

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Sunflower, come here as often as you would like. Cheryl (55) joined us yesterday. I'm also 55 and have a goal of losing around 20 lbs. I've been given the ultimatum by the dr: Get the cholesterol down or go on meds. I've got 3 months to see what I can do. I was doing WW before. It worked as far as getting to goal. The maintenance was where I went wrong. I like this site since it is free. Take it one day at a time and we will be here for you.

    I've been having a good week so far. I've got to go back over and spend the night with my Mother so I can take her for a CT scan tomorrow. No access to a computer there so I will be on my own in keeping up with what I eat.

    Well, off to the bowling alley in an hour. I hope you all have a good day and make good choices!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome, Cheryl and Sunshine! You've found a great place for support and friendship. Come back often...we look forward to getting to know you!

    Amanda: I hope you get the tummy pains figured out. Little things like that can worry you. And I am sure the saggy skin will improve over time as you stay active too! Good to hear from you! Can't believe your Grandtwins are growing up so fast!

    Auntie BK: So glad to see you here again!

    Cindy: Good luck while with your Mom and hope she is doing ok.

    I made my goal for our evening out Monday with friends...tracked every bite and stayed within my calories. Then yesterday I was hungry and tired all day for some reason. Did fine all day long, but nibbled while making dinner...bad old habit that I WANT to change! SO...I am saying out loud here that my goal for the coming week is to plan my menu for the day and not have another nibble that isn't on the plan. ALSO, no wine for the week. With the holidays next week, I need to have a solid week with no extras and I CAN DO IT!:drinker:

    We are having some weird, warm & foggy weather here along the coast. We need rain and may get some tomorrow. I'm going with a friend to do a bit of shopping and out to lunch. Need to get my exercise in before I head out. Have a nice day, dear ladies! :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    Had a busy couple of days but I am still on the program with my food (thank goodness). I had a big drop on the scale this morning. I am on Day 11 of the 17 Day Diet and it feels good to finally be dropping some pounds. I have basically been hovering for about a year. I really do feel like this is waking up my body...we'll see.

    Welcome to all the new people..... its a great board. Reading everyone's posts is something I look forward to every night.

    Amanda....I hope you feel better soon.

    Enjoy the day,
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    Had a busy couple of days but I am still on the program with my food (thank goodness). I had a big drop on the scale this morning. I am on Day 11 of the 17 Day Diet and it feels good to finally be dropping some pounds. I have basically been hovering for about a year. I really do feel like this is waking up my body...we'll see.

    Welcome to all the new people..... its a great board. Reading everyone's posts is something I look forward to every night.

    Amanda....I hope you feel better soon.

    Enjoy the day,
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    not gaining, not losing. Need to get back on track and back on the dreadmill. Must motivate myself. Its hard with it being so dark so early. I hate this time of year. Hope you are doing great.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome Cheryl and Sunshine. I used to live in East Kent - in fact I grew up in Herne Bay and went to school in Canterbury, but that was a looooong time ago.

    Weight seems to be stuck at the moment so I need to shake things up a bit and, like others, stop nibbling (or gobbling) in the evenings.

    Aquafit this morning and it is so nice here that I'm still able to hang my wet things out on the clothes line, however I think the forecast is for snow flurries later this week.

    I'm going to have acupuncture later this afternoon to see if it will improve the discomfort that I have in my face as a result of shingles. Don't know if it is going to work, but if I don't try it certainly won't help.
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    I am an evening gobbler!
    A 53 year old evening gobbler,
    With your help I will be a recovering evening gobbler named Patty
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone. and Thank you for the warm welcome from you all and for letting me join your group.
    before i found this site i was doing weight watcher for 3 years i did get to goal and soon put most of it back on Christmas got in the way lol. since they changed to pro points somehow it just was not working for me. This is such a good site and its free even better.
    I wi on a Monday and have lost 2lb this week i'm sort of on a mission to get to goal again for this Christmas.

    i'm looking forward to getting to know you all

    xx june.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hello lovely ladies,

    this time of the year is VERY difficult for me(IM sure im not alone).....i didnt lose any weight this week, stayed the same, and its not no surprise, really wasnt very good in the food dpt....exercise was and is great...though one thing is surprising, i logged every thing i put in my month, no more what .....in another time i would have justed not done it.....
    i made tons of cookie dough for the holidays, and used all the leftover halloween candies(couldnt get rid of it fast enough)....we are celebrating Thansgiving this saturday, (my oldest is traveling and my middle son will be working).....have been at the market everyday this week, seems i forget, or they dont have something.....i am so loooking forward to saturday.....

    have a great rest of the day.....:flowerforyou:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Every time I quit posting and recording, I can't figure out why in the world I did it. When I get back on MFP it is always so refreshing and encouraging! It doesn't take long to slip back into old, comfortable habits and see the pounds slip back on. More than pounds at this point is poor muscle tone. I have gotten back into a routine of exercise and eating correctly, and eating the right size portions. I will be checking in daily and continuing to work toward my goal of losing weight and keeping it off. 'Till tomorrow...:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Thanks for clueing me in as to what NSV stands for. I would never in a million years have thought of that!

    Birdie - I've had my Wii for quite a while now. It is quite revealing. As far as your Wii age goes, some days you will be "older" and other days you will be "younger". Happens to me all the time. Some days your balance will be much better than other days, I know mine is. I think you really need to look at it not in the context of one day but in the context of over a period of time. Like if in a given week your "age" is 20, 40, 70, 30, 40, your age is most likely the average of all those days.

    Welcome Cheryl and garlicbeth.

    Had to get up at 5 today (Tues) to go to a board meeting at the Y at 7. Unfortunately, I'm to be on until this May. I was hoping that they'd made a mistake and I should have been off this past May.

    then went a bit of food shopping, then played mahjongg. Took the cake to the lady who is always there but is leaving for the winter in FL, she was very appreciative. I slipped and had too much icing on the cake. Then came home for a few hours and left to go to this one gal's house to play bunco. Didn't get home until after 11.

    Did an hour of spinning today. Tomorrow I'll do deep water aerobics. Seems they're FINALLY getting the TRX at the one branch of the Y, but not the one near me (boo). Wish they wouldn't spend so much on new equipment (bars and weights, bosu balls, now this TRX) but upgrade the branch near me, it really needs it. Update: I saw the CEO since I was at the Y going to take the water aerobics and mentioned to him that the bathrooms don't even have doors on the stalls! It seems that he likes when you agree with him, but doesn't like it when you don't agree with him. I'm glad that I'm not paid because I think that I'd feel a lot of pressure, and that I can't stand.

    sunflower - welcome, welcome, welcome!

    Hey there Patty. I, too, am an evening gobbler. And the holidays don't help much, either.

    Went to deep water aerobics today (Wed). Tomorrow I'll do a DVD for weights and then in the afternoon play canasta. I haven't mentioned that the lady who runs the crochet had surgery and is recovering so we haven't had the crochet class. I'm just not going to their lunch, that's all.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I have been thinking about challenges and comparing. For awhile I compared my exercise plan to a woman who was 10 years younger than me and training for a triathlon. No matter what I did, I lagged way behind her with no likelihood of ever reaching her amazing standard of exercise and fitness. Sometimes people on MFP compare their progress to what I’m doing and sound discouraged that they won’t ever be able to do what I do. The real answer is to stop comparing oneself to anybody else and only compare what I’m doing today to what I did yesterday (or last week, month, or year) and see how I’m doing by comparison. My pedometer has companion computer software that allows me to keep track of my steps for as long as I’ve had the pedometer. I can compare my average steps this week, month, or year to other time periods and see if I am making progress.

    :flowerforyou: I have been inspired by the story of a man who was so heavy that he could barely get out of his chair who started his exercise program by moving his arms back and forth while seated, and of a woman whose weight affected her mobility and started her exercise program by pushing a cart in the grocery store because she couldn’t walk without support.

    :flowerforyou: We went to the neighborhood Harvest/Thanksgiving potluck this evening. Someone made turkey and gravy and everything else was potluck. I baked six yams, removed the skin, mashed them a bit and put them in a glass dish. They were a nice contrast to all the other stuff with creamy sauces and dressings. Someone even commented that it was nice that someone didn’t think that yams needed brown sugar and butter to taste good. I ate more than I usually do at supper but stayed away from the desserts and second helpings.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, welcome to the group. I, too, am a dog walker and consider my dogs a great contribution to my health and fitness. Your dog is beautiful. My dogs are Brandy and Sasha, Standard Poodles, ages 6 and 4. They never get tired of walking and they are not bothered by cold, rain, snow, or wind.

    :smile: It was just barely above freezing this morning so I need to get serious about getting some more cold weather clothing----waterproof extra warm boots, a balaclava to keep my chin warm, and gloves that are warm and flexible enough for an Arctic musher. This is the first year I’ve aimed at a long walk very early in the morning in the winter and I’m determined to meet the challenge.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    November goal----walk for at least an hour every morning with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • bloofrog
    bloofrog Posts: 1 Member
    :heart: Hi all
    I'm a 52 year old from BC Canada - it's not snowing where I am - just the rain but so dreary. I'd like to find some support for the 20 lbs I'm struggling to lose - this is the last bit to go and - yep - plateaued for a long time . . I'm really trying to kick start and it would be nice to find a group . . .
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Welcome bloofrog! This is the best, most positive group of gals ever!

    Barbie your wisdom is always so timely! Really struggling lately with the comparing mind... ;{
    Thanks for the inspirations and let me know what cold weather gear you decide on. My hands always ache with the cold no matter the glove, getting so desperate I may have to try mittens ;)

    Tuesday off did ok on the list but not so well on the moderation. Will have another chance for Retirement practice on the 30th. Back to work Wednesday and back on track. Go figure ;}
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    Barbie your wisdom is always so timely! Really struggling lately with the comparing mind... ;{
    Thanks for the inspirations and let me know what cold weather gear you decide on. My hands always ache with the cold no matter the glove, getting so desperate I may have to try mittens ;)

    Barbara, my challenge with gloves is that I have to be able to hold two of those leashes with the thumb buttons that allow you to extend and shorten the leash quickly and be able to pick up poop and knot the poop bag so I began wondering what the Arctic mushers use with all the manual tasks they have to perform in worse temperatures than what you and I have down here in the lower 48. I'm looking at gloves from Cabella's (on line, their nearest store is 100 miles from where I live) made from Thinsulate and Gore-Tex. I remember a special about an Antarctic exploration team that wore things made from Gore-Tex. The gloves are $70.00 plus tax and shipping so I want to be very sure before I order them. I'll let you know about the glove if and when I get them.
  • ceejay3101
    ceejay3101 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Jane not sure what your back injury is but would like to tell you to persevere, I also have had serious problems with my back culminating in surgery in 1995 after I had been in a wheelchair unable to walk. The op left me with numbness down my right leg but apart from that a 100% improvement. It has recently deteriorated slightly causing pain in my hip and also in my ribcage, I go to a brilliant physiotherapist who hit the nail on the head after the first visit pinpointing it all to the spine and not as had been thought osteo arthritis, the day after I see her I am in pain from the intensity of the exercise but when I continue the exercises she has given me I really notice an improvement, we are working on one bit of progress at a time, I also walk a lot which helps and use a tens machine when the pain is at its worst as I am intolerant to pain killers, (which I think is a good thing) so dont have the effects they can cause as well.
    Good luck, I am not saying any of this will help you as I dont know your specifics, but when you have physio ask lots of questions and tell them every detail of what pains you :happy:
  • ceejay3101
    ceejay3101 Posts: 36 Member
    I have to say WOW at your weight loss, what an inspiration, good luck in sorting out everything else x x
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Good morning!! Just discovered this lovely group and would really like to join. My name is Desiree, I'm 57 and originally from Germany. I live in Texas with my husband and two daughters, three cats, 4 dogs and a miniature horse in the backyard.
    I started my weight loss in August 2010 but just now ventured into the message boards and hope to find support and inspiration.:smile:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Birdie - I've had my Wii for quite a while now. It is quite revealing. As far as your Wii age goes, some days you will be "older" and other days you will be "younger". Happens to me all the time. Some days your balance will be much better than other days, I know mine is. I think you really need to look at it not in the context of one day but in the context of over a period of time. Like if in a given week your "age" is 20, 40, 70, 30, 40, your age is most likely the average of all those days.


    Thanks Michele. How often do you do it? I work with someone who was a dancer and she said to keep your balance, concentrate on engaging your core and trying to keep that in line, and not your feet as much. I find it helps...a little:wink::laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! We are happy to have each one of you, and hope to get to know you. June (Sunflower), just wondering from your screen name, are you by any chance from Kansas? Doobiedoo - welcome back!

    A couple of blessings that I am thankful for today:
    I think that I am finally starting to get well! I am not back to normal yet, but I think that I am improving a little every day. (A little bummed because I put on a few pounds, but I can deal with that.)
    And - my oldest daughter, who was laid off from her job the 1st of August, has found a job! She currently lives in the Fort Worth area, and the new job is in Forrest City, Arkansas, but even though they aren't relishing the moving idea, the job seems perfect for her. She will be the clinical director for a residential treatment facility for children with psychiatric problems. We already had a trip planned to Texas next week to spend Thanksgiving with her, so I guess we will spend the weekend packing. I now pray that she can find a nice place to live.

    I have to get back to work. Catch you later! Mary