Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • OKay just checking in. I have been a total slacker the last few days. I went on a weekend trip to visit my dad and step mom with the kids this past weekend. I ran my second 5K (and beat my previous PR). But my eating has not been great, and I haven't done the sit ups and squats like I should be! So here I am, with a weigh in tomorrow morning looming. Hopefully it wont' be too bad, and I can get back on the bandwagon and move forward! :-)

    I dont' know if I have told you guysor not that I am going through a horrible divorce right now. We go to court next Wednesday for trial, and then hopefully it will all be over. I'm hoping that once it's over, the horrible things my ex has been saying to me and about me will stop and I can move on with my life with my kids. All that being said, can any of you single mom's out there help me with how to schedule in exercise??? I have access to a fitness facility through my work, but I cannot seem to find time to get there. I love to run, and I try to take the kids to the track once a week , and they ride their bikes while I run. But it is so hard! I have 3 kids (Ages 8, 7 and 4). With school, work, and all their sports activities, I feel like most of the time all I do is work, help with homework, and drive them around to practices! Even when my husband lived at the house, I always took care of everything, so that's no different. But I wasn't trying to take care of myself at that time.

    Anyway, that was an incredibly longwinded post! Thanks for reading!

    I'm a single mom as well and I work full time. It is tough and I only have a (almost) 2 year old. Exercise is the toughest part but I have found that even just watching my food intake very very closely I can still lose weight even with little to no exercise. Granted it has taken me a long time to lose the weight but slow and steady wins the race! Plus I have noticed that when I have a bad day I rarely see any change on the scale. I'm crazy about weighing everyday so I watch that very closely! I recently got some videos from my library and a couple weights and work out ball, even if I work out while my son is still awake he just tries to join in! I have a gym membership but I have found its pretty worthless since I can't ever get up there! Good luck and message me anytime!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    I would really like to join your group. Is it too late? Since I started my weight loss journey on 10/2010, I have lost 45lbs. I've been stuck around this weight for a couple months now. I am pretty new to this site and need some motivation.

    Welcome!! Congrats on your wt loss so far! that's great! We do challenges and you can participate if you want to. You can also weigh in any day, but report it every Wednesday. I will need your current/starting weight AND your goal weight for Christmas. You can post the info here or message me.

    Good luck!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    hello all!

    well, day 2 of doing well. gosh, eating better makes a huge everything! I managed to get a quick walk in before supper. within a couple of minutes of stepping out the door, it started to rain. I just kept plugging away. Had enough layers on to keep me dry.

    Here's to a great day tomorrow! Plan and prioritize people! we can do this!
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    I had a pretty good day today. I stayed under calories, and burned 1100 calories on the bike. I also did 120 crunches, and 50 squats. I have been a little depressed lately about my weight loss, but am continuing to plug away. Every morning this week I have weighed myself and I just keep gaining instead of losing. I mostly do cardio so I doubt I am building that much muscle. I started this challenge at 137.5 and this morning my scale said 140! I hope there is better news when I weigh in tomorrow.
  • cindy_46
    cindy_46 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you!! I would like to participate in the challenges. My current weight is 173 and my goal weight is about 163 by Christmas.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    SW: 334.5

    LAST WEEK! :336.0

    CW: 331.0 :) !!

    So that's 3.5 of the 20 I want to lose by Christmas. Woot!
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Checking in...i have lost 2lb this week. and still doing the challenges that Ziesergirl66 has set us daily =
    water 4lt . started off with 100 girly Press ups but can now do 50 full on ones .Squats 100 .Situps 300 . and the mindfull eating is working i think before i eat any rubbish hence do i really want this and most of the time its a big No.

    Good luck to everyones wi's today.
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    Ugh - no loss this week. Very depressing because I felt like I was doing pretty well. I am going to try not to stress out about it and just keep doing what I've been doing. Hopefully, I'll see the scale move next week.

    CW: 165.2
    XmasGW: 158
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Just checking in... lost 3lbs this week, I'm so happy! :) As for exercising did great on the weekend but not so great during the week. Going to try harder this week and change that.

    SW: 226
    CGW: 210
  • angelon911
    angelon911 Posts: 14 Member
    Checking in.

    I think it maybe getting close to TOM bc I was two pounds lighter
    Two days ago!! Not fair!
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    So happy to check in! My morning was made! It's not official (since my official weigh-in day is Monday mornings), but as of this morning I am at my first mini goal:

    CW:190 even.
    \0/ Whoo-hoo! I feel awesome! I could cry...:cry:

    *clears throat* But like I said, it's not official yet.
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    Checking in!
    CW: 258.8
    -.2 lbs

    My birthday was this weekend and starting last Thursday I had a birthday dinner every night until Monday. I tried to get in double the work outs...At least I didn't gain anything. I'm so flippin' glad it's over.
  • Checking in for my weigh in. I once agian had a bad week and I am so angry at my self. I want this so bad and I am just self sabatoging myself like crazy. I know w hat I need to do but I don't know what my problem is. I need all the motivation I can get. I am determined to do my work outs and log all of my food. I know if I put my mind to it I can do it. Starting new!

    Last week 254.2
    This week 255.0
  • mom2lyla
    mom2lyla Posts: 123 Member
    Checking in at 195.5! Feeling good. I have been "treating" myself a little too much the past few days, though...I could probably do better. Looking forward to a new challenge!
  • Checking in current weight 265 I finally hit the double digit loss I was so excited!! Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • Checking in: CW 189.2 I'm down 3.6 pounds this week!! I can't believe it! :noway: I love this group and all the support from you all!!! I'm on cloud nine! Bye Bye 190's!!! :flowerforyou:
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Not a good week and I gained my pound back.
    CW: 148.5
    GW: 140
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    Challenge start weight: 146
    Current weight: 143.4
    Goal weight for Christmas:135

    Down from last week! That's the right way --> DOWN!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Anyone one else notice all our signatures are gone....what's up with that???
  • Checking in for week 3

    Last Week 266
    Current 263.5
    Goal by Xmas 243