Is it wrong to get pissed at your wife because..........



  • krik84
    krik84 Posts: 47
    Hummm...not sure if it's wrong as I haven't heard her side of the story. But what's right is counseling. Stat.


    There are two sides to every story
  • Fiestie
    Fiestie Posts: 8 Member
    First, you have to analyze the entire situation and ask yourself 'Have you been pissing on her so long that you been telling her it's Raining"? If either the husband or wife don't get attention from the other they will seek it else where be it intentionally or unintentionally. Take your wife out for a nice dinner talk about your concerns.. Let her know up front that you want to discuss your marriage. Be respectable, be polite...I am quite sure you will get answers and you two will be able to solve the issues. Continue to pay compliments to your wife.....Don't let her walk out the door and you are not the first to compliment,hug and kiss her. If you are taking care of her and making her feel warm and you are excited about her weight loss then you should always be her cheerleader.....don't be jealous be zealous......Always listen to what is being said not what is not and only hear what you want to hear.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hmm. User deactivated their account. Interesting.

    Quit posting here - he's gone.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Nah man. She seems totally legit.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    but shes telling me im crazy and insecure because i care about how much she cares bout her looks? mind you when she was just putting on makeup and dressing up.. i didnt comment only when i felt like she has too much make up on... but now shes starting to flirt and i guess tell ppl shes single.. so yes.. i care that everyday she gets ready as if shes going to a modeling show.. if she could quit being a flirt i wouldnt care..

    I'm sorry... if she is telling people that she is single, and telling you that she is unhappy, then she has already made up her mind about your relationship. Women don't generally cheat unless they are already emotionally through.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is it wrong to get pissed off that your wife gets more flattered by other guys complimenting her than you? Is it wrong to get pissed off when ur wife goes to a bar gets home at 5am (bars close at 3am) and then have a guy add her on facebook next day asking her on a date because she told him she was single? is it wrong to get pissed off because a friend tells u that he saw ur wife at a bar dancing very "provocative"? Is it wrong to ask your wife to quit flirting with guys as its embarrassing because a friend points it out to me and asks if i care or not and why wont i do anything about it? Is it wrong to ask your wife to cool off and pay more attention to her family than how many guys hit on her? Is it wrong to get even more pissed when you confront her about it she tells you you are stupid, insecure, shes unhappy, and its retarded because all she got out everything you confronted her about was that you dont want her to dress up n do her make up everday because u told her to quit seeking attetion from other men..

    I think your wife and my boyfriend might should meet each other.
  • pornstarzombie
    Haven't read all the replies. However, I'd be kicking my guy to the curb if this was happening. So disrespectful.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yea I think you have every reason to be upset. There is some issues there that need to be adressed
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Is it wrong to get pissed off that your wife gets more flattered by other guys complimenting her than you? Is it wrong to get pissed off when ur wife goes to a bar gets home at 5am (bars close at 3am) and then have a guy add her on facebook next day asking her on a date because she told him she was single? is it wrong to get pissed off because a friend tells u that he saw ur wife at a bar dancing very "provocative"? Is it wrong to ask your wife to quit flirting with guys as its embarrassing because a friend points it out to me and asks if i care or not and why wont i do anything about it? Is it wrong to ask your wife to cool off and pay more attention to her family than how many guys hit on her? Is it wrong to get even more pissed when you confront her about it she tells you you are stupid, insecure, shes unhappy, and its retarded because all she got out everything you confronted her about was that you dont want her to dress up n do her make up everday because u told her to quit seeking attetion from other men..

    All of her answers are simple excuses used to divert the issue away from her. She knows what she's doing is wrong.

    Man...I feel for you...I've been where you are and the hurt caused by it is endless =(. My advice, don't talk to her about the symptoms...which is her behavior (this'll just cause a fight, and give her room to deflect), talk to her about the problem, which is why she feels all these things are ok. Tell her a marriage isn't like that, and you want to be married. Suggest counselling, tell her you'll work to change things on your end as well (they always blame you, if you won't 'work' to fix it...even if you didn't fookin do anything, they won't either)...if she won't do that...get your *kitten* down and file for divorce, because if you don't...she will be eventually, and as things stand, you've got the moral upper hand.

    I wish you luck brother, and if you ever need someone to talk to...message me.

    I agree with chrisanderson. I have actually been there. The behavior is about something else very painful for her, she is looking to feel better in the wrong places. You cant fix it by yourself, and the pain she will cause you will be intense. GET TO MARRIAGE COUNCELING!!!! It's the only way.

    Marriage is such hard work sometimes (sigh)
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Your words: "What to tell you about me? I sleep, I eat, I train, I repeat... "

    Maybe you should consider: "What to tell you about me? I focus on my marriage with my wife, I sleep, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I eat, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I train, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I repeat..."

    It's a fitness site, I can understand why he posted that in his profile here. He was looking for like minded friends.

    I'm sure she deleted his account...I hope, if it's worth working out...they do. If it's not, I hope for the quickest, most painless end for him as is possible. Mine was drug out over the course of four years...full of cheating, lies...threats of taking my kids and disappearing, physical and mental abuse, more cheating, more lies, rinse/repeat...and hurt bad enough I completely managed to forget who I was.

    No thanks...I wouldn't wish that on anyone, much less a friend like Euro.

    aaww that is such a painful thing to go through. What a amazing man you must be to have found your way back and be so great.
  • SweetVaness
    SweetVaness Posts: 30 Member
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    For the first question about compliments... you have to understand something. A compliment from you feels wonderful, I'm sure, but in the back of her mind she's thinking "He's just saying that because he loves me." It's like getting told you're beautiful by your mother. Are you flattered? Sure. But it doesn't really have much impact. A stranger doesn't have nearly as much reinforcement or incentive to offer compliments. Whether that is worth getting upset about, I can't say.

    The second part. If she were my boyfriend, I would be furious and very hurt. It is NOT okay to claim singledom when you're attached, let alone married. Maybe she wanted to feel unencumbered while out having a good time. I don't care. That crosses a line, for me personally.

    Third. Provocative dancing is kind of expected in a club or a rowdy bar. How provocative you can't say, you're basing your anger on a friend's judgment. Not saying it isn't "accurate" but perhaps this is the lesser of your problems.

    Fourth. It would not be wrong to ask your wife to quit flirting, as long as you hold yourself to the same standard Some couples see flirting as harmless, others feel it is disrespectful or, in your case, embarrassing. This goes along with the ENTIRE bar problem, I think.

    I'll stop there because this situation can't be solved going on a case by case basis. It sounds like you're VERY hurt by your wife's behavior, and I understand where you're coming from. Is this a recent development (perhaps part of losing weight herself?)? Or has she always sought the high of having men find her attractive and irresistible?

    I would sit her down and have a nice long, no blame playing, conversation. Describe how YOU feel when she says or does these things and WHY you have a problem with it. Stay calm, and make sure you listen when she responds. If she gets defensive, say that this is important to you and that you are NOT trying to attack her, but you need to talk. Immediately.

    If your attempts continue to lead nowhere, say you need counseling or a divorce. Some people can't be swayed from destructive behavior, but there is no reason for you to be dragged through emotional turmoil along with them.

    Good luck :).

    I totally agree with this^^^. But I'm about to ask a question that I know I'm going to get jumped on for. You made the comment that you never said anything to her when she was just wearing make-up and a dress except to tell her that she had on too much. Now granted I haven't read the entire thread yet so I apologize if I missed something but why the heck didn't you compliment her instead of only telling her she had on too much make-up? I don't want to jump all over her and while I do NOT condone her actions, it makes me wonder what the driving motivation behind her actions are.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    You both really need to talk. She shouldn't be do somehting of these things. Nothing wrong with getting dressed up and feeling good about yourself. The excessive flirting and pretending to be single has to stop. Ask her if she wants to be single. Sometimes people start to show us there true colors and we just dont want to see them. Other times we've pushed ppl to feel like they need outside attention.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    EuroDriver has deactivated their account.

    Just a note