Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! I can see that some of us are struggling with cravings lately. Boo. You know, you don’t have to deprive yourself. Here’s how I deal with cravings and temptations:

    I like to think of my daily calorie allotment as if it were a monetary budget. So, when I’m having a craving or if I know I want to eat something a little “bad” for me, I first ask myself if I can afford it.
    Now, knowing if I can afford a particular indulgence also means that I have to keep up with my daily food log. I know- I’m lucky that I have oodles of time everyday to calculate, count, and log. I swear one of the biggest parts of my success has been recording everything I eat. So do it. Just find a way to write it down. Even if it’s simply a list of what you ate (not necessarily the calories), it can still help to determine if indulging is affordable.
    With that said, once I determine if it’s affordable I eat it! Sometimes though, there are things that I really want that I simply cannot afford unless I work, and this is the best motivator for working out- more food…YAY! If I want ice cream, or a piece of cake, or a handful of chips, I know I’ve got to work for it. Typically, I like to hold off during the day for a treat just to make sure that I have enough in the “bank” at the end of the day for one.
    Another way to help satisfy a craving is to set aside a few calories a day and then at the end of the week “spend” those on whatever your heart desires. This approach gives you something to look forward to at the end of the week. Personally, I like a little treat each day =)
    Hopefully, I’ve not said anything redundant and this gives others a fresh, positive outlook on calories, exercise and food. I find that a positive attitude is always best. My cup is always half full and filled with delicious Dr. Pepper! What’s yours filled with?
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Checking in and I have done 2 sets of 20 squats..... sit ups to come later! Have a good day everyone! :drinker:
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Checking in. Thank you Ziesergirl66 for the lasts weeks pushup challenge i managed to do 100 ever day and hope i can continue to do them with this week challenge of squats and situps. .and i will be trying the mindful eating as well as logging my food for sat / sun.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    Ok I am already struggling with this "mindful eating" challenge. I don't know why but I am craving Cheetos SO bad today! I haven't had them in at least a month if not more...when I ask myself "why" I just keep getting the same answer--I just WANT them! I'm not hungry, not sad, not bored, etc. Hmm, what to do?

    Take a peak at this

    "Salt Cravings
    Salt cravings may signal that you are dehydrated. However, crunching on chips or other salty snacks may also relieve stress in our jaw muscles, according to registered dietitian Samara Felesky-Hunt, writing for The Downtown Sports Clinics website. Salt cravings may also signal a deficit of calcium in your body....
    Women and Cravings
    Women experience frequent changes in hormonal levels throughout their reproductive years. Salt cravings may stem from the body's attempt to re-establish proper salt concentration in the body and compensate for water weight gain that occurs during menstruation, Felesky-Hunt writes. "

    Read more:
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Just checking in. Started 30 day shred today, feel ok will wait to feel aches
    in the morn. will start sit-ups tomorrow.
    Looking forward to seeing the chart.
    Good luck all.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Today I was mindful of what I ate and why:

    Today I ate because I was hungry.
    I bought some clearance Halloween candy, but didn't eat any- stuck it right in the freezer for when I want some chocolate (not today). Also I had some french fries for the first time in a long while- I didn't crave them or anything, just had a free coupon that was going to expire in a couple days, and knew I could fit them in with my calories today. It was a nice change of pace from all the healthy food I've been having to indulge a little. The drawback today was that I had about 9 hours between my afternoon snack and dinner, where I was sooo hungry. I was not supposed to be gone for so long, so I didn't pack a snack. Luckily I was able to think about and plan dinner while I was away from home, then made it when I got home. I was actually able to make dinner before counting my calories and found that I was exactly 50 under my daily goal, which means I know my portion sizes perfectly, yay! I don't think I will stop measuring though... don't want to get into bad habits yet.

    I did not get enough water (5 glasses) and will be drinking the rest before bed.

    I'm letting my food digest for a while and then will do squats/situps.

    Goodnight all!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Today I was mindful of what I ate and why:

    Today I ate because I was hungry.
    I bought some clearance Halloween candy, but didn't eat any- stuck it right in the freezer for when I want some chocolate (not today). Also I had some french fries for the first time in a long while- I didn't crave them or anything, just had a free coupon that was going to expire in a couple days, and knew I could fit them in with my calories today. It was a nice change of pace from all the healthy food I've been having to indulge a little. The drawback today was that I had about 9 hours between my afternoon snack and dinner, where I was sooo hungry. I was not supposed to be gone for so long, so I didn't pack a snack. Luckily I was able to think about and plan dinner while I was away from home, then made it when I got home. I was actually able to make dinner before counting my calories and found that I was exactly 50 under my daily goal, which means I know my portion sizes perfectly, yay! I don't think I will stop measuring though... don't want to get into bad habits yet.

    I did not get enough water (5 glasses) and will be drinking the rest before bed.

    I'm letting my food digest for a while and then will do squats/situps.

    Goodnight all!

    good for you!! that's a victory! :bigsmile:
  • Today I was good except that I had 5 or 6 mini kitkats because I was tired and stressed. My kids woke up SIX times last night, I was up from 4 to 530 am and when I finally got back to sleep I had a nightmare that my baby died. My hubby was gone for sixteen hours because of work, our baby is teething and our toddler gets really cranky when his daddy is late. I still came in under my calorie goal, I'm ahead of schedule on my book, I've gotten half of my pushups done and I'm offew to do the rest and go back to read about the squat/sit up challenge.
  • artgalchitown
    artgalchitown Posts: 103 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! I can see that some of us are struggling with cravings lately. Boo. You know, you don’t have to deprive yourself. Here’s how I deal with cravings and temptations:

    I like to think of my daily calorie allotment as if it were a monetary budget. So, when I’m having a craving or if I know I want to eat something a little “bad” for me, I first ask myself if I can afford it.
    Now, knowing if I can afford a particular indulgence also means that I have to keep up with my daily food log. I know- I’m lucky that I have oodles of time everyday to calculate, count, and log. I swear one of the biggest parts of my success has been recording everything I eat. So do it. Just find a way to write it down. Even if it’s simply a list of what you ate (not necessarily the calories), it can still help to determine if indulging is affordable.
    With that said, once I determine if it’s affordable I eat it! Sometimes though, there are things that I really want that I simply cannot afford unless I work, and this is the best motivator for working out- more food…YAY! If I want ice cream, or a piece of cake, or a handful of chips, I know I’ve got to work for it. Typically, I like to hold off during the day for a treat just to make sure that I have enough in the “bank” at the end of the day for one.
    Another way to help satisfy a craving is to set aside a few calories a day and then at the end of the week “spend” those on whatever your heart desires. This approach gives you something to look forward to at the end of the week. Personally, I like a little treat each day =)
    Hopefully, I’ve not said anything redundant and this gives others a fresh, positive outlook on calories, exercise and food. I find that a positive attitude is always best. My cup is always half full and filled with delicious Dr. Pepper! What’s yours filled with?

    This is fantastic advice - I had never considered looking at things from this perspective. It will help me avoid things like what happened last night, wherein I ate a bunch of things I didn't need after dinner, for no real reason. Not the best way to start off this week's challenge, but I guess I can only go up from here!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Checking in. Thank you Ziesergirl66 for the lasts weeks pushup challenge i managed to do 100 ever day and hope i can continue to do them with this week challenge of squats and situps. .and i will be trying the mindful eating as well as logging my food for sat / sun.

    you did awesome! give yourself a pat on the back!
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    I would love to be able to lose 4 - 5 pounds in a week! I get so frustrated trying to fnd time to work out because I am a single mom and work full time. It is usually 9:00 before I finally take a break from the day. I rely so much on just watching my calories that it is taking me so so long to lose weight. I was thinking about getting a treadmill for the house or maybe a workout video. Any suggestions? I don't mind a treadmill but I like aerobic type workouts. Which would burn more calories?

    You know what helps me? Calisthenics. I do a series of strength exercises everyday, like lunches, chair dips, leg lifts, crunches... with jumping jacks. As a busy working mom, I can do them in the morning before I even get Ava up for school and intermittently throughout the day. If I have a few minutes, I'll drop and do some crunches or push ups. It's hard to log it all properly (I generalize it, mostly) but as long as your DOING it, that's all that matters.
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    here's the update. let me know if I need to change anything! keep up the great work everyone! less than 7 weeks to go before we reveal a healthier person!!

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday for the new challenges. Love all 3 of them. I actually have been mindful of my eating since Tuesday morning. Will do sit ups and squats staring today. Definitely will be logging all food over the weekend because that is always a hurdle for me.
  • I would love to be able to lose 4 - 5 pounds in a week! I get so frustrated trying to fnd time to work out because I am a single mom and work full time. It is usually 9:00 before I finally take a break from the day. I rely so much on just watching my calories that it is taking me so so long to lose weight. I was thinking about getting a treadmill for the house or maybe a workout video. Any suggestions? I don't mind a treadmill but I like aerobic type workouts. Which would burn more calories?

    we all want to lose this weight, but doing so healthy is important. The more weight you have to lose, the more weight you will lose initially. I typically lose anywhere from 4-9 in the first week, and it is mostly water. then it tapers off to a pound or two..IF I continue to do well. YES, keeping track of what you eat can be very time consuming. I tend to weigh everything with a scale, so that takes time as well. The only thing I can suggest is to plan and prepare your meals as much ahead of time as possible. I sometimes will cook a lot of food on Sunday or any day, and then freeze portion sizes. It is so much easier that way. Another thing I *try* to do is plan my meals the day ahead of time. then if something is different, I can change it that day, but hopefully have most of it correct. It's almost an addiction with this place!

    I have a treadmill and use it part of the time. One thing that will increase your calorie burn if you're walking is do walking and jogging intervals. *wogging*. just go at your own pace...eventually you will see improvements! I have a lot of dvd's....the Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Biggest Loser Strength and Sculpt, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I think these are all around $10 each. I also have Billy Blanks TaeBo tapes...haven't done them for a few years. Jump roping gets the heart rate up fast and even just sitting doing boxing. You'd be surprised what you can do in your own home without having to purchase anything.

    Thank you so much! I love the Biggest Loser TV show so I'm gonna check into those videos. I really should invest in a food scale also. Great ideas!
  • I would love to be able to lose 4 - 5 pounds in a week! I get so frustrated trying to fnd time to work out because I am a single mom and work full time. It is usually 9:00 before I finally take a break from the day. I rely so much on just watching my calories that it is taking me so so long to lose weight. I was thinking about getting a treadmill for the house or maybe a workout video. Any suggestions? I don't mind a treadmill but I like aerobic type workouts. Which would burn more calories?

    Putting in a plug for your local library - they may have some dvd's you can check out. Mine has a pretty good selection, and they circulate for 3 weeks (free!). This way, if I don't like a video, I can just get return it before the 3 weeks are up. And if I REALLY like it, I consider buying.

    I do also have a treadmill - I second the interval training. I put mine on incline - that can be your harder interval if you don't like to jog. I watch netflix, and the time goes by pretty quickly. :happy:

    Great tip about the library! I never thought about that! Thanks! (Single moms gotta be cheap!!!! :wink: )
  • It keeps me motivated seeing it in a chart like that. Thank you! I can't wait until next weigh in :)
  • Kinda checked out from the message board the past couple days. I've been doing good on the mindful eating, logging my food and the water but have totally slacked off on all exercise. :ohwell: I'm starting back to the exercise challenges tonight and thanks to some great suggestions headed to the library tomorrow for some workout videos!

    P.S. after catching up on all the posts I want some cheetos! LOL! Great suggestions about cravings everyone. Thanks for the motivation and support!
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    The weekend is here and one of our challenges is to log food/exercise over Sat. & Sun. I'm happy to announce, I just downloaded the MFP Mobile app, so there's NO excuse for me not to log!

    Mindful eating challenge: This isn't a mindful eating success, but an exercise success. Last night, I got busy with dinner, laundry, etc. and I hadn't worked out as I planned. The house quieted down at 10pm and I had a choice - either put they PJ's on and watch some TV, or jump on the treadmill. I thought about it and got on the treadmill instead. Yay!
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    I am doing much better with my mindful eating today. So far I haved logged all my food and have not touched the kid's Halloween candy. As soon as my son goes down for his nap I am going to do my crunches, squats, push ups, and maybe some cardio if my older one will give me a break at this time. I have to start getting my water in for the day now-I've been slacking on this. My scale this morning said I was up another pound! It was so hard for me to get to 137.5 and in one week I am up 2 pounds! Very depressing.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Checking in Ladies!!! So mindful eating is hard but I managed to get than done yesterday. I wasn't very hungry yesterday so I was very low on my cals by lunch. The hubby called me and said we were going out to eat mexican and I had several choices... I can use all my calories and eat whatever came to mind or carefully plan and select what was best..... I took the 2nd route and carefully thought about what I was going to eat and carried my water bottle with me at all times!! I was so proud..

    Today I did it again and if you look at my diary, I have all my meals planned out so that I wont go over! I even printed it out so I can keep reminding myself not to eat just because the food is there! Good louck to all of you, just wanted to let you know how I was doing.

    I havent done the squats or crunches today, but I will do them on my break.... as for loggin over the weekend.... good luck to all of us =)