Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - November Challenge!!



  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member

    anna - Welcome to the group and incredible job with your successes so far! You goals look great, just be sure that you aren't stretching yourself too thin in an effort to meet really lofty goals at the expense of your health and happiness. You'll get to 100lbs lost eventually. 90lbs lost is really no less impressive, and making it to the 100lbs lost through deprivation and exhausting under-fueled workouts if going to end up causing you some troubles in the future. Steady, long term changes are KEY. You know that by now,, I am sure. Eating a balanced diet, along with moderate exercise, water, sleep and a positive outlook are the keys to success on this journey. Doing anything differently or making this journey about anyone but YOU is just *not* worth it! Just my $0.02 of course :bigsmile:

    Id like to clarify a little i guess, i was running short of time yesterday and didnt have alot of time to write my intro.
    I am not talking about working out 4hours a day to try to get to my 100 pounds lost or being unhealthy and tired. I plan to excercise for 20minutes each day (unless its a day like today where we have firewood being delivered and we need to move it 50feet and then stack it, which im skipping my 20minute work-out to stack the wood for a couple hours). Lately Ive been going back to old ways, not in over-eating, but just telling myself "its ok to have this piece of cake, i have the calories" and not making as many healthy choices as i once did, so im just going to go back to how ive already been with veggies/fruits as snacks instead of the cake, etc. I have averaged about 10pounds a month for a lil less than 8months now, so upping my goal to 15pounds doesnt seem so bad when i add in some excercise. i was in a biggest loser competition awhile back and the last week of it i excercised everyday and ate perfect and lost 8lbs in one week (with eating all my calories, plus my excercise calories).

    I havent regularly worked out in the last 8 months, but i have from time to time (so i dont consider myself out of shape). Day 1 I could jog in place for 1minute before my legs would burn and id be out of breath and need to rest. now, day 240, i can jog in place for 25minutes having 3lb weights in each hand and not be out of breath, not have my legs hurt, and only need to stop because my feet hurt from hitting the ground. Im doing 30ds on some days, jogging in place on others, walks on others, and just keeping it different so i dont get bored this month (i couldnt do 30ds for 30 days and not wanna shoot myself in the head lol).

    I dont really care if i get to the 100lbs lost by thanksgiving or not, but it sure would be nice. I know it will come off eventually and all that, i just need a goal to keep me motivated every day to do that workout, and not eat that piece of cake, because if i just tell myself "it will come off eventually", then i tell myself the cake is ok when i have the calories for it. so i dont AT ALL feel like i HAVE to make the goal, but i need to TRY to shoot for it.. i hope that makes sense..?
  • softballash525
    Lately Ive been going back to old ways, not in over-eating, but just telling myself "its ok to have this piece of cake, i have the calories" and not making as many healthy choices as i once did

    Right there with you, friend. :flowerforyou:

    Today wasn't bad. I'm tallying as 33 over, but I try to overestimate calories eaten and underestimate calories burned. I'm traveling for work, and had to run on the treadmill, boo. I did some extra minutes, but the pace was slower than usual. The room being about 90 degrees may have had an effect.

    I checked into my hotel (a Doubletree) where they give you a cookie. Very yummy, but according to the log, it's about 350 calories! Bah! I refrained from anything else, and was really proud for having a tea when I went out with a friend. The dessert case looked SO GOOD, but I stayed strong. She brought me cookies as a gift, and I didn't even open them. I'll bring them with me to tailgates this weekend so others may enjoy. Not looking forward to being "good" then, but I'm going to try my best!! :drinker:

    If I could cut back on soda, it would be awesome, but one step at a time. I know the diet stuff is horrible for me, but it's an easy go-to instead of eating. I'm mostly just a nervous eater (not nervous like worried, but nervous in anticipation for my next meeting, next email, etc.) and hence an over-eater.

    I'm glad to hear you're all doing well with your goals. Two days down...
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hello! I am back and ready for action :) My 7 page rough draft is also written lol so yay I can get in a quick post before I fall over.

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping

    Megan- Congrats that is so exciting!!!!!

    jyopchick- welcome back and that new job sounds really interesting! I am interested in this nutrition program as well! I could def lose 30lbs lol

    bethany- welcome back! You won't get left behind this time, I will make sure of it :) What's the 100 push-up challenge? I am starting the 14 day ab challenge! We should exchange challenges lol

    meag- I know how easily obsessive logging and tracking can get, but hold strong! And go for you getting your lunch break into today! You certainly deserve it :)

    abby- great job! I am starting at a 12, what an inspiration that it is possible! Congrats girlie :)

    softballash - welcome! Great job on resisting the goodies, that is sometimes so hard to do, but after you achieved not eating the unhealthy goodie you feel on top of the world! I am a nervous eater too, so we are in this together!

    anna- congrats on your sucess thus far, and I look forward to learning more about you! Welcome :)

    AFM: got that paper (mostly) done. It's a smidge short of 7 pages, but its solid work. I still have to work on a monologue due tomorrow, so this will be short.

    Novermber has started off....GREAT! I didn't eat the donuts that our district manager brought on her visit today and my water intake is so much better! I ran out of break-fast foods, so eating was a little off today in the sense that I probably didn't eat enough, but I am going to the grocery store tomorrow so I can easily get back on track. I guess a few days before I started the biggest loser challange at work, I tried on some jeans and they zipped....but they look horrendous on me! Well, tried them on yesterday without realizing the pair of jeans I grabbed and they fit AND i would wear them in I did. :)

    Got a quick 15 min jog in today, it was short because of that research paper, but better than nothing right! Equalled right under a mile, hopefully I can get that mile to 12 min. by the end of the month.

    anywho, everyone have a great Thursday and talk to y'all soon!

  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Bethany Thanks and I'm with you on that one I love to bake also not that Im actually good lol but I do enjoy it for sure! Since you are going to be alone I'd take that time to fully enjoy some rest and cook a healthy thanksgiving dinner, cause to be honest not all thanksgiving food is yummy and definitely not healthy, at least in family it isn't we usually cook tamales which are delicious but super fattening! Taking the candy to work is a great idea, but part of the problem at my job, all the girls brought in there candy so it's HARD to not eat a mini "harmless" piece of chocolate or candy lol which btw I did today!

    Anna Sounds like you know what you're are doing and your right adding 5 lbs more to your current goals is not a lot if you are already losing 10 lbs per month any loss is great just stick with what you are doing and you should be good IMO!

    AFM I finally got some weight training in and did a whole body workout in about 55 minutes felt wonderful, I plan on doing weight training 2xs per week and eventually 3xs. Was very excited today since I received my chip and bib for the 10k Turkey Trot I will be running this Thanksgiving but to be honest a bit nervous. Just focusing on finishing it without walking and no set time since it is my first race! :noway: I plan on doing the infamous Hill with the pops at about 6:30 am or so and either do a short jog or some other type of cardio need to switch it up! Today was actually a pretty ****ty day @ work so I plan on making tomorrow a great day besides once tomorrow comes it's one more day till Friday and next week we are closed for Veteran's Day so it will be a short work week, wish it was always like that! Anyways need to crash out soon, until tomorrow ladies make tomorrow a kick a$s day!! :bigsmile:
  • lizzyc357
    lizzyc357 Posts: 22 Member
    I just started MFP & I'm looking to get back to my college weight so I need to lose about 30 pounds. I'd love to have some friends to get some motivation! :)
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    <<< NEWBIE ALERT!!! :p

    HI all, my name is Elisa, and I am working towards my goal of becoming a hot mama/wife by toning my body and dropping body fat. I have a few small goals I am hoping to obtain this month, seeing as how it is my Birthday month, and I will be 29!!! EKKK!!! My final year in my twenties!!! :'(

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
  • oopsiedaezie
    <-- New to the Group :)

    Hi Everyone! My name is Daisy and I just stumbled across this group and I hope that I am not too late. I recently started running again and I am so excited that I have been able to get off to a great start so far. I've been running at the local Y, so this is all treadmill running for the time being. My ultimate goal is to participate in either a 10k or Half Marathon by April of next year; but baby steps and right now I am going for speed! Scale-wise I really want to say I want to lose 5 pounds this month, but I am going to be conservative and make 3 my goal. Realistic goals right? Last month I lost 3, so I think 3 sounds good to me. My non-scale goal will be to run a 5k at a 6 mph pace or better. Today I was able to do 1.3 miles at 6.01 mph and by the end of this week I want to be able to bump that up to 1.5 miles and each week work that up by 1/2 a mile. Good luck everyone :)!


    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow - Love the recent activity! Loads to reply to but as always I'm in a rush (and will still right way too much)... If I miss you, welcome and good luck with your goals! It's definitely never too late to join in, so I hope you all make yourself at home! :bigsmile:

    Lizzy - As you can see, we've all set short term goals for the month to help us focus our behaviour and meet our targets, without putting too much emphasis on long term outcomes. Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself day in day out when all you have is that long-term end game to focus on. Set a few smaller goals for the month and work towards those. It all adds up and the results will follow. Promise! :wink:

    Elisa/Daisy - Adore your goals and HOLLAH to new runners in the group !! I love it! I am a crazy runner and adore talking about it and celebrating in the successes and victories of others in the sport, so please post all your runner stories. Can't wait to read about them!

    Meg - Welcome back girl and love the pic! School definitely comes first but I'm happy to see you're making time for us (and you!) as well...:blushing: Fab goals. I have no doubt you can push that mile out by the end of the month. It's all about your mental push. Every few days or week add 0.1miles to your farthest distance. You know you can run an extra 0.1miles without keeling over and doing it in this incremental way will definitely help to break down those mental barriers. That is how I have pushed myself way beyond what I thought my body was every capable of and it's a tactic that I continue to use on every run...

    Guam - Girllllll ENJOY your thanksgiving alone! :drinker: I say do whatever it is that makes you happy and whatever you always wished Thanksgiving could be when you didn't have your mom dictating the schedule and menu :happy: Love it and have a fabulous time with the kids. So glad to hear they are doing well - they sound like such a treat! Your little girl sounds like a mini-Meag, too - I was always a math-lete and super geek growing up. Hope she learns to love those qualities in herself. Sometimes it can be hard for girls especially in their teens but those interests and talents will serve her sooo well into adulthood. Hope the boy enjoys tee-ball, as well. I adored it as a child and it's such a great way to build life skills, teamwork and to experience leadership outside the home. I'm sure he's going to do great!

    Cynthia - You posted a ton and I wish I could reply to all of it, but alas, no time! May I ask why you don't want to walk any of the 10k? I still walk regularly on my runs (heck I walked on my 4mile run today) to help keep my pace and to stay motivated. I know that when I first started running I didn't think any "real" runners took walking breaks, but now I just consider them all part of what works for me. I say if it works and keeps you from burning out, there is definitely no shame in 1min walking intervals. Just wondering about your motivation... If it's pride or fear of embarrassment - then its totally misplaced! There is absolutely no shame in walking breaks if you're finishing a 10k race :tongue: You're lapping everyone on the couch, as they say!

    AFM - Yesterday was a *kitten* show, to be honest... Holy %$*#.

    Work was a miserable disaster. Overwhelming doesn't begin to describe it. I didn't get even a SEMBLANCE of a break, and at lunch time my boss sprung on me that she wanted to have an impromptu performance review... GREAT! Two people have been fired in the last few weeks, so of course that immediately freaked me out. And I had about 6 hours of work left on my desk and 4 hours left to do it, in addition to a 1hour meeting at 3pm. Great, sure, I have plenty of time to meet. Took a full hour for us to sit and talk all about my "performance" which was painful because I work *damn* hard. She's just an overly critical b*tch. I took her works as constructively as I could and I offered up a number of solutions to problems that we have in the office. Hopefully that'll get her off my back.

    Then at night, Tyler and I had an hour long impromptu performance review of our relationship, AGAIN. I was really in no mood and just wanted to get to sleep but oh well. It happens. What a day! I managed to get in a healthy dinner and then to hit the gym for a short spin set on the bike. Despite my late night and the dog barking twice in the early morning, I got up at 530am and hit the road for a 4mile run. It was an ugly run for sure - I started out way too fast and ended up burning out, but at least it got done. Just heading into work now and really counting on having a better day. I'm going to do my best to make it one!

    Sorry for the vent :ohwell: Thanks for listening!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    ooo it's SO fantastic to see SO many NEWBIES!!! :noway: i LOVE it and wouldn't want it any other way! helps keep those of us that are sometimes inconsistent on this thread (like myself) gain momentum! :love: daisy, elisa, liz, softball (name?) and any others... WELCOME!!!!! get excited to kick *kitten*!!

    everyone is setting GREAT goals and already taking off HEAD STRONG! love love love that! looks like we've also got another great group of runners here (maybe someday i'll include myself in that category :laugh: ) you guys always ROCK my SOCKS :bigsmile:

    anna - i say that setting a BIG goal that will make you PUSH yourself is totally a great call! say "i will lose 10lbs by thanksgiving" and even if you don't get all the way there, you will know that you put you're all in, did everything you could, and got as close as humanely possible! DREAM BIG! if you don't set the big goals, you can't achieve them either :wink:

    abby - WOOT WOOT! clothing nsvs are the BEST!!! congrats! that's the GREATEST feeling!!! i made a goal that if i dropped below 135 i would allow myself to go shopping, im there as of today but tomorrow is my official weigh-in for the week - if im still below 135 GUESS WHO'S GOING SHOPPING THIS WEEKEND? :bigsmile:

    bethany - yay you're back and you're going to do TURBO JAM at home and you ARE going to LOVE it!!! i know you said you're not the biggest fan of working out at home but turbo will just sweep you over the more you do it! i worked out 6 days a week using ONLY turbo jam for 5 months and lost 30 lbs! and some days i only did the 20-minute turbo! IT WORKS! you can do this and you SO will :happy:

    meag - take a deep breathe and drink some yogi stress relief tea :smile: you are such a dedicated, motivated, FOCUSED individual, that whatever you put your mind to - HAPPENS! did you lose all your weight overnight? no! so don't beat yourself up for struggling with stopping to log cold turkey! it's hard! any of us on here i am SURE have felt the anxiety of not logging, just like we all probably did back in the day when we couldn't find a box of cheeze-its to stuff our face with :bigsmile: just like you retrained your body to learn to LOVE exercise, you will retrain your mind to no longer depend on logging (if that's what you want!). i honestly believe that you will do what is best for you, and you will do it well :smile: i am also sorry to hear that you are struggling with tyler again :frown: when you mentioned that you are close to making a regrettable decision, i remembered that feeling all too well. i don't know your relationship or tyler at all of course, but i will say this - wait to make that decision until you no longer feel it is regrettable. if you know that being together is right for you, you'll make it work. if you know that this relationship does not bring out the best in you or make you the happiest version of yourself, then you can make a decision that you won't regret because it is in line with your core values and your top priorities. a decision that's taking your best interests to heart is never a regrettable one. i'll be thinking of you :flowerforyou: :heart:

    AFM - for those of you who don't know, im a turbo girl (turbo jam, turbo fire, and turbo kick) and have been certified to teach turbo kick (a year ago!) and just recently was certified to teach a new format called piyo (pilates and yoga influenced but high energy and lots of strength building). as of yet, those are my exercises of choice (but i do love running on the beach or near water in the summer :happy:) exercise is a part of who i am and a part of my routine, i do it roughly 6 days a week and have done that pretty consistently for the last three years - i don't think i will ever lose this! it's crazy to think that before 2009 i NEVER exercised! it's a great feeling to know it's part of who you are and you don't have to worry about "losing" it - who's with me???

    my biggest struggle has always been nutrition, when i lost 30lbs i was able to cut calories, pay attention to portion, and lose the weight that way (it was so clear that i was WAY overeating before doing any of this) so doing just that coupled with the exercise was great! but i still struggle with keeping it routine and consistent, getting rid of fake cravings, and feeling unsatisfied with food. which is why i am SO ecstatic to be working with two registered dietitians and a phd in nutrition at my new job :bigsmile: im only in training now, but i am learning SO much each day about nutrition, our body's natural food instincts, and how best to feed the body to avoid cravings and to feel satisfied! i am currently trying out their nutrition plan that focuses on 5 basic instincts of eating (hunger, availability, calorie density, familiarity, and variety) and how to use these to our advantage. the plan is usually a 6 month plan and intended for people who need to lose 30lbs (it's mostly targeted at people age 45-60 who often have much more than 30lbs to lose and have struggled a lot in the past and have to retrain their terrible eating habits, however the nutritional components are appropriate and adequate for all ages and stages - aside from children and pregnant women). i am only on the third day of the plan and i am already noticing some BIG changes. the plan is a 1200 calorie diet, which is what i am supposed to eat (according to MFP and any other calculation) before exercise - in my experience i am RARELY satisfied on 1200 calories, regardless of whether i am actually hungry or not. i noticed that these last few days i am feeling appropriately full after EVERY meal and totally satisfied! all the food is super delicious and normal - nothing weird or crazy! :laugh: it's amazing to have the knowledge of RDs and a nutrition phd at my disposal, i feel like i am getting some amazing counseling for free (in fact im getting PAID!) oh dream jobs, you are just too much for me to handle! :love:

    also, at least one person asked about the 30 day challenge i completed last month (for organization and goal setting, not necessarily health and fitness - although that is my focus for the month of november!) - here's a link that tells you more about the 30 day program (it's a free program and SO worth it, though you may have to wait until december 1st now to start it, i forget if they let you start it after the 1st of the month or not!) enjoy :wink:

    ok i think that's all i've got time for! i'll leave you all with this gem from this morning's yogi tea tag:

    *delight the world with compassion, kindness and grace*
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Bethany- So glad to have you back with us!! How did the lunch out work? I know how hard it can be sometimes when other people pick the place and you have very limited options to make good choices. I also hate working out at home, but maybe if you keep it mixed up enough in your workouts you can stay motivated.

    Abby- Holy NSV!! That is amazing! And if it were me I would say that I dropped 4 sizes seeing as how 12-8=4 and all ;) I bet it was an amazing feeling to walk out of there with those jeans! Great job! And it just goes to show that it isn’t just the scale but the inches that matter as well :)

    Anna- Welcome to group! I understand what you mean about setting high goals to try and push yourself. I did that in the beginning as well. And as long as you are eating the right amount of calories and the right type of calories so that you drop the pounds the right way then it will be good.

    Meghan- I love your goals this month! I have been working on drinking two nalgene bottles of water a day as well, and boy is it harder than I remembered it being. I am sure in no time you will be able to get that mile to 12 minutes. That’s the pace I typically run at, and while at first it seemed to be the worst I have gotten use to it as I kept training. Keep it up!

    Cynthia- You will crush that turkey trot! I am also signed up for a turkey trot but mine is only a 5k, but I am sure you will do awesome, and you will be surprised about how much your adrenaline helps push you through!

    Liz- Welcome to the group! What are your goals for just this month to get down to your college weight?

    Elisa- Welcome to the group! I really like your goals for the month! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!

    Daisy- Love the goals both scale and running! We have a lot of runners in the thread who can offer tips for increasing distance and speed. Welcome!

    Meag- Sounds like you had a rough day yesterday. I hate when bosses surprise review you, especially if you don’t have a chance to prepare so that you can have all of the amazing things you have done listed out and ready to go. And then after all that you had a stressful night as well :( I know you can make today better because you already decided to do just that!

    Jennelle- sounds like your dream job is turning out to be everything you wanted and more! I am so happy for you!! Its amazing to find something that you can get paid to do and truly love to the point you would do it for free if they asked. That’s what everyone always told me, find a job that you would do for free and you will always be happy with your work, of course having great bosses and co-workers help with work happiness but in general I think that’s a great rule to live by!

    AFM- well its been an interesting week so far. I am tutoring a hs senior in calculus and before I started tutoring her she was failing everything miserable. Last week she had her first test since I have been tutoring her and she made an 88! So I was very happy about that- shows the parents I’m worth the $$ they are paying to get their daughter help, also I want my students to do good :) I am still struggling with getting up in the morning for a work out. I have fallen out of my schedule and its so hard to make yourself get back in it. One good thing going for me is that this weekend the clocks roll back an hour so that should put me back to my regular schedule. I have to get back in the gym and concentrate on not only running but lifting as well. My 15k is in exactly 1 month and I am terrified of it. The thought of running a 10k right now is scary because its been so long since I ran. I know I can do it, I just have to go out there and do it. I also need to find myself some cold weather running gear since winter has apparently already arrived and I don’t have any outside gear and the dreadmill sucks. Well you ladies have a great day and keep up the great work!

  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    yeay!!! I hope to run a 5k with my sister and some of my friends in the spring, but reaching 10 mins non stop is a major victory for me!! I hope I can do it this month!!!! :D:D:D
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Welcome to the Newbies!!! Love all of your goals!! And I am another (newly) runner...we have lots of that in here!! And the running goals are great and help you focus on progress without looking at a scale!!!!

    Meag - Sorry your work day stunk!! And for your relationship assessment too!! Those are so tough to have, especially when they hit at a time where you just arent in the mood for it!! Hope that things get figured out for you! And make sure to take some time for yourself to keep your sanity from both work and the relationship!! Side note - your wonderful trail race totally has me looking for one in my area...we dont have many trail races near me but I am determined to find one!!

    Jenelle - Glad you are loving the new job and that it may come with some helpful new diet/nutrition resources!! And yes I am soo happy with the new Jeans NSV...I was also trying to wait until I reached my 140lb mark before I took myself shopping, but I had no choice since my jeans literally would not stay on my waist anymore!! It was a great feeling!! I am glad your getting your well earned shopping trip too!!! Congrats!!

    Meg - Congrats on your tutoring accomplishments...thats no easy task!! And I am sure that you will do awesome on your upcoming runs...even if you havent run in a while!! I love your term "dreadmill" haha I feel the same way....with the weather getting soo cold I know I will have to start training that way too and I do NOT look forward to it!!!

    Emily - I am sure you will do great on your race!!! The adrenaline rush helps a lot!! You will totally rock it!!!! And if its your first one then dont even worry about the time, just run your best and its automatically a personal record just by completing it!!

    AFM - Did some nice hill intervals yesterday...trying to properly train since I finally signed up for a 1/2 marathon in March!!! And man do my thighs burn today, good thing its a rest day today!!! Nothing else really new, very happy with my new jean size!! And Trying very hard not stop focusing on the scale this month!!
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey guys...
    my oct goals
    stephabee- get into the lower 130s, start run the running group 2 a week, track food and exercise

    I was not quite successful with the 1st, but I did get better with some of the goal 2 and goal three was a little spotty.

    i've been a little MIA, but I'd love to continue with the this group.

    my nov goals are..... 1)staying under my calorie allowance for each day.
    2) start going to a pm yoga class once/twice ( to prevent evening binging)
    3) start cycling with a group 1-2 times a week .

    also please add me as a friend and help keep me on track... i desperately need the motivation... I find that seeing the e-mail/ encouraging words from MFP friends really help me out... I'll try and reciprocate the words of encouragement.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    i have a few minutes in between teaching class so i decided to come check the boards again :smile:

    meag - we must have JUST missed each other posting because your post was not there when i wrote mine! must be that we're so long winded we take a while to write :wink: anyway, im so sorry to hear about your ****ty day - days like that are the WORST. but even though your run today wasn't your best, i bet it felt damn good to hit the pavement and clear your head for a little while, knowing today was a new day! and here's hoping a MUCH better one for you as well! :flowerforyou:

    megan - don't be scared of your 15k! like you said you have exactly one month and a LOT can happy in a month! make a training goal for each week of this month so that you can be where you want to be by your race! write it down! you will surprised how hard you push yourself once you see it on paper ;) i KNOW you can do it, you just have to believe that too! :bigsmile:

    emily - sorry to hear you are sick :ohwell: hope you are feeling better STAT! great goals anyway!

    i am off to a great start today! i got so much done before i started teaching at 10:30 today! i have the afternoon to work on my dissertation, a meeting from 4:00-5:30, my turbo kick fitness class from 6:30-7:30, and a jewelry party with some close friends after! should be a great night! i have planned out all my food and already got in one 5:30am workout today so i know i will have energy to bust through it all!!!! WOOT WOOT :happy:

    have a GREAT day my dear 20-somethings! :)
  • KoriBarry
    KoriBarry Posts: 28 Member
    <-- New to the Group :)

    Hi Everyone! My name is Kori and I just stumbled across this group and I hope that I am not too late. I've lost 20 lbs since I've gotten serious about making a life change for myself. I've recently hit a plateau and can't seem to break past it. My work schedule is INSANE and it's been easy for me to "make up excuses" not to exercise. My goal this month will be to do something physical each and everyday. If I can't make it to the gym I better get out there and give the pups a much needed stroll on the leash or break out the snow shovel while the hublet is lolly gagging behind the snow blower! Enough excuses....I have my diet's time to get the physical portion down! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!


    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
    KoriBarry - Do something physical each and everyday...lose 2 lbs per week.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I am new and would love to be part of this. I am 27 and want to be healthy and happy with my body by the time I turn 30 in 2 1/2 years. So I hope this will work!

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
    KoriBarry - Do something physical each and everyday...lose 2 lbs per week.
    b00b0084~ Stay within my 1800 calorie limit for the day, start walking 5x a week, and give up my pop!
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Hi!! I'm new, I've seen your challenges before but have always been too late to join... I hope I'm not too late this time! I'm 24 and am working on losing about 80 or so pounds. I need some serious short term goals to keep me from getting discouraged.

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
    KoriBarry - Do something physical each and everyday...lose 2 lbs per week.
    b00b0084~ Stay within my 1800 calorie limit for the day, start walking 5x a week, and give up my pop!
    AmberCanFly- Exercise for 2000 minutes (last month was 1832 minutes- almost!), no more fried food, drink 64oz of water a day, no TV during the week, running for 1 mile without stopping, and most importantly not stepping on the scale!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    whoa! hello newbies! i see we have a great group this month! woo hoo! :)

    i'll post more later, but i'm so glad you all have joined us! feel free to add me as a friend if you want! :)

    hope everyone's having a great week! tomorrow's FRIDAY! i'll be so much happier when tomorrow is over. this court thing has really brought down my week. i can't help but stress about it. hopefully tomorrow goes by in a flash so i can enjoy my weekend! :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Thursday Lovelies!! I see this thread is flying right on by!! Love the activity!! I hope it stays that way throughout the month.

    Abby – congrats on that NSV!! 2 sizes is amazing!!

    Softball – we bake cookies fresh every morning at work. They were amazing for the first few weeks but as employees, we have to pay for them so that turns me off of them quickly. And great job using the treadmill at the hotel. I usually take my workout clothes with the intention of doing that but never make it there. Good luck with the soda!! I was never a big soda drinker so that has never been a habit I have had a hard time kicking so I wish you the best!!

    Meghan – check out The girls on here had done it months ago. I have yet to get past the 3rd week but I think it would be an awesome way to work on my arms. I would LOVE to have some kick *kitten* toned arms!! And I will take you up on your ab challenge. That’s another area that I need to work on!!

    Cynthia – I brought in my son’s bag of candy to work today. And they actually got some really good candy. I can’t tell myself that I can’t have any cause then I will only want it more. So perhaps one or two small pieces per day will suffice. Actually I am just hoping that my co-workers will just eat most of it up and I won’t have to deal with it.

    Meag – I am going to try my best to enjoy my Thanksgiving without my family but it will be very hard. I look forward to the holidays and all of the time I get to spend with my family so its gonna be a rough one. I could honestly care less about the food. I will miss their presence the most…especially since my parents moved away in July. Sounds like yesterday was one emotional day. I hope that you have recovered from that and are attacking today with full force (although I’m sure you are)!!

    Jenelle – I used to go to Turbo Kick at 24Hour Fitness so its really nothing new to me but I do absolutely love it. I have been only doing the 20 minute workout because I know that I am out of shape. I would rather ease back into things than attack it full force and then get discouraged too easily. I am thinking that my next workout will be one of the other ones. I need to start switching up my workouts. And it sounds like that new job is working to your advantage in many ways. That’s awesome!!

    Megan – lunch wasn’t too bad. We decided to go to an organic pizza place. I got veggies and stuff on my pizza. Which is a much better choice than where we would go previously. The foods were usually swimming in grease and butter….I hate to say no to a free meal but it was ridiculous. Good luck keeping up your energy, especially with your race not too far away. Your body will slowly adjust and you won’t be so tired.

    Emily – sorry that you were sick but glad to have you back!!

    Amy – hope all goes well at court tomorrow. Just breathe and get through it!!

    And a HUGE welcome to all of the newbies!! We are so happy to have you and hope that you will stick around for encouragement, inspiration, good chats, and a place to vent.

    AFM…got my workout in last night which I was super excited about. Food was mediocre. The kids wanted mac & cheese for dinner and I’m trying to use up what we have in the house before grocery shopping. However, I have been thinking about making dinner for the kids and saving my portion for lunch the following day and just having a salad for dinner. Your thoughts and opinions…please!!!

    Quote of the day - “Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends.” -Author Unknown
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Woa! :noway: Talk about bustling activity! I love it but heck if I can keep up...

    I have to admit that with my goals for the month, MFP is taking a back burner. So while I do read all your posts, I cannot respond to them all and i am just going to stop trying at this point. There's no sense feeling badly about not being able to keep up! Girl needs her sleep...

    Speaking of which! I had a decent enough say at work today, including a lunch break which I took despite my overwhelming work load. I also made sushi-date lunch plans for tomorrow with an old friend and asserted at work today that I would be going out for a while tomorrow. It's lame that I need to pre-plan to get a break at work but I guess it's better than the alternative (ie: no break at all).

    Despite my overwhelming desire to spend the night alone getting caught up on chores, I invited Tyler over and made him dinner. We ate together and I tried not to spend the entire time thinking about everything I had to do. We actually had some quality "us" time when I was able to check out of "life" and just focus on us. That's definitely a big struggle for me lately. I am still working on figuring out a birthday trip plan and have made zero progress and haven't booked a thing. If you'all have any suggestions - please, let me know!

    Food was good again today and not logging is going well. I do have a strong urge to log but I am keeping myself in check. I had a major mis-step with some chocolate covered pretzels today but it's not the end of the world. Hoping to do as little damage as possible with sushi tomorrow but I plan to enjoy it. Sushi is a rare treat for me :bigsmile: Weighing in tomorrow AM after a 1.3lbs gain last week, so we'll see how I fare. This *kitten* better not be getting too much bigger :huh:

    Abby - Awesome awesome victory girl :drinker: Gotta love the shopping WINS. Nothing feels better! And boy did I not LOVE to shop while I was losing. Now that I'm in maintenance it's totally lost it's appeal, so enjoy it now while you can! :tongue: You'll be in maintenance in no time!

    Guam - Girl, you always know what to say! I did attack today with some major positivity and it worked! Sorry to hear you aren't stoked about Thanksgiving - I guess not everybody loves loneliness as much as I do :blushing: I know you'll make the best of it and whatever happens you've always got us to sub as your "family" for now :bigsmile: Your leftover plan sounds smashing - dinner leftovers make the best lunches and it's soooo nice not to think about it. I always make an extra serving for lunches to avoid the whole lunch-making ordeal in the morning. I say do it! And make sure you toss some protein into that salad to make it a meal. I'm watching you :tongue:

    Amber, Kori, and the other newbs - WELCOME! :flowerforyou: Can't wait to get to know you all! If you haven't already please introduce yourself - name, where you're from, what you do, etc. It's great to see fresh faces here and I really hope you stick with us. This group is such a phenomenal source of support!

    For those who don't know, this is our 14th challenge month to date! :drinker: And I think that some of us are still kickin' it from day 1 - Guam and Amy ? I'm not lying when I say this group is definitely a fabulous network for making great friends and finding encouragement, understanding, and wonderful advice when you need it. So welcome and please make yourself at home in our group! :bigsmile:

    See you folks in the AM - I'm planning on ATTACKING my Friday, starting with another early night in bed :wink: