Couch to 5k Group - Starting Monday April 13th



  • shababy
    shababy Posts: 39 Member
    This past week I've been doing two running programs at once. The couch to 5K program first and then this other program which has no name. Basically you walk for ten minutes, run for ten (run until heart rate reaches 75% then walk until it goes down to 50% then run... etc), walk for ten.

    I think I've managed to burn myself out! Haha. Today my legs feel like rubber things that aren't properly connected to my body. It almost hurts to breathe. Either I have a cold or I pushed it too hard. Either way I'll be sliding back to just the couch to 5K for this week. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat are my run days. Tues, Thurs are my 'weight' days and Sunday is my fixed day off. I do NOTHING on Sunday except watch movies with friends and be a lazy tard. Haha.

    I type a lot guys. Sorry about that.

    Happy running!

    Whoa! I think that you probably have burned yourself out. couch to 5k wears me out! I can't imagine doing another running program along with it. Also, I thought couch to 5k was 3 days a week. Am I wrong? Your Sundays sounds great! Great idea! :happy:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    good job you guys. I started this program a while back and in spite of some set-backs, I'm running 3miles every day... and my time and stamina are improving. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    This past week I've been doing two running programs at once. The couch to 5K program first and then this other program which has no name. Basically you walk for ten minutes, run for ten (run until heart rate reaches 75% then walk until it goes down to 50% then run... etc), walk for ten.

    I think I've managed to burn myself out! Haha. Today my legs feel like rubber things that aren't properly connected to my body. It almost hurts to breathe. Either I have a cold or I pushed it too hard. Either way I'll be sliding back to just the couch to 5K for this week. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat are my run days. Tues, Thurs are my 'weight' days and Sunday is my fixed day off. I do NOTHING on Sunday except watch movies with friends and be a lazy tard. Haha.

    I type a lot guys. Sorry about that.

    Happy running!

    Whoa! I think that you probably have burned yourself out. couch to 5k wears me out! I can't imagine doing another running program along with it. Also, I thought couch to 5k was 3 days a week. Am I wrong? Your Sundays sounds great! Great idea! :happy:

    Yep three days a week. I run something else on my off days.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    It is three days a week but I do four instead. :) It just feels better personally.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Congrats to everyone...we are all doing so well!

    I'll be doing Day 2, Week 5 tomorrow so that ought to be fun. I normally do my running on the treadmill, but I'm looking forward to getting outside later in the week when it's not cold and raining.

    Happy running!
  • desirea2006
    desirea2006 Posts: 58 Member
    Ok so ironically I decided tonight was the night I was going to start this running program. and when I got done I came back inside and found this board. I would like to join with ya'll. If you read my profile I started MFP a year ago when I had to take my PT test (air force) and WAS NOT ready and didn't want to struggle this year when it came test time. Well HERE I AM a year later and I weigh more now than I did last year and its test time again. UGHHHH So I have about a month left to get ready for this mile and a half run (I know its not much but its brutal for me) The good news is I quit smoking on March 10, 2009 and most of my weight gain has been a result of that. Virtually a pound a day. LOL No guessing at what I used to replace smokes huh? LOL Oh well... Its test time again and I'm a non smoker and I want to do this run challenge with y'all... I'm on a mission. Good Luck everyone
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hello! :smile:
    I'd like to join too! I started week 2, day 1 today. I felt really sluggish towards the end. I got bored of the techno podcast and searched for others. Yari posted the link for Nicole's podcast, its more hip-hop oriented and she offers 2 options for each week. I used Nicole's for week 1. For week 2 I downloaded a podcast from Suz. Here's here link. Much more upbeat songs!
  • strangesangria
    strangesangria Posts: 20 Member
    I'd like to join too. I had been doing this program since late january and slacked off/keep repeating week 5. I started week 6 day one tonight. Having to be accountable would really help out!! :indifferent:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Just did run #2. Surprisingly (at least to me) it started out way, way easier than last time. However around run number 7 I got possibly the worst sidestitch of my life. I didn't stop though, which kinda made me proud. Around midway through run 8 it went away. 388 calories burnt! Best part? Yeah, I get to do it again. My housemate couldn't go with me this morning, so we're going after we both get back from work, around 8pm tonight.
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Just did run #2. Surprisingly (at least to me) it started out way, way easier than last time. However around run number 7 I got possibly the worst sidestitch of my life. I didn't stop though, which kinda made me proud. Around midway through run 8 it went away. 388 calories burnt! Best part? Yeah, I get to do it again. My housemate couldn't go with me this morning, so we're going after we both get back from work, around 8pm tonight.

    Wow; 2 runs in one day! You go; I'm personally dreading my day 2. I'm so out of shape it hurts!!! I'm going to do it though; rain and all!:wink:
  • shababy
    shababy Posts: 39 Member
    OMG!!! Week 3 Day 2 kicked my butt! :mad: I had to do everything in my power to keep going. Normally I do an additional 30-45 minutes but I couldn't. :grumble: I am sooo terrified of week 4 (I peeked and look ahead) because week 3 is already killing me. I was reading on the website and they said if you don't feel ready to move on you can do the same week twice. What do you guys think? Also, I need new running shoes (my current ones were purchased in 1997) Any suggestions? Maybe that will help. Oh well. :ohwell: At the end of the day, I can say that I did it. I ran 3 minutes. Twice! :bigsmile:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    OMG!!! Week 3 Day 2 kicked my butt! :mad: I had to do everything in my power to keep going. Normally I do an additional 30-45 minutes but I couldn't. :grumble: I am sooo terrified of week 4 (I peeked and look ahead) because week 3 is already killing me. I was reading on the website and they said if you don't feel ready to move on you can do the same week twice. What do you guys think? Also, I need new running shoes (my current ones were purchased in 1997) Any suggestions? Maybe that will help. Oh well. :ohwell: At the end of the day, I can say that I did it. I ran 3 minutes. Twice! :bigsmile:

    Thats awesome!! I'd say keep repeating until you feel like you can move on. Maybe try a day of week 4 and if you can't make it, go back to week 3 until your comfortable. Its supposed to ease you in - not kill you :laugh:

    Granted, easing you in doesn't mean EASY, just that it'd be doable.

    Also, I'd get some new shoes, your dogs must be barkin!
  • shababy
    shababy Posts: 39 Member
    OMG!!! Week 3 Day 2 kicked my butt! :mad: I had to do everything in my power to keep going. Normally I do an additional 30-45 minutes but I couldn't. :grumble: I am sooo terrified of week 4 (I peeked and look ahead) because week 3 is already killing me. I was reading on the website and they said if you don't feel ready to move on you can do the same week twice. What do you guys think? Also, I need new running shoes (my current ones were purchased in 1997) Any suggestions? Maybe that will help. Oh well. :ohwell: At the end of the day, I can say that I did it. I ran 3 minutes. Twice! :bigsmile:

    Thats awesome!! I'd say keep repeating until you feel like you can move on. Maybe try a day of week 4 and if you can't make it, go back to week 3 until your comfortable. Its supposed to ease you in - not kill you :laugh:

    Granted, easing you in doesn't mean EASY, just that it'd be doable.

    Also, I'd get some new shoes, your dogs must be barkin!

    Thanks for the advice. It's funny that I've been using the same workout shoes for 12 yrs now. No problems until I started running! I guess I am really "feeling the burn"! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Also, will take your advice regarding approaching week 4. We'll see...:wink: Hell, I didn't think I could make it this far!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Today was a bad day for running. I did the run and convinced my roommate to try it out with me but I woke up with a headache and whoever said exercising helps headaches lied.

    My mild headache is now a full blown I want to shoot myself in the hopes the pain stops headache. :frown: On the plus side I'm now too sick to eat, and I DID the run... on the down side I have nine hours of work to tackle (this is the day I don't get a lunch break too. Boo).

    Oh well, enough whining, back to work. See you guys Friday. ;) Happy running.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Try drinking some water. If you work around any women, they (in my humble experience) tend to come equipped with pain killers of some sort :laugh:
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Is everyone skipping a day in between runs? Just want to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else. I am on Week 2 workout 3 tonight, and excited about it!
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi all, last night I did week two day two and it felt great, I had to puch myself a bit and making sure not to quit…

    Shababy~~Go right ahead and do a week twice, I am on Week two day two and I am feeling it…I did this program before and I had to repeat the third week twice before I was ok to do week four. Congrats on making it this far though..doesnt it feel great once youre done

    Erin~~yes I skip a run in between, cause there is no way I can run two days in a row..

    Well all time for me to get home, I will chat a lil later..

    Yari =)
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    You are sooo right. Women always have pain killers of SOME sort. It's amazing. I'm now fully drugged but so far no improvement. OH WELL.

    Haha... still, amuses me all the druggies in this office.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Is everyone skipping a day in between runs? Just want to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else. I am on Week 2 workout 3 tonight, and excited about it!

    I do my running M-W-F, taking the weekend off.
  • shababy
    shababy Posts: 39 Member
    Is everyone skipping a day in between runs? Just want to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else. I am on Week 2 workout 3 tonight, and excited about it!

    It depends on my schedule but usually I try to skip a day.
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