Lost 14 pounds since Tuesday juicing!!!!



  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Just to correct some assumptions - I never said how long I am going to do this. I am playing it by ear to see how I feel but I am not going to be doing it forever.

    I am sorry, I really didn't mean to cause such an uproar. I have read other juice fasting posts and I never saw all this drama in them.
    Do what you feel is best for YOU!!!! I think fasting in general is great and it really helps your body to cleanse and detox. If it gives you a jumpstart then good for you. For everything you try, someone will agree and someone won't. Sheesh!!! Before I came here, i lost over 30 pounds (prior to the current 7) doing a combination of things including fasting. I do it for spiritual reasons as well but the physical benefits were great. I've kept it off and I'm down 7 more pounds. Take care. Q
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Just to correct some assumptions - I never said how long I am going to do this. I am playing it by ear to see how I feel but I am not going to be doing it forever.

    I am sorry, I really didn't mean to cause such an uproar. I have read other juice fasting posts and I never saw all this drama in them.

    Sorry for the drama. Kudos to you for taking your health into your own hands. Juicing is a way to maximize your nutrient intake. There is fat and protein in plants in adequate amounts for human needs. I am sure you don't intend to do this for the rest of your life. My husband and I also watched "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and he went out and bought the juicer in the film. He is making juices daily and sharing them with the whole family. He doesn't do it as a fast, but he does do it to replace a meal on occasion. He has lost 44 pounds and is feeling better than ever. Juicing is also a great way to fit in nutrients from plants that you might not want to eat straight like kale and collard greens.

    The movie that really changed our lives and lifestyles permanently is "Forks Over Knives". If you haven't seen it yet, watch it on Netflix.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Did anyone else immediately think of Cam and Mitchell's juice fast from last week? :laugh:
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I juice occassionally and like green smoothies (from my juicer) as a part of my balanced diet. Great on the weight loss....but I do question whether or not it is truly a 49,000 calorie deficit. As we all know, it is a 3500 calorie deficit to create a 1lb loss.

    Enjoy juicing, it does have it's benefit, but I don't believe it's healthy if it is done exclusively.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    1/2 of weight loss is water weight and by empty stomach. You still lose more weight than a regular diet. Congrats.
    The benefit of juicing is you get all the nutrients that you can't get from eating a fruit - the body has to extract the nutrient from the fruit/fiber...some of fruit nutrient will get flush out of body. Since the digesto system gets the break of chewing/process the fruit, it has time to prepare the damage in our body and of course you will also have lots more energy.
    You only lose protein for the 1-3 days and that's it.
    Dr Fuhrman wrote a book about fasting for healing. It's amazing what our body can do.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    sorry! but I would rather eat food! ;-)
  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member

    Eating mostly fruit and vegetable is not unhealthy. It was your method that was unhealthy. If you get lasting results, and don't get sick and end up hospitalised, that's great. However, this was basically like playing roulette, and the majority of people who would do this would likely suffer negative consequences. Advocating such techniques to a community of people who crave quick fixes is irresponsible and reckless.

    Well said!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Is that really a healthy thing to do? Fast weight loss usually results in gaining the weight back. It really doesn’t teach you healthy eating patterns. Sounds like a quick fix.
  • MissPJH
    I completed the Jason Vale Juicemaster 7lbs in 7 days retreat in Turkey in October. I lost a healthy 4.8kgs, and have kept the weight off, and some more! My healthy friends juice daily, usually for breakfast, its their way to get healthy veg and fruit into their system. The add spirulina, super (green) foods or berry supplements. Im now doing the same when I can and keeping processed carbs out of my diet. Im now making soups for dinner (warm veggie juices?), and eating Juicemasters Juice in a Bar for lunch when at work (I used to miss lunch so this is a great on the go option for me). Someone once told me, dont eat it if you cant grow it or kill it. Makes sense. If you want more - (1) watch the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, (2) watch the movie or go to the Food Matters website .... there are many more. Dont eat processed food, dont eat processed carbs and sugars, dont eat fizzy drinks and sodas .... for anyone losing weight with replacement "healthy" or low fat snack, just read the labels, youre doing more damage to your body that you realise. For me and the original poster and all the juicers out there, Im with you, Im sticking to the veggies and fruits, natures own! Eaten raw or in juices, I dont care. Im losing weight and getting healthier by the day. One last thing, you HAVE to exercise and keep moving, weight loss HAS to go hand in hand with exercise!
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    I would strongly recommend watching Forks Over Knives for those posting who believe eating mostly fruit and vegetables is unhealthy.:)

    Eating mostly fruit and vegetable is not unhealthy. It was your method that was unhealthy. If you get lasting results, and don't get sick and end up hospitalised, that's great. However, this was basically like playing roulette, and the majority of people who would do this would likely suffer negative consequences. Advocating such techniques to a community of people who crave quick fixes is irresponsible and reckless.

    ^^ THIS ^^
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Please keep in mind that 14 pounds is a lot for some to lose, but not a lot for others. It depends on the individual~

    I do not think juicing in itself is unhealthy though...as long as you are drinking enough...it sounds like a great way to give the body a rest and to clear it out ^^

    Of course I could be misunderstanding the situation so please forgive me if I am! :)
  • Ginger4real
  • Ginger4real
    Don't apologize to people who put words in your mouth ..I never once got the idea you are telling people to do this long term ..it's a fast it has time limits like any other fast ...Do what makes you feel better :) and if it works for you share the info..If people can't muster up a little common sense that's not your fault
  • Ginger4real
  • kylamb
    kylamb Posts: 67 Member
    I think anyone who has seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead would have to agree that juicing can be a healthy way to give your system a reboot. I never would have believed the benefits of it if I hadn't seen it myself.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    First I would like to say to the OP congrats and I wish you much success on your journey!

    So this is in no way directed towards the OP or any one individual for that matter, but I love all the "cleanse" and "detox" garbage that you hear from this type of "diet"! You are not "cleansing " or "detoxing" anything when you do this, you're just starving your body of what it needs so of course you will lose "weight". Our bodys are designed to "cleanse" naturally every day without some crazy fad diet to help it along. Yeah you will probably lose some "weight" by doing this but it's not fat (if anything it's water leaving the muscle fibers) so as so many others have said when someone that does this starts eating again, and they will eventually have to unless they are hooked up to an IV, it's all gonna come right back. Why do people think that they can do a better job of controlling the body's functions than the body itself can do? There is no "secret" weight loss strategy! When people finally wake up and realize "hey I got fat because I ate way to much and sat on my *kitten* all the time, so maybe if I eat a little less and move alot more the opposite will happen" then we will stop seeing all these fly by night diets come and go, we will actually put some hard work, and sweat into taking care of our bodies, and we will stop being the fattest nation in the world. Just my 2 cents!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Just to correct some assumptions - I never said how long I am going to do this. I am playing it by ear to see how I feel but I am not going to be doing it forever.

    I am sorry, I really didn't mean to cause such an uproar. I have read other juice fasting posts and I never saw all this drama in them.
    Thank you for sharing your experience!

    You did not cause an uproar — you shared the results of a diet that you're trying and folks here are responding, some with encouragement and warnings and some with dire predictions.

    My only concern is the number of folks who might have hurt themselves jumping to conclusions!


    You're doing a fad diet and I think that's great. What's great is that you're losing weight and getting healthy and, personally, I don't care if you're eating grapefruit, "juicing", or eating cookie dough. The bottom line is that you're losing weight and getting healthy.

    My concern about "juicing" is that you're ingesting significant amounts of carbs and peeing out a lot of vitamins. That begs that question about a balanced diet, especially protein (though the amount of protein we actually need is shockingly small).

    Your rapid weight loss is not unexpected. Will 60+ pounds to lose, you're in a similar situation that I was a year ago in that you have a lot of extra fat. If you're well in the obese range (BMI 30+) and you cut your calories radically, you should drop weight very quickly. I was a BMI of 34, IIRC, and I lost weight very quickly. My results are here:


    Some posters are warning you that you are not going through a "lifestyle change" so you won't keep the weight off and, if permanent weight loss is your goal, that's something to be aware of.

    I don't think that I'm going out on a limb to say that a lot of folks here on MFP are here because of emotional issues that are manifested overeating. Grinding up papaya, oranges, and kumquats in an expensive blender does not make those issues go away. Unless you address the underlying issues, if there are any, and their symptoms (overeating), there's a good chance that you will put the weight back on.*

    So it's great that you're losing weight quickly. That is a wonderful feeling. You might want to keep in mind that you're going to have to stop juicing, rolfing, purging, etc., etc. at some time and, when it does, you will still have to deal with the behaviors and underlying issues that you got obese in the first place.

    In the mean time, keep up the good work!

    *I have never seen evidence, medical, that a "fad diet" causes weight gain after the diet ends. I am sure that a percentage folks who go on fad diets, like a percentage folks who "change their lifestyle", gain weight back because they change their eating habits.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    What foods did you use?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Just temporary water loss with minimal fat loss. Liquid "diets" are temporary. Eating solid foods will put weight back on. Seen it a thousand times.
    I see a thread like this every so often then the people that did it are no longer active after they stop. Wonder why.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Just temporary water loss with minimal fat loss.

    ^ THIS ^