November - 30 Day Shred Challenge!!



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 Done and Sweated.
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    L1D3 done! It's getting easier! Although those lunges with the front arm raise things get me at the end. Is anybody else going to try to follow Natalie at the 5 day mark if you aren't already?
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Well I finally got moving with my 30 Day Shred. I did L1D1 today and I feel great after doing it. So glad there is an active group going. Glad to see everyone is doing good with their goals.
  • abthorn
    L1D5 done!!!! Feeling alot less sore today finally!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    L1D4 done. Had to take a couple days break. Have a thigh muscle that is not too happy. But tonight it seemed a lot better. Congratulations to everyone that is still sticking with it!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    L1D5 done today! Stupidly, I went for a very brisk 90 min walk just prior to shredding. Next time I will reverse the order :ohwell:
    Still, there is improvement.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    LEvel 1 Day 7 :smile:

    Did it early morning this ttime while fresh. Plus I have Zumba tonight.
    ARMS are realy feeling it, and right shoulder has a bit of a niggle in it.
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    L1D4 done! 26 days to go!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Question... When you girls bought your copy of 30 DS did it come with a eating/diet guide. Jillian mentions about following her eating plan or something like that. My DVD had nothing with it here in Australia. So I was just wondering about that???
  • DawnJanette
    DawnJanette Posts: 36 Member
    Mine had no mention of the diet - I'm guessing you are supposed to pay more money for that!

    L1D3 completed and it's harder than I though, but progressing well. I'm still not liking the pressups though! I can nearly do it all at the top level so I'm really pleased with my progress from day 1 as I could barely do the beginners level.

    It's really hard work and I ache, especially in my arms, but I feel so good afterwards.

    Keep up the good work guys :-)
  • DawnJanette
    DawnJanette Posts: 36 Member
    Mine had no sight of the diet - I'm guessing you are supposed to pay more money for that!

    L1D3 completed and it's harder than I though, but progressing well. I'm still not liking the pressups though! I can nearly do it all at the top level so I'm really pleased with my progress from day 1 as I could barely do the beginners level.

    It's really hard work and I ache, especially in my arms, but I feel so good afterwards.

    Keep up the good work guys :-)
  • JanetGordon21
    Hey guys! :) Day 7! Almost out of level one now. Can deffo feel myself gettin stronger! :) Love Jillian michaels! Determination
    ! Lets keep going! :D
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. Hope you are all having a great morning and are ready to do the shred. I am not sure when we post our measurements but since I am just starting I thought I would post today. I am also posting my previous measurements from the 30 day shred I did a few weeks ago but was only on level 2 day 4, but I did lose inches.

    Measurements September 30, 2011
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Waist: 42 inches
    Hips: 39 inches
    Bust: 39 inches

    Weight: 140 lbs
    Waist: 37 inches
    Hips: 37 inches
    Bust: 38 inches
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    Question... When you girls bought your copy of 30 DS did it come with a eating/diet guide. Jillian mentions about following her eating plan or something like that. My DVD had nothing with it here in Australia. So I was just wondering about that???

    Mine came with a link to her website to pay for the eating plan. I think. I remember it wanting my cc info to sign up for something.
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    Completed L1D5 today! I tried to follow Natalie, but she killed me on some of the stuff.
  • dollparts26
    dollparts26 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Can I join this challenge as well? I started doing the 30 day shred by myself on November would be nice to have some people that I can chat to about it and have motivation! :smile:
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    I did day 3 on Friday. Saturday I did Zumba and I had a rest day yesterday. I'm on for Zumba tonight. My goal is to do 30 day shred in the morning and Zumba in the evenings. I just need to work on getting out of bed in enough time in the morning. I'll keep you posted.
  • lilredq
    lilredq Posts: 8 Member
    Don't wory about the scale number... you're measurements are going to show your real results! Plus if you're drinking loads of H2O after your workout you're probably packing some water weight while your muscles heal. Water is good for you so, see, just let the proof be in you measurements!

    Best of luck! Keep at it!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Question... When you girls bought your copy of 30 DS did it come with a eating/diet guide. Jillian mentions about following her eating plan or something like that. My DVD had nothing with it here in Australia. So I was just wondering about that???

    Mine came with a link to her website to pay for the eating plan. I think. I remember it wanting my cc info to sign up for something.
    Thanks I've always wondered. It took a lot to just find a copy of it. I am now trying to buy a second copy for my daughter and thats impossible so far. I am also trying to track down Leslie Sansone DVD's but no luck. Think i will have to buy over the internet.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi! Can I join this challenge as well? I started doing the 30 day shred by myself on November would be nice to have some people that I can chat to about it and have motivation! :smile:

    Lovely to have you on board. The more the merrier.