Couch to 5k Group - Starting Monday April 13th



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I wear a HRM and I still have someone barking the times at me...LOL
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So I just got back from the gym and I did fuel up with Hummus and Pita before hand and I had a wonderful workout. I did 50 minutes on the treadmill! , 30 minutes when I first got there staggering at 5 minute brisk walk, 5 minute light jog, 10 minute strong jog, 5 minute light job, 5 minute brisk walk. Then did more Strength and weight training. took roughly another 30 minutes or so... and then finished up with a stagger 20 minutes, with 10 minutes brisk walk, 5 minutes light job, 5 minutes brisk walk...

    I worked out a little harder then I was planning so I really hope my body won't hate me tomorrow...
    (particularly since i was suppose to rest today......)
    So day two with Zach podcast tomorrow morning I am actually looking forward to it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    so its_B....

    You've been running for a while then? With that kind of workout, I'm assuming you have been. If you don't mind my asking, why are you doing the Couch to 5K if you are obviously already running way beyond that level? Or are you just utilizing the podcasts and doing your own intervals? I'm fascinated.:smile:

    ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

    Okay, W2 D3 done. Nothing to report, except my one knee is bothering me. I've been doing the intervals for an hour, but I'm going to cut back to the recommended 20 minutes, and walk the rest of the hour. I think I'm pushing it a bit.

    Happy running, all. :drinker:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    cmriver- I actually have not, haha I just found motivation and thats all so i push myself and do things that surprise even me. I used to play travel and high school soccer and was really good, I think my muscles just remember how to do running better then I though I could... haha and I <3 the podcasts because they keep me on track. I mostly stick with the intervals mentioned in the podcasts but speed up my speed a little bit near the end, and when the podcast goes into cool down I turn the podcast off and go an extra 10 minutes with longer intervals..

    Mostly though the couch to 5k is my motivation, I feel like with this program I can really start to reach my weight loss goal which is giant, Im a big girl and I need to drop the pounds back to my old size.. haha and I apologize if all of that comes out more awkward and hard to read, I guess I am more beat then I thought.. time for me to go to bed.. haha night night!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    OK, so I'm a little late to the party, but thinking I want to get in on the action. I went to my iTunes to download the podcasts, and they're not cooperating. I tried both Suz's Couch to 5k Running Podcasts and Couch 2 5k podcast by Zach Snyder and neither have any content. Can anyone point me in the right iTunes direction? I'll be outside as opposed to a treadmill, so someone barking times to me would be very helpful!

    Were the sites not loading for you or were you not a fan of the songs? I use Suz's and another podcast by a Nicole. Let me know and I can try and help you :smile:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Has anyone experienced pain in their heel? My right heel has been hurting for about a week now. It's not just when I am working out, I experience pain throughout the day from when I get out of bed on. A friend said it could be heel spurs. I thought I should take an extra day or two off of running just to be safe. Any advice? I want to run tonight but am not sure if thats a good idea.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Just got back from the gym, did another week 1 podcast, went really well! ^_^
    Didnt do as much strength training or weight training today. my body is hating me from yesterday haha.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Has anyone experienced pain in their heel? My right heel has been hurting for about a week now. It's not just when I am working out, I experience pain throughout the day from when I get out of bed on. A friend said it could be heel spurs. I thought I should take an extra day or two off of running just to be safe. Any advice? I want to run tonight but am not sure if thats a good idea.

    I'd talk to a doctor if its serious pain, I don't know enough to really tell you one way or another. Have you ever damaged your heel in some other way?
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    In regards to the heel pain, doctor visit is a must! I had pain similar to (but not quite as bad) as that and all it took were for some heel supports in my shoes to make it go away but it may be a different story for you so it's always best to consult a health professional.
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Week 3 part 2 tonight!! I am really excited about the progress I am making! So far, knock on wood.......I haven't found that I need to repeat any weeks....I am doing pretty well.

    Everyone else doing good?

  • malmom
    malmom Posts: 6
    itunes just wouldn't download the material. the icon wasn't even showing what you would expect for a podcast / album cover. i did do a podcast search and found robert ullray's couch to 5k podcast. that worked fne to get me started on week 1, day 1 at 5:30 this morning! how does his compare to suzy's?
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    week 2 day 1 in the bag!!!! :) I think this is really going to work. I flew though today like it was nothing. (Probably wont be saying that when I'm up to jogging/running for 20 minutes at a time haha) I'm def. enjoying this.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member

    I hope the doctor can give you an easy fix! It bites when you find something you like, and get injured. I'm going to have to take an extra rest day, too. I think I injured my knee (not the joint or patella or splints - feels like ligaments or tendons.)
    Jamie - beat.gif
    cmr - beat.gif


    Great job woman! I guess your past athleticism is working in your favor. respect.gif Keep doin' what you're doing!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Week 2 run 2 in the bag. I don't know why but this morning just about killed me, lol. It seemed harder than the other runs, and for some reason i couldn't get myself to stick to a comfortable pace. I was averaging 8 min/mile for most of the run, and it wasn't until the cool down I went back up to a 13 min/mile average. Oh well, I'll keep at it. Hope everyone else is doing well :)
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    itunes just wouldn't download the material. the icon wasn't even showing what you would expect for a podcast / album cover. i did do a podcast search and found robert ullray's couch to 5k podcast. that worked fne to get me started on week 1, day 1 at 5:30 this morning! how does his compare to suzy's?
    when I downloaded Suz's podcast I clicked on the link and downloaded it but when it asked where I wanted it to go I saved it in the folder for itunes music. that way when I plugged in my ipod I could add music directly from that folder cause it is associated with itunes. hope that helps!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Week 2 run 2 in the bag. I don't know why but this morning just about killed me, lol. It seemed harder than the other runs, and for some reason i couldn't get myself to stick to a comfortable pace. I was averaging 8 min/mile for most of the run, and it wasn't until the cool down I went back up to a 13 min/mile average. Oh well, I'll keep at it. Hope everyone else is doing well :)

    Aww Im sorry you had a not so good run! Next one will definitely be better!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491

    I hope the doctor can give you an easy fix! It bites when you find something you like, and get injured. I'm going to have to take an extra rest day, too. I think I injured my knee (not the joint or patella or splints - feels like ligaments or tendons.)
    Jamie - beat.gif
    cmr - beat.gif


    Great job woman! I guess your past athleticism is working in your favor. respect.gif Keep doin' what you're doing!

    FEEL BETTER!!!!! *hugs* I really hope you get back at it soon!

    Haha thanks! Since I took it easy yesterday with just the podcast I really want to kick my own butt today, I will sure to keep all of you updated tonight!

    I have a question, Is there a difference in Difficulty between the two podcasts? Suz and Roberts that is... I want to do the weeks in order to make sure I don't jump in at a higher level then necessary and to make sure I don't overdo myself and get injured... but is one better then the other or vice verse.. right now i am using Robert's...
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Not sure, I personally just use Robert's. So long as they keep the same timings I don't think there should be a difference. As for those who can't get them to work, if you're using itunes what you need to do is download one of the podcasts from the websites mentioned earlier in the thread. Then, open itunes. Go to "File" and select "Add File to Library." Then navigate to wherever you downloaded the file, select it, and click "Open." Once you've done that, on the left hand side of Itunes, in the Library, you should see an entry for "Podcasts." Select that, and you should see the file you just added. You can double click on it, and it should bring up a list of all of the episodes of the podcast. Click subscribe, and then click the "Get All" button to download all of the episodes.

    If you're using something than Itunes, I can't really help :(
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I called my mom about my heel. She's a nurse and I wanted her opinion before I scheduled a doctors appointment. She gave me some things to try before scheduling the docs appointment. So I'll give it a go and hope to see an improvement.
    As far as the podcasts go, I use Suz's and Nicole's podcasts. The only difference is rather than techno music it is more hip-hop. I've been alternating between the two to get some variety. I did learn that Suz's podcast are unedited versions of the songs, not sure it that will bother anyone or not. I must have been so focused on my 1st run of week two that I didn't even notice this until day 2. But basically its all up to what you prefer. :glasses:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I ... had a bit of a bad day yesterday. Today I can't use my right hand properly (MAN it hurts!! I never knew punching a wall could hurt THIS badly), may have bruised ribs, hurt my toe badly enough I can't walk, let alone run, and am basically just a bruised mess.

    Haha. It's a LONG story but basically I won't be running for the next few days. I guess in the meantime I'll kill the elliptical machine so my heart doesn't get lazy!

    This sucks because I'm really eager to start week 2!!!!