

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :noway: I re-checked the packages and the db is correct. 1 tsp/4g brown sugar = 15. 1/2 tsp/2g Splenda brown blend = 10. 2 x 10=20. 5 more calories per tsp for the Splenda. Just one more argument that the real stuff in moderation is better than the fake :grumble:

    Wow! That's an eye-opener. I always thought the real stuff was better than chemicals, but I never though the real sugar was actually LOWER in calories. That is CRAZY!

    Explanation on the Splenda Brown Sugar Blend. Splenda is actually sweeter than sugar, and the directions call for you to use 1/2 the amount of regular sugar. So - that means that one tsp. of regular brown sugar is 15 calories and 4 gr of sugar, while the equivalent, 1/2 tsp. of Splenda blend is 10 calories and 2 gr of sugar. If you are diabetic, the sugar grams can add up to a significant difference. That being said, I normally use regular brown sugar, but in moderation. However, I do sometimes use Splenda as a substitute for white sugar in oatmeal, etc.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    Mary: I am so sorry that you're still not feeling well. I hope the antibiotics finally clear things up! Good for you for keeping to healthy foods while not feeling your best...that should help you!

    Auntiebk: Good for you for your dancing...it sounds FUN!

    77tes: I am impressed with you fitting in your exercise while working such long hours! And glad that you will get to have some fun with friends!

    Sweltwisher: Welcome back! Your 1 pound will be gone in no time!

    Kathie: Great going on exceeding your goals! You are being consistent and that usually pays off:-)

    Michele: I hope that Vince's surgery is something simple and goes well. Also, I agree, that fundraising of any sort is no fun.

    I have a very stiff neck this morning. I did level 3 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday and there are these "super Man" floor exercises that I did which I think caused the stiff neck. I haven't done the level 3 in a long time and I probably didn't have a relaxed neck when I was arching my upper body off the floor. Anyway, I won't do those for a while! I have booked a massage for this afternoon. I am REALLY looking forward to it:love: DH knows it is my favorite treat so he gives them to me for every little occasion!

    Everyone have a great day and I am so thankful that each of you are here:flowerforyou: kackie
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good morning! Well, today should have been my final antibiotic, but I am still quite sick and the doctor is extending it for another 10 days. Since it lowers my blood sugar so much, and I have to eat constantly, I will continue to not log but try to eat healthy foods. I have done okay with that so far, so hopefully, in another 10 days, I will feel much better and can get back in the groove.

    I hope all of you are having a wonderful day!

    sorry...hope this round of meds works...feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • rmsnipes
    rmsnipes Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Ladies:

    Hope the month has started off well for everyone. I'm feeling great.....only been back on MFP for a few weeks, (took vacation this summer and just got back):smile:

    I have been a Coke Zero addict (drank 3 or 4 a day) for years. I recently read a book that talked about how bad the artifical sweetener is for you and how it can cause migraines. (I've been having them bad for last few years). I thought the migraines were from my change in hormones/menopause. Howerver, I decided I would give them up and see how it affected my migraines. I did not want to go off of caffine cold turkey, so I decided it was time I stated drinking coffee instead. I have never liked it, but read how it was good to drink and decided I could acquire a taste for it. I actully have begun to really enjoy having one cup a day.

    Anyway, my migraines have stopped the last few weeks and I'm feeling great.....I drink coffee in the AM and then I keep a big cup of water on my desk and refill it all day long. I'm even ordering water when I go out to eat. Big deal for me!!!!!!!

    Just thought I would share that NSV with your ladies!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    WELCOME all the new ones!
    Forgot to check for the new thread.been busy-hubby sick etc.
    The back is improving,less pain.tolerating the pt.Still have numbness in the left ft,dr thinks there`s a nerve pressing on some part of my back.Hoping to eliminate it with ex.had mentioned an EMG.Trying to avoid that.
    Oct I did well with my diet and wt despite the little exercise I could tolerate.Ive lost over 112 lbs in the last 5 years,probably more since i had gained and lost the same 20 lbs in the last few years,due to thyroid issues,surgeries,pre menopause etc.
    I am the lowest Ive been in over 25 years and hope to get the final 10 lbs or so off this year.
    Love reading the posts.Awesome group.
    Have a great Thurs.Cloudy,rainy here.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I 'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts. You all are so inspiring and thank you everyone for your kind words! :heart:

    I been having a great week with my work outs and tracking my food. I purchased a Polar ft7 and I love it. My official weigh in day is Saturday but I always weigh my self mid week just as a check in and I was down 2 lbs (FINALLY). I eat real healthy, no junk food or fast foods for me so I new the calories logged for exercise had to be way off. I feel much better using my HRM vs what the machines at the gym or the MFP database where saying. Hopefully I am off this dang blasted plateau once and for all. :explode:

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just a quick post. Another beautiful day in the PNW. I was able to get outside and horseback ride in the woods. I have a few days in between hunting season. I'm dreading setting the clocks back this saturday. I work 12 hour shift. Go to work in the dark go home in the dark. I have seasonal depression I feel like a mole. But I'm going to stick with the program. Weight train in the garage and rowing machine. Still looking for a good elliptical machine. I think the closer it get to the holidays I might be able to find. Time to head outside.
    Have a great day
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Feeling under the weather lately but still working out just not as crazy.

    I wanted my ticker to move past 160 at the end of October, but now I'm shooting for November. I know I will do it then.

    I still have not had time to respond to everyone.

    Feel bad I have not really gotten to know you all.

    But, I love this site.

    You all have a great Evening.

    Kathy ( plantlady)
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Bellawares....I would love to find a kettlebell class. There are none close to me...how sad is that. There are so many health clubs around here...and no kettlebell. South Jersey is so backwards! I have a dvd by Gin Miller that came w/my kettlebell. I like her workout...but it would be nice to be in a class.

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!

    Rita - My Health Club just started offering the Kettlebell classes. Better late than never I guess. :laugh: There are tons of Kettlebell workouts on Youtube. I guess there is one guy that has over 500 exercises posted. I bought a Reebok Kettlebell and the DVD that came with it is kinda lame. I'll have to check out the one by Gin Miller.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,940 Member
    Just a quick post. Another beautiful day in the PNW. I was able to get outside and horseback ride in the woods. I have a few days in between hunting season. I'm dreading setting the clocks back this saturday. I work 12 hour shift. Go to work in the dark go home in the dark. I have seasonal depression I feel like a mole. But I'm going to stick with the program. Weight train in the garage and rowing machine. Still looking for a good elliptical machine. I think the closer it get to the holidays I might be able to find. Time to head outside.
    Have a great day

    I can imagine that living in the dark can get really depressing. But you went for a horseback ride in the woods today. Wow! What I wouldn't give for that kind oF exercise.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Rita - you THINK South Jersey is backwards???? I can't believe some of the things down here in NC. Glad you're not too sore from that kettlebell workout.

    Cynthia - the thing I think about the Y is that, in a sense, I feel like I wasn't told the truth when I was first asked to be on the Board. I was told that I would be on the "fitness committee" and I assumed (stupidly) that would involve meetings and that I'd have input as to what fitness equipment/classes would be good. Not so.... seems I'm only good for fundraising. So, to me, this is a letdown.

    Did a 45 min band workout DVD today. Tomorrow, since I'm not sure what all will be happening with Vince, I'll do this AM & PM walking DVD that I just got.

    auntiebk - I agree with you, give me a little of the real stuff or give me nothing. I just don't like putting something that was made in a lab into my body. If God made it, then it must be OK.

    Faye - I have to hand it to you, I don't know that I can butcher meat. Like auntiebk, I, too, would probably become a vegetarian for that reason.

    77tes - wow! You get all your exercise in! That's fantastic! You're so dedicated.

    kackie - I, too, love a good massage.

    Ronna - thanks for sharing your experience with us. That's so interesting about artificial sweeteners and migraines. I've never had them, but it makes sense.

    Jane - you're doing fantastic despite everything. I do hope you're better soon.

    Well, we have to be at the hosp. at 11:40, the surgery is scheduled for 1:40. The MD told Vince that he shouldn't need a walker (I personally thought he was being too pessimistic) but he may want a cane for a day or two, but to put as much weight on it as possible. That means that his recuperation will be that much faster. That's good. I do have this dry cough so I will probably take some expectorant before I go to the hospital. I know they wouldn't look too kindly on my coughing. I will take something with me to eat rather than buying their cafeteria food, but now that I think of it, it may not be all that bad. I know the chef, he's the guy who does the healthy cooking demos that I go to once/month. Maybe I'll check it out, but I will have my food with me just in case.

    I'm still planning to do my walking DVD tomorrow. Yoga Sat. Not sure if I'll go to a class or do a DVD at home, but it'll be one of the two.

    Joyce - I dread setting the clocks back, too. I love when we move them forward. Wish we could keep it that way all the time. I remember when I first started hoseback riding, I felt I was in pretty good condition since I exercised just about every day of the week. But you use muscles that I never knew I had! I guess you use your inner thighs quite a bit, I remember they hurt me. But eventually I got used to it and it no longer hurt

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All!

    Busy, busy day...but a good one. Today was Eric's (hubby) bd so I took him out to dinner tonite and out for coffee to spoil him a bit. But when he made my lunch salad today...he put the tuna in the shape of a heart and wrote my name w/mushroom pieces:love: I love him.

    I did my walking before dinner...but the waters haven't happened yet. If i drink them all now....I'll be up all nite.

    Michelle....I didn't think anything was worse than Jersey! Some days I tell my kids I want to move to AZ, live off the land, and totally off the grid (except for internet) and get away from this madness/silliness.

    Kackie....I am soooo jealous! A massage! I'm adding that to my christmas list for the kids. I haven't had one in so long.

    Bellawares...Thanks for the Youtube idea. For whatever reason, I never think of that for exercising. Thanks to Genealace, I found some good carpal tunnel exercises there, too.

    Pam..M&M's are gone from the house. Only things left are Eric's candies...and thankfully those aren't the ones I crave.:smile:

    Nite everyone....I need to sleep...another busy day tomorrow.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Our clocks went back 1 hr last weekend, so now we get up and walk the dogs in the dark and by the time I leave work around 5pm I walk home in the dark. I try to get out for a walk at lunchtime to get a bit of fresh air/sunshine (?) but I too feel like a mole this time of year. :yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Janet Congratulations on being your lowest weight - you have worked so hard despite all your health worries and pain. I think I'd have given up by now. Lovely new photo too.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie have you heard anything from Barb lately, she seems to have disappeared from my friends list.

    :smile: We have two additions to our family. 2 little tabby kittens. We weren't planning on adding to our family for a few years. (We can't really cope with another dog and we didn't want to upset our old cat in his last remaining years) but these things never plan out like you expect do they. My daughter's friend found the two kittens with their dead mother and took them home with her, but her dog took an instant dislike to them, so tried to rehome them, all the shelters were full so she called on DD. At first we were only "fostering" them until a new home could be found, but they were so frightened when we first got them, and now they are starting to trust us a little bit that we know that we couldn't part with them now. We took them to the vet to be checked over and they are in good health, at first I thought they were feral but it seems not they are just very timid. Not sure how their poor mum ended up in the street with them, we think she may have been run over by a car. We've asked around in case she was someone's pet but nothing so far. Our dogs are fine with the kittens - even Frankie!! otherwise we'd have not been able to keep them, our poor cat Wiz is a bit put out, but we hope he'll come around, we are giving him extra attention so he doesn't feel left out :bigsmile: They are worse than kids :laugh: :laugh:

    :frown: Help tonight I am going to an Indian Restaurant to say goodbye to our lovely colleague Rachel who is leaving to start another job. I'm not too keen on hot curries and I know that Korma is high in calories - can anyone give me an idea of what I could eat, that's not too hot and spicy?? I will miss working with her, but I'll keep in touch as she is also a good friend. In fact I'll see her on Monday for the book club :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Not looking forward to tomorrow it's bonfire night here in the UK that means lots of fireworks going off until the early hours. Tara gets so upset with all the bangs and fizzes, last year there were some very loud bangs (I think these were from fireworks imported from abroad) but hopefully it won't be too noisy this year.

    :flowerforyou: I'm going shopping now, need to stock up on food. It's my long weekend and I have a lot of housework to catch up on and do my weekly de clutter. Obviously I'm not doing a good job as I need to do it every week :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Happy Friday :heart: :heart:

    Viv x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    I've got a hospital appointment this morning so this is another fly by posting, but wanted to check in with you all. Have a great day and I hope the weather is better for you than it is here in rainy old London.

    Need to get my stomping shoes on so I can do the 45 minutes walk to the hospital in the pouring rain!

    Catch up with you all later on.

    Amanda x
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning lovely ladies,

    a bit of a busy day, off to the gym for a spin class...then i need to accompany my youngest for some lab work(annual stuff), he wont to meet my middle son for bfast(since he will be very hungry).....

    still working in getting my home in order after the month of painting, repairs and everything else.....i will be baking two brownies for my trainer and his wife, they are going to cook for those in need this weekend, i offered the dessert.....

    i dont know what i did to my wrist, but its killing me...i google the sysptoms and its some form of tendonditis...i am icing and putting on a bandage for support....its very tender....

    have lovely day and great weekend:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Viv, when you go to the Indian restaurant tell the waitperson that you want something with very little spice and ask for suggestions......we had dinner in an Indian restaurant Sunday and one member of the group had a great discussion with the waitperson about how hot different dishes were.

    :flowerforyou: I walk my dogs from 6:15 or 6:30 to 7:45 or 8:00 and most of that is in the dark (sunrise today is at 8:00) and I am looking forward to the clocks going back an hour so I'll have a bit more daylight. The great thing about living so far north is that my gratitude in astronomical in January when the days start getting longer. I keep a sunrise/sunset chart on my google homepage for my town and for Barrow, Alaska to remind me that there are darker places than where I am :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the less sugar you have, the less you want.......taper off it gradually and you'll find you can do just fine without so much:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,005 Member
    good morning ladies,
    CONGRATS to all the losers this week. my weigh in for the week is 169.5, I gained 1.2 lbs this week. Probably all those little bite size pieces of candy. I have done good about staying out of it, but my kids keep giving it too me. They know what my favs are and are trying to be nice, but I need to tell them to please quit giving me candy. I am going to go get a massage in a few mins and then go for a walk with my puppy. He is a 6 month old lab/shepard mix and really makes me get out and go for walks daily......Hope everyone has a healthy active weekend.......:smile:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Marking my spot. I need to get back on track.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Trying to get back on track after a bad summer. I gained some back but I won't know how much damage until I get home tomorrow. I am at my Dad's during the week.
    I don't think it was much as I can still fit into my size 10's but I want/need to get my eating under control.
    Apparently I can't say no to chocolate once I get started. Bread either. :frown:
    SO..... I am going back to the habits that I thought I had perminately ingrained into my life. They helped my shed 100+ pounds so I know they will help me lose whatever I put back on.
    I will read the posts and get back on track.
    Wishing you all a good November.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great week-end to you all.
    Gotta work on some back exercises.Doing the pt 2xs a week.Back pain isn`t too bad,dealing with numbness due to pinched nerve?
    Had a nice walk today in 1 of my fav parks.There`s a creek and lots of ducks swimming in it.Trees still fall colors.Made the walk so much nicer.