Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Six!



  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I weigh myself every. single. morning. Sometimes when I get home from work, usually again before bed. I only record if there's been a loss. I'm a slave to the scale and it's not been moving as fast as it once was. :grumble:

    i JUST tried on all of my clothes to see what I could no longer wear. Somethings I can still pull off, shirts just get a bit longer, lol. I was amazed at how much wouldn't even stay up on me. I brought a pair of size 22 (US) shorts, that fit me fine in August. I put them on this afternoon and if i held them up, they hung down to my knees. i was floored. There are some pants I arrived wth that I can still wear, they stay up at least, so I hadn't really realised how much I've shrunk!

    I bought a pair of (US) 14's that fit me now. So from a 22 to a 14 in a bit over 3 months! :happy:

    I like to try on my flatmates clothes as reference, lol. She gets really mad when her stuff fits me because I was so much bigger than her when we arrived in London. Real supportive.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Thursday QOTD

    I weigh almost everyday - just to stay focused, I have found when I try to weigh only once a week its easy for me to get off track. I WISH I measured bc I know I have shrunk - I just got measured for custom riding boots - the last pair I bought my calves measured 171/2 inches - now they are 15!!! My waist (from pants size) is down a total of about 8 inches, my feet shrunk a full size, And my bra size went from 38 around to 34 - so I know ultimately in different ways I have by happenstance kept measurements - pretty cool off the top of my head I can count 121/2 inches I have lost!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I weigh myself every morning, heck sometimes after lunch and then again before bed, and NO I'm not obsessed with the scale, LOL well maybe I am. I should start measuring with a tape more often.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    It motivates me to see the women in the magazine. I don't think I'll look like an airbrushed model. I just love looking at their clothes, how they posed and how amazing I would look in that outfit if I got to MY ideal weight. I've never though skinny was beautiful for my body type. But it motivates me to want to wear those clothes and feel great and I know if I gain weight I wouldn't be able to wear those clothes.

    I put on my bikini once in while and feel out how I would feel if I had to go to the beach that day.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I try to wait for the surprise on Friday, but some mornings I just can;t resist getting on the scales when I wake up.... I am getting into a routine which I love . Sexy in Six and MfP really work!

    Go Team Yellow!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I measure by the scale...I wish I would have taken measurements at the beginning! I weigh everyday right when i get up and log it every day. I don't think i would remember to weigh if I only did it once a week!! That and it's kind of cool to watch it go up and down depending on you body during the week. I also have a shirt that I literally looked pregnant in before I started dieting...I keep that one. Every once in a while I put it on to remember where I started! Guilty pleasure! :)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I try to wait until Friday to weigh myself, but most of the time that doesn't work. I'm just not that patient. Sometimes it actually helps to weigh periodically throughout the week. Like a few weeks ago I was showing a 1.2 gain on Monday. Ugh! By Friday I was back down to my previous week's weight. A no loss week might normally have discouraged me but knowing I had come down from that 1.2 didn't feel so bad.

    The scale is the only true means. I've tried taking my measurements, but I'm not really the best at taking my own.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I use my clothes a lot! Also things like being able to cross my legs, going further with a physical task...etc. The scale doesn't show all progress!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I use the scale and measure. I don't really have any outfits -- just kinda use my everyday clothes. I have taken "before" pics so that I can take "progression" pics and then finally "after" pics when I reach goal weight.
  • TanyaPearce
    I get on the scale and way too often. Kinda obsessed about it. It can be frustrating at times because my weight fluctuates tremendously. For example......Fri 191.8, Tue 196, yesterday 190.6. So every Friday I pray it is a good scale day so I don't let my team down.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    one pound down - Yay, yay, yay! Thank you everyone - and thank you Peanut!!!!!!

    I am looking forward to seeing the results - fingers crossed Team Yellow....

    And now the sad part, where I metapmorphose from being a Yellow Team member to being part of the illustrious i-candy cane Team!!

    Happy days!

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    142.7! Not my goal, but not bad!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Wed QOTD:

    I would like to think that I am not influenced but celebrities, models, etc. In my head I know the pics are touched up, photo shopped, air brushed etc., but somehow it doesn't stop me from comparing myself.
    A pet peeve of mine where "celebrity" is concerned is The Biggest Loser. I know they are doing great things for people and people are getting their lives back, and they are a great inspiration, BUT....I hate when people work sooooo hard all week, lose 12 lbs, and it's not enough.

    Thurs. QOTD:
    The scale. Pure and Simple.
    I've always had love/hate relationship with the scale. Since I don't even know when I've weighed every single morning. I wake up, I pee, I take off all my clothes, and I weigh.
    Of course I love when my clothes fit looser, I have to by a smaller size etc., but for me what is the best motivator (or not! LOL) is the scale.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    I use the scale, and i've also done before and after pics...not planned, i just went and found pictures where i was in the same poses, or wearing a bikini-this is really motivating to see the difference!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    I use the scale, and i've also done before and after pics...not planned, i just went and found pictures where i was in the same poses, or wearing a bikini-this is really motivating to see the difference!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Did we have a friday question??
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I measure my progress by the number on the scale and the way my clothes fit. The scale shows a lot (I've seen 30+ pounds melt away!) but a lot of the smaller changes aren't reflected in a number. That's why it's so important to go by inches and clothes too. They tell us so much! I threw out all my skinny clothes in resignation a couple years ago, so when I got too small for what I had, I had to buy new stuff (or I got hand-me-downs from an amazing friend :wink:) I also think pictures are a great way to track your progress! You can't deny the changes when you hold pics side by side!

    Since we haven't had our Fri question, I'll post one for us:

    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    I met my goal weight loss for this round of Sexy in Six. I have strengthened the bonds of friendships with some ladies and met incredible new ones. You have kept me motivated to keep up with this new healthier lifestyle, so thank you so much to all of you!
    For Round 3, I'm hoping to meet my goal weight again. But I'm also looking forward to getting to know everyone batter and to continue these friendships. You are some of the most incredible women, and I love you all! :heart:
    Thank you guys so much for making this Challenge such a big success!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Friday QOTD:

    Round 2 accomplishments: SiS got me more involved, MFP community-wise. This is a great group of ladies, and the support went beyond my own team members. I was even rooting, and getting cheered on by, other team members. Awesome, awesome people!

    I couldn't have picked a better first-time group, but unfortunately, it may have spoiled me for future ones :)

    My personal accomplishment was more intensity towards my goals. There was more focus and dedication to both menus and exercise, and it showed. Maybe not on the scale, but I feel so much better all around...I walk with more confidence, I may take more peeks in a mirror (but not too many yet, lol), and I want to keep going...which is a new one for me.

    What I hope to accomplish in Round 3....I want to see the 140's again. OMG...I'm going to be so obnoxiously happy when I can see 140-something on my scale again, lol.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I use the scale to measure my progress and also I try on clothes that I use to wear about 2 years ago. When the pants fit I know I have lost weight and also inches.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    FRIDAY: I met my goal weight! I'm so happy! Thanks to all the support of my lovely teammates!xx

    Next round I hope to accomplish my goal as well. If i happened to lose an extra 2.8 lbs to take me ot of the 200's that's be just swell. I hope to eat my 1200 calories, and step up my exercise game! i've been relying too heavily on diet alone.