Not that much to lose group *LOSE 15lbs in 12 Weeks*



  • plums
    plums Posts: 38 Member
    I was late for the weigh in AND I gained. Start = 150. Current = 152. :(

    This week will be different!
  • Dangit! Gained a pound. Wah. CW 129.7
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating from 134.8 to 136.8!! I am so frustrated!!!! I def don't see me meeting my 2nd weight loss goal by Nov. 11. :(
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Im also fluctuating between 157-159lbs. Just wish it would make its mind up!

    I have lost a few inches though from target area's (waist, thigh, love handles) so i should really be pleased with that!
  • aion26
    aion26 Posts: 14
    Okay - I'm in at 155lb which was the same as last Friday due to my inability to avoid the Halloween parties. I'm off to the gym shortly.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating from 134.8 to 136.8!! I am so frustrated!!!! I def don't see me meeting my 2nd weight loss goal by Nov. 11. :(

    Whats your second weightloss goal? I'm hoping to meet my 3rd friday!! not sure if its going to happen since i had the out to eat and gain a pound shinanigans...havent shed it yet but i'm tryin my hardest! try to not eat anything with added sodium and drink tons of water like 90-100 oz for the rest of the week and see if that will do the trick normally works for me!
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    My weight keeps fluctuating from 134.8 to 136.8!! I am so frustrated!!!! I def don't see me meeting my 2nd weight loss goal by Nov. 11. :(

    Whats your second weightloss goal? I'm hoping to meet my 3rd friday!! not sure if its going to happen since i had the out to eat and gain a pound shinanigans...havent shed it yet but i'm tryin my hardest! try to not eat anything with added sodium and drink tons of water like 90-100 oz for the rest of the week and see if that will do the trick normally works for me!

    My second weight loss goal is to be at 130lbs by Nov 11th. I weighed in at 134.4 this morning. I drink lots of water all day, usually around 100fl. oz. a day.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    here's hoping it stays at 134! i weighed in at 151 this morning which makes me happy because i gained that pound from eating out. So at least i know that's out of the way now! I really want to lose anouther 1.5 pounds this week to get me down to 149.5 i reallllyyy want to be 145 by thanksgiving...we will see if that happens. Good luck! i'm hoping fridays weight in will bring me to at the highest 150...
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Ah I am in the same situation. I weighed 133 on Friday... then over the weekend it went up to 136 (did not exercise and I think i am close to TOM) but I bounce between 133-136!! I want to be at 130 by Nov. 11th. I have been stuck at or above 133 for 2 months and just can't seem to break it! I haven't been the best at eating lately, but making it my priority starting today! It really gets incredibly frustrating! I feel like I make really healthy choices 85% to 90% of the time, and I am glad I have not gone back to my 145 start weight in nearly 1 year... but the last 10-15 lbs are killing me!
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    make it a goal to pick the healthiest options for the whole week and maybe you can break it!
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    everyone ready for weigh in tomorrow?? fingers crossed we all see LOWER numbers this week! I've had a good week no cheating except one piece of halloween candy a day right before work outs! Hope everyone else is feeling confident for tomorrow as well!!
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    I know I'm a little late, but I'd like to join if possible! I'm in a similar situation and have a about 10 to lose.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    waist: 29.5
  • plums
    plums Posts: 38 Member
    Back at 150. Back on track! Happy with this week despite having a bad day yesterday. Only time for a short walk due to other commitments. Oh well. Hopefully another good week next week.
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    I gained.........

    SW: 155
    CW: 154

    last friday I was 153.2, so a .8 gain. Nobody to blame but myself. I will work harder next week!
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    plums awesome job getting back on track! whats your goal weight? How tall are you?

    dargytaylor- atleast its not a whole pound! hopefully next week will be a better week!
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    I had a pretty good week and lost some. Still don't think it is possible to meet my 2nd weight loss goal by Nov 11 though.

    Here are my measurements for this morning:

    SW 136
    CW 134!!
    Hips 34

    GW 122 by the start of my Nursing Program Jan 17th!!
  • ksubbert
    ksubbert Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, I just joined MFP this week. Is this a female only group? I'd like to join if it's not too late.
  • aion26
    aion26 Posts: 14
    I managed to end the week at 153. So it looks like the goal of 150 by Thanksgiving is becoming a bit more attainable. yay!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    UG... gained 1 lb. TOM is my excuse, but really... I didn't exercise at all this week! I will do much better next week.

    SW: 133
    CW: 134
    GW: 123

    Waist: 29
    Hips: 38.75
    Bust: 34