Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - November Challenge!!



  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member

    abby459- see 140lbs on the scale, finish 5K race without walking and under 30mins, aim to run 5miles without walking

    meagalayne- drink more water than I did in September, continue to increase core strength, trail run and spin each at least once a week, and take a proper lunch break at work twice a week (ie: don't kill yourself working 9 hours straight)

    Lalonmeg (meghan)- start back with the c25k program! Keep eating breakfast or at least pack something to go, cut back on the coffee intake. Try and wake up at similar time even days I don't open for work to keep a normal sleep schedule

    Imarunner8908- Workout 2-3 days a week, continue tracking, WATER WATER WATER!

    Leela30 - get back to the measurements I had in April - losing an inch almost everywhere

    Mkingraham- keep up the 15k training program, stretch for ten minutes every evening, reprioritize strength training

    stephabee- get into the lower 130s, start run the running group 2 a week, track food and exercise

    miss_amy- lose 7-8lbs (or at least 5-6), log food every day & work out 5 days a week for at least 45 mins to an hour

    HelloKayla- make it to 130, drink at least 64 ounces of water each day, and work out at least 5 days a week!

    theperfectratio-155 on the scale, drop 1-2 inches around the waist, run 3 miles w/o stopping. Eat CLEAN.

    jyopchick - follow my bootcamp program all the way through the 8 weeks, continue to work out at least 6 days a week, with as many DOUBLE "LCWs" (last chance workouts) as i can squeeze, and a 4lb weight loss by the end of the month.

    GreenHumanClay-Workout 5-6xs/per week with 4-5 of those workouts including running, increase my running distance to 7 miles non-stop, 2 5k's, consume more h20, and lose 3-5lbs and continue zig-zagging.

    Traverlerkate drink LOTS more water, incorporate more fruits and veggies, and hit the gym at least 3 times a week

    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Run 3 times per week with weight training after. Get the scale under 170. Run 2 miles without stopping/walking. Continue with no carbonated drinks plan!

    Mommiebish (Ashley) - Zumba every week, and walk/run on the treadmill 2x a week. I would like to lose 6pounds in November, weight goal of 164.

    Lozzy_86 (Lauren) - Get under the 100kg Mark (220lbs), Currently at 107kg, be able to last 15min on the cross-trainer before the asthma kicks in, drink more water, hit the gym min 3 times a week. Other that, I have a dress on layby that fits ok, but not nice. I am aiming to fit it when I get it out of layby in 4 weeks :)

    i think these are actually the october goals, not the november goals - not sure where they got mixed up, but i know that my goal is definitely my goal from last month and not what i put down for this month! just fyi! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You're right Janelle! I didn't even read them... :blushing:

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
    KoriBarry - Do something physical each and everyday...lose 2 lbs per week.
    b00b0084~ Stay within my 1800 calorie limit for the day, start walking 5x a week, and give up my pop!
    AmberCanFly- Exercise for 2000 minutes (last month was 1832 minutes- almost!), no more fried food, drink 64oz of water a day, no TV during the week, running for 1 mile without stopping, and most importantly not stepping on the scale!
    Rosa137- Lose at least 5 lbs, start cooking or making meals at home at least 3 times a week, start eating breakfast at least 3 times a week.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Run at least 3 times a week. Run two miles without walking. Lose 5 pounds. Do at least one new activity(hot yoga, barre class, rock climbing, boot camp, SOMETHING), kick butt in my 8k(hopefully under 1 hour!), fit into brown and yellow dress for Thanksgiving.
    Mommiebish (Ashley) - Zumba every week, and walk/run on the treadmill 2x a week. I would like to lose 6pounds in November, weight goal of 164.
    Lozzy_86 (Lauren) - Get under the 100kg Mark (220lbs), Currently at 107kg, be able to last 15min on the cross-trainer before the asthma kicks in, drink more water, hit the gym min 3 times a week. Other that, I have a dress on layby that fits ok, but not nice. I am aiming to fit it when I get it out of layby in 4 weeks :)

    Here's the revised list. Sorry I can't comment at all tonight... Ty's here and I'm already being mega anti-social. I'll find time tomorrow, hopefully. Keep up the good work ladies! :drinker:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi my name is Productive Peggy. I am bragging on myself and I was a BOSS today at getting stuff done! Here is my list of what I got accomplished:

    - all but 1 load of laundry washed, dryed, and put away :)
    -picked up my bedroom
    -vaccumed the apartment
    -cleaned up the kitchen
    -got 1/2 of my newest stage design/model house done
    -read a library book AANNNDDDD returned it
    -went to the grocery store
    -paid bills
    -packed my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for tomorrow
    -bag and all my cloths for tomorrow packed!

    yep I think that is it for today lol I am about to call it a night! Man I really did a lot, doesn't seem like it, till you list everything. Why can't everyday be this productive !? lol who knew that extra hour would give me the boost to get about 10x what I normally do on a sunday done.

    jyopchick- so jealous you have a whole foods store near you! Did you get any new foods from there?

    shelby- welcome! And those are great goals, I know you can do them :)

    meag- What korean food did you end up getting? A good friend from high school is korean and I love it when her mom cooks! Hope you are having a good night with Ty !

    Have a great rest of your weekends! Now that I have more of my life accomplished I should have time for some post through the week :) my dad is also supposed to try and help me fix my iphone so hopefully I can have you all in my back-pocket again by the end of the week!

    QOFT (we havne't done this in a while) - What is your favorite part of the chilly weather season ?
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey guys,
    just a recap of the last week-
    started pretty rocky, but my awesome boyfriend flew in from across the country and we spent the weekend running and hiking our butts off.... and really encouraged me with my "getting a healthy lifestyle back" thing.
    I hope you all have a good week .
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I'm back!! Not that I went any where from this thread, but back in the sense of running back! I decided that with the extra we were blessed with this weekend that is no reason that my lazy butt should not get out of bed and go for a run this morning. I took it really slow, but I did 3.5 miles!! Yippee!! I am just thankful that after 4 weeks of not running anything more than a mile I can still run 3.5! I definitely could have kept going, but I was running out of time and needed to jump in the shower and get ready for work. On the schedule for tomorrow is spin and on Wednesday I am going to try for a 10k. If I can nail that then I will be feeling a whole lot better for my 15k on dec 3 which is just 4 weeks away! YIKES! I hope you ladies have a wonderful day and I will do my best to catch up with everyone later.


  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Heyhey good morning all,

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I had an amazing spin class on Saturday- there were 2 instructors who just fed off each other for a great atmosphere. Ended up burning 720 calories in 50 minutes..whereas usually i'm around 500 in that time. Sweat was dripping off onto the was great.

    As for the shape up shoes, I have to agree with Meag. Rebok was even fined for misleading advertising as they have been proven not to work.. I suggest a greater present would be a heart rate monitor, a running watch, jillian michaels dvds, ankle weights, skipping rope.. if you need mroe suggestions just let me know!

    So great to hear about all the great runs. It's making me want to get back out there..even in the cold.

    Have a great Monday!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Monday Lovelies!! Another week to make it count…

    Cynthia – your Friday run/walk out in the elements sounds so amazing!! I really wish I had more time to get my running in. But I know that it will all happen in due time. And your pumpkin bread sounds so yummy!! I love all things pumpkin!!

    Meag – woohoo!! You slept in!!!

    Meghan – great job fitting into those jeans girly!! I have a closet packed with jeans that I can’t fit into so I look forward to moments like those. I don’t know that I can commit to the ab challenge just yet, especially since I have yet to start the pushup challenge but I will definitely keep you updated.

    Megan – woohoo!! Great job with the run! I know that its so easy to make excuses when you are pregnant but getting out there and getting your run on while pregnant is so admirable. Great work girly!!

    AFM…felt as though I had a fun and productive weekend. Eating wasn’t too crazy but I am sure I could have put in a little more effort. Woke up early Saturday morning (which is so unlike me) and got a head start on my day. I have only been doing the 20 minute workout on Turbo Jam since I don’t have too much time during the week but decided to give the 45 minute workout a go since I had the time. Wow am I glad that I did. I am still feeling sore today. But ended up drinking myself stupid on Saturday night. Mixed my alcohols and it was all downhill from there. I was drinking jack and diet most of the night, had maybe half a beer, and that’s when the night turned ugly. But before that, I danced my booty off and completely broke a sweat. Luckily, I didn’t feel too horrible on Sunday so I rested it off a little and then went home to finish what I had started on Saturday. Today will be a good food day for the most part but the new boy is coming up toward my house and the plan is to head to a sports bar/pizza parlor for some Monday night football. But it will also be a late night so I don’t know that I will be up for my 1st workout of the week tomorrow night. But we shall see! I managed to get 3 workouts in last week so I am super proud of myself. Already got my water intake started for the day so we are off to a great start.

    Wait…I almost forgot the best news. Managed to lose 1.9 pounds since last Monday!! I am sure a lot of it was water weight because I have just started consuming my water like I’m supposed to again. But you have to start somewhere so I will definitely take it!!

    Make today worth it Lovelies!!

    Quote of the Day – “Great effort from great motives is the best definition of a happy life.” William Ellery Channing
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey everyone!

    sorry i've been MIA for a few days. i have to admit, i had a pretty ugly week last week and ended up gaining. :( i am DETERMINED to get my head back in the game this week and really focus on my goals. i logged my gain and i am ready to have a great week. on the bright side, i now fit into 2 different pairs of size 12 pants, so even though the scale isnt moving in the right direction, my body is definitely losing inches. so all in all, i can't complain too much.

    hope everyone has a great week! i'm going to try to catch up on reading all of your posts sometime soon. promise! :)
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    It was too cold yesterday to go outside and go to the gym (I'm in CA and 40 degrees is too cold for us lol)... so instead I popped in 30 Day Shred and tried that out. HOLY MOLY was that intense!

    I accidentally had a snack size bad of raisinets.... completely forgot about not eating candy this month. Oh well, one slip up wont throw me completely off-track, right? :blushing:

    Anyways, I'm glad to be a part of this group, you all seem so great! Have a great week everyone! :happy:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Eleanoreb - That spin class sounds tough!! But what an amazing calorie burn!! Congrats for completeing it...I am too scared to even try one!

    Emily - Awesome job on the runs over the weekend!!! I agree about not liking morning runs, but I think I need to start doing them too!! Sounds like you are on track to PR in your 8K....cant wait to hear how it goes!!!

    Guam - Doesnt sound like a bad weekend at all!! And I am going to a monday night football thing tonight I am hoping to stay on track....its hard with all the "game food" around!! And comgrats on the weight loss!!! Whatever the reason for it, enjoy it!!!

    Amber - I did 30 Day Shred about a month or 2 ago and you're right, its is tough!!! But stick with it...I lost 11 inches when I did it....and it does get easier each day!!

    AFM - Had a great weekend....Friday we went new profile pic is me at the top of the mountain we climbed!! It was incredible and me and hubby had a great time!! Yesterday I went to make homemade perogies with my Japanese/Polish started at 9am and we didnt finish until 6pm. Probably not the healthiest but they are sooo good, and she surprised me by even making whole wheat dough for me!! Today I went on a nice trail run by myself...did 7.59 miles (probably my farest yet) and it was soooo nice. I have been feeling kinda down and this weekend really helped cheer me up!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    Hello All, I'm kinda new to this. I'm good at loggin in but I need to get better at growing the support system. Doing this alone will not work. I'm in my 20s and I want to do this the healthy way so I hope i qualify. If not, please be gentle. I'm trying to follow directions so here goes:

    miss_amy- lose 7lbs (i'll be happy with 5-6, but 7 or more would be ideal!), LOG EVERYTHING & work out 5-6x a week
    abby459- Goals for November: I want to focus less on the scale....I still have the goal of being under 140 by the end of Nov. But I want to set some non-weight goals to focus on. I plan to continue my p90x and running hybrid program. I want to be able to run for 60mins without walking!! I want to eat at least 4-5 fruits/veggies a day. I want to stay in my calorie range everyday this month! And I want to drink at least 100oz of water a day!!
    GreenHumanClay: Continue working out 5-6xs per week (running 4xs) since I'm increasing distance 4xs is plenty, increase running to 8 miles, run a 10k, hydrate well, lose 3-5lbs, continue zig zagging and weight training 2xs per week!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Finish my 15k training plan since the race is Dec 3, be concious of the food I am eating and make healthy choices, maintain my weight
    meagalayne- not log more than 5 days for the month (eat well and intuitively), continue an effort to get 2x lunch breaks a week, more water, sleep and more reading (mental and emotional health win!), and work on enjoying every single working - getting back to basics!
    jyopchick- stay on the I-Diet exactly for three weeks (as promised), drink at least 6oz of water every day, take a vitamin every day, lose 8lbs by December 1st!
    eleanoreb- strike a balance between logging obbsessively/not logging, and to kick up my workouts, try new things and just have fun with it
    softballash525- 1. Log as accurately as possible every day. 2. Drink water, think about what I'm eating, then eat. 3. Work out 40 minutes/day. 4. Eat what I want, but stay under calorie goal/day. Scale goal: 6 pounds by 11/30
    annacataldo- excercise everyday or at least 6days a week. weigh 225 (to meet my 100lbs lost goal by thanksgiving). more clean foods; less eating out (if not at all), no treats (Even if i have the calories)
    GuamGrly (Bethany) – lose 5 pounds, drink 64oz of water per day, eat out no more than once per week, workout 3x per week, increase fruit and veggie consumption. NSG – read one book!! (Thanks Meag)
    lalonmeg000 (meghan)- drink 2 nalgene bottles of water daily (64 oz), by the end of the month I would like to run a solid mile no stopping
    emdavid - to drop 6 lbs, but to NOT focus all of my success on the scale; to drop 2% body fat at least; to squeeze an extra day a week into the gym when possible; to jog/run for 10 mins non stop; and finally, to continue to work on beautifying my soul, as well as my body! :D
    OopsieDaezie ~ Lose 3 pounds; Run a 5k at a 6.0 mph pace or better.
    KoriBarry - Do something physical each and everyday...lose 2 lbs per week.
    b00b0084~ Stay within my 1800 calorie limit for the day, start walking 5x a week, and give up my pop!
    AmberCanFly- Exercise for 2000 minutes (last month was 1832 minutes- almost!), no more fried food, drink 64oz of water a day, no TV during the week, running for 1 mile without stopping, and most importantly not stepping on the scale!
    Rosa137- Lose at least 5 lbs, start cooking or making meals at home at least 3 times a week, start eating breakfast at least 3 times a week.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Run at least 3 times a week. Run two miles without walking. Lose 5 pounds. Do at least one new activity(hot yoga, barre class, rock climbing, boot camp, SOMETHING), kick butt in my 8k(hopefully under 1 hour!), fit into brown and yellow dress for Thanksgiving.
    Mommiebish (Ashley) - Zumba every week, and walk/run on the treadmill 2x a week. I would like to lose 6pounds in November, weight goal of 164.
    Lozzy_86 (Lauren) - Get under the 100kg Mark (220lbs), Currently at 107kg, be able to last 15min on the cross-trainer before the asthma kicks in, drink more water, hit the gym min 3 times a week. Other that, I have a dress on layby that fits ok, but not nice. I am aiming to fit it when I get it out of layby in 4 weeks :)
    MercedesV- 1. Use the Kinect system that we spent so much on 3 times a week. 2. Get into the 160lbs. 3. Not freak out about thanksgiving holiday because i did the right things the rest of the month. 4. Probably most important- get rid of all halloween candy asap as I have NO willpower against it.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    hello my lovelies! :love:

    how's everyone's monday going? mine was great! no complaints here, another GREAT productive day working from home... and another trip the grocery store haha (that's three trips in three days... i have a problem :embarassed:) today it was stop & shop because i had some coupons for things i could get at either stop & shop or whole foods so figured i might as well use them (almond milk, frozen veggies, etc). i can't lie - im really tempted to NEVER go to stop & shop again!!! the atmosphere is DELIGHTFUL at whole foods, and i couldn't bring myself to buy ANY produce tonight at stop & shop because it all looked so unappealing! the two to three things that i do get from stop & shop that whole foods doesn't care? well i think i will start buying them in bulk from amazon! the stop & shop in my town is rather... gross... and always SO FREAKIN CROWDED! and to top it all off - i did self check-out tonight and everything that could go wrong, did go wrong - it was actually quite hilarious, and luckily the girl behind me in line has in a great mood and laughed right along with me (poor thing was only buying ONE bag of cat litter and i help her up for like 15 minutes!!) :noway:

    wowzas - talk about a RANT! sorry about that friends :blushing: im done im done!

    meag - no worries on the goal list, thanks for fixing it! you rock! also, i am noticing you are doing a fantastic job of making time for you and tyler, so props to you - i know that was important for you!

    productive peggy!!! - i love it! you rock - and DANG girl you WERE productive! that's what i like to see! cheers to you! :drinker:

    megan - hooray for being back to running! that's fantastic!! :bigsmile:

    amy - i love your determination! we will keep you accountable (that's why you're here after all right? :wink: ) and you WILL have a great week and get to EXACTLY where you want to be!!!

    bethany - NICE loss girl!! that's such great motivation!!

    sorry i can't write more - it's time to unplug and spend time with my man! (after doing my nails through the last 15 minutes of jeopardy :laugh: )

    have a great night dears!! :flowerforyou:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Heeyyyy-o! I've got 11mins to type out an update here. So let's make the most of it! :bigsmile:

    First the good stuff -

    Jyop - Love whole foods but my inner working-class-poor Meag cries a little every time I go in... :ohwell: I am just way too frugal for my own good sometimes and I had knowing I can spend less, even if the shopping experience isn't as good. I know it's a treat sometimes and well deserved, but I still do most of my shopping at the local "no frills" grocery market. I find that oriental markets are usually super cheap and awesome for picking up great produce, as well. Thanks for the relationship props. I am REALLY trying to make it work. Still not sure how we're faring but I am giving it my varsity best, as they say... Time will tell.

    Mercedes - Welcome :drinker: This group is great and a fantastic source of support and motivation. Wishing you the best on your goals this month :happy:

    Amber - Such a small little treat - Forgive and forget! Sounds like you're doing awesome otherwise. Just keep at it and you'll kill it this month. And lay off the candy - jeeeez! :wink:

    Amy - I believe I've been gaining lately too, since I stopped logging, and it's discouraging but it just means we have to push to get back on track and really own it for the rest of the month. Gotta remember what's important and how good we feel when we know we're giving it our best effort. I am sure you'll be back at it without too much trouble at all.

    AFM - Food's been a challenge and not logging is definitely taking it tolls, mentally and physically. I'm not sure if I'm getting fatter or what but I FEEL disgusting. I really do feel like I'm gaining fat and losing muscle rapidly. My mid-section is looking much less toned and it just feels terrible. I managed to make it through an intense spin class today and tomorrow I've got an intro CrossFit class which I am really looking forward to. I think once I get back on track food-wise and stop constantly having the urge to binge and drink beer, I'll do better. Cravings for junk seem to be at an all-time HIGH right now. Not sure what's up... Emotions running high I guess.

    Between the stress and frustration of work and a not-so-functional relationship, plus no time for friends or a social life, I think I am doing more emotional eating than I normally would. Gotta put a stop to that ASAP.

    Otherwise, things are keeping on. Same old. Hope everyone else had a much more positive Monday. Here's to Tuesday kickin' way more *kitten*! :wink:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Meghan Thanks Meghan! I ended up getting Nike Pegasus 28 neutral shoe about 90 bucks but with a 20% since I mentioned yelp totally unexpected but great and a free pair of socks not sure why but I'm not complaining! The socks make a much bigger significance than I expected they are winter socks with thicker heels since I have heel issues at times! And great job on fitting into your jeans thats gotta be one of the best feelings especially when it's unexpected! Logging can be addicting I agree I want to slowly and gradually stop logging even though I have now memorized the calories in everything lol. But I usually don't panic if i go over my cals. since I zig zag my calories! 50 calories is nothing give your self a break plus when there are days you are under 50 it balances out thats why i zig zag!! Great job being Productive Peggy lol thats a lot to get done in one day so good for you! Especially reading a book DAMN! busy day! Good luck with all your projects and rehearsals! :smile:

    Bethany The jog/walk was amazing and I plan on doing it once a week for sure! Anything pumpkin for sure I love pumpkin as well and it doesn't help that at least 2xs per week a coworker bakes something lol... Good job on your exercise routine sounds like you're doing your best given the time frame you have to work with and Congrats on your loss big loss water weight or whatever it is take it like you said! :wink:

    Meag You post fast, Im such a slow person it literally takes me 30 minutes to write not because I type slow but because i have to open two screens and see what everyone else wrote and go back an forth with writing lol. I highly doubt your losing and gaining that fast! Don't be too hard on your self you have excellent workouts, food choices and seem to stay sane with all the craziness life has to offer! hang in there, it might be the fact that you're not logging thats driving you nuts and maybe if you seen the logging you wouldn't feel as "disgusting" which btw your crazy missy :noway: You are super lean i wish I could be as lean as you! I think that cross fit class is going to be great and make you feel great! Im an emotional eater so I know what you mean about wanting to binge, sometimes we all get like that and then were over it! Just keep dong what our doing and make the best healthy choice which it seems you always do! Give yourself a break and take those damn lunch breaks! Let us know how it goes i keep hearing they're tough but so worth it, my younger brother does those but he's in great shape! Make your Tuesday great and kick some *kitten* during cross fit. :tongue:


    Sat I ran/walked early in the am as usual with the best friend and instead of coffee we had breakfast at the place called Los Gatos Cafe awesome home cooked food and choose pretty healthy IMO! Did some dog training and my usual errands and called it a night with hot cocoa and scary movies with the BF!

    Sunday I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill and did some weigh training and I woke up sore today because I definitely do not do enough weight training and need work on upper body strength! The rest of the day I betty crockered it up and lounged and was lazy all day!! It was great, need more days like that!

    I had an okay day today, it was better once the work day was over! Went for a run and it was great not the easiest but the longest did 7.55 miles in about 72 minutes or so not sure the pace since I jogged comfortably and did some speed intervals but i averaged less than 10:00/per mile! Definite NSV for me, ate descent didn't go over my calories even though it was my high calorie day (save it for another day) :wink: and consumed plenty of water! Weighing in tomorrow so Im hoping for a loss! Got a great deal on living social just like group, great deal on a 1 month long bootcamp/yoga classes that a few co-workers and I will be starting Nov. 21st new exercise is always great! So we will see how that goes, hope you ladies had a great Monday and make Tuesday a kick *kitten* day! Good night!! :bigsmile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies!!

    Amy – how did everything go with court on Friday??

    Amber – great attitude!! I’m an all-or-nothing kinda girl so its nice to see that other people can overcome their minor downfall rather than letting it send them into a downward spiral. Great job!!

    Abby – hope you did great with Monday night football last night. It was a good game!! Sounds like you had a great weekend yourself. And I know what you mean about the homemade food with the family. I went over to my cousin’s house a few weekends ago and made pumpkin empanadas. Not the healthiest choice but it was the time spent with her in the kitchen that was so much fun!

    Mercedes – welcome to the group!!

    Jenelle – glad to hear that you had another productive day!! They always make me feel so much better!!

    Meag – you have been through so much over the last year and it just seems to keep coming at ya!! I really hope that you are able to find some balance in your life and pronto. You are such an amazing person with a great head on your shoulders. I am sure that once you have a moment to sit and reflect on everything that has taken place in your life recently that you will be able to make the best decision for you!!

    Cynthia – sounds like you had a great Monday!! Hope your weigh in goes well today. Can’t wait to hear about it!!

    AFM…well I managed to stay within calories (I think) yesterday despite Monday night football. The boy decided we were having a liquid dinner. I felt like crap this morning though. I think it has passed. Didn’t get much sleep either. But I think I am still going to work out tonight. When I was hitting the gym hard and regularly about a year ago, I always told myself that being tired was not a valid reason to not workout but more of an excuse. So, I believe I need to stick with that mentality. Water intake has already began for the day.

    Make it a great day Lovelies!!

    Quote of the day – “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. “ Thomas Jefferson
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Ok, I've finally caught up on reading everyone's posts! So excited to see so many people join us! This is gonna be a LONG post.

    Meag- Should we make Kicking *kitten* a group? Maybe then we can separate threads into different topics like "daily check-ins," "recipes," "runners" etc... Thoughts? Just throwing it out there. :) Also, I agree we have to remember how good we feel when we stay on track. Falling off the wagon is ok and will happen, but jumping right back on is the key to keeping things going in the right direction!

    Bethany- I ended up not having court Friday! All that anxiety for nothin lol. It's getting rescheduled, but I feel a little better about the whole process now so hopefully I won't be as nervous about it when it does come. Thanks for asking! :) I love your quote of the day! So true. I always complain about being tired and not wanting to work out but when I force myself to do it, I always feel a million times better than if I didn't!

    Cynthia- The bootcamp/yoga class you are going to do sounds fun! Let us know how it goes!

    Janelle- Thanks for having my back girl! We definitely gotta keep eachother motivated! Sounds like you're doing great! And you're right, I WILL have a great week! :)

    MercedesV- Welcome! You definitely qualify to be in our group! I wish you luck in your journey! :)

    Abby459- That's awesome you climbed a mountain! You must've felt so great accomplishing that! Also, mmm perogies! Such a delicious treat! :)

    Amber- Welcome! What part of Cali are you from? I'm heading to San Diego at the end of the month for a few days! I'm excited. I'm from Chicago so I know it will be warmer than here lol. I attempted the 30 day shred when I first started my weight loss journey last year and man was I sore! I feel your pain haha. Way to get your workout in though!

    Eleanor- Welcome! I love spin! I've never taken a class (I have a spin bike at my house) but I can say it does make me sweat buckets! Awesome burn!

    Emily- That's awesome you're doing the 100 pushups program. How many can you do now? I am terrible at them. I should look into adding them more into my routine. I also am not a morning workout person. I want to be so bad, especially on days I know it will be hard to fit in my workout at night, but I can never seem to get myself going in the morning. Morning workouts are definitely one of my goals though! Keep up the great work!

    Megan- That's awesome you're back to running! You'll do great at your 15k! :)

    Stephabee38- Welcome! Sounds like you have a great boyfriend! It's great to have someone to motivate you to achieve your goals. Sounds like you're on the right track!

    Meg aka Productive Peggy (lol)- way to get s*** done! lol Doesn't it feel great to be productive? I always forget how awesome it feels when I'm feeling lazy.

    Shelby- Welcome! I think you'll find our group is very supportive & motivating! Keeping a food diary definitely works, just stick with it! You will see results! :)

    Lauren- Welcome! Good luck with your goals! You can do it!

    Ashley- Welcome! How do you like Zumba? I've heard great things! Definitely want to try it out sometime!

    b00b0084- Welcome! We have really gross water where I live too. My family invested in a big water cooler type thingy & we refill huge jugs every week at the grocery store for pretty cheap. It's worth the investment, when you can afford it!

    DonetteM- Welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far. As far as the sketchers shape-ups go, I've heard they don't work. Why not invest in something that works for sure, like some weights or a good workout DVD? :)

    Rosa- Welcome! Starting slow is what I did. I cut out bad foods one by one and slowly added more and more fitness into my routine. It's been over a year but I've lost almost 50lbs! You can do it, just stick with it! :)

    Kori- Welcome! Congrats on your loss so far! I hit a plateau for a few months this year so I know how frustrating it is. Try zig-zagging your calories or upping your protein. Make sure you log everything you eat! It's possible you're eating too much or not enough. Also switching up your workouts helps too. I added weight training into my workout and it helped jump start my weight loss again. Good luck! Stick with it!

    Elisa- Welcome! Good luck with your goals! Weight training really helps with toning! Do you have that in your current routine?

    Daisy- Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot of realistic goals. Stick with it and I'm sure you'll do great!

    Liz- Welcome! You've come to the right place! Our group is very supportive and welcoming! Feel free to share your journey with us! :)

    Softballash525- Welcome to our group! I definitely struggle with sticking to my goals while traveling too. Just make sure you are honest with yourself and log everything! Try to squeeze in workouts too. You owe it to yourself. Remember that. :)

    Anna- Welcome! Congrats on all of your success so far! Awesome! Losing an average of 10lbs a month is unreal! I'd be ecstatic to lose that much in just one month! Good luck with your goals!

    PHEW! I think I got everyone. That took forever lol. I'm glad we have such a huge group this month! Hopefully it will help keep me focused!

    ASM: Although I had a bad week last week, I haven't let that deter me from having a great week this week. Yesterday I got a GREAT workout in and the scale is moving in the right direction again. Woo hoo. Today is one of my best guy friend's birthdays but I am determined to fit in a 30 minute workout before I go anywhere. I'm under my cals for the day, so thats good too. I already scheduled all of my workouts for the week to help keep me focused. I can do it! I also motivated my friend to start weight training. She's the one who is getting married next year & I'm in her wedding so I figured we can motivate each other all year. We have to order our dresses in February so it's crunch time! I'm ready to see some more results!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Quick post super exhausted!

    Amy that is awesome especially with your huge loss a couple weeks ago, nice determination and great to hear you motivated your friend, it's always nice to have a workout partner! Or just someone else that can be accountable with you!

    AFM I have a good day at work can't complain , well I could but won't lol... Did some weight training no running just weight training didn't burn as many calories but that was not the goal today and I went over in my calories which is fine, went to a last minute b-day get together at my grandmas house and I ended up having mexican ceviche and mexican cake, delicious but super rich had only half a slice YAY for me since I could have ate that plus some! Tomorrow I have a run planned no set distance and not focusing on speed either, just run if I do 2 miles then I do 2 if I do 5 or 6 then great but I just want to run for the enjoyment I forget to do that especially recently since I always feel I want to improve rather than simply enjoying it for what it is!! Going to call it a night super tired, happy early Hump day make tomorrow great ladies! Good night! :yawn:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Quick post super exhausted!

    Amy that is awesome especially with your huge loss a couple weeks ago, nice determination and great to hear you motivated your friend, it's always nice to have a workout partner! Or just someone else that can be accountable with you!

    AFM I have a good day at work can't complain , well I could but won't lol... Did some weight training no running just weight training didn't burn as many calories but that was not the goal today and I went over in my calories which is fine, went to a last minute b-day get together at my grandmas house and I ended up having mexican ceviche and mexican cake, delicious but super rich had only half a slice YAY for me since I could have ate that plus some! Tomorrow I have a run planned no set distance and not focusing on speed either, just run if I do 2 miles then I do 2 if I do 5 or 6 then great but I just want to run for the enjoyment I forget to do that especially recently since I always feel I want to improve rather than simply enjoying it for what it is!! Going to call it a night super tired, happy early Hump day make tomorrow great ladies! Good night! :yawn:

    SV and NSV Hit the 50lb loss today and as of my current weight Im now considered to be in the "healthy" BMI range, very general info but that was one of my goals! Which could mean something or nothing but I'll take it!! :bigsmile:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    b00b0084- Welcome! We have really gross water where I live too. My family invested in a big water cooler type thingy & we refill huge jugs every week at the grocery store for pretty cheap. It's worth the investment, when you can afford it!
    My mom used to have one of those. I loved it. I can not afford one of those right now or in the near future, but I am wanting to get the brita thing. I will just be refilling it multiple times a day!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member

    SV and NSV Hit the 50lb loss today and as of my current weight Im now considered to be in the "healthy" BMI range, very general info but that was one of my goals! Which could mean something or nothing but I'll take it!! :bigsmile:

    yayyyyyy! this is so fantastic!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! that's a super important goal!! you have decreased your chance of medical illness DRASTICALLY by lowering your BMI to a normal range!! 50 lbs is definitely a BIG SV - so celebrate it!!!! :bigsmile: :heart:

    no time to post now, but ill try to check back in later! super crazy day today! BUT i will say that i am kicking my november goal's *kitten*! :wink: i have been exercising regularly at 5:30am so that i have NO excuses about time, etc and not being able to get it in! i've been staying on meal plan for my new job and as a result have been drinking a LOT more water (more fiber = more water necessary!). i am learning so much about nutrition and seeing how the right food composition can leave you feeling SO satisfied!! i have planned my food every day, stuck to the plan, and as a result... i am down 4.8lbs in less than 10 days! :noway: i feel FANTASTIC to finally be flushing my body of the crap i normally eat! i am in love with november and my focus on health and fitness this month :love:

    have a GLORIOUS hump day today! you WILL reach your goals this month - we ALL will! know why? because this month has been renamed... YESVEMBER!!! :laugh: