"5 foods to never eat"...?



  • Gspice3
    Gspice3 Posts: 88 Member
    ooo...can I have that list?
  • Gspice3
    Gspice3 Posts: 88 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    Can I have that list?
  • SandersWifey
    Yes, bananas are the reason why 2/3rds of all adults are overweight. It's got nothing to do with aisles and aisles full of refined sugar and processed foods in the supermarket. Use common sense.

    *Throws out all bananas in the house* I knew that that was what was wrong!!!!! lol
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I dunno but Dr. Oz has reported this before on his show-
    and what he suggests certainly is worth avoiding- what's it gonna hurt to NOT eat them?

    I did some research on High Fructose Corn Syrup- and decided I was further ahead to just avoid it
    whenever possible- rather than eat it....
    it's not like it's something I NEED anyhow-

    but I'm also not going to put 40 lbs. BACK ON, cut back to 1200 calories and eat it and see if I can lose the weight again....

    so I dunno if these "5 food to never eat" are for real or not......

    but like I said, what's it gonna hurt to eliminate them if there's some rationale behind it????
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Has anyone ever figured out what those are, without having to actually buy the ....so called report?
    And what about the one about losing stomach fat...5 foods to help eliminate stomach fat....
    just curious is all!!

    Nahhh, forget the report... For me though, I know the five....

    1.) Mother's cooking

    2.) Mother-in-law's cooking

    3.) Any and all fast food

    4.) Anything my doctor/specialty doctor recommends

    5.) At any event where you dont know where the food came from....
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Yes, bananas are the reason why 2/3rds of all adults are overweight. It's got nothing to do with aisles and aisles full of refined sugar and processed foods in the supermarket. Use common sense.

    *Throws out all bananas in the house* I knew that that was what was wrong!!!!! lol

    bananas... or twinkies?? well, I don't really like twinkies, but bananas cause weight gain... so I will go with the twinkies!!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If you eat your maintenance calories in bananas, would you gain weight?
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    One is banana's...although I don't know why...I think moderation is a key for me. If I agreed never to eat any of a particular food, ever again, I would probably crave it immediately! :ohwell:

    let's give the poor banana a break.
  • ciaobellakiss
    Anything that tastes like cardboard.
  • ciaobellakiss
    Anything that tastes like cardboard.
  • springfield5780
    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE my bananas and just may be tempted to end it all if I could not have my banana mixed with peanut butter and honey on an apple cinnamon rice cake! Right now that is my favorite thing on the planet!!! :love: I usually have at least 1 banana a day. I nearly went into a panic when I only saw one banana was left yesterday and then the magical shopping fairy (step dad) went to the store and replenished our supply...heart rate resumed normal rate :bigsmile:
  • elmsallmissile
    They havn't stopped me losing weight & I eat more than a chimp!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    See that's the point ^^ chimps don't seem to be overweight, unless they are kept by humans and fed all kind of things they shouldn't have lol
    Although - is there an alternative food to blame for those of us who don't eat any banana? ^^
  • JammiRee
    Yes, bananas are the reason why 2/3rds of all adults are overweight. It's got nothing to do with aisles and aisles full of refined sugar and processed foods in the supermarket. Use common sense.

  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Well since I'm 4 pounds from goal, I'm in good shape! Going without them isn't an option. Eating them everyday started out helping me deal with restless leg syndrome, and then to learn the energy I get from them I started eating more, I have one in the morning and one for snack just before a workout, or for lunch. I often use them instead of a caffeinated soda to get moving. So regret having bananas? Not at all!
    I eat 2 bananas a day on average, sometimes 3. I have lost 45.6 pounds.
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    Just think how much you might have lost without those pesky bananas :mad:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Yes, bananas are the reason why 2/3rds of all adults are overweight. It's got nothing to do with aisles and aisles full of refined sugar and processed foods in the supermarket. Use common sense.

    *Throws out all bananas in the house* I knew that that was what was wrong!!!!! lol
    The monkeys are behind the conspiracy! They demand the bananas oh and a nanny to change their diapers. As we know all baby monkeys wear diapers. HAHA
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    no wonder all my hamsters were chubby!! those two years of feeding them banana chips, little did I know that I was making them obese!!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    I eat a banana almost every day and I've lost 20 pounds so far. What's the problem with bananas exactly? Just curious.
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    Bananas are high on the glycemic index. For those watching their sugars, this could be 'bad' for them. The greener they are the better, but most don't like to eat them a little green. (my hubby does, too hard for me like that). As they ripen their sugar index goes up.
    Personally I have to avoid them, so I have to pick other lower sugar fruits. I am the same with grapes -- I keep to 10 or less if I have them. That's just me, I have glycemic issues.

    I agree with others, if you like them and have no issues with them then enjoy one. They are loaded with potassium. (I suffer with leg cramps so I look for foods other than bananas with postassium). (my 2 cents, thanks for letting me share)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    IMO it's silly to cut out foods completely. You can eat anything in moderation. I've eaten bacon, quarter pounders with cheese, lard and even the dreaded bananas. It didn't hinder my weight loss.

    Trust me, bananas are not going to stop you from losing weight if you stay within your calorie goal.