Diet Tribe - 30 Pounds in 90 Days!



  • turtle31
    turtle31 Posts: 151 Member
    Have you ever tried the 10 minute solution DVD? It's about 5, 10 minute workouts and you can feel the burn. I do the scuplt and body ball DVD's. I calculate it as a JAzzercize workout, you atleast burn 50 calories doing the 10 minutes. Try that girl, atleast on Wednesdays.
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have been working really hard since Monday! I have walked everyday for 2 miles on the treadmill, and also did 20 min on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I also havent given in on any temptations. I have been under my calories of 1200, and havent eaten my workout points.

    Well, yesterday was my b-day and I wanted to check if I had lost a single pound. So I weighed myself this morning and I didnt! :sad:

    What have I done wrong...I stay below everything I even feel lighter. I felt really discouraged this morning. But I wont give up I guess I have to workout more. :angry:

    I should have waited until Sunday!
  • jawalsh1
    jawalsh1 Posts: 24
    Hi Everyone!

    I have been working really hard since Monday! I have walked everyday for 2 miles on the treadmill, and also did 20 min on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I also havent given in on any temptations. I have been under my calories of 1200, and havent eaten my workout points.

    Well, yesterday was my b-day and I wanted to check if I had lost a single pound. So I weighed myself this morning and I didnt! :sad:

    What have I done wrong...I stay below everything I even feel lighter. I felt really discouraged this morning. But I wont give up I guess I have to workout more. :angry:

    I should have waited until Sunday!

    I found when doing weight watchers that I didn't lose any weight if I didn't eat enough - totally the opposite of what you would expect! Try eating all your calories, plus half or all exercise calories and see if it helps. Don't get frustrated - even if the scale hasn't moved yet, you are still getting healthier!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I know I shouldn't but I have been a freak about weighing myself everyday. I have gone down about a pound a day. This morning I was 149.4 and I'm glad to be out of the 150s. Unfortunately I usually plateau at about 145 146. That's my breaking point and I give up and start eating horribly again.

    I have done at least an hour of cardio every night since mon. I want to start a yoga class but I don't have a buddy to do it with and hate starting new classes alone.
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    Hi Everyone!

    I have been working really hard since Monday! I have walked everyday for 2 miles on the treadmill, and also did 20 min on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I also havent given in on any temptations. I have been under my calories of 1200, and havent eaten my workout points.

    Well, yesterday was my b-day and I wanted to check if I had lost a single pound. So I weighed myself this morning and I didnt! :sad:

    What have I done wrong...I stay below everything I even feel lighter. I felt really discouraged this morning. But I wont give up I guess I have to workout more. :angry:

    I should have waited until Sunday!

    I was doing this same thing on 1200 cals. I uped my intake to between 1400 - 1600 and am losing again!

    Also, keep measurements of yourself. It's surprising how you can lose inches and not numbers.

  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    Hi all i would love to join your group..I would love be in this challange,things have been movin slow for me lately and i need some fire under my butt..

    Starting weight: 220
    90 day goal: 190

    Final weigh in 07/12/09:

    Total loss to date:

    I look forward to getting to know all of you and having a great time losing the weight,im really focousing on eating healthy and exerciising on most days,so here we go

    WELCOME!! You can do this girl!! :flowerforyou:
  • FitMomRunning
    FitMomRunning Posts: 43 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been kind of MIA the past couple of days. Every couple of weeks I get a raging attack of the munchies and give in, just a little bit. It seems to help me stay on track the other days. I'm thinking I'll lose about 1 pound this week. That just means next week will be better :)

    I'm about to go do my second half of my exercise for the day. I hate that it's mid-morning and it still isn't finished! When do you guys usually do your workouts? If I don't do mine in the mornings it doesn't get done at all. I think within the next week I'm going to start pushing for getting up early enough to do it before getting the kids up and ready for school.
  • kishia02
    kishia02 Posts: 11
    Sounds good I'm a little late. I joined myfitness Monday and I started heathly living that same day.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have been working really hard since Monday! I have walked everyday for 2 miles on the treadmill, and also did 20 min on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I also havent given in on any temptations. I have been under my calories of 1200, and havent eaten my workout points.

    Well, yesterday was my b-day and I wanted to check if I had lost a single pound. So I weighed myself this morning and I didnt! :sad:

    What have I done wrong...I stay below everything I even feel lighter. I felt really discouraged this morning. But I wont give up I guess I have to workout more. :angry:

    I should have waited until Sunday!

    I believe the reason you aren't losing is because your not eating enough food to fuel your body. You stated that you have been under your 1200 calories which is not good. 1200 calories is what you need just to keep us going and if your working out hard then you need to eat more food! Your body will go into starvation mode and store fat if your not feeding it.
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Hello fellow losers (I mean this in a good way)!

    I wanted to check-in on this Thursday morning and see how things are going with you guys. I see many of us doing well and others haven't posted since Monday but that's ok.

    Yesterday was a good day. I did 1 hour of cardio on the Precor machine and weight training for 30 minutes (my upper body is feeling sore right now :grumble:), I wore my HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) and it said that I burned 736 calories :bigsmile: I was so happy ! Since I had a hard workout I was hungrier then usual so I ate half of my exercise calories and felt good. I must have drank 104oz's of water yesterday which keep me running to the bathroom alot.. hehe :laugh:

    Today I'm planning a trip to the park with my son so he can ride his bike and I can walk/jog around the track that's there. :glasses: I will also go to the gym later this afternoon to get some more cardio in. 30 pounds in 90 days here I come!! :tongue:

    ~~> Everyone have a wonderful day :heart: <~~
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    :flowerforyou: Hi all, How is everyone doing today?? Its beautiful here in NYC..and we are supposed to be hitting 70’s tomorrow woohoooo!!!!!....I packed my gym bag and will be hitting the gym this afternoon and after work for a spinning class.. I haven’t been doing to good this week and ate 592 calories this morning (I know I know) so I figured I need to hit the gym, no darn excuses and keep it really light throughout the day and the rest of the week….I need to show a loss!!!!

    Csanchez~~have you measured, you may have lost inches…plus you still have to Monday to weigh in….so maybe you’ll see a loss then

    Brandiann~~WTG..the park idea is great…that’s what I usually do on the weekends with the kiddies

    Well ladies time for me to go and get back to work..hello to anyone I might have missed…Lets make today count…I can see those 30 pounds gone!!!

    Thin day all

    :heart: :heart: Yari :heart: :heart:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Like I posted last night, I didn't get to the gym because I work about 12-13 hours on Wednesdays sooooooooo..........Tonight I HAVE to get to the gym, I plan on burning at least 900-1000 cals! That's about 45-55 minutes on the elliptical. Then if there isn't too many men in the weightroom I'll hit that up for some squats and lunges, if there are a lot of people in there, I'll use some free weights and get my strength training done. I love lifting, HATE that sore feeling!

    GOOD LUCK PEOPLE!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I KNOW WE CAN GET OUR 30 IN 90!!!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Today is my day off (though I was off sick the past two days with chest pains) and my heart rate seems to have decreased a bit and the chest pains are gone, so I am hoping to get in a small workout today. Probably just a 30 minute Leslie Sansone DVD, but that's more than I've done the past two days so I'll be proud of myself once it's done. For breakfast I had two Kashi Go Lean blueberry waffles, and they are so good I didn't even need syrup. Yesterday I slipped up a bit and had a chocolate from Easter that I wasn't planning on (in addition to the ginger ale and graham crackers from having my blood drawn at the doctor's office) but I still stayed within my calories for the most part...I've lost 1.5 pounds this week, so I need to lose another pound to be on track, so I am praying for a good remainder of the week!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Hey everyone, how's your Thursday going? It's a beautiful day and I'm stuck inside studying for my exam at 2:00pm :grumble:

    I decided to stay away from the evil scale until Monday morning... it was just depressing me seeing myself go up two pounds after eating properly. I feel good though... yesterday I didn't go over my calories, and even got a half hour walk in with my dad. Hopefully if I bug him enough he'll start to lose some weight too! I think I'm going to try to go for a run tonight, get some fresh air after being stuck at a desk all day.

    Does anyone else notice how much better you sleep after eating well and working out??
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    Hi everyone!!!
    I need some words of encouragement. I'm getting very discouraged. I'm eating right and walking and it seems like I'm doing all the right things, but I've been at a plateau the last few days and I don't know what to do, to get the weight loss started again. Any suggestions? :frown:
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Hi everyone!!!
    I need some words of encouragement. I'm getting very discouraged. I'm eating right and walking and it seems like I'm doing all the right things, but I've been at a plateau the last few days and I don't know what to do, to get the weight loss started again. Any suggestions? :frown:

    Hi bh34,

    Don't be discouraged. It sounds like you may need to change your exercise rountine a bit. Try doing some walk/jog or walk/ run intervals instead of just walking. Example: Warm-up for 5 minutes then walk for 5 minutes at a brisk pace then jog/run for 1 minute and switch back and forth until you finish your session. I would also start incorporating weight training into your routine also. Are you drinking enough water also? We will get you thru this so don't you worry... :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Try not to get discouraged by being stuck at a weight for a while. I was stuck at 185 for most of the month of March. I kept on doing what I was doing but upped my calorie burn goal for every day and started eating back about 3/4 of my exercise calories and the scale is starting to drop again:smile: I have also noticed that as I lose more weight it seems to take more work and time to get off the next pound. We did not gain it over night and it is not going to go away that fast!
  • 54harleygirl
    I guesss I am a little late yet a little early. I just read about this group and would like to join in. My first weigh in was a day early, so I just have 91 days or I should just stop a day ahead of everyone. I have found that it is alot easier to do things with a support system. I quit smoking after 35 years by having to be accountable to others. So here I am ....: ready to go the steps with you all. b:flowerforyou:
  • 54harleygirl
    Hey brandiann, I just wanted to give you a little hint that my dr gave me... eat what you want to for 1(NOT 2, but 1)day. do not over indulge, but add in a few calories here and there that you wouldn't eat normally on a diet. It tricks your body into burning more calories and fat on the next day that you eat right. It had gotten me through 2 plateaus while I was dieting from 280 lbs, to 250. I hope this helps a little bit. You should only do this as a last resort when your weight is at a standstill. Hope it helps. PLUS add more water.:smile:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Don't weigh yourself everyday! That's the most important thing! Once a week at the most. A couple of days isn't enought to hit a plateau (sp):flowerforyou: Just keep plugging along! Bestest to you!