Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    I've still got a couple of days left on level 2. I am having the hardest time with the Military presses. I suffer from a form of Vertigo caused by a problem within the inner ear, therefore I have zero balancing skills. Is anyone else having any issues with being able to do some of the moves correctly?

    Me - I'm Dyspraxic so sometimes I struggle with co-ordinating quickly. I've never been able to do an aerobics class in a gym because I can never follow whats going on.
    I'm surprised by how much I can follow on 30DS but thats not to say I don't struggle and I found Level 2 really hard. Level 3 is kind of easier for me. Maybe try Level 3 and complete the shred on that?

    I am hating level 2 so maybe I will move onto level 3 a day or two early. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I hated level 2 too. I don't know why, because everyone else seemed to love it but I prefer level 3 although its a killer on the arms and hands!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Can I ask the group has anyone else hit a wall with their weight loss and inch loss?

    I haven't lost anything for ages and I thought I would be losing inches but nothing. If anything my tummy seems more wobbly and jelly like now!
  • I just realized that I did not post yesterday for but i did complete

    and after I do my volunteer work I will do D3L3 today and have completed 28 days!! :)

    Ive lost track of some of my motivation... we have all this leftover halloween candy and I dont want to eat any of it but I always find myself munching on something chocolate.. And I dont want to eat it but for some reason I cant keep myself under control! :(

    I have a question for everyone though: how do you maintain the amount of sugar you eat? i realized that im over on my sugar content like EVERYDAY. and today is even worse than normal. (although today is an off day for me because i normally dont eat/drink the things that I did today...but we did science experiments in my class that had to do with those foods.)
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Blackballoon, I find it really hard to control sugar as I have a sweet tooth - it is really addictive stuff! I try to avoid it though, as I recognise that it causes metabolism swings, and gives you this temporary feeling of hyper activity which then leads to more craving, and feelings of hunger. So I personally drink lots and lots of water, and I have given up fizzy drinks with artificial sweetener as the body just acts as if you have given it real sugar..... (although I do have sugar free gum every now and then). And I want to be in control of what goes in my mouth - not let those cravings control me!!!! (it has taken me a long long time to get to this way of thinking - and I like it!!!! I love MFP because it makes me accountable - and I let my friends see my food diary - so if I do put rubbish in there - it is there for everyone to see why I am not achieving what I want to achieve -hope that doesn't sound too boring -- it works for me (mind you - when I do go completely off the rails - which I think one should be able to do every once in a while - I would just put a large number of calories down for the day and not spell out every single item of over-indulgence!!!). I decided to buy myself little treats - like gorgeous bath products etc and let that be my treat, instead of a food treat. (Oh, but I'm not perfect by any means and I do "fail" from time to time.......)
    This group thing also keeps me committed! Good luck!!!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    sorry - just thought of an extra thing I do - I put all the kids' halloween sweets (candy) in a bag and tied a knot in it!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Skyrocket123 - I did hit a wall for a couple of weeks, but I could feel my clothes getting looser - so I didn't let it get to me - and now the weight is reducing again! Good luck!!!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    ok, day 8 at level 2 completed...... (still doing Anita skips and pause for breaks in the plank jacks ) ....... two more days until level 3 - yay!!!
    I must order my copy of Ripped - but not sure if you can get it in the UK
  • cwglosin4vaca
    cwglosin4vaca Posts: 63 Member
    Im still here. I had to stop for now cuz I have a UTI and im too uncomfortable to even think about exercise. Im hoping maybe tomorrow I can start again. I miss it!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Can I ask the group has anyone else hit a wall with their weight loss and inch loss?

    I haven't lost anything for ages and I thought I would be losing inches but nothing. If anything my tummy seems more wobbly and jelly like now!

    That'd be me. I just took my measurements the other day and I haven't lost a single inch since I started. Everything is definitely firmer and I feel really strong so I'm sticking with it, but yeah, the tape measure is the same. My tummy is a whole other issue, it feels firmer to me, but to look at it you wouldn't know I was working out. My 10lb. 2oz child with a caesarean didn't do my abs any favors, so that part doesn't surprise me. I went into it with zero expectations for my abs, they're beyond hope. Lol. Also, when I first started the shred I actually gained 4 lbs., but at my weigh in on Monday had lost two of it again.

    I'm gonna stick with it just because I feel so much stronger, but yeah, I'm not getting the amazing results everyone else seems to be getting. I'm hoping I'll see some sort of difference in my before and after pics I'm not noticing now. We'll see.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Im still here. I had to stop for now cuz I have a UTI and im too uncomfortable to even think about exercise. Im hoping maybe tomorrow I can start again. I miss it!

    Ugh!!! UTI's are the worse!! Feel better soon.
  • OMG L3 :O Hated every minute of it, come back level 2 all is forgiven :flowerforyou:
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Day 4 L2 done (eventually - first one since Sunday!)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Level 3 Day 23 and 24 done! Didn't get to post yesterday!
  • thanks for the great advice!

    Just wanted to say D3L3 - 29 days complete! (i think i said 28 earlier .. but its really 29..)

    I got my boyfriend to do the shred with me today... lol he couldnt even finish it all the way. Although I do give him props because he did everything the natalie way and i did not :)
  • Can I ask the group has anyone else hit a wall with their weight loss and inch loss?

    I haven't lost anything for ages and I thought I would be losing inches but nothing. If anything my tummy seems more wobbly and jelly like now!

    you betcha! Ive actually gained 3 pounds. :sad:
    But ive noticed that my endurance is stronger than when I first started and some of the moves are easier than when i first started. So not all hope is lost.

    Im pretty sure i havent lost any inches either (i dont want to measure because id feel demotivated..)

    I have noticed that my stomach seems a little tighter (maybe.. ) but nothing too drastic. My boyfriend was like WHOAAA ITS LOOKING SO GOOD! (lol i told him he needs to motivate me.. and so he says that to me like everyday.. haha )

    Also my mom told me that i look healther... like i didnt look healthier before or something:grumble:

    So i feel like its working. Maybe not in the weight/inches department but definitely in other places.

    lol I think while doing the shred there are a lot of NSV that we have to take into consideration. Thats partially the reason why i stick with it everyday, because even those NSV count!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    L2,D9 partially done. I had to stop 1/2 way thru because of my knee. Hopefully it'll be ok when I try again in the morning.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Hi does anyone mind if I lurk on here?? I started 30DS in Sept then injured my knee/ankle in level 2 so have only done it sporadically for the past couple of weeks, but have restarted a couple of days ago and today did D3 L3. Would be keen to do the Ripped in 30 after too.

    You are all amazing!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Forgot to say yesterday I did Day 4 and today day 5 of level 3! so on Day 26 now of Shredding!
    I was struggling a bit today but I do find half way through the 10 days of each level I start to get tired.
    Only 5 days left (actually I think its more of a 31 day Shred this!)
  • Mkay. Day 3 and 4 are done. I am never skipping a day ever again. Double shredding is scary :devil:
  • l3d3 done