Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Six!



  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I've felt sooooooo well supported on Round Two - I have felt genuinely sorry and sad when we lost people too! Looking forward to Round three...

    I'm in i-candy canes - anyone know how to get the team photo?!!!!!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    This challenge was an awesome way to get involved with other like minded people! I also got back into the swing of things and am more aware of what I put in my mouth! I've also enjoyed reading what everyone else is doing-it really helps to gain a new perspective and come up with new ideas...

    For next round I'm going to be working on the exercise component!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    i use the scale every friday and always noticing with clothes and how they're loose or falling off. went shopping today actually and found the PERFECT Christmas dress....but couldn't afford it. will post the pic soon :)


    sadly, i did not meet my goal for this round. next round i'm gonna lower my standard to meet my 140 goal. and if i surpass that, then it's icing on the cake
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Thursday QOTD:

    How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I try only to weigh in twice a week..... I take my inches and take pictures twice a month also.... and I can feel it in my clothes anyway.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    Round 2- I accomplished an idea of what it's going to take to REALLY drop weight.... so for round 3, I'm looking to drop at least 15-20lbs because I'm gonna work HARD CORE for it. I thought I was ready before, but now after days of trying to workout and trying to figure out how to get there- I'm ready. Plus- I got my husband on board with me.... that's going to make everything easier.
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    Clothes for sure! I have this favorite pair of jeans from back when I was running a lot in college and I would love to wear them again. I also of course do weigh myself. And recently, I've started measuring inches because my body composition is changing in a good way that I might not always see on the scale.

    Friday QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    In round 2, I learned consistency! I'm so happy that I've been able to log consistently and keep checking back in. For Round 3, I am so so excited that I'm going to be at home for most of the weeks. I think this will give me a chance to cook and chose where I eat instead of being dragged to places by my coworkers. I would also like to take advantage of having a gym! I love being home. That, and new years is getting closer, more determination.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    Round 2...I now understand how much hard work it takes to make the changes necessary to improve my health. I have made a lot of great changes for the best and had the pleasure and privilage to meet some of the most supportive and great women.

    For Round 3...I would hope we have more exercise challenges. I plan to change up my exercise and find some better foods to share with my family.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference?

    I really just rely on the scale. I know it's bad, but I can feel the difference in my daily clothes, and that is what really counts for me.

    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    I set my goal high for me-10 pounds- and I only lost 8 in the challenge. I still feel like I accomplished a lot, because the past 6 weeks have been incredibly stressful. I'm looking forward to losing more, and hopefully, having more time to workout, etc. over the next 6 weeks.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    I surpassed my weight loss goal in spite of an ankle injury which kept me from working out for a couple of weeks. I also recently started to date someone so I've been going out more than I used to. All of this combined has shown me how much I've learned since May when I joined MFP.

    I hope to get down to my healthy BMI weight during the next round. I know it will be a challenge with the holidays and my trip to NYC, but I believe that I can do it and plan on working hard to achieve that goal. What a great Christmas gift that would be to me. It's not goal weight, but it's definitely my next mini-goal, and I would love to meet it before the end of the year.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    I have passed my goal for this round, and I have upped my exercise goal. I'm hoping to survive the holidays in round 3 by maintaining or losing.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Friday QOTD - GREAT question!

    UGGGG - I HAVE NOT reached my goal - I HAVE found a plateau at 151. This week I'm trying more calories + more exercise. I have accomplished meeting more WONDERFUL women whose responses I love reading and journeys inspire me. ROUND 3 WILL bring me into the 140s, I am very tired of this number. I have been working 7 days a week again and it is not excuse but my hours are making the additional exercise tough.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2?
    Great question other then the given answers, I guess my biggest accomplishment for round 2 was making awesome supportive friends, looking forward to continuing the journey with you in round 3
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    FRIDAY QOTD: What have you accomplished during Round 2? For the people who are registered for Round 3, what are your hopes and goals for the next 6 weeks?

    During Round 2 (and my first month on MFP), I lost 7 inches and 7 pounds. I started (and am almost finished with) Jiliian Michael's 30-Day Shred. I developed so many good habits including making exercise a part of my daily life which was something that was hard for me.
    I would like to lose 10 pounds in the next six weeks, bringing me to the low 150s, hopefully into the 140s! I also really want to keep seeing the inches go down. Also, make it through JM Ripped in 30- it's gonna kill me in all the right ways, i think!