Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Okay I'm up for a group, but who is creating it, and will that person post on here the group name so we can find it an join? I'm like you Ailene, I need to shake things up to get me motivated through the holidays.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    bump....don't want to lose this group!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Don't want to lose the group!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Using teams sounds like a fun way to add some motivation, but I agree that could be hard to manage. I suppose if someone joins they could just be added to a team to start with the challenges the next week.

    Final weigh in tomorrow......feeling nervous as I really want to at least report a little bit of a loss. Must be extra good today!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    stared the group shell at:
    tonight or tomorrow I will put up some information via posts
    Please let me know if you would like to be a moderator, which will allow you to create pages and monitor content to ensure it's all appropriate.

    Big weigh-in tomorrow then we start a few group strong.

    Sounds like we'll ease in with an individual competition. I'm thinking we'll ave weekly winners and overall winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Helen, would you be willing to do the spreadsheet for weight and I will track the point system?

    If you are a "friend" who's logged in in the last week, I sent you an invite. I might have made typos, though. If I'm not your "friend", I would LOVE to be! and you can go to the page with the link posted above
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Thanks for creating the group, Olivia!!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, I am a little confused by how this all works with groups but hopefully I'll catch up!! I want to stay with you all! Love this crowd!!!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    lol Finally I found the new post ! i havent been on in a few days and lost the thread :) . I read something about continueing progress with maybe groups? ill have to read up a bit more but i have enjoyed doing all of this with all of you and i would love to get the chance to continue my journey with all of you as well !
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    so excited about the groups and the final weigh in. I hope I lose...!!!!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you Olivia for setting us up in groups :flowerforyou:

    So....I went to the doctor today, for the first time in, ohhh, about 17 years! :noway:
    Everything seemed to be pretty good :bigsmile: but I'm anxious to get the blood work back...just wish I had something to compare it to...but it will be a good way to start off the new year! My next challenge is to quit this...:smokin: ...and I know it's going to cause me to gain a bit back...:ohwell: ...which is really scary to me, when I'm just beginning to really understand the behavior and triggers behind the food. But having the doc say quitting smoking is more important to my health than losing weight...well, that kind of lit a fire in my pants. So NOW I'll just have to work on mastering TWO demons in my life, LOL!!!
    I will let you all know when it happens, cuz Lord knows I will DEFINITELY need extra support!!!

    Hope to see you ALL on the Groups side!!! :heart:
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Bumping to track
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hey all. I'm at work and thought I'd stop in and say hello. I like the idea of weekly challenges with points, though right now I would prefer to stick with individual challenges so I don't drag my team down. :ohwell: However, maybe having a team that to which I'm responsible will get me to do more of the weekly challenges. Who knows. Anyway, Olivia, thanks for inviting me to the group, and I hope to see you all there!
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Last check in for H4H Challenge:

    Last Week 144
    This Week 144

    No change, again! This just reinforces the fact that I am pretty much at my goal weight. So I hope that the point system in the next challenge will bring out my competitive side, which will help me reach my ultimate goal of 140.

    Have a great day ladies!!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    This week 194.7
    I am very happy with that...My goal was 194 and I feel so happy in seeing this number... I know I wouldn't have gotten this close without the focus of this group. I am so ready to set the next goal!!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Final weigh in 154.6.

    So I've been bouncing around the same weight for months and it is time to get serious! Can't wait to get started for the next challenge.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in this week at 182.0 pounds . I cannot believe this challenge is over already . Looking forward to the other challenges !
  • I did terribly, ending the challenge at 129.8...I let stress get to me a bit too much, and exhaustion with the baby has set in, I feel as if I am sleepy all the time, so tired, complete lack of energy. Really hoping to do well in the next challenge, I am looking forward to the group!
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Final weigh in...(drum roll please)

    169.6!!! Yay! I hit the 160s. :happy: This is the first challenge I've actually met, much less surpassed.

    Now ready for our next challenge in our new group format.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Final weigh in - On Friday I was still at 166.9 so I'm going with that as my final because I don't think a TOM weight should count as final for the challenge.

    I definitely leveled off at the end of this challenge - my desire for comfort food goes way up when it gets cold out - I didn't realize until this year that cold is definitely an eating trigger for me.

    I went back and looked at my NSV's and I did pretty good on those.

    1 - Wear my old dance costume for Halloween (ice skater). I did and it fit great. Love wearing something left from when I was 15!

    2 - Stuck to my 10 mile training program and ran in a 10 mile race on 10/29. Final time 2:07.42. I was most excited because I managed to maintain the pace I set from start to finish (I didn't run the whole thing I ran/walked in 5 min/ 2min intervals).

    3 - Post before and afters - I haven't done this yet but maybe I'll have time over the long weekend.

    Anyway congrats to everyone who hit there goal!

    For the next challenge I'll chime in from time to time, but my goal from now until the end of the year is going to be to maintain. Work is too crazy to workout (although I get more exercise at work than normal) and it's harder to plan meals.
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    No weight loss for me this week .. I have been really slacking on the exercising ! I need to get motivated. Santa is bringing a Wii with Just Dance 3 though for Xmas ! woot thats some serious motivation there im gonna be dancing the weight right off ! Weight is still at 296.