**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Lexie you look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am. I'm glad you are finding a sense of balance and hopefully a bit of peace, even if its only for moments. HUGS

    Becky - thanks for the advice, I will consider it, I don't know what I am going to do. The problem is, I am a lethal snacker! Its how I ended up where I was.

    Julie - I hope you enjoy yourself. All you people starting Christmas shopping....!!

    So today has been a good day. I decided that I was going to repeat last Saturday and head to the gym on foot. I was pretty sure I could run the whole way. AND I DID!!!!! 2.35km and with the exception of traffic lights, I ran the whole way. I wanted to stop many times but I could hear JJ (at least I think it was JJ who said it) saying that running is a mental game. I checked my body, nothing really hurt that much, I wasn't even breathing that hard. I was sweaty and mentally uncomfortable so I kept going. And I dropped a minute off my per kilometer time since I did my 5k back in June. It all makes me happy.

    I've had no problem being good with food today which makes a very nice change! Decided to try a new recipe for dinner and am just waiting for DH to get home with some balsamic vinegar so I can cook it. Mediterranean chicken - chicken breasts stuffed with herb and garlic cream cheese with courgettes, sun-dried tomatoes, tomatoes, celery, red peppers and seasoning. It sounds yummy so I hope it tastes as good as it sounds and looks in the picture!

    I hope you are all having a skinny Saturday!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Have to say dinner was ABSOLUTELY yummy!!! The best thing I have cooked in a long time and it was super easy :bigsmile: 376 calories to so that deserves a :bigsmile: I'm stuffed!!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    -- Congrats on your run girlie ;) I am very proud of you for going the whole way. That's just awesome & having your yummy dinner! :)

    -- Look at you! You have every right to be happy and proud. You look fantastic. The difference between that photo and the original one you posted is like night and day. Be happy. :) Seriously. :)

    Well I spent the day cooking myself. Another batch of super low cal from total scratch spaghetti sauce. Ingredients from the store, Heirloom tomatoes, Portobello mushrooms, ground bison (1.5 lbs), carrots, fennel, onion. From my garden, cuban oregano, mexican oregano, greek oregano, silver thyme, lime thyme, mexican sage, french chives, marjoram, sweet basil, lime basil, cilantro, epazote, celery, curly parsley, italian flat leaf parsley, bay leaves, and one pepperoncini (banana pepper).

    Since I ate it with my 0 calorie, 0 carb noodles, I decided for having such a complete ****e week, we went out for ice cream at Sonic. Do you know what's sick? Their banana split is less calories than their caramel sundae which is 1/3 the size. That's so screwed up. So yeah I had the banana split no whipped topping. Was best I've ever tasted. LOL probably not true, but sure tasted mighty good.

    have to do OS upgrade on my computer tonight. So I might be awol tomorrow if it doesn't go well, not that I think it won't. And I have to plant the Japanese Blueberry tree tomorrow poor little guy keeps getting blown over every time we have a storm. Have a great day everyone! :)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So, I have been totally absent from this thread, and damn near absent from the challenge thread all week. Test data analysis, and trying to get teachers to figure out what to do with it is a total *****! My supervisors say that I am not really supposed to TELL them how to do anything; instead, I'm supposed to use probing questions to get them to figure it out themselves. I can't believe they don't recognize that I have the answers to solve all the world's problems???? :devil: :noway: :huh:

    Anywho, other than that, life is good. I finally got rid of the TOM bloat that had me up over 7lbs last week, and now I'm actually down another whole pound :drinker: The girls have been home this weekend, and are excited about their room being painted; now I just need to get some shelves in there, so they can put their **** away instead of leaving it on the floors, and we are going to hang all of their dated teddy bears (the ones with the dates on the feet) around the moulding by the ceiling to keep them out of the way and displayed. Then that room will be completely done. I think I would like to go ahead and pain the dining room before Thanksgiving, but I don't know yet. Mom is driving me crazy about starting to cook for Thanksgiving already. I keep telling her that she's ****ing crazy because anything we make now (cookie and dessert-wise) will either be gone or stale in 3 weeks. I, personally, don't want that **** sitting around for more than a week!!

    Lexie: Your pic looks great! You should be very proud of yourself!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Julie – Thanks! I am actually able to wear a size 18 pants, but they are starting to get a little loose, so I might be down sizing soon :bigsmile: You have to let us know how many shocked faces there are! I am sure there will be people that think your husband remarried to a skinny hot chick :wink: And enjoy the high end stores! That sounds like a lot of fun.

    Becky – thanks! I feel amazing. I actually found a mini jean skirt from goodwill that is an American Eagle, and it fits! I still don’t think my legs look good enough to wear it, and I don’t know if I ever will wear it out of the house, but I do like to wear it around my bed room, because I feel amazing in it! Those 2 first days, the load days, I ate so much I thought I was going to throw up! Especially because I have been eating healthy for a long time, so those fatty foods were really hard. Some were yummy, but not good enough to do it all the time. And yes! We are going to get to the triple digits soon!

    Steph – thanks :bigsmile: I am getting a little bit more peace in my life everyday. I do still have bad days, but I take them in stride and I am really trying to focus on me. Probably for the first time in my life I am trying to put myself totally first. Awesome job running to the gym! And I am sure when you were at the gym you still worked out! That is just amazing :smile: And that meal sounds delicious!

    Cynthia – thank you. I am starting to feel good about myself and pride in how far I have come. Wow, you have all that growing fresh?!? I guess you were busy with that garden! I am sure that ice cream was super yummy. I went to a friend’s house last night, and the kids made sundaes. I wanted one so bad, but I didn’t give in. I love ice cream! Enjoy planting (or replanting) to your tree…another great burn coming up for you!

    Bobbie – thanks! And yes, some teachers are oblivious to what is going on.

    Well, as you can see...I am writing long posts again, so I am feeling good and back! I had a great day yesterday, and today is off to a great start! I spend the evening with a friend at her house and our kids had a blast, and I am building a great friendship. The kids made home made pizzas and sundaes...and I ate my chicken and spinich that I had brought. I wanted a slice of the pizza so bad, and the sundaes were calling my name. But, I thought about how close I was to the 100 pounds lost, and that pizza and ice cream was not worth it! I had a great night, and I felt super proud of myself.

    Today has been great also! I actually went to church today for the first time in years. With everything going on my life, I decided that I wanted to find a church. The one we went to today was nice. It wasn't too formal and it is somewhere I felt comfortable with. I mom almost dropped the phone when I told her that I went to church :laugh: , but I know that she probably cried after I got off the phone.

    Almost all of my laundry is done, and I only have a little bit of school work to do. And it is a beautiful day, and I am going to try and take the boys on a walk. So, for right now, I am all smiles! I hope you all have a great sunday!!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello All!
    Well its been another good day! Couldn't figure out what to do at the gym today and in the end decided it was a machine day. It was the only thing that I could see me sticking with. I ran for 15mins straight (2km!), cross trained 15, spinned 15 and hillwalked 10. Felt really good afterwards and got a nice comment about working hard.

    Spent the afternoon trying to pack. I think I've overpacked but rather too many clothes and warm on the outdoor trips then regretful and cold I say! Am hoping to be able to sneak in runs in the morning. Both yesterday and today when I was running I felt great, not like a giant heffalump which is how I felt the last time I did any distance running.

    Dinner tonight wasn't nearly as nice as last nights but at least I tried another new recipe. Tonight was chicken and bean risotto. It sounded so yumym - mushrooms, corn, broccoli, kidney beans, chicken and rice. It just lacked something....

    Lexie: what a great accomplishment last night staying away from temptation!

    Bobbie - you job on shifting the weight. The room for the girls sounds nice, i love the idea of the teddy bears!

    Cynthia = hope you got the pc problems sorted out.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hello Everyone and Happy Sunday!!

    My day... welp, my weekend has somewhat been a very relaxing and lazy one. I spent yesterday lounging in the morning and then went to a movie. I made a choice and did eat popcorn! Wasn't good... at all. Disappointing in some ways, as that is a fave for me and I missed it. Yet, makes it easier to think that I don't need it anymore! Or, don't want it. I did a little shopping and came home to... do what?!? ... change quickly into gym clothes and headed to the gym. It was a bit hard "getting" into it yesteday. Just didn't really want to do anything while I was there, but thought as I was on the elliptical -- which I usually love, love, love -- OK, just pick a program already Becky! Then, I thought ... you need to at least do 10 minutes, I mean come on... So, I did 10 minutes, which quickly turned to 15... then not so quickly turned into 20. At that point, I was ready to get off but my friend showed up so I ended up doing 30 minutes and with legs like jello (not sure why, guess those muscles were tired yesterday). Then we did the machines and lifted weights - focus on legs and back. Came home and ate pizza. Woops - oh well! I shouldn't say woops. It was a conscious choice... and it was the choice I made.

    Today, been crocheting a little and talking on the phone a lot. Watched a couple tv shows off my dvr. My twin brother has finally set a week for his wedding -- so I will be headed to Hawaii sometime between March 7 - 16... or perhaps that whole time. Talked to his son (my godson!!) who doesn't tell anyone "I love you" anymore -- except for me! So, even with his friend and family around, he let me know that he was excited that I was coming to Hawaii and that he loved me too! Ahh, I love that little guy who isn't so little anymore! Now, I am gonna head to work for a few hours, go to the gym for a bit, and come home to clean, do laundry and to build some stuff! I am off an runnin' ...

    HAVE A HAPPY SUNDAY... sun is shining and snow is melting in Montana! YAY!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good afternoon my lovelies! I am back from the cabin and kept up with my exercise and dtayed in my calories each day but had a hard time keeping my protein above 30%. But, I am back home and it is much, much easier to do here.

    Lexie- you are looking great in your pic!! Keep up the good work.

    I am off to do the camping laundry before it smells up the whole house. Have a great night all.
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Steph – that is great that you are feeling good running! I hope that you are able to get runs in the morning in, I am sure that it will help you deal with the kiddos for the rest of the day. Have a great trip!

    Becky – Isn’t that crazy how the things we love no longer taste like what we remembered?!? It does sound like you are ok with your decisions, and know that it was your choice, which I think is great. Sounds like you had a great Sunday, and very productive! And a Hawaiian vacation/wedding sounds wonderful :smile:

    Staci – thanks! And I know the feeling about camping laundry (or should I say smell). Enjoy the rest of your camping!

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. I did a bunch of homework, so that way I should have NOTHING to do during the week this week! I am not sure if I will be going to school today. My 8 year-old was not feeling good yesterday and when he went to bed he asked if he could stay home. I told him we would see when he woke up. Part of me is wanting to let him stay home, because this will be the first day that I missed this year! That is pretty freaking amazing because last year by this time I had already missed about 15 school days.

    I hope you all have a great day!

  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Staci - Thanks for the advice! Can't wait to hear about your weekend!

    Steph - Thank you! I hope the new cookbooks can inspire you again foodwise!
    - Nice run! Your chicken breasts sounds yummy!

    Cynthia - I do have an UnderArmour shirt somewhere. I will have to dig it out and see if that helps. And I understand all too well. My dad was never violent. It was always my sister. I cannot count how many times she hit or lashed out at me, but it got so bad she was sent to a foster home for awhile (a friend of the family volunteered) while we all had to take counseling. I have forgiven her and my family but at this point if I go it will be for my parents.
    - Glad to hear that ordeal is through even if you have to wait for results. Hope your throat isn't too sore!
    - Your sauce sounds delish!

    Lexie - Missed you! Look at the boys! All of you look wonderful!
    - Great willpower staying away from the pizza! Good luck with finding a church. I should but I just cannot motivate myself.
    - Hope your boy feels better!

    Julie - Can't wait to hear all the compliments you got! Hope you had fun!

    Becky - I pack my own snacks every time. Raw almonds, dried fruit, sunflower seeds.
    - Wow! I cannot even do 10 minutes on the elliptical yet! Way to go! Hawaii? You and Cynthia have me jealous!

    Bobbie - Congrats on the release! I find that it is always hard to bite my tongue when I know the answer. I have gotten in trouble in the past because of it. (even though I was proven right each time) WHat if you let your mom bake and then freeze them? It might be worth the compromise.

    As for me, spent the weekend with my hubbie. Had a wonderful time! Saw an old friend that I haven't seen iin months! Went shopping and found a pair a boots that fit! I will have to post a pic later. Went to a B-day party on Saturday. Cleaned house and helped cook a mini Thanksgiving dinner for a friend and her daughter. Other than the sink and counter full of dishes is was a wonderful weekend! Now I just have to get back on track.

    Have a Magnificent Monday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    JJ – Cream of wheat huh? Thanks for the tip. I’ve actually never tried it. I love oatmeal and I imagine I can add almonds/raisins to cream of wheat also. Thanks.
    Cyndi – LOL I bought shrimp this weekend to increase my protein. Glad some of your medical visits are behind you. Hope all your test results are good news!
    Julie – I have that same voice in my head when I run. I push myself to make it to a certain point then reward myself with walking, then just keep doing it over and over. I just started using an ipod and the music really does help. I focus on the songs and crank it. I also think about how great I know I’ll feel when I’m done. You never regret a good workout! Good luck – go for it!!
    Becky – So glad you are committed to getting back at it in November. Love your new profile pix – such a beauty!
    Staci – Glad to hear the rash was nothing serious. Hope the cabin was relaxing!
    Steph – Nice job reaching 13.0. I’m a chicken and have only tried 6.0. I’ll have to set a goal to increase it each week this month. Not sure why I hold myself back from doing more. Good luck on the trip. You’ll find a way to make it work.
    Eileen – Bummer about your siblings lack of support. They probably care more than you know but are uncomfortable with the unknown. Have you tried talking to them and letting them know that just being there would mean a lot to you? It might take some of the fear out of it for them.
    Lexie – So glad you are back with us. I’ve missed you! Life sure can throw some curve balls. It sounds like you are finding your way and that makes me smile. You are looking just great in your picture!! Congrats on that!! You are amazing!

    I will be traveling to MN for work Thursday & Friday. I’m really looking forward to being out of the office. I used to travel quite a bit for work but only go 4-5 times a year now. A little get away is always nice. When you’re a mom you never take 5 minutes to yourself and going somewhere overnight (even with work involved) is a nice change. I’ll get a few hours of alone time at the very least – packing my book & my sneakers for sure!

    This past weekend was a diet train wreck for me. I gained a couple of pounds but it’s all good. It was my first real cheat days since I started this over 8 months ago so I guess I was due. My meals were not out of control but if I had the munchies I munched. I’m pretty sure it was the pumpkin choc chip cookies that sent me over the edge. Back on it this morning. Hitting the gym later and hope to feel skinny again by Wed when I have my meeting with the gym owner to go over things. Water water water today!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning chicken coop! Happy Monday!! I am feeling great this morning in spite of the freezing temperature and the fact that I will be driving to work in the dark and driving home in the dark from now until March. My weigh in this morning was fan-freaking-tastic and I am down 2.4 pounds this week. I noticed this morning as I was drying off after my shower that I no longer have cankles. I am feeling thin today (I know I may not be thin. But I feel thin) I had to get new workout leggings over the weekend because mine were all too big and my hubby's that I stole from him were getting too big too. I also got 2 new sprts bras (just regular ones because my Enell was too big as well and I just can't justify spening that much on a new one quite yet. I bought a little flashing light reflector to wear in addition to my reflective jacket, so that I can go out and run after work. I am going out to dinner with my sisters tonight which will include dessert and wine but I have planned my dinner meals for the rest of the week and actually have 2 of them all prepped and ready to go into the oven on Tuesday and Wednesday after work. So, even though I am a happy hen I feel like crowing this morning....****-a-doodle-dooooooo!!!!!

    Edited to add---Seriously?! I can't even crow properly.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    ROTFLMAO Oh Staci that made my frickin day. I just lubs you.. No **** for you ! :) LOL *snorts* Oooh! ;)

    Glad you're having a great day :) I have been buying my bras at Catherines. I get the Serenada No wire, comfort bra. I know seems floppy and like it wouldn't support right? Well they're awesome. They have a 'ring' of extra material around the edge of the cup which seems to 'lock' the girls in. Straps don't dig, and very comfy over all made out of tshirt material. at $26 I don't feel horribly bad when I have to size down although they seem to work a size smaller, it's the two sizes smaller where it starts to be a real problem ;) And if you don't have one near you, you can get it online catherines.lanebryant.com. :) Hope that helps.

    -- I've been grazing for a while now. Not gaining, but I guess not starving myself either. I am sure it's the **** I've been dealing with and the weather combined I've gone into hibernation physically and metaphysically. Don't feel so bad for one 'bad girl' day. Seriously. You've been at this now how long, 8 months at least same as me. **** give yourself some credit, even saints get a day off for pizza and beer and a game of bowling ;) *HUGS* :D

    -- Yeah from husband (1 of 4) I learned siblings pretty much suck *kitten*. ;) *tee hee* If you do go, I hope you have a good time. Erik & I stay in a motel, even though mom has room for us at the house. Too much 'together' is too much. :) Love ya. You know what they say, you can pick your friends but not your family. ;) *HUGGGGS* Turkey sounds nummy btw. Oh and if you check my blog you can find the recipe for the sauce, (minus the ton of herbs) :D I just put in the normal ones usually. But it was trimming day. LOL.

    -- Which island? With any effing luck we'll be on Maui by then. But I'm not holding my damn breath anymore. :) Nice job on the workout kiddo. One foot in front of the other. :)

    -- HOpe you have a good time on the trip. Don't freak about the food. Try not to kill the girls. And most of all, relax and enjoy the outdoors you sports fiend you ;) The gym will be okay without you till you get back, I promise ;) *HUGGGGS* Oh and the chicken dinner... Basil. Or Rosemary. :) XO ;)

    -- I have a solution that will keep you both happy. So let momma make all the cookie/brownie whatever doughs she wants. Put them in ziplock baggies, shove the air out and then roll it into a log (for cookies) and put it in the freezer. When it gets closer you can pull it out, slice and bake. ;) For brownies or other desserts you can freeze the mix in the pan, but it doesn't work as well, always gets freezer burned. So usually best to freeze in the bag then thaw and cook in the pans. :) Hope that helps. *HUGGGGS* Te amo mija... Don't let the season be the reason for homicide ;) Just say no. ;D

    So the computer, got updated... :grumble: And when it rebooted I found out that all of my "PowerPC" applications were no longer able to run in the new version of the OS. :huh: WHAT THE ****? Seriously people? You think maybe you might have put that in big *kitten* 72pt font somewhere in the update kit. Oh no, no mention of that. So... I lost my email program, Microsoft Word, Excel, Quicken, a bunch of other apps.... *slaps head on the desk* :explode: Lucky for me I had a copy of Office 2008 that's been sitting around for oh, 4 years? that I've been 'meaning' to install but saw no need. When I did. It managed to recover all of my email from Office 2004. :bigsmile: I still hate Micro$oft though. ;) Luckily I had already updated my files from Quicken to a newer version, but I didn't really like it all that much. I guess I'm stuck with it now. :P 18 other apps updated and 6 hours later at 4 am I got to go to sleep :P
    I swear to god, if Steve Jobs was still alive this **** wouldn't be happening. I don't know wtf is going on at Apple but someone needs to pull their thumbs out of their *kitten* and remember to actually DO the QA testing before the **** ships. **** me.

    IT was also during this upgrade I found out the SuperDrive (cd/dvd rw) had died in my computer. So installing the Office was fun. I had to pony connect an auxillary drive we bought for the AirBook. Thank god that worked. So that was fun.

    AFter going to sleep at 4 am I got woken up by darling Erik at 8:30 am saying "get up I need your help, I'm like okay wtf ?" He's like the water heater blew up. I had to shut the water off to the house. I'm like okay so what's the deal now? He's like I need you to find someone to fix it. :noway: Seriously dude? *enter look of incredulity here*. Holy ****... So I just did not move fast at all.. I took my sweet time getting dressed and on my way to help. Called George Brazil, (that's right one call) they came out in about an hour, $800. Took about an hour and a half to put it in and we were back on line. And then was going to plant my tree. Decided I'd like to eat, since I hadn't yet :P Went out for cuban. Oooh mommy love the cuban food. Came home and tried to pull in the garage but the freezer is right where my car goes. So I'm moving it back into place. Erik comes out and says, "NO. WE need to clean the floor first."

    And you ****ing know what he meant by WE. The WE meant ****ing ME. So I had to run to Target and get a 'real' mop as I just have a swiffer for the house, a bucket, and a new broom as he'd broken the old one. So 45 minutes later I get home and have to sweep and scrub out the garage. ****ing unbelieveable.

    Now I am all happy for the extra calorie burn. I don't care so much about that. What I cared about was, 25 minutes into me cleaning the god damn garage he 'wanders' out and is like 'you need any help.' Lets just say what came out of my mouth is not fit for print and that I told him to go sit back down. :P

    I swear to god. :P I love him, But one of these days, he is going to get the mop or whatever weapon of death I'm holding upside his pointy head. Bogosity. Just... GAH!!!!

    So I woke up this morning decided I'd go swim my half mile, bike & elliptical, which I did. Triathalon training day 1. God help me. 46F when I got in the pool today. There was a layer of steam across the top of the water that was totally awesome. Yeah. Till you have to get out of the water. Then you run like hell for the locker room and the hot showers. And damn but that cement is cold on your feet. Gotta remember my sandals next time. Brrrrrrrr. ;)

    So that's all for now. Time to get my bike taken to the shop, derailer is hosed. After that one 4.25 mile ride. how f'd is that? And then talk to the Jewish market about a turkey. Mmm mmm love me a kosher turkey. Negligible triptophan. They don't make you sleepy. :D And they are totally tastier than any Butterball I've ever had. ;)

    Time to fly the coop! ;)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Weekend baby shower was nice. Many family members saying how great I look, how jealous they are and a Holy Cow, you really look great!!

    FYI: I am mentally feeling like crap, just pure sh*ty crap. TOM has to be coming because Eve was whining and I started crying:cry: . So I'll will be back when I'm back to normal again. :sad: Love you all.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    A big hello to everyone
    Lexie- you are looking great
    Becky -how great is it to love the gym
    Cynthia- what is it with husband talking to us using that "we" that mean "you" I cant stand that
    Julie- I am so glad that everyone notice how great you look

    As for me my plans have changed, my ex did not come through with the divorce papers so the Wedding next fall is off. Life goes on. I have decided to legally change my surname instead.My hubby and I have concluded that that is really the only reason that we wanted to get married anyhow so save a oodle of money and basically get the same result. We are committied to each other and have been to almost 13years so why do we need a little peice of paper to say that.
    I also need to examine the reasons I want to lose weight. I know I want to be healthy and live a good long life. For some reason that just doesnt seem to be enough to keep me motivated.Somewhere in the back of my mind I want to be a hottie but it seems like a distant dream and I cant seem to picture it as reality.I have be going to the gym as often as I can I just dont seem to have much energy lately and i am blaming that on TOM. My sweet tooth was a bay for a few days but it has shown up again and I am blaming that on TOM too.

    Have a great Monday Night !!!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    ReNae - Yeah, I have specifically in emails with return receipts before I started chemo to get it off my chest. I cannot talk to them in person because my sister will try to turn it around so it is all my fault and my brother will not say a word. Needless to say nothing came from it. Such is family.
    - Hope that you have some wonderful down time!

    Staci - Way to go! Nice release! Hope that you have fun tonight with your sisters! You deserve it!

    Cynthia - I wish that I could grow herbs but between the abdundance of rabbits (Did I mention my yard has wild strawberries instead of grass?) and my two cats, I have yet to find a way. I have even buried chicken wire to keep them out of my pathetic attempts at gardening. When I retire I may just get me a mini greenhouse to grow things in, but that is a long ways away. My hubby reserved an Amish Turkey this year. I let you know how it goes and next year I will see if I can find a kosher one.

    Julie - Awesome! You deserve all the compliments you got and maybe a couple more!

    Bonnie - Sounds like you have a little soul searching to do. Remember there are ways to celebrate your commitments without it being a wedding. Good luck finding your answers!

    As for me, I went over to my MILs last night and wrapped presents. I think that we have probably half of our shopping done now. Got the yarn that I ordered online to start making croobies again this week. After work, I am heading to the gym, then home to make supper and finish cleaning up after this weekend. Hopefully that will not take to long.

    HAve a Terrific Tuesday!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Eileen – it does sound like you had a wonderful weekend! I love running into old friends…but seeing as I keep moving around every couple of years, that doesn’t happen that often. I can’t wait to see your boots!

    Renae – thank you! I am trying, and realizing that every day is a struggle and that I have a choice in being happy. When I start to feel down, I actually talk myself up and remind myself that I cannot control everything or anyone else. I can only do what makes me happy and what is best for me. For now it is helping, but it is hard. That is amazing that you went for 8 months and never really cheated! And it doesn’t even sound like you did that bad, and you are right, it will all come off again very quickly. And I missed you too!

    Staci – congrats on an amazing loss! And that is great that the cankles are gone and you are needing new clothes! And I can’t believe that they **** your crow…that is too funny!

    Cynthia – can I just say WOW! You crack me up! And I love how you said your hubby said “we” need to mop the floor. You are a good (scratch that, great) wife! I can say that your posts are something that I definitely missed, I need to get in a good smile and laugh, so thank you!

    Julie – sorry you are feeling crappy! Have you thought about have an IUD? I have one and I haven’t had a TOM in 4 years…that thing is freaking amazing! Hopefully it will pass soon. Also, so happy for you and all the compliments, you deserve everyone of them :bigsmile:

    MrsDuck – don’t give up! We have all been there, and just remember that this is a process. I have been at this for a little over a year, and I have definitely had my ups and downs, many of us have. The difference is we just keep chugging along and keep coming back to each other. Just take it one day at a time. You can do this, we all know you can do this!

    So, yesterday my oldest son was sick in the morning so he stayed home. Then he woke up and seemed ok and begged (yes begged) to go to school. So I let him go. Then I get a call at the after school program and they said he was coughing and hot. And then I pick up my youngest from daycare and he wasn’t feeling good all day, complaining about a headache. So, needless to say, I am home with 2 sick boys today and we are not going anywhere! I am probably even going to have to separate them so they don’t start rough housing.

    After I took my son to school late yesterday, I decided to have some me time. I went by walmart to get my layaway of toys price matched then I went to the mall. I actually was there for almost 2 hours (and it is a very small mall). I spent time trying on different things, and then I decided I was going to try on some “fancy” dresses. Not that I need one because I never go anywhere fancy, but because I wanted to see how good I looked! Well, guess what?!? I was able to fit into 16’s! Yes, some of them were a little snug, but most of them fit! I was super super excited and I thought I was looking good. I also went by a shoe store and put a couple pairs of calf-high boots on layaway! They were so cute, and I can’t wait to get them home. One pair didn’t zip all the way, but I got them anyway. I figured they would be a good goal for me.

    I have been doing ok emotionally lately too. I have my ups and downs, but I am trying to deal with everything positively. It is very scary though not knowing what is going on. I am very scared that when we get passed this rocky time, that my husband may not choose me. I know that I can make it on my own, but I don’t want to. I want to be with him and have our relationship grow and change because we are both growing and changing on our own right now. One thing that is crazy to me is that I used to think that we had a great relationship (over the past 2 years). But then again, why wouldn’t we? In the past 2 years we have only actually been together for 5 months. Who can’t get along for that much time? So I guess I am glad that all of this is going on, but it is hard. I know that 1 of 2 things will happen with us. We are either going to get back together and have a stronger marriage and relationship, or we are going to realize that we weren’t meant to be and we will divorce and just be amazing parents.

    Ok, I know I am rambling, but I guess I needed to get that out. Thank you everyone for being here for me. And just letting me be me and say what I need to say. I love you all for it! :love:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hello little chicklings..(and rooster) :D

    So got all my Errands done yesterday. Turns out the wires had just loosened up on the derailer. I could have kept it, but it was a cheap piece of ****. So I just told the guys to upgrade it. OH MY GOD. It's smooooooth like candy... shifty is nifty. He also told me, "don't be such a hard *kitten* when you shift gears, if you bear down on the pedal with weight while shifting, you'll strip out the chain". Ooops. He says pedal while shifting just not under duress ;) Bibbidy bobbidy boo. So today I'll give it a shot out on the road later.

    Right now it's effing 43F. Feck that.
    Woke up though and went to cook breakfast and got, "Don't you have any bacon?". Well no einstein I don't. I happen to be out. So I put everything back in the fridge and ran to the store and picked up the bacon (two kinds ancho chili or apple smoked) and some pork to make sausage with. Bananas and lemon yogurt. Came home and cooked breakfast. Oooh so many calories. oooh so tasty though. I haven't had a big breakfast like that in so long. Mom used t make me one every morning before school. (and you wonder how I got fat.)

    I have to bobble off to the hardware store, pick up a cold point chisel. Where we are planting the Japanese Blueberry tree, the effing ahole's that built the house poured extemporaneous concrete around the bottom of the wall, I swear because the felt like it. It's not structural, it just sits on top of the ground. Idiots. Anyway it's overhanging the hole where I want to plant the tree. The drip line irrigation runs through there so I can't just 'move around it'. And the other side is the flagstone walkway ;) Hummana hummana. So Erik want's to 'just bang on it' with my good graphite hammer. I can think of something to bang on with the hammer I told him. ;) I also have to go pick up a heating element for the hydroponic tomato. Poor little guy must be a shiverin! Also wrap the lemon & lime trees in burlap canvas today for the winter (just the trunks). And fix the drip line that broke last week that's on 'off'. ;) it's only one plant, and it's getting other water. Besides it actually rained the last two days. :D Much to kitties chagrin.

    I also apparently effed up my ankle/foot more than I thought yesterday on the elliptical. So today I have the boot on. Joy.

    -- Congrats on the dresses :) That's so awesome. I am so very very very happy for you. I know what you mean about the fancy dresses. I was walking through Macy's and they have a big group of party/holiday dresses. Everytime I pass I get the urge to go see if any of them will fit, even though I haven't a single place to go. ;) Hope the boys get well soon. Isn't it amazing even though they're sick, how much energy they still have for destruction? :) LOL My nephews are the same way. Egads.

    -- YUM! Amish turkey sounds fantastic!! I bet it'll be just as good as the Kosher one. The main reason I think it's lower in the Trip, is because they're not lot fed and injected with a bajillion things which causes the birds to stress and produce it in the meat. I have a feeling that fat n happy Amish birdy will be just as yummy! :) Last year we had a Mary's free range turkey. It was good, but way mega expensive. So I'm trying to go lower key this year. The Jewish Deli says "call us on Wednesday, we'll see what we have.." Gotta love it. :) If they don't, I can still order another Mary's from WholeFoods *ugh* ;) .. Have fun croobie-ing ;)

    -- Well it sounds like you've made lemonade out of lemons once again. :) Congrats. If you ask me, there has to be something you could do to get the divorce. Have you talked to a lawyer to see if you can get it annuled at this point because he's just refusing to complete paperwork? I know in certain states you can force the issue. For example on this link I found in Massachussetts. Yes it won't be cheap, but you'd have it, if it means that much. I say go for it. :)http://www.malawforum.com/content/divorce-when-husband-doesnt-want-one-and-refuses-sign... :)

    -- I hear ya, I hear ya, i hear ya... Amen sister. *HUGS*
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my lovely losers. Just a quick pop in because I logged all of my meals and snacks for today. It seems so weird to see that I am over on my calories right now but I know that when I add in my Insanity after I do it that it will go away. I am feeling great today but I guess I wont crow about it since it will just get ***** anyway. Hope everyone has a groovy day and remember that nobody is a better you than you.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Fly by hello! ****ing exhausted as the little buggers took ages to go to sleep and then I couldn't sleep. Grrrrr! Outside all day and walked quite a bit. It was so nice to not be at the pack huffing and puffing and feeling like I was going to die but instead to be near the front and happily chatting away as we hiked up the huge hill. The only
    Downside is that it rained all day and I'm still quite cold. Eatings not been good but I'm trying not to fret too much. Too tired for any other exercise!