Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I love the name.
    I don't want to lose this group.....I am looking forward to the next challenge!

    Have a good day,
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    It's a slow day at work, so I thought I'd upload the weekly chart. I don't have the same programs here as I do at home, so it might look a little small AND a little fuzzy.....


    2 more members reached their goal weights!
    :flowerforyou: ceejay000
    :flowerforyou: hopelyss

    I couldn't find weekly challenges for this week, so just do your best and finish strong!!!!!!!

  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    So far Leslie has the leading name suggestion....."Five to Thrive"

    We've got 'til next week to start the thread...or is it a group?...I'm not sure how all that works, either. Olivia, can you share with us the secret?
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Five 2 Thrive sounds good!

    I am down to 151 today so just under one week to drop one pound - fingers crossed its do-able!

    I wonder if there is a group for maintaining? altho I've been "maintaining" for a lot of this challenge - didn't mean to though :grumble:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Oh shoot, I totally lost track, I think that maybe I was supposed to do the last challenge, but I forgot because I had done one earlier. Ok, off the cuff, here I go....

    Exercise: add the following to your regular workout. You can spread them out, 1 for each day all at once, break them up throughout the day, or do them all at once as a circuit - whatever you want. Report in when you do them:
    20 push ups
    50 jumping jacks
    90 seconds of plank
    5 minutes of running up and down stairs
    1 minute of sit ups

    Food: I just went with a work buddy to weigh-in for my work's "hold the holidays" challenge (meaning you want to maintain not gain during the holidays), and as we were walking back she said "if only my hubby and I didn't drink a bottle of wine each night as our wind-down routine I wouldn't be putting the weight back on." I gave her this suggestion that I have used a lot in the past, but have slacked on lately:

    Burn the extra calories from alcoholic beverages and/or dessert BEFORE you consume them. This causes you to think about your junkfood and plan ahead. it's also a great habit to get into before the holiday challenges are up you and help you exercise a bit of self-restraint when the temptations are there and you don't have the extra burned cals to spare.

    And word-to-the-wise: this doesn't have to be big burns well in advance, for example, even if I want 2 oreo cookies, I make myself jog in place or around the house when picking toys to get that little extra burn in so I can eat those 2 little cookies guilt-free.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    So far Leslie has the leading name suggestion....."Five to Thrive"

    We've got 'til next week to start the thread...or is it a group?...I'm not sure how all that works, either. Olivia, can you share with us the secret?

    My opinion...we keep it going as a thread, like we always have. Seems to me the 'groups' is more permanent, and we wouldn't be able to come up with these faboulous, motivating thread names :bigsmile: (and NO, I don't just mean mine, lol)

  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    So far Leslie has the leading name suggestion....."Five to Thrive"

    We've got 'til next week to start the thread...or is it a group?...I'm not sure how all that works, either. Olivia, can you share with us the secret?

    My opinion...we keep it going as a thread, like we always have. Seems to me the 'groups' is more permanent, and we wouldn't be able to come up with these faboulous, motivating thread names :bigsmile: (and NO, I don't just mean mine, lol)


    we can go either way with it. The negative of staying with a message board is that we eventually run out of room, but the positive is that we know the format. The positive with a group is that you can have a number of message boards for the same group, so the weekly challenges are easier to identify because you can make new boards in the group, and have other conversations running, like recipes and workout secrets and chats about your problem areas so that others can give input, etc. I'm ok with any way we want to format it. Speak up peeps, because I'd like to get at least the teaser info up and running for the next group this weekend. Helen - will you still do the spreadsheet? You are such the queen of this!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm good with either, but I also like the idea of being able to have the multiple threads in the groups.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I think "groups" gives more options for separate threads--just call the group by the challenge name, and start a new one when we begin each new challenge. Separate threads for weigh-ins, encouragement, chat, check-ins, recipes, sounds like great fun!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    I vote for a group. I hate when the thread is full. I don't always notice the little continue thing at the bottom and it takes me a day or so to find the thread. I also like the idea of the new challenge being listed on its own thread. I can't always find these either.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    I have yet to try to the Group function of MFP because I havent' had time, and I'd love to try the Group. I think it would just be easier to find.

    have an awesome day, all!
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    I vote for groups too! I love the group format and like the idea of having separate threads for each topic.

  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I like the idea of the group as well :).
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Ready to try "Groups".
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I vote groups too. We can still start a new challenge with a fun name every time, but it will be way easier to find the weekly challenges.

    Biggest problem with a group is making sure we invite new members from the general forum. I'm so glad I found this group :)
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Whatever we do for the next round is fine with me.....I just don't want to lose this group of people. You have been great. I am looking forward to our next round!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    I went "hard core" with my exercising today. On top of doing the Wii Fit Plus, I also did all of this week's exercise challenges.

    I did 1 minute of push ups. I did 30 of them instead of 20 of them but most of them were modified as I don't have enough arm strength as of yet to do 30 "proper" push ups. One day I will though! I have increased my strength and enurances in other areas so I will get there in time with push ups too.

    I did 1 minute of jumping jacks. I did 60 instead of 50 jumping jacks as this is an area that I have worked on and have increased my endurance.

    I did 90 seconds of plank but in 30 second increments and I had to modify for about half of the 90 seconds. I still need to work on increasing my endurance with this exercise but I previously couldn't even do a plank at all so I do still show improvement.

    I did the stairs for 5 minutes in my house but I walked at a decent pace instead of running as walking the stairs for 5 minutes took my breath away enough!

    Did the 1 minute of sit ups with not too much problem, other than the burn, but this is another area where I have been increasing my endurance and have been showing improvement.

    I am also a part of a team challenge and we have daily fitness challenges
    so I have also done the following challenges this week:
    Sat.: 30 minutes of cardio (did more)
    Fri.: 5 minutes of tricep kickbacks (I had to do them without weights though, it was our choice to do with or without weights)
    Thurs.: 35 push ups
    Wed.: 45 jumping jacks
    Tues.: Any exercise

    I think oliviawink borrowed some of our challenges! ;) She has been doing some of the daily challenges with us.

    As for the food challenge, I did 63 minutes of exercise and then I ate 2 tablespoons of Chipits. I am totally fine with my caloires but it sent me over my sugar. Can't be perfect in all areas though! ;)
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    Oh shoot, I totally lost track, I think that maybe I was supposed to do the last challenge, but I forgot because I had done one earlier. Ok, off the cuff, here I go....

    Exercise: add the following to your regular workout. You can spread them out, 1 for each day all at once, break them up throughout the day, or do them all at once as a circuit - whatever you want. Report in when you do them:
    20 push ups
    50 jumping jacks
    90 seconds of plank
    5 minutes of running up and down stairs
    1 minute of sit ups

    Food: I just went with a work buddy to weigh-in for my work's "hold the holidays" challenge (meaning you want to maintain not gain during the holidays), and as we were walking back she said "if only my hubby and I didn't drink a bottle of wine each night as our wind-down routine I wouldn't be putting the weight back on." I gave her this suggestion that I have used a lot in the past, but have slacked on lately:

    Burn the extra calories from alcoholic beverages and/or dessert BEFORE you consume them. This causes you to think about your junkfood and plan ahead. it's also a great habit to get into before the holiday challenges are up you and help you exercise a bit of self-restraint when the temptations are there and you don't have the extra burned cals to spare.

    And word-to-the-wise: this doesn't have to be big burns well in advance, for example, even if I want 2 oreo cookies, I make myself jog in place or around the house when picking toys to get that little extra burn in so I can eat those 2 little cookies guilt-free.

    I want to be able to find this so I can do it all after church today:smile:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Ok, groups is it.

    inshapeck gave me a great idea: make these challenges more of a challenge with points that can be earned for doing things in the challenge. What do others think? We could change it up periodically but how do people feel about starting with a few weeks of team challenges? i think it might help us stay strong over the holidays, as we will be accountable to a team. If not, we could start with individual. Let me know what you all think of this...
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I like the idea of earning points. Will it be too difficult trying to form teams? What if new people join our 'group' do we manage the assignment of them to a team? I'm on board for doing whatever...geesh...I need some variety to kick me back into full workout mode. I just want to be sure we don't create too big of a monster to manage.

    - Ailene