Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    Down to 202 this week!! Hope to break out of the 200's this week or next!! I have only been fighting to get it for 2 months now!!! Plateau's suck!!
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Starting Weight (10/20/2011) 193.5
    Weight as of Wed.(10/26/2011) 191.5 -2lbs
    Weight as of Wed (11/02/2011) 192.5 +1lbs
    Weight as of Wed (11/09/2011) 192.2 -0.3lbs

    Rewriting Christmas Goal Weight- 180lbs

    very discouraged, but I did hurt my ankle exercising so wasn't able to be active like I wanted to be but got back on the bandwagon yesterday and it's also TOM for me so I'd like to think that's why I barely see a loss.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Just Checking in:
    Challenge start weight 148
    Wk 1: 149
    Wk2: 146
    Today Wk 3: 145.6

    Not down much but TOM came to visit this week. I was hoping to loose this point I am happy I didn't gain because with TOM I am always up 2-3 pounds! Happy with the weight loss!
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Got on the scale yesterday morn and 299lbs stared back at me. I couldn't believe it.
    So I weighed in again this morn and its still 299lbs. Under the 300 at last.
    Good luck everyone.......
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Got on the scale yesterday morn and 299lbs stared back at me. I couldn't believe it.
    So I weighed in again this morn and its still 299lbs. Under the 300 at last.
    Good luck everyone.......
  • jmb6739
    jmb6739 Posts: 225 Member
    Checking in. 224.9 today. down 0.8 from last week, and since I'm nursing a sore hamstring and couldn't run all weekend, I wasn't expecting much. Good lesson learned for me that controlling my food is the most effective way of losing weight for me and the exercise helps that, not the other way around!
  • Cheri06
    Cheri06 Posts: 49 Member
    Checking In

    SW: 230
    Week 1: 227
    Week 2: 228
    Week 3: 226.4

    Yaaaay I lost...finally. This week was really weird, I walked a lot and I noticed I became almost insatiable, even on my off days. Oh well. I will have to exercise 1.5 hours today and tomorrow to make up for my birthday this weekend. I have already declared that I will have an ice cream palooza (which will more than likely be a small cup of chocolate ice cream lol). If I maintain this week, I will be a happy camper.
  • angelon911
    angelon911 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, I have a topic for discussion. For my own personal info. =)

    I know everyone is different but what does the scale show everyone else when that TOM is either looming on the horizon or actually happening? I'm just curious b/c I have gained two pounds in two days and I have consistenlty been working out(VERY HARD) and journaling religiously, and the scale really had some momentum and then BAM! POW! Ugh.

    I'm really hoping this can be attributed to that!! I guess the next couple of days will let the truth be known. Just wondering what everyone else has noticed in this area. =)

    Sorry for all the guys that may or may not be lurking around... ;-) Hope that wasn't TMI for ya'll.
  • angelon911
    angelon911 Posts: 14 Member
    Checking In

    SW: 230
    Week 1: 227
    Week 2: 228
    Week 3: 226.4

    Yaaaay I lost...finally. This week was really weird, I walked a lot and I noticed I became almost insatiable, even on my off days. Oh well. I will have to exercise 1.5 hours today and tomorrow to make up for my birthday this weekend. I have already declared that I will have an ice cream palooza (which will more than likely be a small cup of chocolate ice cream lol). If I maintain this week, I will be a happy camper.

    Congrats! I am the same way, when I work out I am "hungry like the wolf!" lol...or atleast that is what my dh calls it. =)
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    Ok, I have a topic for discussion. For my own personal info. =)

    I know everyone is different but what does the scale show everyone else when that TOM is either looming on the horizon or actually happening? I'm just curious b/c I have gained two pounds in two days and I have consistenlty been working out(VERY HARD) and journaling religiously, and the scale really had some momentum and then BAM! POW! Ugh.

    I'm really hoping this can be attributed to that!! I guess the next couple of days will let the truth be known. Just wondering what everyone else has noticed in this area. =)

    Sorry for all the guys that may or may not be lurking around... ;-) Hope that wasn't TMI for ya'll.

    It's currently that TOM for me as well and I'm thinking that it's messing with me too. I weighed myself Friday (the 4th) and I was down 2 lbs from last Wednesday's weigh in (the 2nd). While it was my birthday weekend and I did eat out/eat a little more than normal, I know I didn't over-eat by 7,000 calories (3,500 calories=1 lb of body fat), which is what I guess I would technically have to do in order to gain 2 lbs. So.....what the heck am I trying to say? Oh yeah, that it being that TOM is probably causing your weight to fluctuate. I think the better hydrated you are the less your weight is likely to fluctuate up- at least in my case!
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    Checking in:

    SW: 187
    Week #1: 184 (-3)
    Week #2: 182 (-2)
    Week #3: 182 (0)
    Xmas GW: 170

    Meh. I hope I haven't hit a plateau.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hi Members,

    I wanted to direct your attention to this post about migrating your group thread into a Group using our newly debuted Group feature.

    If you have questions, feel free to PM me. I think you'll find that transitioning your thread to an official Group is a major upgrade in terms of your ability to interact with each other.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    So. Yesterday I did a really intense Bob Harper workout and today I could barely walk when I got out of bed. So I FORGOT to weigh in! :noway: Ugh sometimes I am so forgetful. As I am a morning weigher, I will post my results tomorrow morning. Sorry guys...

  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Ok, I have a topic for discussion. For my own personal info. =)

    I know everyone is different but what does the scale show everyone else when that TOM is either looming on the horizon or actually happening? I'm just curious b/c I have gained two pounds in two days and I have consistenlty been working out(VERY HARD) and journaling religiously, and the scale really had some momentum and then BAM! POW! Ugh.

    I'm really hoping this can be attributed to that!! I guess the next couple of days will let the truth be known. Just wondering what everyone else has noticed in this area. =)

    Sorry for all the guys that may or may not be lurking around... ;-) Hope that wasn't TMI for ya'll.

    I find that I sometimes gain weight in the days right before my TOM and then near the end of it I usually see a loss. I think I have PMS right now so I hope that is why I am gaining.
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member

    Son #2 was home from college for the weekend and he actually agreed to go with his old mom for a walk. Made my day and holding onto that feeling for the week :heart:

    awww...I sure know the feeling! I'm hoping my oldest will be here this coming weekend. No matter how many times they come home or how long they stay..they seem to always return too quickly!! Enjoy your warm fuzzies :smooched:
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Good lesson learned for me that controlling my food is the most effective way of losing weight for me and the exercise helps that, not the other way around!

    yes, totally agree. I notice when I eat very closely to my correct caloric value, and not way under, I'm talking within 50 or less cals or even 50 cals over, my chances of losing weight are better. Exercise helps, but I think exercise is what transforms our bodies and makes them firmer, more toned, and therefore smaller. As soon as I start exercising, I notice how quickly my clothes fit better, then become loser. The 2 together = harmony!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Ok, I have a topic for discussion. For my own personal info. =)

    I know everyone is different but what does the scale show everyone else when that TOM is either looming on the horizon or actually happening? I'm just curious b/c I have gained two pounds in two days and I have consistenlty been working out(VERY HARD) and journaling religiously, and the scale really had some momentum and then BAM! POW! Ugh.

    I'm really hoping this can be attributed to that!! I guess the next couple of days will let the truth be known. Just wondering what everyone else has noticed in this area. =)

    Sorry for all the guys that may or may not be lurking around... ;-) Hope that wasn't TMI for ya'll.

    I had a hysterectomy in July (uterus only removed) but I still have a *cycle*. I usually have a gain anywhere from 1-5 lbs a few days up to a week in advance. I think this is very normal and it is just fluid retention. I seem to lose it within a day or 2 of starting. Just keep doing what you are doing and it will come off. Hormones...don't ya love em!
  • saphfireangel
    saphfireangel Posts: 438 Member
    Got in my 50 sit ups and squats today.. I'm looking forward to this weeks challenges even though since starting mfp I log everything I put in my mouth and have only once ate something without knowing what the calories where before hand. As for Thanksgiving I say bring it on lol :)
  • angelon911
    angelon911 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the responses! Gonna keep chugging along and see what happens. It's just so dang discouraging when it happens. Even though logically I should be expecting it. Stupid female cycle junk! Ugh!!! Well I'll show her, I'm not gonna let mother nature bring me down. Lol
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    As for Thanksgiving I say bring it on lol :)

    LOVE IT!! That's many of you have imagined what your plate will look like this year? What do you see on it? I see smiles on so many of your faces!! **You** are in control and the holiday is not about is a gathering of thanks. I am pretty sure our bodies are *thanking* us here lately, don't you all agree??