Rib Shack AND skipped on th gym. Dinner was good, salmon and spinach. Dessert not so much, carrot cake and wine. Tomorrow is a new day, and I gotta keep my head in the game. It's too early to give up.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    ooops meant to post in my other challenge!
  • smallaffair
    smallaffair Posts: 42 Member
    Checking in!

    Starting weight for challenge - 210
    Today's Date - 11/3
    Today's weight - n/a (I weigh in on Monday mornings)
    Goal weight for challenge - 199
    Your personal goal - work out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I've kept up with my goal every day so far!
  • kerenvaknin
    kerenvaknin Posts: 169 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 125.4

    Today's Date - 11/4

    Today's weight - 125

    Goal weight for challenge - 121

    Your personal goal - work out for 180 minutes every week

    How you are doing on your personal goal -
    not that good :( I worked out only for 60 minutes until now, but I'm going right now for another 45 minutes workout :)

    good luck! :)
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 185
    Today's Date - 11/1/11
    Today's weight -
    Goal weight for challenge - 179
    Your personal goal - Exercise at least 1000 minutes in November
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 100/1000
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 199.0
    Today's Date - 11/04
    Today's weight - 197.4
    Goal weight for challenge - 197 (may have to end up changing this though)
    Your personal goal - Exercise 1000 minutes during the month of November
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I've done 110 minutes so far! :-)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member

    All weigh ins up to here have been posted on the spreadsheet.

    Would you guys rather update the spreadsheet yourselves or do you prefer it this way, where I do it for you all? Totally up to you guys!
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member

    All weigh ins up to here have been posted on the spreadsheet.

    Would you guys rather update the spreadsheet yourselves or do you prefer it this way, where I do it for you all? Totally up to you guys!
    I don't mind posting it myself; less work for you! I weighed in today but because of TOM (I think) it shows I've maintained after an excellent week of staying under my calories. I'm going to give it one more day for effects of TOM to disappear and weigh in again tomorrow before I post the same weight. If nothing else, I'm sure I'll have a good loss by next Friday!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 227.0
    Today's Date - 11/4/11
    Today's weight - 225.0 (? I am on vacay in NYC for the weekend, battling a GI bug of some kind; last weigh in was 224.4 but it was a few days ago so I could have rebounded slightly.)
    Goal weight for challenge - 220.0
    Your personal goal - 5000 crunches in the month of November
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 680/5000 completed
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 129
    Today's Date - Nov 4
    Today's weight - 125.6
    Goal weight for challenge - 122
    Your personal goal - Exercise at least 6 days a week (9 days left of 30DS then ripped in 30) and drink only 1x per week.
    How you are doing on your personal goal - good
  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello all! Hope everyone is doing goo, I will weigh in tomorrow.

    Update on November goals

    Completed: 285/600 Excersize minutes
    6.4/24 Miles
    have been taking my vitamin everyday :)
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    Weigh in time!!!!!

    Original starting weight-124.9kg (275.3lbs)
    Starting weight for challenge - 117kg (257.9lbs)
    Today's Date - 5.11.11
    Today's weight - 115.4kg (254.4 lbs)
    Goal weight for challenge - 114kg (251.3)
    Your personal goal - drink more water, less coffee, exercise and stay within my calories!
    How you are doing on your personal goal- drinking more water...and staying within calories, but really need to make better calorie choices as have been really craving stodge and chocolate...have failed on the exercise miserably....have limited myself to max 3 cups of tea / coffee at present as tried to go cold turkey and had awful headache.

    yay off my plateau!!!
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Bump for Sunday's weigh in! =) Good luck everyone!