Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?

If you know anyone who has cancer or even died from cancer, share it in this thread.

I'll start: my mother used to be a cancer patient. Over 5 years ago, during a routine ovary operation, the doctor discovered that she had ovarian cancer stage 3. Her doctor gave her only 3 months to live. But she beat the odds. Now she still alive and healthy.


  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My dad has colon cancer. It's pretty advanced, but he's doing ok for now, and even talking about going back to work.
  • Amf5627622
    Your Mom is so lucky! My mom also had ovarian cancer. She fought it for 4 years before she passed.
  • Amary06
    Amary06 Posts: 42 Member
    My mom passed away December 14th, 2007 from pancreatic cancer.
    I still remember it like it was yesterday.
    I was 19.
    It was the most horrible thing that has ever happened too me.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    My mother first contracted breast cancer when I was eight years old. She battled it, beat it. She was told she was 10 years cancer-free... but there was a blip on her mammogram she was never told about.

    Three years later, the cancer had spread to her liver, lungs, and eventually her brain.

    She passed away November 21, 2005... On December 8, 2005, her first grandchild was born, my nephew, Rowan.

    Monday makes 6 years, and I miss her every day. I'm not sure how well my diet is going to go that day... but I really don't care. It's mom's anniversary... I have other things to think about.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    My father had cancer and has been clear for about 4 years now.

    The number of people I have known who have died of cancer is far too many. Including my aunt and uncle who both died within 2 years of each other of different cancers.
  • mvandommelen
    My Grandmother fought cancer twice. The first time, we almost lost her, the chemo was so hard on her, but she went into remission. The second time, the had surgery to remove it from the liver and she is doing so well now! We get another holiday season with her! We are blessed!
  • skinnyb450
    My Mum had brain cancer ......3 months later and she lost the battle - Cherish your Mum :)
  • LadyNeshoba
    LadyNeshoba Posts: 159 Member
    My mom had Breast Cancer. She beat it and is doing well with her new pair of C's XD
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    My sister had ovarian cancer at the age of 19. They caught the cancer 2 weeks before it would have spread and removed a basketball sized tumor. It was really scary. No one should ever have to go through chemo.

    She's happy and healthy now :)
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    My mom had both breasts removed because of cancer 5 years ago. So far so good. I've had 4 spots of skin cancer removed.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    That's wonderful news about your mother!

    I'm in the middle of training for my first marathon, which I'll be running in memory of my best friend who died of metastatic melanoma at the age of 31. I'm raising money for Roswell Park Cancer Institute, which is where she was treated. If anyone's interested in donating, please let me know! I've raised just shy of $4K as of right now.

    I've also lost my grandfather, an aunt, an uncle, & a great aunt to various forms of cancer; and have an aunt & a grandmother who kicked its butt. Here's to finding a cure so that we never have to lose another loved one!
  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    My Mom was diagnosed with skin cancer two years ago. Luckily they caught it before it spread and were able to remove all of the lesion. Otherwise I am a volunteer with the American Cancer Society so I work at a cancer resource center at a local treatment center once a week, and a get to interact with some of the most amazing people.
  • rodeorider178
    My grandma has cancer and is still fighting it. She has had it for about 3 years now. My aunt had breast cancer 4 times over 24 years and the cnacer finally won.
  • My dad has been in remission for about 3 years from lung cancer. He went through 3 chemo treatments and almost died on his 3rd. I'm blessed that he is still alive and strong. One of my Zumba students' daughter is 6 years old and battling lukemia. Very awful. I had skin cancer on my leg which no where like breast, lung, liver, pancreatic, etc cancer. It still deformed my leg and was eating at my inner cells and muscle fibers. I think everyone can say they know someone........
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Dad has/had bladder cancer... he goes to get it checked every few months or so, and occasionally they do some sort of procedure to get stuff out. But it's in check...

    If your pee has blood in it, go to the doctor asap.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    My grandmother passed a few years ago after a short battle with breast cancer.
    My dad was diagnosed last year with stage 4 colorectoral cancer. He's a survivor! Doing well and worked all through his treatment.
    A close friend's son has leukemia. He's 5 years old and was diagnosed 1.5 years ago. He is doing well but has a long road ahead of him.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    ... and if your lips are turning blue, go to the doctor asap. I wish my uncle had, but it's too late, heart attack. :/ But you guys are already on MFP, so i guess that's preaching to the choir. :D
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    My mother had breast cancer. Twice. Conquered it both time. Love her so much and am so lucky to have her around. <3 Mom.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Oh, and both grandmothers had breast cancer... both survived it.
  • slimkitty
    My mother died from ovarian cancer over 20 years ago (she was 40 years old).