Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - November Challenge!!



  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    we could make it a private group.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I like the thread better than the group also. Trying to be optimistic and keep an open mind about it though.

    And yes Meag - we can definitely remove members as we see fit. But I have to admit, I like my tight knit group of Lovelies!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    They also took away the confirmations about the nutritional info in the food database. I'm not so sure I like that either.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I like the thread better too!! I just felt like Stevens post on it meant he would be making us switch over to a group??

    We can still post on here though if you guys want??
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i feel lost. i don't know where i should post anymore lol :flowerforyou:

    happy friday ladies! just wanted to do a quick follow-up here. so as you may have read i was worried about getting some time off in january. well my manager was finally at work today after being off the past few days so i sucked it up and asked her. she won't let me transfer any time over into the new year, which is a bummer but she is allowing me to take the days off! woo hoo! what a relief. she said since i've been here a few years now and she knows i don't abuse my time off that it was okay to take it even though the time off won't be technically accrued yet. finally, a positive reaction! i swear, all of this past year was like pulling teeth trying to get days off. i dunno what changed her mind about me, but i'm so happy she's being cool about it! yay! what a great start to the weekend!

  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I agree we should just start posting here again seems easier and more tight knit like Bethany mentioned!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Agreed! I love this thread way too much :blushing:

    Been busy like crazy but I am here for a quick post - Should be back later today when I have a few minutes. For now I'm off to the races. 5mile race today along the lake :bigsmile: And I'm PUMPED!

    I will PR.
    I will run my hardest.
    I will make myself proud and I will be happy with my finish.

    Damn right I will.

    Make this Saturday great ladies. Talk to you all soon! :drinker:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - Good luck!!!! You will rock it!!!

    AFM - no weight loss again this week, but I am not sweating it at all!! Doing better with my food choices, still trying to figure out what the right marco ratios should be for me though...any thoughts?? I tried 40/30/30 C/P/F for awhile and I did OK...but always go over carbs and rarely hit my fat goals (not sure if thats a bad thing?) And I read that runners should have higher carb values but I dont know

    Anyways, I work all weekend (boooo) and on Monday I have to get my upper endoscopy done to finally figure out my belly issues. I am happy to finally be doing it, but it sucks because you cant eat for 12 hours beforehand!! Its scheduled at basically I cant eat anything all morning which is going to be hard!! I'll let you all know how it goes though

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    YAY back to the threads,

    These few days being away made me really miss it and realize how much I look forward to writing and reading everyones posts!:smile:

    Meag Awesome job with your new PR you killed it for sure!! Congrats proud of ya!! :flowerforyou:

    Abby Good job being an official size 8, clothes are a better gauge for weight loss regardless if the scale moves IMO, Im such a hypocrite lol I need numbers but it's true you can go down a size and lose inches and not see the scale move as much as you'd like. But I think overall we'd rather be a certain size and toned than skinny and flabby and weighing a lil, at least IMO!! So great job! :happy: Good luck with the tummy issues hope you can get some answers hope the 12 hours go by quick I know fasting is TOUGH!! :grumble:

    Amy great to know your boss had a positive reaction and your able to take some time off!! :smile:

    I have been weight training more, completed three days of solid full body workouts of weight training and feel stronger already. I know it's mental for now lol my body can't change that quickly but I do feel stronger! This morning I took my pup for a long walk he did great with all the distractions training/consistency is really paying off, so glad!!

    Have kept up with jogging but running only 3-4.5 miles or so, tomorrow should be a longer run I think since it's a training run for the turkey trot! Have been eating good and ehh okay on some days but I will be trying chia seeds, read a lot about it last night and they seem to be the best choice over wheat germ and flax seed, also trying some quinoa recipes most likely with chicken and veggies keep it simple! Not sure how to upload a pic on to a thread wanted to post my simple healthier version pumpkin pie for those who would like to try it!! Going to try and figure it out! Plan on running a couple errands, skipping dog training for this weekend, and planning on hitting up a mom and pop health shop for some GU gels since they are cheaper there! Hope all you ladies have a fab weekend and YAY to the threads!! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Holy heck I PR'd the CRAP out of that course! 5 miles in 44:55 and I negative split like it was my job! Final mile was 8:17 :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Feel soooo good today and definitely going to reward myself with some microbrew tonight and a recovery run tomorrow :bigsmile: Woot woot

    Macros... OHHHHH Macros. Macros have been my biggest challenge on this journey, Abby and the main reason I am not logging this month. When I got into training hard and lifting weights and then injured myself and had to quit running for a few months, I was really focused on my macros to the point of disorder eating. I was aiming to hit 40/30/30 every day and with all my veg/fruit intake it was just way way way too hard. I was constantly beating myself down for failing and was eating for the sake of eating instead of eating out of hunger or for enjoyment. That's no way to live! I would dread seeing the "red" carbohydrate count to the point where if I got within 60 or 70g, panic would set in and I wouldn't be able to focus on anything but food all day long. It was draining and it really took a toll on my personal life and relationships.

    I ended up removing the carb count from my diary all together and just worked at hitting my protein and fat targets every day. Since they all add up to 100% of your cals eventually, if I got close I'd call it a win, even though I was normally over my carbs by a handful of grams a day. I also cut back to 50/25/25 because as a lean runner I know I need more carbs and less fat to stay energized, feel full, and just enjoy normal food. Compared to the average person I still eat WAY less processed carbohydrate and my food choices appear bizarre and unappealing to most. So I'd say anything less than 50% for a runner is really cutting it low.

    That's just my $0.02. I think you should do what's right for you Whatever you decide, keep a balance about it and if you feel like you're losing control or becoming too focused on the numbers instead of the bigger picture - step back, take a breath, and remember that our bodies are way more forgiving than we can be on ourselves :happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Not sure how to upload a pic on to a thread wanted to post my simple healthier version pumpkin pie for those who would like to try it!! Going to try and figure it out!
    Upload your picture to picassa or photobucket or whatever else, and then post it using the following code format:

    Just change the IMG to img at the beginning and end, and voila!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - mzing run day...totally rocked that negative split!!! You sure earned yourself those beers!! Enjoy!
    And thanks for the macro info.....since I have been doing better on staying under my cals, I started focusing on what my macros should be. I like the 50/25/25 approach, seems good for a runner. I think I will try that. And I will be careful about not focusing too much on it...I know I wont hit them perfectly everyday, just want to make my diet healthier and more efficient for my workouts!! I guess that I needed to hear that it is OK to eat more carbs....everyone always seems so against it!! But I dont want too low on protein either. Its funny...I had to remove "sugars" from my food log...I was stressing too much on going over even though probably 90% of my sugars were coming from fruits and were not processed sugars. I finally just removed it because I couldnt take it being red every day!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag - mzing run day...totally rocked that negative split!!! You sure earned yourself those beers!! Enjoy!
    And thanks for the macro info.....since I have been doing better on staying under my cals, I started focusing on what my macros should be. I like the 50/25/25 approach, seems good for a runner. I think I will try that. And I will be careful about not focusing too much on it...I know I wont hit them perfectly everyday, just want to make my diet healthier and more efficient for my workouts!! I guess that I needed to hear that it is OK to eat more carbs....everyone always seems so against it!! But I dont want too low on protein either. Its funny...I had to remove "sugars" from my food log...I was stressing too much on going over even though probably 90% of my sugars were coming from fruits and were not processed sugars. I finally just removed it because I couldnt take it being red every day!!
    Lol! Sugars were gone from min longgg ago! I eat way too healthy to care about natural sugars :-) unprocessed, whole grains and fruit/veg are the basis of a great runners diet. Eat as many of your carbs from those categories and aim for 50-60% carbs daily. Perfectly healthy!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    **BUMP** Happy Monday everyone! Where ya been?

    I am running totally late for work today, just wanted to say HI! Had a ridiculously successful shopping trip yesterday in Niagara Falls and bought a TON of clothes for work :bigsmile: Very happy with that.

    Heading to spin tonight after work and then planning out my meals for the week tonight. Not a whole lot else planned. Definitely a quiet night in...

    How's everyone else doing? We're at the mid-way point tomorrow. Kickin' *kitten* yet?
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Ate not so great on Wednesday and Thursday, which turned into eating like crap on Friday and Saturday. Picked myself back up Sunday and now on Monday I refuse to fall off the wagon again.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    eek! are we posting here or in the group? and what is the big difference? why are people saying they like this better than the group? isn't the group the same thing?? im so confused!!!

    i don't have time to catch up right now, too many other places to catch up! i hope you all had an amazingly successful weekend and feel ready to tackle the week! WOOT! :bigsmile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I have been MIA but my in-laws have been in town since Wednesday and I have been caught up in family time and haven't had the chance to get on the thread. I ran a turkey trot 5k on Sunday and it was super hilly causing my heart rate to go sky high on the up hills, and thus I had to walk up the hills for prego safety reasons. Ran the flats and downhills but I definitely need to figure out the best way for me to breathe and not die in the cold weather. I still need to buy some proper running gear, and hopefully I can tackle that this weekend, or maybe thanksgiving weekend with some killer sales! I hope you ladies have been having a great week!

  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - Yay for new clothes!!! Thats always a fun shopping trip!! And congrats again on the race time...soo amazing!!

    Emily - Awesome job with the 8k!!! Even if you didnt get your goal time, you totally rocked it and PRed!!!! And ran the whole thing!!! I dont see anything to be bummed over....sounds like you did amazing!!!! Oh and amazing weight loss!!! All of your hard work is paying off!!!

    Megan - Great job on your turkey trot, and its good that you watched your HR and adjusted accordingly!! Thats hard to do. I have the same issues with breathing in the cold, and cold weather is coming soon where I live....kinda scared that I may not survive running in it!!! I guess I need to invest in some new gear also!! Hopefully we can figure it out and stay on track!

    AFM - my upper endoscopy is in a few more hours.....sooo hungry but cant even drink water at this point!! So I am playing on MFP to distract myself and pass the time!! Hopefully they find something out and I will have some answers today! I'll let you all know later tonight! Other than that, nothing exciting going on with me. I had no weight loss this week, but I didnt even care (which is rare) I know I have been doing the right thing and the weight will come in time.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    They also took away the confirmations about the nutritional info in the food database. I'm not so sure I like that either.

    they DID?! i didn't notice that yet but MAN i rely on that feature a LOT! especially when people post different info for the same food! grrr i wonder what the thought process was behind that! :grumble:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Jenelle - looks as though they put it back. Too many changes at once...haha!!

    Will be back later to properly update! Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday!