

  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    Having a great day so far today. Good breakfast, good lunch, and I'm on my third 32 oz cup of water. I ordered a HRM and it came in today, so I'm kinda excited to exercise tonight and see the actual amount of calories I burn! :) Hope everyone's having a great day!
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    How much do the HRM's run? Do you have to order them or is there someplace you can find them in a store? Already got my 8 cups of water in today :) Don't know if I'm gonna get the exercise in as I've got sinus problems and a sore throat :( Hope everyone is having a good day :heart:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Checking in for today. I managed to get roughly 2.5 hours of sleep last night. Not exactly the best preface for a motivated and healthy day. I'm already in workout clothes and when I get home around 4:30 I plan on FINALLY preparing all of the fresh foods I bought last sunday, enjoying a light salad for dinner, working out, and the CRASHING in my bed around 8:00pm.

    Unfortunately the boys in the office brought in coffee and donuts and I couldn't resist myself.

    I WILL NOT GO OVER MY CALORIES TODAY! :bigsmile: It doesn't help that T.O.M. will be here of course I'm craving all the wrong things.

    Anyway, best of luck everyone for today. I'll probably check in later.
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    How much do the HRM's run? Do you have to order them or is there someplace you can find them in a store? Already got my 8 cups of water in today :) Don't know if I'm gonna get the exercise in as I've got sinus problems and a sore throat :( Hope everyone is having a good day :heart:

    Check out Amazon for Polar Heart Monitor. You will need the watch and the chest strap. I have a basic one and is more than enough. You are probably looking at about $100.00 between the watch and strap. I would look at used ones - I bought a used one and I've had it for 5 years now.
    They say the battery should be changed by an authorized Polar center .... I just went to Battery Plus and changes for 5 bucks versus about 40 I needed to mail in the watch and get the battery changed.
    Good luck and this is an investment worth making!

  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    How much do the HRM's run? Do you have to order them or is there someplace you can find them in a store? Already got my 8 cups of water in today :) Don't know if I'm gonna get the exercise in as I've got sinus problems and a sore throat :( Hope everyone is having a good day :heart:


    I got mine off of Amazon and it's a Polar FT4--it came with a chest strap. It was right around $100, so thank goodness for birthday gift cards from a friend! :)
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :happy: Hi Friends!!!!! It makes me so happy to see so many of you checking in!!!! I love that our group is helping to keep you on track to your goals!!! It is really helping me too. It is nice to hear your stories of how your day is working out and I love to share mine too! Together we can lean on each other and this is a place we can spill our guts and move on...especially if we are having a hard day!!!

    Today I am kind of having a "Who Let the Dogs Out" Day :laugh: I left the house around 5;50, took a banana..packed a string cheese and yogurt....good right??? Went to a meeting then was starving, since I had only had the I asked my manufacturer out to head has been in the right place so dining out has been OK....but today I was starving so I had eggs benedict...oh I wanted potatoes sooooo bad...but quickly order fruit instead. This afternoon on my way home all I could think of was food :noway: I stopped for gas and almost got a taco but instead I had a helping of almonds...then I took my son to lunch and had a good! I only have 93 calories left for the day...but I have running tonight, so I think I am going to pack a salad for dinner since I have to go to my Dad's tonight.

    I see my habits changing - but I get nervous when I get that feeling I want to eat what ever I can find. However I think of you all now before I jump into all those calories......THANKS!!!! The other adjustment that is the biggest one for me is..if I am short on calories I fit in a work out when I can...instead of writing off the day and jumping off the wagon!!!

    I love the idea of veggie burger and avocado Loredana!!! Yesterday I made a low cal patty melt with one...1 piece of rye bread, 1 piece of chez, veggie burger and about 40cals of butter for good and close enough to the real thing.

    HRM - I have a polar it!!!!!!!!!! $109...cheaper on Amazon but when I want it I need it NOW!!! So I bought it at a sporting goods store.

    Welcome Andrea!!!!! And Daniran I am so glad you joined and are seeing the benefits of this wonderful group of Fun Fit (or soon to be) people!

    Have a Great night :happy: I'm only half way through my water!!!! I better get chuggin:drinker:
  • Guerita83
    Hello Everyone!!! Logging in and drinking my 8 of water is now a habit just like facebook for some peeps :laugh: Today was my second session with my personal trainer and I can say she kicked my butt with free weights for a whole hour almost made me :sad: , but I did it and followed through, she was actually impressed and kept on stacking heavier weights :grumble: , I think I'll be majorly sore tomorrow and just to think I left with her saying next session will be much harder :frown: , but as they say NO PAIN, NO GAIN :happy: Good night FLC members :yawn: CHeers to more success to come :flowerforyou:
  • Belinda_81
    Belinda_81 Posts: 18 Member
    Morning all.

    Yesterday was another good day for me, got my exercise and water in and was under cals, its so good to see others doing well also.

    have a great day
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing! It's great seeing such an active group participating in the conversations. All of the support will make success easier!
    I have done well this week. Would have liked to fit a bit more exercise in....but got in some weight lifting last night and a TurboFIre Hiit 15 tonight. Been keeping up with my water intake....and made myself a batch of Tuna and brown Rice Pilaf last night. Yummy!

    As I was reading over some of the posts from "newer" dieters....I noticed something. I only noticed because I have made some of the very same mistakes when I was starting out on my weight loss journey. I just thought I would mention them, maybe save someone the set-backs that I have already experienced.

    First, eat all of your calories for the day. I know reaching 0 is almost impossible (arithmetic-wise)....but within 100 of your goal should be do-able. There are days that I am not too hungry and I have 500 calories left to eat and I know I have to do it because I need to. Eating enough calories is JUST as important and not eating too many. I sounds weird....but basically, look at it this way: if you do not eat enough, or often enough throughout your day, your metabolism will slow down (or shut down) and you will start to GAIN weight no matter how few calories you eat because your body starts to conserve every calorie you take in. It's commonly referred to as "starvation mode". This is the real deal. Eat your alloted MFP calories and try to eat every 2-3 hours if possible. It will do wonderful things, trust me!!

    Second, if you are doing any must not only eat your alloted calories....but those that you worked off! I see some new people mentioning their trips to the gym, but their diary doesn't show that they have entered those calories they burned...which means they have deprived their body of much needed fuel! Don't look at food as something to be afraid is fuel for your body to keep you ALIVE! This journey is about changing the way we view our food....not being afraid of food, or of eating. Eating keeps us is good for us!

    Third, FOOD. If you have 1500 calories to eat in a day....filling your body with empty calories from a day of junk food is going to do you more harm than good. You would be better off to eat an additional 1000 calories in that day of healthy food and go over your calories for the day. Your body can not survive off a day of donuts. It needs protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep you going. I cringe when I see a food diary where someone has stayed below their calories for the day, yet all they ate was donuts, soda, and potato chips.....and yes, I saw exactly that. And please, do not get me wrong is okay to have a random splurge day to eat some junk food if that helps you to stay on track the rest of the week! (I do it! Plus, it actually gives a little rev to your metabolism to shake it up once in a while) BUT, even if it means going over your calories for the some fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in there. You cannot sustain otherwise. Plus, if you are working sure to get all of your protein in for the day. Your body needs the protein to build your musles...more muscle means higher calorie burn! So pay close attention to that in your diary if you are looking for better results. If you don't take in the proper carbs, protein, etc.....You will get tired, lose energy, get sick, feel lethargic. And that is the opposite of what you should feel!

    Done correctly, this new "diet" should make you feel the best you have ever felt! You should have more energy, not get sick as often, and just feel darned good!
    I hope I have not rambled on too much here....and I hope I did not say anything out of line (it is late and I should be sleeping). But after reading the posts tonight I was, frankly, quite worried about some of what I saw. I am sharing because I know what it is like to just be starting out here. I remember all too well the 100's of questions I had.....but I have learned A LOT! And I am very willing to answer any questions anyone has. If you need help or are not sure about something....please feel free to ask me!
  • mommyjeans
    Thank you for the advice and health reminders! I always forget (or am tempted to forget) to eat all my calories because it feels counter-intuitive, but you're absolutely right! While some days I have no issue with eating enough (usually on days when I'm not doing so well on the healthy eating, of course), I generally don't get to exercise until late in the afternoon or after I put the baby down, and I have to remember to consume enough calories to compensate for exclusively breastfeeding.
  • gennybunny1
    Just a quick note that I wll not be here this weekend. I will wait to weigh in until next Friday because I know this weekend will not be that good.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I ended up not going to my friend's last night... not feeling so hot. Didn't get my bike ride in and didn't eat so well. Still in the range of my calories, but nothing green. (Katcena - not as bad as donuts all day, but still not good. Thank you for the wonderful reminder.) I did hit my water goal. :) It is a serious streak of 3 days. I am thinking if I can keep the streak for 14 days, I will treat myself to something. Not sure what yet, but it would be a pretty big accomplishment. I don't know why it is such a difficult thing for me, but it is.

    This morning the serious congestion started. I am not sure about having the energy to work out today. The plan is 20 minutes on the elliptical machine for my ankle and then climb some ladders and scaffolding at work. That may be enough to do me in.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful evening and has an even better day ahead!
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    @katcena: Thanks so much for your reminders! Even for those of us who have been at it for awhile, these reminders on how we got where we are today are greatly appreciated!

    Yesterday, I was under calories, but I was just listening to my body and I realized that I've not had enough veggies in the past few days. I mean, I'm getting a serving or two, but I try to shoot for three to four. And I can just tell that I'm not getting that!, I had my "power breakfast sandwich" (see diary-so yum!) but then I brought a two cup container of raw broccoli that I'm going to munch on with lunch, then eat two or three cups of steamed veggies with pork tenderloin for supper. Hopefully, I can give my system a boost! OOOOO, and I'm going to have spinach in my smoothie tonight. That should get me about six servings of veggies today, and two maybe three servings of fruit with some complex carbs and lean protein. Healthy day of eating? CHECK! THEN, some exercising with my HRM this evening.

    Hope everyone is doing great! And thanks for letting me ramble about my day. It really does help me to be more accountable! You MFPals are WONDERFUL! :glasses:

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi There ~ Well I am trying to decide if I will exercise will be my 6th day in a row...I know I need to rest my body but you know how things come up and I feel like I should work out when I can.

    Kat ~ Thanks good reminders for all like Merlanda said! I don't have too much trouble eating all my calories... and did good with my need to eat yesterday once I got my run in!!! But.......................I have a problem that comes up once in awhile and last night/this morning was one of those days!!!!! I got up in the middle of the night and screwed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Half awake and kind of knowing what I was doing I had 2 glasses of choc soy milk, 1 slice of cheese and some choc covered blueberries:sad: :sad: :sad: WTF!!! (sorry) That total is approx 400 cals!!!!! I weighed this morning and am only up .5. I am moving on drinking water and not going to fuss about it any more. :ohwell:

    Michelle ~ Right on with the trainer!!!!!! You're doing Great! Are you sore today???? Hopefully it's a good sore....keep up the good work

    Reminder tomorrow starts our first weigh in!!:bigsmile: If you are up, down or sideways keep focusing on the future and your goal. You can do it!!!!! "DISCIPLINE IS REMEMBERING WHAT YOU WANT" So be sure you are focusing on why you are on this journey!!! You can do it and we are here for you:bigsmile:

    Enjoy the day and Make good choices...I just enjoyed some roasted seaweed.....YUM What is your favorite snack????
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey there, checking in for the day,

    I had a rough morning with indigestion so I did not go to the gym. Just feeling a little under the weather but nothing serious.
    Plugging along here and happy that the week-end is coming quickly. Tomorrow the kids have a day off from school which means I can stay a little longer at the gym in the morning. I am planning to!

    Kat - thanks for the reminders ... it is really hard to not see the days when I don't have couple of hundred calories left as a "bad" day. But I completely agree with your suggestion to make sure to include good calories in the diet. It's the only way we get our body fuelled. If not for weight, we need to think of our health. When the body is depleated of esential nutrients, it can't fight disease. Donuts are not fuel!

    Michelle - good job on the workout! Can you walk today? :) If not, than that's a good sign! Keep doing it!

    Merlanda - the more I read your posts the more I want smoothies. Oh, I will get into action soon - fo sho!!

    Judy - you crack me up!!! You know, I do the same thing!! I usually fall asleep on the couch while everybody else is watching something. Then when it's time to go to bed, half asleep, I stop in the kitchen and grab something. Thank GOD we are done with the Haloween candy!!! It sucks because next morning my scale shows it ...
    To answer your question - one of my favorite snacks are sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. I like to have a slice of raisin bread (no butter) with coffee in the afternoon. BUT, the absolute favorite is sweet tea with toast and feta cheese. The sweetness of the tea with the saltiness of the cheese on a crunchy, crispy slice of bread .... yumm!!!!
    I need to try that toasted seaweed. We don't have a Trader Joe's in town but I will make sure to stop when we go to Chicago ...

    Everybody is doing excellent as I can tell and can't wait to see the progress tomorrow.

    I forgot to read my afirmation book this morning but I remember one I saw the other day which I think is very significant for us that are taking this journey: TODAY IS THE FUTURE I CREATED YESTERDAY.

    Have a good evening ladies (and gents)!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Just a quick note that I wll not be here this weekend. I will wait to weigh in until next Friday because I know this weekend will not be that good.

    Thanks for letting us know ... I will make sure not to hunt you down for weight update :)
    Have a fab week-end!
  • april1126
    april1126 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Checking in for the day I am under my calories did get my 8 glasses of water spent a lot of time in the bathroom .lol Tonight after I put the kids to bed I will be able to workout .I have the next 3 days off so I will be able to work out longer during the day while the kids are in school. Thanks for the good advise about consuming the calories .Hope everyone has a good night.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Hi all, I'm a late one checking in today. I see all of these "good nights" already.... LOL! I'm still trying to get adjusted. I think I did pretty good so far today.

    Judy - It was good to see that you enjoyed some roasted seaweed. I also snack on roasted seaweed. I'm currently working on Teriyaki flavored. Says its hot but it's not. but, In my effort to stop my compulsive munching, I've got this at my desk at work. It's a jar filled with individual packets of seaweed at the grand total of 10 calories per 2 packet. I usually make it through 3 or 4 but that's not bad considering a bag of chips or chocolate weighing in at 150 to 250 calories, not to mention the additional portion of guilt. By the way, lorika1977 - I purchased the seaweed at Walgreens. It's possible that they carry it due to the large Asian population in S.F. Worth a check in any case.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Finally starting to feel better. Fine time to joining a group stressing exercise. I did keep walking the dog, she does need to get out even when I am not feeling well. I have been drinking quite a bit not quite 8 glasses a day. I did do my wii active today and when i did wii fit it finally told me I am normal! At least wii thinks I am normal, after having gone from obese, to overweight now normal, no more groaning. Yay
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: Evening everyone!

    Well to recap on yesterday, I came home and did exactly what I didn't want to do, and that was pass out early (6:00pm) without getting a workout in, wake up in the late evening (10:00pm), and then have a difficult time getting back to bed (1:30am). :grumble: Oh well, I did get to stay in bed until almost 9 this morning, so that was helpful.

    So, as a perfect example of what not to do, I present my eating habits yesterday: I stayed under my calories but the food I did eat contained nothing but carbs, sodium, and sugar!! YIKES! Let's hope tomorrow shows a decent weigh in!

    Anyway, today has been a much better day! :drinker:
    I'm behind on my water intake - only at 5 glasses, but I've got a 3 hours rehearsal tonight so that shouldn't be too hard to get to at least 8!
    Food has been wonderful - FINALLY prepped some veggies and had a delicious salad for lunch, a hearty breakfast, and just finishing up a nice dinner! (Chicken, green beans, black beans, and some crackers and homemade guacamole!)
    I also managed to get thru Day 3, Level 2 of the 30DS! :happy:

    I'm proud of those accomplishments today, not to mention FINALLY getting some laundry taken care of as well. :drinker:
    Also, I don't have any committments for tomorrow until our final dress rehearsal at 7:00pm! I can sleep in, work out, run errands, finish laundry, and still have time to practice prior to rehearsal. HECK YEAH!

    Alright, I'm finished rambling. Off to rehearsal soon!