Calling all SEXY MAMA's and WANNA BE's ;)



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Oh, and one more thing....

    As we do the thread roll over, we want our WEEKLY LINE-UP to be the beginning post... So, if your's is the comment post that will be first on the "new thread" please copy and paste the WEEKLY LINE-UP first and then you can continue on and post your comment. IT will help to have the WEEKLY LINE-UP as the first post so it is easily identified and easy to find... we won't have to dig through the posts to find it to remember what the topic for the day is :wink:

    The new thread, which will be our "Official Thread" will be titled "SEXY MAMAs UNITE" ( I totally stole that from aliciazak's comment post because I thought it was dang cute... and a bit catchy! :drinker: )
    So, I'll catch you ladies on the new thread!!!

    Be sure to find it and post on it so you can find it later... even if you have to "BUMP" it until you can do your weigh-in.... don't want to lose anyone during this transition... If any of you notice anyone from this thread that doesn't check in on the new thread, post them a friendly reminder on their wall with a link to the new post :drinker:

    I think that's it! ....................
  • marmar1977
    marmar1977 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to be able to join! I am 34 yr old single mom to 4 children. I just started going back to the gym last week and I have started taking a close look at what I eat so I can change my lifestyle.
    My motivations are my 4 children. I have 3 daughters who are uickly entering puberty so I would love to become a healthy role model so I can influence them in a positive way in hope that they will not turn to food in times of stress like me. Also, I have a 5 month old son who counts on me as I am his ony parent. My daughters father is heavily involved in their upbringing so I don't worry as much about them if something was to happen to me because of my poor health. However, my baby's father left last year before he was born and hasnot contacted us so if anything was to happen to me, my baby would be all alone. This is my biggest motivation in the world, he needs his mommy :-)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Welcome, Marmar... be sure to check in on the new thread :drinker:
  • deb782
    deb782 Posts: 3 Member
    WOW! I had a hard time finding this thread this morning.
    Since it is now Monday morning I thought I would be good and weigh myself. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Yes I have gained a pound in the last week (1.2 to be exact) but I have also been into the Halloween candy and haven't been to the gym in almost 3 weeks. I have finally beat my cold so I am off to the gym this morning for my beginners Zumba class!
    Here are my stats.....

    SW 185 lbs
    CW 171.2
    GW 150
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Cool with the Monday weigh in:

    So my Monday weigh in is as follows

    Starting Weight: 232.8
    Current Weight: 231.0
    Total Weight Loss: 1.8 pounds....I will take that....Hoping to get into the 220's by the end of the month.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150-160, still up for debate.....will see when I get there.

    Got my exercise in today and did 4.6 miles of walking. Hoping to get back out and get some more walking done.
  • OokiiHeart
    OokiiHeart Posts: 10 Member
    I'm hoping that it is not too late to join this group. I have been on MFP for almost a month now but until today when I saw your post for this fabulous group, I did not consider joining a group. I was very motivated a month ago, to lose this weight but I thought I could do this on my own. (ha, it's not worked before so why would I think that now would be different) I'm finding that there is great benefits in groups of people with like minded goals, just by reading the forums. I love that this group is made of others just like me, a mom !! Beautiful women putting their best efforts in to change our lives, supporting each other in this weight loss journey- YES I want in!!

    I'm a mom of 5 kids (ages 17,16,14,10 and 9). I'm turning 39 this December and that number is hitting me hard, well almost as hard as the one on my scale. :) I want to lose the weight and become a healthy person, inside and out but I've not ever consistently given it an honest effort before now. I've realized that everyday I log on MFP i am not only motivated to have a good day calorie wise,but taking charge of what i eat somehow motivates me to not procrastinate in my daily lists of things/errands I need to do. I've started to become kinder to myself and hopefully this reflects with better relationships with others too!! ( who doesn't feel bad when you compliment someone, and they just give sour remarks back? well that person was me, not liking the way i look) I'm sure my husband will really love the improvements in attitude alone. :)

    Since I'm a day behind.. here are my Monday weigh ins:
    I'm a shorty at only 5'1" and in the obese BMI

    Starting weight: 186.5
    current weight: 186.5
    Total weight loss: none this week, as I've gained 1/2 a pound.

    Goal weight: 125
  • oh yay! I wanna join too!!! I've never done this before, so this is new for me, so bear with me! :)

    I'm Layla, I'm 5' 8' and weighed in at 240 even this morning. I started my weight loss journey about 3 years ago, at 300 lbs. lost 80lbs in about 8 months by counting calories, then was stuck at the 220s for a long time. Then had a baby 5 months ago - gained more weight after the baby was born than during the entire pregnancy. I was up only 6lbs after I had her :/ for the past 5 months I've been trying to get back into it, but wasn't successfull!!! need help!!!! hoping this is it now!!!!! it has to be, I can't keep gaining!

    I love love love love zumba. have I mentioned, I love it!!! :) I am going to zumba today! so a challenge can be for everyone to try a zumba class! I'll try a new instructor! I'm partial to mine! :)

    so, how do we find out what this month's challenge is??

    good luck sexy mamas!!!! :)
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I stayed the same weight over the weekend. Which is pretty good considering its almost that time of the month and I feel like I am retaining water. I am 165

    Hope you all had a great weekend! I am so ready to get rid of this weight!
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Good Morning.. : )

    Starting weight for November: 164
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning! Halloween weekend and then my anniversary weekend - not good for the scale! I gained two pounds. :( Back on the wagon today!
  • hey there sexy mama's...and wanna be's lol..i hope that it isnt too late to join the group! i have been looking for a good group to join since last week and i seem to always catch them too late! anyway..

    my name is Jonna..i am from Maine. Its getting really cold so walking and outside excersize isnt really an option alteast half of the year here. I have a 4 year old boy and i also have my 4 year old nephew living with me. I would think chasing them around everyday would be enough...but i am finding out that it just isnt. I recently started going to the gym with a friend of mine and i am hoping to lose atleast 20lbs. I am starting at 180 today! Cant wait for the challenges..i think that is what i really need to get me going. Goodluck and looking forward to getting sexy with all of you lovely ladies!!

  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 259 Member
    Im late but I wanna join. Im a 30yr old wife and mother to 2yr old daughter and now a 16yr old step daughter. My babies are my motivation as I want to be around for them and stay healthy. Let's do this ladies. Oh my starting weight is 166lbs.
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I'd join!
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    I would love to also! Hopefully this thread will become active again.
  • erinp523
    erinp523 Posts: 50 Member
    I would love to join too!