Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - November Challenge!!



  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Meag- Sounds like you had a great time!! I'm glad things are going better with Tyler :)

    Missgolightly- you look great!! I can definitely see a difference. keep up the good work!

    Cynthia- Goodluck for your race!! the cooking/banking ideas sound really good

    AFM, had a bit of a hectic weekend, had to travel for memorial of family friend..eating wasn't the healthiest but made use of the gym/pool at the hotel. I am fighting a cold right now..hoping to nip it in the bud byd rinking tuns and tuns of tea with giner etc
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hi ladies!

    sorry i've been totally slacking lately. this past week was TOM and i really struggled the last few days of the week. i totally slacked on working out thursday, friday and saturday which meant a less than stellar loss for me this week. .6lbs. :grumble: but it was deserved for slacking off, and hey, a loss is a loss. i did hit 50lbs this weigh in too, so that was nice. i just wish i didn't slack and would've lost more. oh well.

    on the bright side, this week is off to an awesome start. got a HUGE workout in yesterday. pushed myself hard on the elliptical and spin bike for a total of an hour and 10 mins. definitely needed it! i am determined to have a great week despite thanksgiving being this week. i WILL NOT over-indulge! i won't be making my goal of 7-8lbs this month, but i'll be happy to end this month out on a strong note! i only have 10lbs to go to FINALLY be out of the 200s. hoping to see onederland sooner than later! :smile:

    hope you're all doing great! i'll try to catch up this week!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Bumping this thread - and will be guilting myself to catch up in the AM like my life depends on it! Seriously, Meag. Get yourself together! :noway:

    Have a great night, ladies! :heart:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Will keep it short I am exhausted!

    Meag Your mini vacay sounds awesome, glad you had fun, ate delicious food and got to drink some yummy beer! :happy:

    Abby thanks I will definitely try my best! That sounds like an amazing hike with being lost and all!! Hope you score some awesome deals on your treadmill, you definitely deserve it and you don't want to be running at night alone even if you live in a "safe" area better safe than sorry! Hope you still have a great time even though you will be joining your family a bit later! :smile:

    Eleanor hope you feel better missy!! :flowerforyou:

    Emily I can see the difference big time keep it up, Congrats on your loss you look great!! :wink:

    Amy you're right a loss is a loss and for not "doing so great" thats awesome that you were still able to lose, i was also and still am on TOM and the scale didn't move either but I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and hope I lose something! 70 minutes on a spin bike sounds intense! Keep it up!!


    Saturday: I ran 6.5 miles and I ran that straight through no stopping which I was very proud of!

    Sunday: Did some stairs and some gym workouts nothing to vigorous, and afterwards went running clothes shopping and picked up a few things, didn't realize that I would enjoy shopping for workout/running clothes so much!

    Monday: I started this circuit training/bootcamp this morning pretty early and I know I will feel it tomorrow, upper body needs some work and push ups are challenging for me but I managed to do a few, we'll see how I wake up tomorrow, I also ran 3.5 miles after work since I want to fully rest my body from running for Tuesday and Wednesday just to make sure I run fully recovered on Thursday morning for my 10k but will still have bootcamp Wed. morning anyways since I did already pay for it I want to make the most out of the classes and attend as many! Have been baking for a little over 3 hours now and cleaning and Im exhausted, going to go to sleep very soon! Made Spanakopitas for work that took longer than I anticipated and made some pumpkin pie for my friend/ hair dresser who is not only doing my hair but coming to my house to do it! Actually leaving work a couple hours early too! I am super lucky and glad because I need some change and I usually keep up with the funky colors in my hair and cuts and have been slacking off for about 6 months now! Will post pics of my food, been slacking on that too!! Well ladies I can't stop yawning so Good Night hope you all had a great Monday and an even better Tuesday!! Good Night! :yawn:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK I'm backkkk! :bigsmile: Hey ladies!

    This last few days has been nonsense. :noway: Sunday was Ty's birthday dinner with family so we spent most of the day navigating around their schedule. Of course, birthday's always involve dinner out, drinks, spending time with Nana, and the obligatory birthday cake song-and-dance. Thankfully I managed to get a decent spin workout in the AM and felt OK about my choices. Yesterday was a total write off emotionally, but my food choices were actually quite good. Problem is just finding time to prepare healthy meals lately. I had work from 9-5:30 and then ran home, fed the dog, threw some food into my mouth, and got back to work for 6:45pm for this customer appreciation night thing that went until well after 9pm. What a day. Have I mentioned how much I love my job recently? :grumble:

    Got in a sweet run + stair climb this morning. It was damnnn cold (just below the freezing mark) but it didn't deter me one bit. I actually didn't even really mind, apart from the wind. Got a great burn and am heading to a full body massage tonight after work. Ahhh the little things :bigsmile: Speaking of which I am getting so super PSYCHED for my trip in a few weeks. Plane tickets and hotel are all booked up and I am just needing to pick up a few little items for the trip and that's it! Going to see about buying a hydration pack to wear around with me - might look silly but so much better than being dehydrated or having to carry a bottle all day long. And I can work it in before my long races in the winter/spring! :bigsmile: Smart thinking!

    Cynthia - Thanks ! We did have a lot of fun and definitely taking it easier on myself with the whole neurotic healthy eating and guilting. Getting there! Sounds like you are getting some mega workouts in there - I have no idea how you do THAT much without your body majorly protesting. My body would be screaming at me! I could never mix bootcamp and a run in the same day - I'm pretty sure I would cry! Way to go with your bad self, Cynth!

    Amy - great great great workouts and fabulous resolve! Happy to hear you are having such success with your weight loss and approaching your goals :bigsmile: As Cynthia said, a loss is a loss and for a "not so great" week, 0.6lbs is fabulous! It all adds up girl! Don't get discouraged!!

    Emily - You are looking gorgeous as ever - Love the running pic too! You are rocking it; I love how strong and determined us ladies look in our running pics! They are some of my fave pictures of my pals and myself. Even when we look like a hot mess there's something about the drive that makes us look so strong, healthy and empowered. It just bleeds through the screen. Keep it up missy!! :drinker:

    Anyway I have to get off to work. Doing well on my goals this month - reading a few nights a week, getting my water, and taking breaks at work when I can. I even left for 30 mins yesterday and ran over to the grocery store on "lunch". Woot woot. Baby steps!

    And today is day 22 without logging a single damn thing. Progress, folks! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Ladies!!

    I was super busy yesterday with work and over the weekend I just wanted to relax and enjoy the two days of beautiful weather while I had the chance. My bestie and I went and walked around a place called Eastern Market in the Capitol area of DC. Its an indoor/outdoor food and art/craft/antique market that is open 6 days a week. It was SOO much fun. I got some amazing scarves for a really great deal, and I peaked at all of the delicious fresh food they had there. It made me want to live two blocks from there so badly so I could just hope on over and by fresh food every night for delicious meals! I am forcing the Hubby to go back with me so we can do some serious produce and deliciousness shopping!

    I also had a follow up appointment last week and the doctors say everything is looking perfectly and as of now I am just over 13 weeks along. I still haven't gained any weight which is a good thing since I am techiniqually overweight still. I am aiming for 15lbs total weight gain. Of course if the doctors think I need to gain more than I will, but me and the baby are still doing fine, so no reason to pack on the pounds. I am also eating when I'm hungry and snacking all the time so I'm not depriving myself of anything.

    I really need to make an effort to check in with you ladies everyday, but sometimes I feel like I don't have anything to share :( I know you ladies are keeping up the amazing work, and I'm trying harder to keep up, I promise!

  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    how's everyone's week? Am I the only one who feels like it should be AT LEAST thursday today? Last weekend went by way too fast.

    Megan- So exciting!! Are you feeling okay still? Morning sickness?

    Cynthia- Great job on all your workouts! How are you doing on your 100 miles?

    Amy- wow great job girl!! 50 pounds is amazing!!

    Meag- Where are you going for your trip? Birthdays are stressfull and tend to add some extra calories but you handled it well. you do seem more relaxed about little indulging :) Also thanks for the motivation this morning

    I woke up early and went for a run, only around 4 miles. The run was pretty and really rewarding however when i got home my legs started to thaw and were burning and bright red!! i think it was almost frosbite. Definitely need to invest in some winter running gear. Tonight I have my trx class. Otherwise been cooking some new recipes, tofu last night, whole wheat couscous salad for lunches, also made some oatmeal quinoa coconut cookies which turned out really well. Next up maybe a carrot soup? Something about the cold weather here, making me feel all domestic..
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    hello everyone! I have missed you all so much! What a hectic past few weeks it has been, always seems to get that way....

    amy- great job on the work outs! I know you can get through those 10lbs! You have come so far already :)

    cynthia- how did you hair turn out?

    megan- glad to hear the doc appointment went well and you and the baby are doing great!

    meag-good job on not logging! I know that was one of your goals and you are sticking to it! And you decided on NOLA? I live I guess about 8 hours from there! Have fun :)

    emily- AHHHH Italy!? that would be so much fun!!! And good for you having the runners itch!

    AFM: I appologize for my sever MIA. These past few weeks have been busy, good busy but busy. I got a major compliment during it all though which is the only thing that has kept me in check while I had to be away from here so long. I was historian for my sorority and as I was finishing up some business before we switched offices, a girl came up to me and told me how great I looked since I have been losing "so much weight" who knew 5lbs made such a difference !?

    my dance show went wonderfully and I got the research paper in YYAAYYY!!!! I am almost done with the semester and let me tell you how excited I am. I AM SSSOOOO EXCITED!!! I will do another round of bootcamp starting after finals up until spring semester starts back.

    for now I need to get back to working, I still have 3 papers, a final, 2 projects....and a performance monologue due before I can breath again ;)

    OMG! I almost forgot :) I am signing up for a Joy to the 5k in my town on Dec. 3rd! I am actually really excited about it, and although I am still not near being able to run the full 5k, its a step in the right direction. Until then I am really going to try and get back on track with making sure I don't consume so many processed carbs in a day! Its my go to when I am in a rush.

    Have a great thanksgiving everyone !!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Eleanoreb- a run around only 4 miles… ahh yes the true sign of a runner :) that’s fantastic! I definitely suggest investing in some quality cold weather attire since its worth every penny to keep you running longer and better. I love whole wheat couscous and all your other recipes are sounding amazing! Keep up the good work!

    Missgolightly- Eastern market was amazing! I can’t wait to go back. I might even try and convince my husband to go this weekend, since I imagine it will be pretty sparse with people gone for the holidays.

    Meg- Great job on signing up for the 5k! You will surprise yourself on how far you are able to run if you just pace yourself. But either way just signing up and getting out there is amazing! And congrats on the compliment! It is surprising sometimes how much just a few pounds makes such a big difference!

    AFM- I am really struggling with getting myself back in the gym. I have this cough/congestition that won’t go away and it makes the sleep I get pretty crappy so when my alarm goes off I never feel rested and I am having a hard time convincing myself to get out of bed. I know that the best thing for me is to get up and get in the gym or go for a walk/run, just do something, but its hard! I am hoping that tomorrow I can get myself out for a run. Since I can sleep until my little hearts content and then I don’t have to prepare thanksgiving since we are going over to a friends I have no reason not to do it! And then I also took Friday off so that should be another day to get active- hopefully if I can be active Thursday-Sunday it will up get me back in the game! I hope you ladies in the US have a great thanksgiving!!!

  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Sorry I havent posted in a while, been busy with school and my son. but...... I LOST SIX POUNDS THIS WEEK!!! Yay, my biggest loss ever since joining! My goal is to keep it up!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Finally posting feels like forever but really just since Monday!

    Megan Glad to know everything is going well with tour pregnancy and really hope your cough?congestion clears up ASAP!:flowerforyou:

    Meg My hair is nice but i have another appt. Dec 2nd because the level of highlight I want to achieve is light and I was a dark brunette so I am gradually working my way up to a light pale blonde in highlights that is! Keep up with your running, you will do great on your 5k and 5 lbs is definitely noticeable great job on losing and staying motivated despite so much going on!! Keep pushing the semester is almost over!! :wink:

    Meag Thanks Im not sure why my body hasn't screamed at me but before I get ahead of myself I might be hurting tomorrow from todays bootcamp?circuit training which I know was not a good idea to try a new workout the day before the Turkey Trot but it's too late and Im too stubborn so I will learn the hard way!! NOLA that sounds like it will be amazing my brother and his wife used to live there, he LOVED it! But had to move because he was stationed elsewhere! Looks like you kicking some major *kitten* not logging, eating intuitively and still managing to lose weight?maintain keep it up and keep trusting yourself!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Eleanor I think I might be around 75-80 miles in but i have a 10k tomorrow so I will be over 80 for sure, which puts me at 20<miles in a week very doable!! Your recipes sounds yummy and nutritious and I agree something about this weather makes me more domestic too lol!! :happy: BTW pumpkin chicken soup is easy and delicious!! made it a couple weeks back!!

    AFM I will keep it short I started bootcamp/circuit training this past Monday and plan on going Mondays, Weds., Fridays and maybe Saturdays! Since I have been weight training lately the Monday bootcamp did not make me sore and i was able to do incline push ups more easily than before! Monday was my last day running just a short 3.5 miles since I wanted to rest my legs Tuesday and Wed.

    Tuesday I focused on stretching and light cardio and Wed I decided to go to bootcamp despite the fact that I'm risking being sore for my 10k tomorrow! I thought I was weaker in my upper body but I guess from weight training I have increased muscle and tore those fibers already idk but I thought today would be easier and I struggled a lot more and my bum and thighs and calves are sore ALREADY! I will be paying for it tomorrow my mistake regretful a bit but oh well you live and you learn... :ohwell: Apparently I thought all my running has made my legs stronger but the workouts today targeted muscles I must not use lol. Planning on eating moderate portions but will have dessert as well, my family doesn't cook too traditional soI will stay away from the delicious tamales, too much damage plus I'd rather have dessert anyway!! Have my Turkey Trot tomorrow and for some reason Im nervous. There will be 21,000 ppl running thats a hell of a lot of ppl out there hope it distracts me from running on sore legs and makes my time go by faster lol, my goal is just to obviously finish, enjoy the scenery and run comfortably!! Bought my gear for the rain tomorrow and plan on having an awesome 4-day weekend well thats it for me so much for a short post lol. almost done completing my 100 miles and have been doing pretty well keeping up with most my goals! Hope you ladies continue to kick *kitten* and have a great, safe Thanksgiving whether you celebrate or not enjoy the 4-day weekend or whatever day you have of!!:bigsmile:

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good morning ladies and happy thanksgiving to those of you in the USA :bigsmile:

    This past week has been a whirlwind of activity and I've only got a few minutes here to post. I admit that I really haven't had time to keep up with all your fabulousness lately - I am really trying hard to work at my goals for the month but that has come at the expense of MFP time, as well as really shortening up some of my workouts and altering my diet to meet my convenience needs more than my macro/dietary needs. It's really a good thing I'm not logging, to be honest, because I think I'd be depressed/freaking out most days. Not that I have any time to log my food, anyway :ohwell:

    To those who offered up suggestions or recommendations for NOLA - PLEASE! I'd love it! I have had zero time to look anything up at all, really. Apart from my travel plans and hotel I have nothing booked and know virtually nothing about the city. I really am just going to wing it. I have been so damn busy it's just totally been pushed to the back burner.

    Right now I'm spending all/any spare time trying to job search and work on my resume. This job is just killing me. I've been lucky to get 30-40 mins workouts in 5 times a week, including one longer run on the weekend. My strength training and yoga is obsolete right now - I haven't lifted a weight or done any circuit training in weeks/months and every time I attempt to get to a yoga class the instructor bails. Not very encouraging. We've also been going out a fair bit for birthdays and other events and it's just been a lot of beer, indulgent food choices, and limited time to train. We've got another 8K race coming up on Saturday and I am just HOPING to be able to run it around the same time as my last race. Not expecting a big PR. Just want some consistency...

    Megan - Thanks for the update and very happy to hear everything is going well :happy: Rock on with your fab, preggo self!

    Cynth - You are a total workout queen lady! I am in awe of your push and dedication! Thanks for your support and kind words. Not so sure about the healthy eating bit, but I am just trying to get by right now... Good luck on your run today! Hope all goes well. I am sure you're going to rock it out!

    b00b (name?) - Congrats on your loss. That's a HUGE loss for one week. What are you doing, girl!?!? Keep it up, consistently, and you will meet your goals in no time. Just make sure you're making healthy choices and doing something you can maintain over the long term and into maintenance. Good luck lady!! :drinker:

    Other Meg - Woaaaa girl so much good news! Love the NSV - 5lbs DOES make a difference and the compliment means so much! I totally get it :happy: 5K on Dec 3rd sounds like a great goal and I know you can rock it out. Don't worry about your time or if you need to take a few breaks. I ran my first 5K with 3 walking breaks and still managed to surprise myself with my overall time/pace. It was a great experience and I didn't feel badly about the walk breaks one bit. I still take em! Just enjoy the race atmosphere and do your best. And good luck on those papers and exams in the meantime. Sounds like you've got a full plate!

    Em - Enjoy the holidays and don't stress about your loss progress - I tell everyone, focus on what you can control and let the rest follow. You can't force your body to lose weight. The best thing you can do is give it all the resources it needs to do it's thing. If you're feeding it well and consistently modifying your behaviour to optimize your losses, then you should celebrate that. The weight loss will follow with enough time. Don't worry about losing X number of lbs by X date. Just work on being healthier, fitter, and happier by X date and work towards that. Either way you're going to look fabulous, darling! :bigsmile: And yes - bring on the suggestions please!! Restos, cafes, bars, entertainment, shops, parks,, whatever! I want it all!! :laugh: A trip to Italy in Mar sounds divine, BTW. How did you decide on Italy?

    OK Better run to work. This is getting out of hand. Have a great Turkey Day all and enjoy lots of awesome food, family and friends. Much love :heart:
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I just found out your challenge and seems so interesting to me!

    Hope you will have another one for December so I can participate!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    b00b (name?) - Congrats on your loss. That's a HUGE loss for one week. What are you doing, girl!?!? Keep it up, consistently, and you will meet your goals in no time. Just make sure you're making healthy choices and doing something you can maintain over the long term and into maintenance. Good luck lady!! :drinker:
    Its Boo Boo (b00b00) I wasnt doing anything. I was eating less and then I had a day where I was sick and ate only 1/2 bag of ramen and that was it lol
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Megan - soo glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well!! Hope your cold clears up soon!!

    Cynthia - Wish you the best of luck in your Turkey Trot today!!! Be sure to let us all know how it went!! Sounds like you have done a lot of training so I am sure you will do great!!

    booboo - Congrats on the weight loss!!

    Em - I agree with Meag, I know its hard not to stress over the scale...its taken me a long time to stop focusing on it....but just make it through the holidays the best you can. Let yourself enjoy it and just work on staying on track with your workouts!! The weight will follow!! And Italy is fabulous...I spent 3 months there in college and fell in love with the country!! I am sure you will enjoy every second of it!

    Meag - Dont stress over a weeks worth of are soo healthy all of the time, and sometimes crazy schedules make it soo much harder! I'm sure your choices arent as bad as you think they are. And great job in still fitting your workouts in even if you have to alter them...its better then skipping them!! Good luck on your race'll rock it!!!!
    And hope the resume building and new job search work out for you, you sound like you really need to get out of your current work situation.

    AFM - Very excited to be buying my new treadmill tomorrow morning...even if it means dealing with the craziness of "black friday" shoppers!!! Hopefully this will keep me on track through the cold season! I am proud of myself today though because I woke up extra early so that I could get in a p90x workout before heading to work today....not something I ever do in the early AM!!! But this way I wont feel soo guilty about my thanksgiving dinner later. I am stuck at work most of the day though (ended up being 8am-4pm) so I will be enjoying the festivities afterwards.....then staying up for the midnight shopping deals!! After waking up at 6:30 today to work out, I am sure to be beat by the midnight shopping trip but oh well!!

    Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving (those in the US) and a great weekend!!!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    booboo - Congrats on the weight loss!!
    Thank you :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I just found out your challenge and seems so interesting to me!

    Hope you will have another one for December so I can participate!
    Definitely will! Stay tuned :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey lovelies - Another quick update while I've got the time!

    Today was half full of successes. I set out the following 4 goals:
    a) Don't freak out at work
    b) Take a lunch break - or any break, of any kind
    c) Get a good run in after work
    d) Get some reading done before bed

    A) was a half success. I was overwhelmed but got a lot resolved and worked well under pressure. Only had 2 minor freak outs when this one jerk was really harassing me. Not terrible.
    B) was a fail. No breaks at all today except for the 2 mins I spent calling my doctor's office to make an appt in the next few weeks to address my Raynaud's syndrome... Tomorrow's a new day on that one.
    C) I did get a run in but it wasn't fabulous. Just 3 miles with the boy but it was cold and getting late.
    D) On the agenda! I'm getting to bed early!

    In the process of doing laundry, catching up a bit online, and figuring out what I need to get done before my trip. I'm also trying to figure out how to navigate food a little better with this schedule. During the day I do really well sticking to my breakfast and lunch + snacks but night-time is a bit of a mess for me lately. I just indulged in a huge bowl (plus another small bowl) of really healthy clam chowder. I know it was really light because I know who made it, however I am having wicked sweet-tooth cravings lately and all I want to do is binge snack at night. Not sure if it's stress/emotions or what but I know that my binge snacking at night needs to end. I can tell I'm getting out of control with it...

    Abby -Thanks for your continue support. It means a lot. I really am struggling with food though and definitely not eating as well as I could be. Weigh-in tomorrow will tell, I guess. Not going to freak out but definitely need to focus a little more on making good choices... I'm not stressing, per se, just aware of the choices I'm making and feeling like I shouldn't make excuses in all the instances that I do. Excuses won't get me to where I want to be. Sooooo jealous of your shopping down there BTW. Seriously! I LOVE a good sale! I'm a total coupon-cutting, bargain-hunting loser and I'd be out-of-control excited for Black Friday shopping. Last year we actually traveled down for the sales despite the ridiculous wait times at the border crossing and the crazy crowds. So worth it! Wish I could head down again tomorrow.... Let us know about the TM!

    How's everyone else doing on their monthly goals? We have 1 week left to get this right and lead us into the best Dec yet! Make it count ladies! :drinker:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Sorry been missing a bit! I promise to catch up!

    Abby And Meag Thanks ladies the Turkey Trot was fun!

    AFM Thursday I had the Turkey Trot and despite being sore and getting running cramps starting from mile two till mile 6 it was a great day came in at 60:09 even with the rain so Im beyond happy with that. I was secretly timing myself even though it was my first 6k so I was shooting for 64-66 mins so Im happy with that. I received a complimentary massage and chiro adjustment and it was awesome and it helped that the guy working on me looked a like a model lol! But apparently I have twos shifted disks in my upper back, a tight middle back and chronic muscle tension in my right shoulder which I figured since I always ache from working at a coffee shop for years... But I wasn't expecting all that, I have the tools now at least to rehabilitate the muscle. I ran 8 miles that day and wash;t too sore yesterday thankfully! I did manage to attend a sparring/kickbxing class and boy was it harder than I expected!

    For today Im running late to my core class and running a few miles after until later ladies have a great Saturday!! :bigsmile:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - I am just like you with the shopping!! Love coupons, sales and any deals I can get!! Sorry to hear that you had another crappy day at work....hope you ended up getting a lunch break in on friday! And hopefully you can relax a little this weekend and de-stress.

    Cynthia - Awesome job in your turkey trot!!!! Thats an amazing time!!! Esp with being sore and crampy!

    AFM - my "black friday" shopping was a great success!! I scored myself new running shoes for $20 and I got my treadmill!!!! Also magange to get all of my christmas shopping done except for one person. Overall an amazingly successful trip. We started out at 10pm on thursday night and did not return home until after 2pm on friday. I was sooo tired after not sleeping for 36+ I pasted out and did not wake up until I had to go to work this AM. But it was needed. Anyways, my treadmill is not getting delivered until Monday and I cant wait to try it out...I will let you all know how I like it!!