Fads that you hope die before your kids are old enough to pa



  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    piercings can be removed...now neck tattoos? not so much :)


    This dude's earlobes will NEVER be the same..

    Actually.. they can be. A friend of mine just recently had cosmetic surgery to correct his overly stretched lobes and you would never ever know he had stretched lobes before.

    I should have clarified: Never the same on their own. :flowerforyou:

    Even tattoos can be removed by extensive laser treatments, so I suppose not a whole lot is super permanent these days -- I assume this can even include tongue-splitting (Ew) with the right surgery.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Too much black eye make-up. Maybe that one's dying already, but it really grosses me out.
  • argharna
    I hate to see women waring their pants so low and tight that they end up with a muffin top.

    I have 3 piercings in each ear and 2 tattoos one that can be seen if not waring a watch. I have never had a problem getting a job with any of them. I now work in a school. my gf has 14 tattoos (most of them always show) and 7 piercings in her ears and also has never had a problem getting a job.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    My tattoos and stretched ears have never stopped me from getting a job. I'm 18 years old and already an assistant manager. Me changing my body to my taste is no different than you changing your's. How is stretched ears any worse than a person who constantly tans? Orange skin is unattractive, and by the time your 30 your skin will look like leather. It's a lot easier to fix my ears than it is to fix your leather skin. I'm happy with my body modifications.

    By the time I have children, I hope people learn to not be so judgemental.

    There is a huge difference between "being judgmental" and having standards of professional appearance. As a hiring manager for a client facing software consulting firm, I would probably not hire someone with exposed neck tattoos, gauged ears, etc. I don't think it speaks negatively about their competence, potential or talent. I don't even think they're a bad person, or have poor judgement. I just dont think their look fits with the professional image I need consultants to have. In consulting, you're almost ALWAYS making a first impression. You meet new clients all the time, and need to look "interview ready" every day.

    I wouldnt hire someone with orange skin, bleached out, over-straightened hair, and way too much eyeliner either...well, maybe if I could counsel them about their appearance and provide them with standards / documentation

    To be honest...this seems rather like descrimination. Not just the tatts, but the hair etc. One person's idea of professional appearance, is not always someone else's. I would never, ever want to work for someone that narrow minded ANYWAY... however I have seen MANY people with Tattoos, Bleached straightend hair etc...who act with the utmost professionalism...and can * clean up* nicely.

    If someone comes in looking like they rolled out the trash, torn clothing, etc. etc...that is one thing... but if someone comes in who does not look cookie cutter but dressed with care, Industry appropriate clothing, and well groomed ( as in clean, hair brushed etc...) I would never think to NOT hire them simply because certain aspects of thier personal style are a bit different.

    Yes... first impressions certainly do count. However it is the attitude, demeanor, work ethic and knowledge that gets any given job done. I would hate the think the number of well qualified people your clients may be missing out on...perhaps thier BEST potential employees...that never get past your first glance.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    My piercings and tattoos have never hindered me from getting a job.

    I work for a doctor that sees a LOT of elderly patients. When my coworker was hired 3 years ago she had 5 tattoos, a nose piercing, stretched lobes, and pink hair. Now she has more tattoos, and has another side job working for a prestigious daycare that's across the country. Just because someone doesn't look "normal" doesn't mean they can't hold their own in the workforce.

    Oh, and my votes are for Bieber, the Kardashians, that stupid "Elvira" haircut on tween girls, and pants that do not fit properly.

    LMAO! Your coworker description could practically be me! I have 5 tatts, a nose piercing, and Pinkish red hair! ;) GOOD for her..and wonderful for such open minded employers!
  • bigfluffyjujubird
    skinny teenage boys in skinny jeans with their underwear hanging out. Said skinny boys with strange long haircuts.

    short shorts with thick tights. either its cold or its not. it confuses me.

    black underwear under light clothes

    socks with heels
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    To be honest...this seems rather like descrimination. Not just the tatts, but the hair etc. One person's idea of professional appearance, is not always someone else's. I would never, ever want to work for someone that narrow minded ANYWAY... however I have seen MANY people with Tattoos, Bleached straightend hair etc...who act with the utmost professionalism...and can * clean up* nicely.

    If someone comes in looking like they rolled out the trash, torn clothing, etc. etc...that is one thing... but if someone comes in who does not look cookie cutter but dressed with care, Industry appropriate clothing, and well groomed ( as in clean, hair brushed etc...) I would never think to NOT hire them simply because certain aspects of thier personal style are a bit different.

    Yes... first impressions certainly do count. However it is the attitude, demeanor, work ethic and knowledge that gets any given job done. I would hate the think the number of well qualified people your clients may be missing out on...perhaps thier BEST potential employees...that never get past your first glance.

    I hire candidates based on professional appearance, experience, potential, competence. I don't take my own idea of professional appearance into account, but I examine the professional standards / policies in place at my CLIENTS, and then hire candidates that fit the bill. I simply can't hire candidates that I can only place with clients in Seattle and San Francisco, because it's too hard to resource. If I need them in North Carolina, I don't want to ask them to dye their hair, before they go...

    And apparently, everyone else gets the idea because I've NEVER had to pass over a candidate because of issues with their image. Never. Not once.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    worse than Uggs and sweatpants, Uggs and short shorts... blegh!
    I know it won't happen, but I hope short shorts just kinda disappear...

    I totally agree!
    If it's hot enough to wear short shorts, you don't need big warm boots, if it's cold enough to wear big warm boots, you shouldn't be wearing shorts!
    It's the updated equivalent of socks and sandals.

    Piercings and tattoos I'm ok with. Yes even neck tattoos BUT I think you have to be certain that it isn't going to damage your future. I know a guy who has his own barbershop and has neck tattoos, they suit him, they look good, and he knew from a long time ago that he was going to own his own barbershop. I see nothing wrong with that.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    Breathing. This fad has gone on too long; we need to evolve.
    The Internet. There's a lot of porn on that thing.