To Log or Not to Log Thanksgiving



  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I'm going to log it and try to burn as much of it as I can.
    I'm not going to say no to anything but i'm not going to eat until i can't move either lol

    I'm going to do the same. I'm going to get a great workout in during the morning. I'm also gonna try and run around with the kids so that way I don't feel bad indulging in some holiday faves.
  • I'm logging it, and I'm not going to overeat. I'm in maintenance. I started losing right before Thanksgiving last year, and I enjoyed Thanksgiving last year without having the need to gorge myself on junk. I ate a little bit of the things I wanted, passed on the things that weren't worth it to me, and stayed within my calorie range. No depravation, but no eating a bunch of crap just because you're "supposed" to that day, either. There are lots of ways to enjoy the holiday without making yourself sick on fatty foods. I'm going to play with my daughter, nieces and nephew, hang out with my hubby's family, watch some football, etc. The food is a minor thing - the point is giving thanks and enjoying your family! I'm also going to focus on being thankful that I have the opportunity to make good food choices, enjoy my healthy body, etc. - soooo many people in the world don't have that luxury! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Day off. I will try to limit myself to one plate full. Dessert only if I am hungry for it. And, maybe one glass of wine.

    I am usually a sucker for potatoes and stuffing. Those can top the charts rather quickly for me.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I'm not going to log it, not because I'm not interested, but because everything we have for Thanksgiving is homemade -- it's just too much work to build all the recipes for a twice-a-year (thanksgiving and Christmas eve) meal. My wife's family is Italian, so we don't do turkey. Our menu usually looks something like this:

    Fresh Spaghetti
    Homemade Sauce
    Homemade meatballs from a 100+ year old family recipe
    Fresh Italian Sausage (we cheat here -- it's from the butcher)
    Green Salad
    Garlic Bread
    Pizzelle (from a generations-old family recipe)

    And, because it's Thanksgiving, we also have pie. That doesn't count the bourbon or beer that will be consumed. Obviously, I'm going to be WAY over calories. I'd rather spend the time enjoying the holiday and our family, instead of obsessing over calories. I'm planning on lots of biking and/or running during that week to make up for the major binge day, and I'll probably try to get in a good half-hour run before the relatives start arriving on the day of, just to fire up my metabolism.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I won't be logging. Mainly because entering all the recipes would be a giant pain in the *kitten*. lol
  • I am not going to log but going to try to eat 1200 that whole week EXCEPT for Thanksgiving. And I will be doing a workout everyday that week to counter attack the carbs and pie too!
  • im not going to log because i will be out of town and wont have a computer with gonna probably eat more than normal, but try not to go over board...i LOVE turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie...yummm cant wait !
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Ok...I say...Let Operation stuff the turkey not yourself..Begin! We all have different plans and reasons. Each of us has to decide what will work best for us. I think I'm still to new to this for me not to log!

    I wish you all luck! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    For all you folks set on Sedentary that will be cooking and moving between the kitchen, dining room, and living room all day...

    Remember... all that standing and moving from room to room... That's gonna burn a ton of calories all by itself.

    Anecdote: Whenever I'm at my parents, I'm in the kitchen a lot and moving from room to room... I burn an average of 600 - 800 additional calories on any given day I spend at their house. (BodyBugg numbers compared to my average work day).
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    Im logging....EVERYTHING!!!!! NOT LOGGING DOSENT MEAN YOU DIDNT EAT IT!!!!!....remember....(D-nile is a river in Jordan).

    Nicely said!
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I'll be eating on plan every day until Thursday. On Thursday, I will eat a healthy breakfast, and then eat whatever I want for the rest of the day. On Friday, I'll eat a healthy breakfast, and then if there's any Thankgiving food left on Friday, I'll eat a plate of it for lunch or dinner. I'll go back to eating on plan Saturday and Sunday. Then I'll probably skip the scale for a week while everything evens back out. I'll be getting plenty of exercise in all week. I will eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving, I will not log it, and I don't care what anyone thinks about that.
  • Defff LOG ITTTTT hahaha... its not an everyday thing. Not knwoing will prolly just bug me.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Log every day
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I am logging with a goal to stay under and maybe work out?!? I guess I feel like this is any other meal?!?! oh, I will probably also be skiing that day with my fam. My family would rather ski together then eat together.
  • Thanksgiving will be EASY for me. I will be spending it in a hotel with my kids!!! hahahaaa My daughter is active duty Navy and stationed in Norfolk so I am surprising her brother and sister with a road trip to meet her half way in South Carolina. So, we will not be having a traditional dinner. :)

    NOW.....if you want to ask about Christmas................................... lol
  • I'm going to log it, but I'm not going to fuss about calories. It's important for me to do this so that I'm making lifestyle changes, but still enjoying my life. One day isn't going to ruin my whole weight loss/maintenance plan.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I would say log- it's just one day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think I'm going to log thanksgiving just to see what it is, but I'm not limiting myself in any category.

    My only goal this Thanksgiving is not to eat so much food that I'm miserably over-full. All other bets are off! Can't wait!

    I will probably just put a quick add of 2500 cals in, so i have a record on here that is was a big calorie day and then forget about it!
  • idcatiej22
    idcatiej22 Posts: 49 Member
    sadly, i'm keeping up with my pattern of logging ahead of time so i can watch what i'm eating (whamp whamp whaaaaaamp). because of my boyfriend's family situation, i will have at least two - if not three - thanksgivings, another large family dinner with his family that saturday, and a baby shower that sunday. i also plan on going to yoga the morning of thanksgiving to work off thanksgiving round 1/to earn extra calories for thanksgiving rounds 2 & possibly 3.

    i am in the same situation for christmas. enter in more yoga/30 day shred/or metabolism boost for me!

    anybody else have to celebrate holidays multiple times over?
  • I will definitely logging in for Thanksgiving. The real truth shall set you!! I also read via on internet that you should use a plate that's 9", well I looked in my cabinent I have various sizes...I have the 9" and a 10 1/2", boy that 10 1/2" sure makes a difference. I defintely stick to my 9"plate. I never would of thought that the size of a plate really mattered, but it does. Go give it a shot you will see what I mean. I get full on the 9" plate. I also don't pile my foods high either, I use to but those days are long gone. It's not about how much you but what you eat. I would suggest to choose your foods wisely, also absolutely don't eat after 7pm. A wise old man taught me that and it has helped tremondously for me.