

  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning, fit life friends! :yawn:

    I'm still battling bronchitis, but I had a great day yesterday, and am looking forward to a great day today! Had a filling breakfast, going to have a light lunch, then I'm going to a sushi restaurant with two of my friends. I already have surveyed their menu, and know what I'm going to have, so I should be staying under calorie! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Last night was tough. I so wanted to eat everything. I was watching the Biggest Loser and they were cooking and eating. I was supposed to be inspired to work hard and lose weight watching the show - instead I just wanted to eat. I think that I had dinner too early and didn't get my bike ride in so I didn't have any calories to spare. At any rate, I held strong, had a cup of tea, and went to bed early.

    Not sure what is up for today. I am going to a memorial service too. I am also going to try to skip the reception and come back. I will tell you guys about Richard later. It is a sad story, but a useful precautionary tale for people trying to get healthy.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Good afternoon Fit Life Friends!

    I'm glad to see that even though we're all faced with stresses, challenges, and sickness that we're sticking to it! :flowerforyou: Here's to all you pushing through and making those great strides to a healthy lifestyle!

    Yesterday my food choices weren't terrible, but they weren't great. I got in Day 4, Level 2 of 30DS but then ate a very late lunch at Ruby Tuesday's. I got the mini sliders and salad bar, and even dipped my fork instead of loading on the light ranch dressing. So that was good but with that meal and breakfast I was slightly over my calories. I then had rehearsal from 7-10 but was hungry when I got home. :ohwell: I drank a cup of tea, had some more water and let myself have a pure fruit bar, then went to bed.

    Today is the big performance with the local Philharmonic Orchestra! :bigsmile: I'm very excited but of course nervous at the same time. I love the gown I get to wear and a very talented friend is going to do my hair! I'll be sure to post some pictures. I'm actually wearing a dress that's a little too big now, but it's still fabulous. I wore it in 2008 at my HW so it'll be nice to do some comparison pictures!

    Anyway, I finished Day 5, Level 2 of the Shred, THAT MEANS I'M HALFWAY!! However, I honestly think I might do 15 days at level 2 and maybe level 3, that should take me through the end of the semester and the beginning of break before I head back home to FL to visit family! :heart:

    I ate a great breakfast and plan to have a nice salad for lunch with a piece of chicken. Then it's time to start primping for the show tonight. I'll be sure to finish more than 8 glasses of water today! That's been going well all week! :drinker:

    I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!

    Snarky - my thoughts are with you as you remember your friend Richard.
    Merl - Get better! Bronchitis is NO fun! :sick:
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I went to the service and reception. I didn't eat any cake, but did have a soda - now I have to burn some calories or I won't be able to eat dinner tonight! The service was unconventional and kinda awesome. I have never been to a service where songs of the Beatles were treated like hymns, and there were readings from Night of the Living Dead and Led Zeppelin.

    Richard hadn't been taking very good care of himself. He didn't have any health insurance and hadn't been to the doctor in years. He had a stroke a couple of weeks ago. When he was admitted to the hospital, he was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat, diabetes, hypertension, and pneumonia. The brain scan indicated that he had had a minor stroke before. He had been complaining about not feeling right and was thinking about taking better care of his heath and weight, but really hadn't acted on it. The stroke unfortunately caused major damage. He was in the ICU for about 5 days. They decided to remove the ventilator. He passed within 24 hours.

    I guess I just wanted to share the story to remind everyone here who might be struggling with their weight and health issues that the stakes are high - well beyond vanity, and not to give up. Please take care of yourself for those around you and tell them that you love them, because while life can be cruel and unpredictable - somethings are preventable. Please make it a priority, don't procrastinate.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Snarky- Thank you for your post. It is a great reminder of the big picture here. We only have one body.....if we don't take care of it, who will?

    I forgot to post my weigh in on Friday...then meant to do it earlier today....and then finally just remembered again. I am still at change. But, I was expecting that. I've been working out some different muscle groups this week and was VERY sore all week. I never lose when I am muscles hold too much water weight. But, that means I will most likely have a small loss next week if I keep it up! :) Just gonna keep on keeping on!

    It's late again....just got home a little while ago. My band had a gig tonight. It was amazing! I get to sing with some extremely talented musicians. I am very blessed! We play again next weekend and the weekend after...can't wait!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday. I am headed to bed to grab a couple of hours sleep before I need to get up for church. I'm the Choir have to be there early! But, I am especially excited for tomorrow....I have brand new (smaller) clothes to wear tomorrow thanks to the new wardrobe I got this week! Finally, I have clothes that fit! As good as it feels when your clothes start to get too's better when you have something new that fits perfectly!

    Ok....and I am rambling....sorry! Goodnight everyone!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Ok guys (is it all ladies in the group or do we have a few men folk lurking about?), I know I promised pictures, so I created a little comparison.

    First off, I did a smashing job on the water today, as expected. Food was a little wonky as I have to be careful what I eat prior to a performance. I'm sure I was well under my calories after about 2 hours of booty shakin' good times at the after party! :laugh: Great day over all! Not only did I do Day 5, Level 2 of the Shred, I also did a 20 minute Denise Austin dance video, AND all my dancing at the after party! Yippie...I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Tonight went SO well though! :heart: I really just got in the moment and enjoyed singing for such a wonderful audience. :blushing:

    Picture One: 2008 at 270+
    Picture Two: 2011 at 229.4


    Anyway, I am finally starting to feel better about myself as a performer, and that's a huge part of my motivation to do this! I felt beautiful tonight and that's a HUGE accomplishment for me. So thank you ALL for your continued support. :flowerforyou: I'm truly grateful!

    Off to bed now, I'm exhausted.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hey guys,

    sorry about my poor contribution lately - everything is just been piling up! any way i will be better now! my weigh in this week was 186.3 pounds-down from 188.5!

    i also just did day 1 level one of the 30 day shred today - harder than the gym!! what do you guys log it as? i am tempted to put circuits?

    any way like i said i will be a better team mate - promise!!

    have we got a week 9 or 7 yet?

    claire. xxx
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hey guys,

    sorry about my poor contribution lately - everything is just been piling up! any way i will be better now! my weigh in this week was 186.3 pounds-down from 188.5!

    i also just did day 1 level one of the 30 day shred today - harder than the gym!! what do you guys log it as? i am tempted to put circuits?

    any way like i said i will be a better team mate - promise!!

    have we got a week 9 or 7 yet?

    claire. xxx
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hey guys,

    sorry about my poor contribution lately - everything is just been piling up! any way i will be better now! my weigh in this week was 186.3 pounds-down from 188.5!

    i also just did day 1 level one of the 30 day shred today - harder than the gym!! what do you guys log it as? i am tempted to put circuits?

    any way like i said i will be a better team mate - promise!!

    have we got a week 9 or 7 yet?

    claire. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey Gang ~ Well weekends here seem to be quiet...

    Opera Bound ~ WOW you will have to give a lesson on posting pictures:happy: You look AMAZING!!!!! I am so glad to hear about your progress. It is inspiring!!!

    Elizabeth ~ Yes the Biggest Loser motivates me in the exercise way...I have a hard time when they are cooking too...but I really want to add some more yummy low cal things to my cook books. We can make great dishes that are good for us to eat!!!! Thanks for sharing Richard's story I hope he is at Peace :flowerforyou:

    Merlanda ~ SUSHI is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't go often since it is alittle pricey and my kids like it too. Now that they are older they seem to be off with their friends or working. so my husband and I will pick a time to go when they are gone :laugh:

    Well I hate to say my memorial story is the opposite. I worked with a wonderful man named Dave. He was the President of Positive!!!! I learned yesterday he was a 5th degree black belt and raced motorcycles!!!!! He left behind a wonderful wife and two young boys. Their soccer team added Daves initals to all the boys uniforms in his honor. People told wonderful and funny stories about Dave and then we got to enjoy tons of pictures of him and his family. He loved to read and we all got book marks with quotes from him. Now I feel like I better start to read. One of the quotes on the book mark I would like to share is...." If you are not uncomfortable you are not learning" It's one of those stories that you have to ask WHY. He touched so many people in such a positive way and will never be forgotten:flowerforyou:

    Sorry ~ That was alittle bit of a let's move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What are you doing today???? I am going to take Dave's quote to heart and go for a run. That makes me uncomfortable and I need to go push myself!!!! My husband is making breakfast...... I will eat in moderation. Lot's of jobs to do around the house. Tomorrow I have a sales I will be missing for most of the day. Today I am going to take alittle time to try to figure out this GROUP thing.

    I hope you all have a great rest of the weekend !!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi ~ OK I set up the GROUP...I think!!!! hopefully you all got an invitation. Once you accept you will be in the group. Please let me know if you got the invite.

    Loredana - I put you in as a moderator that can make changes. I thought I put a picture in for our group...but instead it came throught with a group of those blue people!!!!

    Please bear with us FIT LIFER's!!!! This is the link...but I don't think it will let you post there until you accept the invite. The group will start our Week 7 in our 8 week count down.

    Please post your weighs so Loredana can get you on the chart :bigsmile:

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello guys,

    Trying to get to the Group but apparently I need an invitation too :)

    Will post updates when I get there.

    Thank you
  • Guerita83
    :frown: I didnt receive an invite
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Hi all :)
    Haven't poseted in awhile figured I'd give my current stats.
    Am now up to about an hour or exercise a day cept on hard work days and weight is at 234.6lbs
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Everyone - Is it too late to join in ?
    Just saw the thread today and thought I could join in. For my workouts I am doing 40 mins cardio (basically treadmill) and 20 mins JM 30DS. My total target is a loss of 66 lbs and I am down just by 4 yet.

    Suggestions are welcome anytime.

    See ya
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    I am so pumped! I just came back from my monthly weigh-in with my PT and even though we are doing this a week early the numbers were great!

    I've lost 17" and 12 lbs since I started working with him in Aug. Good news!

    I've lost 2 lbs since last week.