November - 30 Day Shred Challenge!!



  • lillydlc
    lillydlc Posts: 162 Member
    Hey shredders!

    So glad to have found you. I did D1 L1 yesterday and have serious muscle ache today! However, after reading your posts I will push on and do D2. Aargh. :laugh: Music of my choice on loud, and shred shred shred!

    Fight the good fight, Ladies
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Got my third day done last night. Arms are the thing that's hurting the most. Seriously thinking about one day break and just doing cardio. We'll see.......should just work through the arm thing. First circuit is the worst for me.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Day 4 today of level 1. Il do in after posting this. My arm muscles are agony yesterday I oculdnt flex my arm at all I had to have it straight or else I was in so much pain! Iv just got some wrist weights and Im going to use those instead of dumbells as Im not used to weights. There 1kg but Im a weakling so cant do heavier yet. On monday my partner is starting P90X and I thought about putting some of the cardio workout from that into my routine as well.
    Hopefully the wrist weights are easier then dumbells on my arms.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Level 1 Day 4. Feeling good still. Certainly gives me a good workout and I feel I am doing the pushups a bit better this time.
  • tammalicious30
    L1D2 completed last night. Will do D3 after work. Keep up the good work guys!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    L1D3 complete. Some was harder (push ups, stupid squat shoulder press thingys), some easier (cardio - yay, cardio). I did it earlier in the day as planned and think that was far better than doing it after supper. Feeling the stirrings of a love/hate relationship with Jillian.
    Interested to see how tomorrow feels.
  • tavia28
    tavia28 Posts: 60 Member
    L1D3...Completed!!!! Things seems to be getting easier...Keep it up you guys.. Everyone is doing great!!!
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    Skipped day 3:sad: back on track today for day L1D4.
  • abthorn
    L1D3 complete! I didn't feel like collapsing at the end for the first time so that must be a good sign! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    L1D2 done! Push ups were a killer today! How is everybody feeling so far?
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Sorry I have not posted in this thread for a few days but I still want in. Ever since losing my electricity for 5 days from a bad snowstorm I am having a real hard time getting motivated again. I made a promise to myself to get back on track on Monday so I will be starting L1. I have done the 30 day shred about a week and a half ago and was on level 2 so I figured starting back on level 1 would get me going again. Glad to see you all motivated and I am happy to be in a group that is motivated and active.
  • LilyLove135
    Hello everybody my name is lily and I am too doing the Jillian michaels 30 day shred :)
    I started the 1st of November taking Sundays off. I was 195 down to 175, so I am ready for some real workouts. The first 3 days I was doing the video 2 times a day back to back with 5 pound weights, but I was advised to start off small, 3 pound weights. Days 4 and 5 I will do with no weights and Monday I will be back on track with my 3 pounders. I am 5'6 with a pear shaped body and looking to go down to 140 pounds. The first 20 pounds I lost by walking about 4 to 5 times a week at the track. I was advised to also walk before I do the Jillian michaels 30 day shred. Starting Monday I will power walk at the track for 1hr and 40 minutes and complete my 2 hours of working out with 20 minutes of 30ds. I will be working out 6 days out of the week for 4 weeks, while staying at or less than 1200 calories a day. Hoping to lose 15 pounds by dec 4. Good luck fitness pals!!!!
  • momof2boysvn
    L1D3 done this morning. It is getting a little easier. Can't wait for tomorrow morning! Bring it on Jillian!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    DAY 5 LEVEL 1 Done and dusted.

    Was not the wisest choice to do it after 2 hours of work in the garden, so it was a bit tougher but I got through and did a 13 min walk with leslie sansone on utube. I sort of had a major calorie binge today so have tried to work it off.
  • lizziterlizzi
    So I weighed in this morning first thing when I woke up and I am up .2 pounds.... this is so frustrating because I thought I worked so hard yesterday.

    Start Weight for Challenge 150.4

    Week One Weigh in 150.6

    Goal for the Challenge 140

    GOAL WEIGHT - 125
  • EllKay23
    im starting that today as well :)
    apparently it is very effective..
  • abthorn
    So I weighed in this morning first thing when I woke up and I am up 1 pound.... this is so frustrating because I thought I worked so hard yesterday.

    Start Weight for Challenge 150.4

    Week One Weigh in 151.2

    Goal for the Challenge 140

    GOAL WEIGHT - 125
    I've heard of alot of people having an initial gain the first few days of the shred. A combination of muscle gain and the muscles retaining water. Keep it up!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    L1D4 completed. Still not loving the shoulder press/squat thingys. Did alright.
    Good job, everyone!
  • abthorn
    L1D4 complete! Only 26 days to go!
  • tavia28
    tavia28 Posts: 60 Member
    L1D4 Complete!!!!