Will you be giving yourself a break over Xmas?



  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    Nope not taking a break over Christmas.
    Still going to be working out and watching calories.
    I don't want to go backwards. =]

    Agree 1000%
  • filmfanatic29
    Like a lot of other people here, I'm going to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas day. However I plan to conscious of my portions and I'll try not to go completely overboard. However, every other day is going to be just like a regular day for me. If you want to indulge a bit during the holidays, my advice is to exercise, exercise, exercise :)
  • aimeerowe91
    I'm going to allow myself to eat what I like over xmas weeken and new year weekend. and still going to get to the gym on the days that it's open. i don't mind having a small gain but i don't want it to be ridiculous!
  • jessashcher
    I am going to exercise more over the holidays so that I may enjoy a few of the holiday treats, but I love the way I have been feeling now and I don't want that to change.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I plan to indulge in delicious things over xmas, but I am going to keep my same "portion control" mindframe.

    I am going to Mexico in February and want nothing more than to NOT fall off the wagon

    ^ This. I'm going home to Houston for Thanksgiving and I'm going to enjoy it...in moderation. Lots of turkey and veg, a little bit of potatos and dressing, and dessert (but only One dessert haha).

    It would be rude to Granny not to eat. :(
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Like a couple of other people that posted, I'm going to log everything I eat. I'm going to try and keep good portion control and make better decisions than I would have before, but I'm gong to enjoy my food and earn some extra calories earlier in the day.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I plan to fully enjoy my Christmas DAY and NYE to its fullest, eating and drinking what i want and not logging any of it. The days in between I shall still be counting my calories and exercising more then normal. My mom loves to bake all these delicious cookies during the holidays. It's only one time a year so I plan on making a little exception for that! Especially because she doesn't have any of the nutrition information for her cookies! Although I won't eat as many as I normally do. The day after New Year's I shall return to counting every calorie and logging exercise.

    Edit: but I still plan to watch my portion sizes and not go overboard with it!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I've decided if the day has a 'name' (Xmas eve, xmas day, boxing day, new years eve and boxing day) I will be more relaxed about my diet than usual, but I will still log everything I eat. I won't be using it as an excuse to binge though.

    I'll carry on exercising as usual in the hope to limit the damage!!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    I will contiue the path. I will allow myself some variance on the actual days {Thanksgiving and Christmas}. I believe you can enjoy without regret.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I will be logging everything......but I will have a treat here and there : )
  • Little_Ms_
    I'm still trying to undo last Christmas! Then there will be a birthday or some other occasion - that's how life is. All excuses which stop me from getting to goal. So this year, I will exercise (even on Christmas Day) and keep going, making every effort to get to my healthy weight range!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    NOOOOOOOO! I am going to get up and exercise before we open presents! My health is my gift to myself! I've spent toooooo many years putting everyone else first.

    The family has been warned that we are having healthier food for holiday meals, no need to over indulge. Trying to find healthy new traditions cuz the old ones obviously didn't work out too well for me!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I stopped logging on holidays and weekends in June, and haven't looked back. :smile:

    I have no problem (most of the time) tracking my food during a normal day when I plan or prepare everything I eat. But I will not count out ten potato chips (one serving size) at a party, or try to guestimate how much dip I used. I'm not going to ask my brother how much sodium is in his amazing mashed potatoes, or turn down a slice of apple pie.

    Paying close attention to what I eat 5 days of the week, and playing it by ear two days, has worked well for me. I'm not saying it works well for everyone.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanksgiving, I will log breakfast and lunch, and work out.
    Christmas can be alittle tough for me, since we have christmas eve dinner , christmas day early dinner. I will exercise for sure, and eat in moderation.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I will be working for Thanksgiving, black Friday and the weekend following. I will also be working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I will probably have to bring my food to work, I don't anticipate too many places being opened. I will be on track, I'm trying really hard to stay focused, and I will be exercising as much as I can. I have to call the gym to find out if they will be opened.
    I wish you a wonderful holiday season, ENJOY!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    I stopped logging on holidays and weekends in June, and haven't looked back. :smile:

    I have no problem (most of the time) tracking my food during a normal day when I plan or prepare everything I eat. But I will not count out ten potato chips (one serving size) at a party, or try to guestimate how much dip I used. I'm not going to ask my brother how much sodium is in his amazing mashed potatoes, or turn down a slice of apple pie.

    Paying close attention to what I eat 5 days of the week, and playing it by ear two days, has worked well for me. I'm not saying it works well for everyone.

    Yes that!! :-D
  • IamBrande
    I wont be taking time "off" this is a lifestyle change, and thru our lives there are going to be special occassions, that we have to work though..however, with that said............ Most things are 'Okay" in moderation.......... Log it, Work out, and keep on going!!!
  • Pkiddy
    Pkiddy Posts: 145 Member
    I once learned some great pointers on Holidays from a very smart Weight Watchers leader... Everyone says "It's the Holidays and i can't help myself during those days - they are so hard". She handed us a calendar showing a full year and told us to circle the actual holiday days, Jan 1, Turkey Day, Dec 25, Halloween, Valentines.... when we finished she asked us to add them up. We all said 5 days. She said that's right! The Holidays are only 5 days out of 365 days they don't go from Thanksgiving day until Valentines day and if you can behave on 360 then the Holidays should not be that hard. She said to treat the other 360 days as usual and on those 5 days, watch your portion control, exercise a bit more and track track track your food. She also said to choose wisely on holidays. If you can have those mashed potatoes and gravy ANY day, maybe skip them on that day and have a small piece of Gramma's pie you can only get when Gramma makes it for that Holiday. I find that on Holidays, i skip the stuff i can have anytime and enjoy those items that are only available on that holiday.
    another suggestion she gave us was to sit down and write down what you plan to have on that holiday, you'll be surprised how many calories are in some of that food. even if you don't skip some of that food, i bet you take a smaller portion.
    That's my 2-cents. Me personally, on Thanksgiving i'm going to my daughter-in-laws. She is a very health conscious person and her whole meal will totally fit into my diet that day. Christmas will be harder - but i'll pre-log to get an idea and then make good choices.
    I'm not going to take the Holidays off - all 5 days of them - i will log and i will exercise, but i will be more conscious of what i'm eating, even if i do overindulge a bit.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No intentional break, but since I will also be off that whole week it will be interesting to see how well I can stick to this being home that much! The last time I was off work that many days in a row we were on vacation and the only thing that saved me then was that we were constantly on the go and mainly only had a late big breakfast and a dinner every day with small snacks in between! Thanks for reminding me I might need to plan ahead a little!
  • dippystick
    dippystick Posts: 168 Member
    I'm going to visit my youngest DD and her family on Christmas. Will be there 3 weeks. We are going to a historical area so will be doing lots of walking, so I think I'm OK for excercise. The eating will be a bit rougher as we will have to eat out almost every meal when we are on our week away vacation.

    When we are at her house, no problem as she'll make me follow my eating plan. Seems she wants me around to watch her DD grow up. :happy: We always make at least two/three trips to the commisary so I can get things I want/need to eat. I take my own laptop so I'll be logging daily. If this is going to be a way of life for me, then it's going to have to be a big part of my life.