Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    H4H SW 156.2
    9/13 154.6
    9/20 153.4
    9/27 153.0
    10/11 150.6
    10/18 151.2
    10/25 148.4
    11/1 148.8
    11//8 149.2
    H4H GW 150 (met 10/20!)

    up 0.4 again, but still under my goal weight for H4H. I'm taking my net calories back down to 1200 to see if that sends me in the right direction. It's frustrating to be so close to the finish line and not be able to touch it. The up-side is that I'm at a healthy weight, and feeling and looking better than I have in the last 20 years (tomorrow is my 9 month MFP anniversary).

    Hooray Michelle, for hitting a milestone!
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    A quick note. I have been ill this past week and my eating habits have been HORRIBLE! Ok enough said.......
    weight this week 158.00

    I am going to give it my all to finish strong!
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Whoo hoo! Back in the right direction! I'm determined to surpass my goal this time! :)

    SW: 186.6
    Week 1: 183.6
    Week 2: 180.2
    Week 3: 179.4
    Week 4: 178.6
    Week 5: 177.0
    Week 6: 176.0
    Week 7: 174.5
    Week 8: 175.4
    Week 9: 173.0
    GW: 171
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    152.1 0.4 down I think. Better than nothing but very slow

    Good luck all :smile:
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    11/8 weigh in 188. Yes! I met my goal. I have personal goal of 175 by the New Year, I can do it if I stay on track with exercise and eating habits!

    Wow Well done!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been a while, but I haven't forgotten about you, and I'm back. :smile: I had a busy couple weeks, and I don't know that anything's going to calm down, but I have a better handle on everything, so I hope to get back into the groove of MFP. I didn't weigh in last week partly because I hadn't been on MFP in a while, but also, I will admit that I wanted to give myself another week to recover from going to my parents' for the weekend and stuffing myself with unhealthy food the entire time I was there. Here's my weigh-in for this week:

    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 136.5
    Week 2: 134.0
    Week 3: 132.5
    Week 4: 134.0
    Week 5: 131.5
    Week 6: 130.0
    Week 7: 131.0
    Week 8: --
    Week 9: 131.0

    GW: 129

    I'm really hoping I can still make my goal weight, and I think it's still attainable. My gym is doing a program called something like "Maintain not Gain" for the holidays. I'm not sure what happens at the end, but I have to go weigh-in some time this week, and I guess if I don't gain weight over the holidays something good happens. I'm hoping to use that as a motivation to get back into exercising more because I've totally fallen off that bandwagon.

    I hope everyone has been doing well the past couple weeks. I'm hoping to be more active on the thread here, so I guess I'll find out soon enough!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Checking in ! :) 3lb loss this week putting me at .......... 298 !!!!! im under 300 its been a long time and it feels freaking awesome !!!! My goals this week are to be on the site more and get back on track with tracking my food and exercise :) Going to do some Just Dance 3 this week woot !!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a big step in the right direction. Keep up the great work
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, heading in the right direction again!! Found renewed determination to say goodbye to the flab for good!!:laugh: New goal for myself- no less than an hour workout a day, no excuses! And a lot more water and fruits and veggies in my diet! Weigh-in today 209.4. AWESOME JOB, MICHELLE!!!!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    185 for me today
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    My weigh in for today: 175.8- down 1.2 lbs this week.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Either my scale is on the fritz (battery) or I had a GIANORMOUS weekend of calorie consumption!! Oy...
    The scale is reading 195...but that just doesn't seem possible to me...

    ANYWAY...I have a 'new' challenge for myself...I'm going to TRY to not step on the scale this coming week, at all...
    This is huge...I'm a multiple times a day weigher. BUT, I am fighting my way back, I've eaten well today, and even did a mini Olivia's Strength Circuit workout (I could only last through one circuit before I about died...but, at least I did SOMETHING) I literally haven't exercised in about 2 months.)

    I made a pork tenderloin over the weekend, and sliced up some sweet potatoes, tossed them in EVOO, salt & pepper and cooked them with the roast....OH MY GOSH, they were so good!!! Beautifully caramelized. So I bought four more pounds of them and I'm going to make a whole roasting pan of just sweet potatoes! They are my favorite fall food :heart:

    I'd like to give a special shout out to Michelle...CONGRATS!!! So proud of you, keep up the great work!!!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,942 Member
    Today's weigh in: 141 pounds

    Lost the 3 pounds I was up last week.

    Feel good that I got the weight off that I gained but tired of the up and down. Just want to do the down and maintain!
    However, I know that means I have to make better food choices and exercise when I don't feel like it!
    If only it came off as easily as it went one!!!!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Leslie, we grew sweet potatoes in our garden this year! I LOVE THEM!!! Was looking for something yummy with them and found a recipe that you chunk them and toss with olive oil, brown sugar, and chipotle pepper seasoning! Maybe a little sinful but awesome roasted to perfection!!:bigsmile:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Weigh in this week 199.5
    Glad that the scale is heading in the right direction...
    I am on day 4 of the 17 Day Diet- it feels good. I think it is shaking things up!
  • No change for me this week, using my Sunday weigh in since I ate terribly on Monday and have chosen not to get on the scale since then..I ended up getting three different birthday cakes, one with friends, one at work and one with family, and overall, one of which I ate mostly on my own...will probably barely maintain this week but hopefully will do well in our last week...
  • Update for 11/8 - Lost 1.6 pounds last week! I finally broke into the 130's!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm so bummed MFP took away our signatures for our postings (well, except for our MFP weight loss ticker).

    I liked reading the extra information that everyone had within their signatures. Hopefully that will return soon.

    - Ailene
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    I hadn't even realized that the signatures were gone!
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    I really miss the signatures too.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Happy Wednesday! It's time to review our progress chart...


    Let's give a special shout-out to :flowerforyou: tammihart :flowerforyou: for reaching her goal weight 2 weeks early!

    I also want to say "WAY TO GO" to the 3 members who moved from the white group to the yellow group:
    :flowerforyou: inshapeCK
    :flowerforyou: Michelle228 (who dropped below 300 lbs!! WOOOHOOOOO!)
    :flowerforyou: SallyCC

    Only 2 weigh-ins left before the challenge ends! How close can you get to your goal weight????