My Almost Two Journey with Pics



  • sara42066
    sara42066 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for posting! You look great!
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Once again THANKS everyone for the compliements, kind words and all the luv ur showing.
  • RaiofSoLeil
    RaiofSoLeil Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats!!!!! you look amazing! Its something how sometimes people that are not related to us and barely even know us can be supportive of us. I've been there before. This is my second time doing it and you will lose people along the way, but if a person can't celebrate and congratulate you at your best self they are not supposed to be there anyway. We need encouragement and more tearing down! keep up the good work. you look great!
  • minabella
    minabella Posts: 32 Member
    OMG!!!! You look amazing! Congrats on your success!!!
  • UpToTheChallenge
    you look amazing!!
    Congratulations for putting aside all of the negative comments and doing this for YOU.

    And someone said you don't have curves?! Look at that pic of you in the sexy black one piece. You have all of the RIGHT curves!

    You look great! Keep doing you.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Thanks everyone for all the complienments and and kind words. Mfp friends and family is fabulous.
  • sannyjo
    sannyjo Posts: 4 Member
    Your story has truly inspired me ... this is my story... you look amazing...
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Girl you look absolutley beautiful!!!! Way to go!!! and I love your story, I will keep you in mind when I feel like quiting or fall of the wagon. Thanks for sharing!! And I love your bathingsuit!! :bigsmile:
  • amenadenine
    amenadenine Posts: 14 Member
    Damn gurl! You look good! Wonderful job. Let the haters hate. You have done something truly amazing!
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    I just want to say you look AMAZING what a journey! As far as your family and friends goes they probably acted that way because they were comfortable with themselves because you were always bigger than them but now that you are looking so good they have to look at themselves and they were not happy with what they found. Your health is more important than anything. STAY STRONG!
  • notapromqueen
    notapromqueen Posts: 63 Member
    You look AMAZING. Don't let your friends and family tell you otherwise! You most certainly do have curves; but they're beautiful and HEALTHY curves. There's a difference between those curves and the curves they're referring to. You look amazing and should be incredibly proud of yourself for doing it for YOU. Awesome job! =)
  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    You look incredible! So proud of you! :D
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    keep it up! you look great and you did it for you, and you alone. you proved that with your family. and I've worked with crackheads...they only wish they looked as good as you!
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Thanks everyone for the compliements and kind words. :blushing:
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    WHOA MAMA!!!!! You got this girl! Do you! MFP has/will give you all the support you need to reach your goals.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Thanks everyone for the compliments. I am all smile :blushing:
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    Wow you look HOT!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    You're doing great!!!!! Its hard without support, I'm very lucky in that aspect... It is my family who had been trying to get me to lose weight, but I had to do it on my own terms, and I woke up Feb 8th, 2009.... I'm down 36 lbs or so since then! :)
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Thanks everyone for the compliments. :blushing:
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