Couch to 5k Group - Starting Monday April 13th



  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Wow you sound like my older brother after training in the Corps, or the time when he got into a bar fight..

    Feel better! and go kill that elliptical machine!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I ... had a bit of a bad day yesterday. Today I can't use my right hand properly (MAN it hurts!! I never knew punching a wall could hurt THIS badly), may have bruised ribs, hurt my toe badly enough I can't walk, let alone run, and am basically just a bruised mess.

    Haha. It's a LONG story but basically I won't be running for the next few days. I guess in the meantime I'll kill the elliptical machine so my heart doesn't get lazy!

    This sucks because I'm really eager to start week 2!!!!

    Nicky beat.gif
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Checking in everyone. Been on the road the last few days so sorry I havnt been around. Just finished week 5 and handled it pretty well. That twenty mins flew by pretty quick. Sorry to hear about all the aches and pains guys! I am proud of everything we are accomplishing. Better faster and stronger every day!

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Week 8 Day 2....DONE!!

    I really love it and now wonder why I waited so long to get started. Better late then never.

  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    im so excited i found this group!!! I started a few weeks ago, but just got new shoes yesterday. unfortunately, i am also developing shin splints but am trying to work through it. I am in week 4, and hoping to make it to running 2 miles straight soon!! (end of week 5).

    yaaaay couch to 5k!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    so didn't make it to the gym last night, to make a long story short- I got asked to babysit, didnt get off until 12:30 and had to crash at my parents, then didnt get up early enough this morning to go.. so i will have to kick my own butt around twice as hard tonight.. which is fin because tonight is technically week 1 day 3...

    So I am having a problem getting Suz's podcasts... I download them, then after the initial download when I click on them my itunes says they cannot play the podcasts because the original file is no where to be found.... sigh. :sad:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 today...beautiful weather so it may be another outside run for me.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Hope everyone is going strong! I'm looking in to week 3 and I'm a bit nervous consisdering that week 2 day 2 had me gasping for air. I can do it, its just not going to feel pleasant, lol.
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    week 4 day 1 down!!! it was so exciting to finish, especially since my shin splints have been acting up, but it felt so good today!

    way to go to everyone else doing this! it is awesome! i have never felt more active/in shape... i can't wait until the end of week 5! 2 miles in 20 minutes!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    The Fix: A Primer for Treating Running Injuries

    (From the Couch to 5K website)

    Find this page online at:

    Ouch. In your enthusiasm for more miles, you've hurt yourself. Never fear, just about every running injury can be cured within a matter of weeks, and it all starts with these basic principles.
    Posted Wednesday, 29 April, 1998

    Ouch. You've hurt yourself, but the pain you feel seems less important than the pain of not being able to run. Never fear, just about every running injury can be cured within a matter of weeks. Don't be discouraged, but do be responsible. Your injury is not a bolt from the blue. It happened either because you were doing something wrong, or because your body has a slight structural imbalance. Treating running injuries has to be about treating the cause, not just the pain and symptoms. In the words of the late running guru Dr. George Sheehan, "Treat the reason, not the result."

    Don't get us wrong, we aren't dismissing the pain of your symptoms. Before jumping into how to correct the root cause of your specific injury, a few general notes on easing your discomfort:

    Most injuries respond well to the "RICE" treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Ice the trouble spot for ten minutes on, then ten minutes off, repeating as necessary. You should ice as soon as possible after you have been injured, and immediately after a run if you are running with an injury. Combined with compression (with a cold pack, for example) and elevation, icing goes far to reduce pain and swelling. Heat should only be applied to an injury after the inflammation is gone, probably after about 72 hours. If your swelling has gone down quite a bit, but there's still a little bit of inflammation, try alternating heat and ice after a few days of ice-only treatment.

    Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin and Advil) can also ease pain and swelling. But you should never use them to mask pain simply so that you can go running. In fact, never take anti-inflammatories before running, period. Pain, while plainly irritating, serves a useful purpose; it's your body's way of telling you to stop. You are not doing yourself any favors by covering up that pain and ignoring it so that you can run through an injury. You'll only do more harm. Feel free to use these drugs to speed your recovery and ease discomfort, but only when you are not involved in an activity that might aggravate your injury.

    Once you've eased the pain, it's time to tackle the real problem and figure out what caused it in the first place. With the help of the crack injury experts at Cool Running, you now have that information at your fingertips. Tell us where it hurts...

    > Foot
    > Ankle
    > Lower leg
    > Knee
    > Upper leg
    > Hip or back
    > Chest or belly
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hope everyone is going strong! I'm looking in to week 3 and I'm a bit nervous consisdering that week 2 day 2 had me gasping for air. I can do it, its just not going to feel pleasant, lol.

    Concentrate on your music, not the running and you'll be amazed how much easier it is. Well it works for me.:wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    its_B -
    So I am having a problem getting Suz's podcasts... I download them, then after the initial download when I click on them my itunes says they cannot play the podcasts because the original file is no where to be found.... sigh. :sad:

    (msarro posted this above: it sounds like it may be the answer to your problem)
    Not sure, I personally just use Robert's. So long as they keep the same timings I don't think there should be a difference. As for those who can't get them to work, if you're using itunes what you need to do is download one of the podcasts from the websites mentioned earlier in the thread. Then, open itunes. Go to "File" and select "Add File to Library." Then navigate to wherever you downloaded the file, select it, and click "Open." Once you've done that, on the left hand side of Itunes, in the Library, you should see an entry for "Podcasts." Select that, and you should see the file you just added. You can double click on it, and it should bring up a list of all of the episodes of the podcast. Click subscribe, and then click the "Get All" button to download all of the episodes.

    If you're using something than Itunes, I can't really help :(

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening everyone!

    Wow what a long day. Looking forward to getting week 6 day 2 done tonight. Had a LOooooooong meeting at work and was a naughty boy with the food so I can definatley afford a good work out tonight lol. At lease every day isnt like today. That's the difference between the old me and the new me. One naughty eating day for every 30 healthy eating days works fine. Congrats to everyone on your runs!!!!
    Your all doing an amazing job!

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Don't have too much time butt..
    I did manage to spend over 2 hours at the gym!
    I did TWO couch to 5k podcasts (week one) and a bunch of weights/strength training...
    those things felt incredible..
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Morning run was a bust, and I feel kinda down about it. My housemate chose a route where every run was on an uphill, and every walk was on a downhill. I ended up hyperventilating on the last interval with about 30 seconds left to go, and had to walk the rest. Now I have a darn headache :(

    I'm going to do it again when I get home from work (barring any after hour calls, I'm on call this week). If I can make it I'll let myself graduate on to week 3, otherwise, I'm taking a mulligan on this week.

  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    week 4 day 2 down!!! my shin splints are hurting a little bit after but i feel great :)

    good work everyone!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Week 8 is officially in the books. Taking a nice long weekend off and Monday starts week 9. Yay!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Someone very very near and dear to me , found out today that she has melanoma . One spot (mole) that will be removed. That should take care of it. The reason I am sharing this with you, the weather is getting nice and we have all been spending more time outside with our more active life styles. PLEASE don't forget to use sunscreen (waterproof)! Wear a hat and don't forget your lips and ears. The life you could be saving is yours. She was religious about using sunscreen but she is so fair skinned and spends so much time outside due to her job and life style. If not for yourself, due it for those around you.

  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Morning run was a bust, and I feel kinda down about it. My housemate chose a route where every run was on an uphill, and every walk was on a downhill. I ended up hyperventilating on the last interval with about 30 seconds left to go, and had to walk the rest. Now I have a darn headache :(

    I'm going to do it again when I get home from work (barring any after hour calls, I'm on call this week). If I can make it I'll let myself graduate on to week 3, otherwise, I'm taking a mulligan on this week.


    Went out a second time and forced myself up that dang hill. Then I made myself walk out the cooldown, and threw in an extra mile walk just to make sure my body knows it was bad and I will not put up with that hyperventilating thing again. :laugh:

    I feel great that I set out to overcome what I couldn't do this morning, and I made it, with some extra to spare. I'm proud of me. Week 2, officially in the books.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Someone very very near and dear to me , found out today that she has melanoma . One spot (mole) that will be removed. That should take care of it. The reason I am sharing this with you, the weather is getting nice and we have all been spending more time outside with our more active life styles. PLEASE don't forget to use sunscreen (waterproof)! Wear a hat and don't forget your lips and ears. The life you could be saving is yours. She was religious about using sunscreen but she is so fair skinned and spends so much time outside due to her job and life style. If not for yourself, due it for those around you.


    My deepest sympathies, I hope that the removal takes care of everything. So long as they caught it early it shouldn't be much of an issue. Either way, prayers and good energy her way.

    Great advice on sunscreen as well. Listen to the lady, I don't want any of my runners getting sick!